
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!


Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.


Unread postby Wayne » Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:57 am

Feedback form #46

What name did the scammer use?: singlemom and Dante Rodriguez and Lilianrayne smith
Scammer's email address if you have it.:
How old did the scammer say they were?: They didn't. Webcam showed a grown woman
Scammer's Skype name .: lilianrayne.smith
Address of the scammer's FaceBook, Google+ or other social media site page. .:
What site did you first meet the scammer on?: female
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: skype
How much money did they demand?: 200GBP
Name you were told to send the money to. : Dante Rodriguez
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Phillipines
If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.:
How were you to send the money ?: Western Union
Please upload a photo of the scammer if they sent you one.:
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.: Very ugly language used, forceful and scary.
Click HERE for webcam blackmail/sextortion help.
Do NOT email me for sextortion help. Use the link above. If you ignore this, your message WILL be deleted.
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Lilianrayne.smith Got me....

Unread postby Iapetus576 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:19 am

I got had this evening by a scammer calling themselves lilianrayne.smith on Skype and singlemom on female

After being told to go to Skype, I set-up a new account on Skype for the call...just to be safe (so I thought), and proceeded to chat away. A couple of minutes in to the intimate chat...this happened...and this is the complete Skype transcript:

[00:37:32] *** Call to lilianrayne smith, no answer. ***
[00:40:39] Me: Hi...are you there?
[00:41:36] lilianrayne smith: sorry
[00:41:38] lilianrayne smith: net lost
[00:41:46] Me: Are you ok to try again now?
[00:42:01] *** Call from lilianrayne smith ***
[00:42:21] Me: Hi!
[00:42:24] lilianrayne smith: hello
[00:42:29] lilianrayne smith: so?
[00:42:42] Me:!
[00:42:43] lilianrayne smith: really bored here
[00:42:49] Me: Me to!
[00:42:56] lilianrayne smith: how do find me
[00:43:06] lilianrayne smith: wanna get naked?
[00:43:07] lilianrayne smith: lol
[00:43:13] Me: Yeah, why not!
[00:43:17] lilianrayne smith: to make me not bored
[00:43:33] Me: I'll get naked if you do!
[00:43:39] lilianrayne smith: i guess i can
[00:43:59] Me: Wow! Large boobs! I like that!
[00:44:21] Me: I like your lip piercing!
[00:44:21] lilianrayne smith: u like it
[00:44:26] Me: yes!
[00:44:47] lilianrayne smith: utr turn please
[00:44:54] Me: What would you like to see?
[00:44:56] lilianrayne smith: im waiting
[00:44:58] lilianrayne smith: c*ck
[00:45:04] lilianrayne smith: ur large c*ck
[00:45:15] lilianrayne smith: am i right
[00:45:25] Me: I need some turning on...and I'm shaved!
[00:45:40] lilianrayne smith: show me now
[00:47:36] lilianrayne smith: i have recorded you a video while u are m***urbating in cam and im about to spread this out internationally thru youtube,gaysite and pornsite,or do you want me to send and spread this also to all ur friends and family in facebook especially this people
[00:47:38] lilianrayne smith:

names of FB friends

[00:47:47] *** Call ended, duration 05:45 ***
[00:48:18] Me: Please don't do that. It's not worth it.
[00:48:21] lilianrayne smith: so what now
[00:48:29] lilianrayne smith: even you sign out or delete ur facebook
[00:48:32] lilianrayne smith: its too late man
[00:48:42] lilianrayne smith: coz i already got all the link profile of ur friends
[00:48:50] lilianrayne smith:

