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Marilynmonroe's story

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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Pinky » Wed May 16, 2012 5:17 pm

Hey MM! It's great to see you here. I've told you this before on another site, but it bears repeating here: You are not alone and what has happened to you, has happened to many before you. You really have no need to fear and the very steps you have taken thus far are gradually restoring your power and control over this situation.

I know you will forever regret your indiscretion on webcam, however you really have no need to fear it being published. When you get beyond the embarrassment and think objectively about the possibility of it ever being discovered by anyone you care about, you will realize it's absolutely zero. And as for telling your family, that's entirely your call and you know your comfort zone with them, but I would suggest you consider how much you are loved by your family. This is what family is given us for, in my opinion. They love us even when we screw up; they forgive. Don't let your pride keep you from the physical demonstration of love and compassion that someone close to you can provide.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Thu May 17, 2012 7:15 am

Just had a jolt when receiving this email .... from a xxxxx
I believe this is xxxx because the writing is the same. He is trying to blackmail me. A journalist would not send an email via hotmail. I cannot read an IP address because it is via an outlook exchange.

You see I am a member of a council for a community so I know alot of people. I think he is trying to scare me into contact him again which he is doing a good job in scaring me. My eyes welled up and I started shaking when I saw this email. The pit of my stomach feels like it is on the ground :( :cry:

Goodday XXXX,

How are you?I know you will wondering where you know me from and how i get your contact information, but i would like to bring to your notice that a man name xxxx contacted me and discussed some issues with me.I am a journalist and from my point of view,i guess this man has some risque pictures and videos of you..

He contacted me to blackmail you because of your reputation in the society and he gave me details about you but i contacted you to let you know before going into any negotiation with him if there is anything you want me to do...

Hope to read back from you as soon as possible...

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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby scallywag » Thu May 17, 2012 9:24 am

Hi MM and welcome to Scamsurvivors
I have been reading your posts and I genuinally feel for you at this moment in time. I was scammed too and I too was very scared. I lost a lot of money and I even met 3 of the gang members here in the UK. I just want you to know we are here for you and please try not to be scared about the blackmailing, it is your scammer trying another tactic to bring you back into his scam. Just delete that message, and try not to open any other mail that looks suspicious to you, or you from someone you dont know. You are doing great and you are strong and you have a good, kind heart, we all do here, you are part of our family and we will help you get through this.
I just want to know you are not alone in the 'naughty pictures'..I too did naked webcam, sent a whole load of really naughty pictures to whom I thought was my fiance at the time! Yes I got worried what he would do with thim once I knew I was scammed, but then I decided if he ever tried to blackmail me for more money, I would 'bounce' it right back at him by telling him all along, I didnt care if the pictures were exposed on the web, as I was very proud of my naked body, and would love the world to see me..he never did of course!! :D and I know he would never expose my normal sized body for a middle aged lady.
Your scammer is probably throwing a little boi trantrum as to wondering where his 'wages' have gone!!..
You are doing just great MM..and worth a million times more than these little maggots..Stay blessed

Scally ;)
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Thu May 17, 2012 12:48 pm

Unfortunately the afternoon did not end with the email from xxx xxx. A 'lady' claiming to be xxx xxxxLiked my Facebook page ...... 30 minutes later I receive this message.

xxxx xxx 17 May 15:13
OMG! i can't believe that i just watched your video on YouTube and i don't think you're a true leader to have stood so low to let your nude video on the internet....I am going to share this to everyone

I have block her from my page and also reported it as spam.

Not a good day :cry:
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Thu May 17, 2012 12:50 pm

Thanks Scally, your comments are really appreciated. I certainly do feel that I have friends here already. It has been a difficult day. I really do not know where I would be without this site or romancescam and the many people here who have helped me along the way.

I certainly hope my scammer stops soon....
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Pinky » Thu May 17, 2012 3:57 pm

I think Scally has a point, MM. Those messages have an obvious African accent to them. They're all your scammer(s) doing. What a puny, impotent little piss-ant. I am suspecting he's monitoring your anti-scam posts on various sites and believes he has you quivering in your shoes and on the verge of paying again.

