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Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

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Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Sat May 26, 2012 4:50 pm

I met Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов from St. Petersburg, Russia at a webcam site where he was a model. When he found out I was a doctor, he befriended me. He made me feel special and gave me his personal information and photos. He quit the job and covinced me to pay his salery. He got me to buy him a car after promising to come to the US and spend his life with me. Of course he never came. He deceived me and manipulated my emotions for twenty months. He got me to send him money every month. I sent $1000-$3000 per month. He quit his job and convinced me to pay his salery. He always told me how wonderful I was and how much he loved me.

He was always full of kind words and promises, except when I failed to give him everything he wanted or when I questioned his sincerity. The delivery of money always made things wonderful again, and he somehow made me feel like I was the luckiest person in the world.

He lied and told me the car had been wrecked beyond repair in the summer. Recently, I found photos of the same car taken in October and November, three after it had supposedly been wrecked. The next spring he wanted another car. After a number of manipulations and intimidations, he finally convinced me to give him the money for a car. He professed that he would stay with me indefinately regardless of money. I took out a loan for $28,000 and sent a total of $42,000.

A week after the $42,000 arrived, Stanislav said he wanted a new life and would send the money back. When I sent him the bank information, he disappeared from the American internet. A week later I found evidence of a $44,000 Mercedes C55 AMG that was purchased with the money.

Scammer: Stanislav Lukashov
20 yrs old, Model, Student (Economics), 5 feet, 8 inches tall, 65 kg weight. Light brown hair, blue-gray eyes.
St. Petersburg, Russia.
Former addresses-Vladimirski Prospect 8, Room 52
Bakunina St.

Former Emails- -mysteriously closed after a trip to Spain.


xxx, understand me right... U spend a lot on f4f, i working hard, and so tired after this job... And same i have a funny sum from all!

I want make deal with you... What about if i not will work? This will most important thing which u could do for me... I will wake up and call you everu morning, we will make ower frindship more clother, u will spend only 2500$ in month (my salary), and i will live more easy...

What u think friend?

Hi, xxx! =) I want to ask you something, I do not know can you do it or not, but I'll ask!
I actually decided to move to the U.S., that we should be together! I want this and I know you want it too! We will be happy =)

But on the other hand, I'm leaving Russia ..... here is my family and friends! But you - this is my bduschee so I know that we will be happy! And I want to. you to be happy with me ... you deserve it! Therefore, my decision - the final! I'll move to the USA!

It will be very soon, after 5 months =)) On the one hand - this is very good, but on the other - this is my last 5 months in Russia with my friends! And I want to get on this time as much as I can get!) It would be really cool and fun, if I had a car!) I would have spent those 5 months are very happy with my friends here in Russia (they are very dear to me)! And here's my question - I do not know how much money you have, but if it's enough - it would be very cool if this new year - you would give me a car (of course second-hand), because the next new year we will celebrate with you =))) Before I left the U.S. - I'm selling it, and even more profitable and bring you the money! But do not worry if it's not in your power! You are in any case, dear to me and I in any case will move to the U.S., that we should be together =))


Like u dear=)
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Wayne » Sat May 26, 2012 7:31 pm

Thank you for your report. Hopefully this will warn others. Do you have any other details you can share? The more you post, the more likely others are of finding it and not getting caught out too.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Tomi » Sun May 27, 2012 9:59 pm

Hi. Sorry that you were cruelly scammed. And sorry for the huge amount of money that you lost and the emotional impact on it to you. You are a wonderful person with a loving and compassionate heart that was taken advantage by your scammer to serve their one and only purpose, money. Feel free to express your hurt, pain, anger to us here. Please know what we’re all here to support you and help you walk through your healing process. You can also post additional infos that you have of your scammer – more emails, chat logs, money requests, phone numbers and pictures. This will help warn other potential victims and may save them from being scammed.

Don’t be too hard of yourself. You’re not to be blamed for what happened. You’re an innocent victim of this kind of crime. Please stop all the communications with your scammer as this may only lead to more lies, more pain and more money from you.

Be strong and you will become stronger after this. Hope you’re taking good care of yourself and wish for your healing and recovery.

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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Mon May 28, 2012 10:16 pm



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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby duckhunter » Tue May 29, 2012 2:02 am

Hello and welcome. I`m terribly sorry for both your financial and your emotional loss.

As Tomi mentioned, we understand what you`re going through ... and are here to walk you through it. Many of us have been in your shoes and have come full circle, only to find we have wonderful new friends and a better understanding of life.

Here you will find compassionate and caring people who will help you through the difficult times. Feel free to take full advantage of it ... that`s what this site is here for.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Tue May 29, 2012 2:07 am

Oh my gosh, you really were scammed and badly - I am so sorry to read your story, but please be aware that this site is for survivors of scams, and we are all here to help you heal and recover. We all have experience in being scammed and/or experience in baiting these low lifes and/or both sides. Please do not ever hesitate to come to this site and ask for help - we are all here for you.
What is most important for you now is, to get back to a new normal routine, eating properly and getting as much rest as possible and allowing your mind to forget this criminal - because that is what he is. Like all scammers, he loved your bank account but don't allow that to defeat you, in the big picture, money is nothing, but your health is everything.
I was scammed, I lost alot of money, but I'm living a day to day life again that is normal, and I'm not giving up much of anything to do that.
Thanks to certain people on this site who advised me when I finally came forward about my scam, I am doing everything I can to help the new survivors and trust me we are all survivors. I can guarantee it won't be long before you regain your balance, and I would give you odds, that before long you will also be helping the newcomers to this world of scamming and giving them advice also as to how to overcome the lies and deceit of their scammer. I hope you will be able to do that someday in the future when you are ready - and you will know you are ready, when you see a new victim come onto this site and you can relate to their story.
I wish you well, I wish you a full recovery, which of course will take time, but you will overcome and be a much stronger, wiser person and will stand tall again. Never be ashamed, embarrassed, this was not what you expected to happen and this person offered you the love of your life ---- these are low lifes and someday they will burn in hell for what they did to many people.
Please now, take care of you, Sincerely, RF
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Wed May 30, 2012 3:43 am