More names of FB friends

[00:49:00] lilianrayne smith: accept the call ill show u something
[00:49:11] lilianrayne smith: and if u think im kidding here ill show u sample how i send this out
[00:49:34] lilianrayne smith:
[00:49:35] *** Call from lilianrayne smith ***
[00:49:39] lilianrayne smith: im on her page now
[00:49:46] lilianrayne smith: and im about to send this video to her
[00:49:47] lilianrayne smith: watch
[00:50:38] lilianrayne smith: so what now
[00:50:45] lilianrayne smith: do u want me to send this first to xxxxxxxxx
[00:50:53] Me: No. Please don't
[00:50:57] lilianrayne smith: and message her after 5-8 mins
[00:51:06] lilianrayne smith: to show im not kidding
[00:51:19] lilianrayne smith: i will only delete this video once u do my favour man
[00:51:51] lilianrayne smith: so what now
[00:51:58] lilianrayne smith: i think i should click the word send
[00:52:03] lilianrayne smith: so that name will see this
[00:52:22] Me: My FB account has gone
[00:52:26] lilianrayne smith: oh really
[00:52:34] lilianrayne smith: i said its useless
[00:52:43] lilianrayne smith: coz i already got all the link of all ur friends profile
[00:52:49] lilianrayne smith: thats why i can still send to them
[00:53:12] lilianrayne smith:
[00:53:23] lilianrayne smith:
[00:53:33] lilianrayne smith:
[00:53:34] *** Call ended, duration 03:59 ***
[00:53:39] *** Call from lilianrayne smith ***
[00:53:51] Me: Hello. Please stop.
[00:54:11] lilianrayne smith: and all your 194 friends will see this
[00:54:19] lilianrayne smith: i wil only delete this once u send me money
[00:54:26] lilianrayne smith: send me money and evrything will be deleted
[00:54:31] Me: Money. How much
[00:54:36] lilianrayne smith: and i u dont still believe
[00:54:37] lilianrayne smith: okay
[00:54:38] lilianrayne smith: u want a sample
[00:54:46] lilianrayne smith: then il continue to send this to name
[00:54:48] lilianrayne smith: and message her
[00:54:53] lilianrayne smith: if she recieve ur video
[00:55:05] Me: How much money?
[00:55:19] lilianrayne smith: 200pounds
[00:55:29] lilianrayne smith: and evrything will be deleetd
[00:55:47] lilianrayne smith: will u send me money or not
[00:55:50] lilianrayne smith: thats all
[00:55:57] lilianrayne smith: once u send me money
[00:56:02] lilianrayne smith: ill show u in cam how i delete ur video
[00:56:10] lilianrayne smith: even in my recycle bin and back up file
[00:56:12] Me: OK. Stop. Give me details.
[00:56:20] lilianrayne smith: go to
[00:56:28] lilianrayne smith: go to that site now
[00:56:32] lilianrayne smith: and send me money
[00:56:34] Me: Going there now.
[00:56:49] Me: Ok. Next.
[00:56:49] lilianrayne smith: i chose that site so that i could check if u really send me money
[00:56:54] lilianrayne smith: make an account
[00:57:00] lilianrayne smith: there
[00:57:11] Me: One minute.
[00:57:33] lilianrayne smith: making an account there is easy
[00:57:45] lilianrayne smith: do it fast so that we could do the deleting of ur video
[00:57:51] Me: I am trying!
[00:58:21] Me: What if I am outside the US?
[00:58:55] lilianrayne smith: its ok
[00:58:59] lilianrayne smith: u can still send
[00:59:34] Me: Ok. How? I don't have a US state on the account opening
[00:59:49] lilianrayne smith: just u can change the page into uk
[00:59:55] lilianrayne smith: just make an account
[00:59:59] lilianrayne smith: and u will see
[01:00:07] Me: Ok.
[01:01:26] Me: On it now.
[01:01:42] lilianrayne smith: what now
[01:01:47] lilianrayne smith: do u have an account now
[01:02:11] Me: Almost.Just finishing it off.
[01:02:53] lilianrayne smith: what now
[01:03:05] Me: just about to send some money
[01:03:12] lilianrayne smith: click send money
[01:03:21] Me: Yep.
[01:03:30] lilianrayne smith: what can you see after u click it
[01:03:57] Me: select receivers country
[01:04:25] lilianrayne smith: put
[01:04:28] lilianrayne smith: philippines
[01:04:38] Me: OK
[01:04:42] lilianrayne smith: what next
[01:04:48] lilianrayne smith: choose money in minutes
[01:04:54] Me: OK
[01:04:55] lilianrayne smith: to be pick up at any agent location
[01:05:12] lilianrayne smith: 200pounds not in philippine currency
[01:05:17] Me: Top option, yes?
[01:05:27] lilianrayne smith: yes
[01:05:32] lilianrayne smith: choose money in minutes
[01:05:39] lilianrayne smith: to be pick up at any agent location
[01:06:29] Me: OK
[01:06:34] lilianrayne smith: what now
[01:07:01] Me: Added 200 pounds in the box which is 12347,90 peso
[01:07:07] lilianrayne smith: ok
[01:07:12] lilianrayne smith: what next
[01:07:29] lilianrayne smith: put
[01:07:34] lilianrayne smith: dante rodriguez
[01:07:40] lilianrayne smith: on recievers name
[01:07:57] Me: OK
[01:08:03] lilianrayne smith: after that
[01:08:11] lilianrayne smith: I need the MTCN
[01:08:19] lilianrayne smith: money trnasfer control number
[01:08:27] lilianrayne smith: to check if u really send me money
[01:08:59] Me: Just adding the card number
[01:09:52] lilianrayne smith: I need the MTCN
[01:10:00] lilianrayne smith: money trnasfer control number
[01:10:01] Me: OK. One moment, please.
[01:10:48] Me: You promise to delete everything?
[01:10:59] lilianrayne smith: ill show u in cam
[01:11:03] lilianrayne smith: how i delete ur video
[01:11:12] lilianrayne smith: even in my recycle bin and back up files
[01:11:21] Me: OK
[01:11:51] lilianrayne smith: what is the MTCN
[01:12:30] lilianrayne smith: what now
[01:12:48] Me: Nearly there. just authorising
[01:13:19] Me: Your Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 8752317518.
[01:13:45] lilianrayne smith: ok ill check
[01:15:55] lilianrayne smith: cant check it
[01:16:00] lilianrayne smith: show the recipt in email
[01:16:32] Me: My email is on a different PC. Screen grab ok for you?
[01:16:41] lilianrayne smith: ok
[01:16:48] Me: One moment.
[01:18:08] lilianrayne smith: how much it in dollars
[01:18:14] Me: Ready? I'll send it.
[01:18:18] lilianrayne smith: yes
[01:18:29] *** Me sent WesternUnion.jpg ***
[01:19:46] lilianrayne smith: still cant check it
[01:22:45] lilianrayne smith: hey cnat check it
[01:22:55] lilianrayne smith: can u wait for 30 mins
[01:23:03] lilianrayne smith: just wanna assure that i could get the money
[01:23:09] lilianrayne smith: before deleting u video
[01:23:17] Me: OK
[01:23:30] lilianrayne smith: thats why
[01:23:32] lilianrayne smith: if u fool me
[01:23:38] lilianrayne smith: u know what will happen to ur video
[01:23:44] lilianrayne smith: i dunno why i cant check it
[01:23:55] Me: How can I possibly fool you?
[01:24:04] lilianrayne smith: coz i cant check it