They won't quit until they realize you're not going to back down. Maybe you should respond to the next one only to tell him to go F*ck his goat; you're proud of your body and the notoriety will only gain you respect and admiration over here in the US. LoL! Look at Kim Kardashian. :lol:
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Thu May 17, 2012 10:51 pm

Hi MM -

Just the words "read back from you" says it all ---- it definately is a West African way of speaking. And Pinky is right, tell him to go F... his goat - he's dumb enough he might just do that. Stand straight and tall, you are doing so well, do let this be a set-back for you. BUT no more opening his emails. Block his email address, he'll get tired of not getting a response from you. He's useless and a creep.

No more beating yourself up, you did nothing wrong and posting him was the best thing you could have done.

It is now time to take care of yourself.

A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby duckhunter » Thu May 17, 2012 11:50 pm

Ohhh MM, what a terrible ordeal your scammer has put you through. I'm so sorry.

Sometimes we are given these challenges just to show us who and what we really are ... and I hope that you are taking note. What an amazingly strong woman you are! In standing strong, you have become indestructible to him. You have taken back your power and he is no longer entitled to it.

One thing about scammers ... THEY WILL NOT DO ANYTHING UNLESS THERE'S MONEY IN IT, so any concerns you have are pretty much unfounded, as long as you do not fall back into his game. Once he posts the videos he knows he will be out of luck ... so he's not likely to do that. You also have to remember, what you did was totally normal human behavior. People do things like that when they're in love. Although it may be embarrassing to you, the person who exposes it publicly is the one who should be shot (did I say that?).

I agree with Pinky that it's your choice whether you share your experience with friends and loved ones. But ... in sharing you just might save someone. I was fortunate that my daughter was fully aware of my scam. Although she was pretty young and I wasn't able to really lean on her, three years later she saved her dad from the same pain ... just because she was aware of scam. There are so many people aren't, which is what allows them or their loved ones to be targeted.

@RF .... your awareness of scammer idiosyncrasies amazes me every day. You learn very fast grasshopper. :D
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Big Al » Fri May 18, 2012 12:00 am

Dear MM,
I can't imagine being in your shoes but I think you are doing the right thing. Keep ignoring the A-holes angles and threats. If you give in once it'll get worse the next time you try and quit them. Stay your course and continue to seek solice here and RS and anywhere else you trust. Just remember there are people here to help you.
Big Al
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby 911 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:56 am

Pinky wrote:Hey MM! It's great to see you here. I've told you this before on another site, but it bears repeating here: You are not alone and what has happened to you, has happened to many before you. You really have no need to fear and the very steps you have taken thus far are gradually restoring your power and control over this situation.

I know you will forever regret your indiscretion on webcam, however you really have no need to fear it being published. When you get beyond the embarrassment and think objectively about the possibility of it ever being discovered by anyone you care about, you will realize it's absolutely zero. And as for telling your family, that's entirely your call and you know your comfort zone with them, but I would suggest you consider how much you are loved by your family. This is what family is given us for, in my opinion. They love us even when we screw up; they forgive. Don't let your pride keep you from the physical demonstration of love and compassion that someone close to you can provide.

I'm so sorry you had to go through everything you have been going through, remain strong, and keep the faith!
I believe you should first stop using your email account, If you use that email as your primary email, STOP USING IT! make a brand new email account, If you have family and friends with your email. Just tell them you have a new email account and no longer use your old email anymore.... NOW REGARDING FACEBOOK! Put your facebook page on private, Facebook now have away, that no one can find you one Facebook if they click on your url .... Your page will say no longer exist. it will make the scammer think that you deleted your facebook account. even doe you actually didn't. Plus you could have it on the setting. friends of friends so the people who you know, can send you a friend request, if they are friends with someone from your friends list. So you can still get some friend requests from friends and family,
After Blocking the Scammer, Make sure you change your Skype setting to private, and no one can send you a message or send you a Video Call but the people in your contacts.

By making a NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT, His threats will be useless. and you will able to start to HEAL even more because you want be getting his emails. and also He will no longer be able to contact you by any other name. and by changing your email. you no longer have to put up with his threats, by him sending you blackmail threats through your email. FACEBOOK PRIVATE SETTINGS Change your account so it want be able to SHOW up online because it will also help, May God bless you and I hope this may help you.
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