Thank you all so much for your support. Today has been bad. I've cried all day. Things get so confusing. It has been a month since my scammer disappeared. I was doing well until yesterday. I feel almost guilty for this, but for some reason I have been holding on to the fact that I still had access to him on his Russian social site. He didn't know I knew about it. Yesterday my anger got out of control. I left him an angry message on that site. He responded by blocking my ability to ever contact him again. On the one hand, this is wonderful because now I have no choice. But on the other hand (and I don't understand this) I felt even more angry at the fact that once again he exerted his control over me by ending my communication. How can I hate him so much but still want to hold onto the ability to make contact? Why do I still crave the love that was nonexistent? I just got a text message and looked to see if it was him. He doesn't even know my new phone number. I lived for those text messages, especially the ones that said "I love you" that I always got when I gave him money. They made me keep giving. All I ever wanted back was a little love. He knew just when to give it.

I feel so alone right now as I think of him driving the Mercedes I bought and having a good time with his 200 friends on that social site. How can anyone so horrible have so many friends? Are they all horrible? You know what is really horrible? My first gift to him was a laptop. That is the laptop that he then used for 20 months to scam me with. Will the tears ever stop?

People always say to let go and forgive. Well I don't forgive him for anything. I've never felt so much anger. I was so good to him. I gave him everything he ever wanted, but his wants never ended. He gave nothing back. Get this, once I told him he was the most selfish person I had ever seen. He said he never knew that it was important to me to get something in return for what I gave. If I ever asked for anything, he always told me I was selfish, said I thought he was my toy. Once he didn't call for days, then said that was to teach me a lesson-to show me I should appreciate him. The intimidation and manipulation was unreal. Why did I think I was so lucky? Why did I think I was so happy. I believed every word he ever said. Not one word was true. I worshiped him. By the end I honestly really did think he loved me. Ironically, the reason was that he always stayed with me no matter what. No matter how bad I felt, he could always take away the pain with his incredible charm and all of his wonderful promises. The most memorable promise was the last one-the one that said he would always be with me-minutes before I sent the $42,000. That was why I sent so much. Two weeks later, he disappeared.

I know I will be alright. Thanks to reading all the comments here, I already feel like a survivor.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Tomi » Wed May 30, 2012 5:18 am

What you have been feeling right now is so understandable. You had been cruelly scammed, not only of the money but emotionally. You let somebody enter into your soul and heart who was not what he pretended to be or even much worse, doesn’t exist at all. This criminal entered your life, created a wonderful illusion of promises of love and joy only to be destroyed at the end. But your feelings were real, with this; be comforted to know that you’re capable of loving another and unconditionally.

This moment is the hardest time. But you have already shown how strong you are by sharing your story here. You’re right, you are already a survivor. It’s so OK to feel anger. It is a healthy and normal stage at this time. And cry if you must. Tears are not a sign of weakness; rather they are a sign of a pure heart, a heart that has been wounded, deceived and broken. Give yourself time to grieve and be patient to yourself. But don’t let this evil criminal have any more of your soul and heart and destroy the wonderful person as you are. Healing takes time, tears will eventually stop and you’ll come out a stronger and wiser person after this.

Important thing now is really to completely stop all contacts with him so that you could move on your healing process. Now is also the time to take very good care of yourself. I wish you well on your way to healing and recovery and wish that someday you will find your happiness, someone who is deserving of your love. :) :)
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Pinky » Wed May 30, 2012 3:39 pm

I am in a similar place myself at the moment, though it wasn't really a scam but just a relationship that didn't work out. No money was lost, yet there was plenty of teasing with empty promises that were never kept. One thing I have learned that might help you is this, hate and anger are like acid. They hurt, corrupt and eventually destroy the container they are held in. You know you don't want to feel like this and you want to let go, yet you don't know how. I know what works for me.

I find ways to help and serve others. Anonymously works best. And this doesn't mean throwing money and things at them either. You know how good you felt when someone made you feel attractive, funny, smart and special? Give that to others. You'll get back more than you give, I promise.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Wed May 30, 2012 7:00 pm

Hi -
Your last line in your post sums up many things "I know I will be alright. I already feel like a survivor" --- you have become a survivor. The fact that you are sharing your anger and tears with the people on this site is a healing process and part of the recovery process. Yes that criminal took your heart, soul and money but he did not take your life, and you can regain the life you had, only now it will be slightly different. You will be cautious when entering relationships, you will know all the signals, red flags and if necessary you will be able to walk away holding your head high because of what this horrible person did to you because now you have experience in the ways of criminals. Scammers don't love us, they love our bank accounts and that's all they want, but in the meantime they take our hearts along with the money. That is the hardest part to regain your balance from, but you will regain your balance.
The fact that you are able to express yourself so well, will give other new survivors hope that they too can overcome the obstacle of being scammed.
But please, no more contact with him, no more trying to find him on any web site, if he knows you are looking for him, he'll come after you again, only this time he could use a new identity/profile and hurt you further. Try to remove any and all images of him from your mind, that will help you to heal. The grieving process of a lost love, which only you felt takes time and allow yourself that time. You will overcome this, and you will be a much stronger person in the end and I can guarantee you, you will enjoy being the "new" you.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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