Stupidly, I did pay the bastard, but whilst this was going on I did the following:

Facebook: Changed all settings to 'Me Only', changed the username to something different, changed the password to something very long and obscure, deactivated the account. It will remain deactivated for a few days, and will be reactivated and the username changed again. And the email address too.

Google: Added an email notification for my name, abbreviations of, shortened versions of my double barrelled surname etc.

Upped my Internet Options in IE and cranked all my Anti-Virus software up to the max.

Cancelled the new Skype account.

Don't be fooled!

Learn from my story and I hope to remember to post the outcome up in a few days time.
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby 11111111 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:06 am

How did this work out for you?
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:13 am

They haven't been back since posting. Why do you ask? Are you being scammed by the same person?
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby 11111111 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:48 am

had a similar situation as above, but i deleted everything to do with my Skype account and all associated emails right away. was under a fake name anyways.
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:05 am

Do you have the details of your scammer to post here? 20-30 people get scammed per day by each one, so please post the details on the forum if you have them, or fill out the online form.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
Blackmail Scammed? Go here:
FAQ viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby firefly » Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:50 pm

Feedback form [#229]

What name did the scammer use?: lilianrayne.smith
Scammer's Skype name .: lilianrayne.smith
Address of the scammer's FaceBook, Google+ or other social media site page. .:
What site did you first meet the scammer on?: collarme
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: skype
How much money did they demand?: 200 then 60
Name you were told to send the money to. : Dante Rodriguez
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Phillipines
How were you to send the money ?: western union
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.: MTCN code from western union were (....) $200 and $60
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby firefly » Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:01 pm

On Skype,

lilianrayne.smith aka lilianrayne smith
Location: Ohio, United States
Language: English
Geneder: Female
Age: 22
BD: January 1, 1991

Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby lifelikeweeds » Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:53 pm

This person threatened me last night. Same exact thing happened to me as you explained, above. Never gave her money though. Did you find her facebook name or anything else? Please let me know

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Re: lilianrayne.smith

Unread postby SlapHappy » Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:06 pm

I do not see any FB account of the scammer here. We DO NOT want scammer FB accounts closed, as it hurts other victims. You need to follow all of the steps in our main topic here, and most importantly post the details of the scammer that you have to help other victims.

Online blackmail. Read this first. ... f=20&t=580
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
Blackmail Scammed? Go here:
FAQ viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19
Victim of a scam? Go here: ... =3&t=26504
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