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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:51 pm

Hello .
I even do not know how to start my letter to you. I was waiting for that moment when I can sit at the table, turn on my computer and read your letter.
I am so glad to receive your letter. I was thinking and dreaming about you yesterday before going to bed.
I imagined how you often have a dinner and how you go to bed...
, I'm a straight person and I always tell people the truth.
That is why I want you to write me only the truth also, to share your thoughts and problems with me.
I will always be able to understand you and support you when it’s necessary, ok?
I am writing to you from my work computer, I have an access to the Internet here too.
At home I also have a computer and 3G modem, but the speed is too slow, because this network is not so widespread here and not developed good.
I’m having a lunch time now and I have already went to the first floor and had lunch.
I was hurrying up to come back to computer and to write this letter.
Your letter is long-awaited for me, that’s why I’m reading it hungrily. Do you have such a feeling?
My friend and I went to the cinema last night.
The name "Glass". I really liked it.
Moreover I also really love to skate! In summer I prefer an outdoor recreation, I like nature very much.
My friends and I often go to different lakes, put up a tent and bonfire.
Then, later In the evening we usually sing our favorite songs and tell interesting stories.
We always have a great and happy time on beautiful nature.
But I started to realise more often how time flies, and life passes... I’d like to be a weak woman and have a close loved one.
I want to trust, to wait, and love so much. You cannot even imagine how.
We live in this world only once, and I want to live a happy life. What plans do you have for the future?
How do you imagine your future life? 1 year later? Describe it for me, please...
I send you photos. At the left my cousin, I, my friend Ekaterina, my friend Anastasiya and her husband.
In other photo my fellow workers.
I’m looking forward to your reply.






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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:01 pm

Hello !
Spring has come to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky! Snow melts in the street. The sun is shining!
I imagined we are walking around together and talking about life...
I am sure one day we'll be able to walk along the streets in your or my city. It does not matter where.
The most important thing is possibility to be together, to feel each other, to talk with each other, understand each other. Do you agree with me?
My friend Ekaterina sends her best to you. I told her about you. Ekaterina is a good friend and she always helps me in difficult situations.
I am sure she is reliable person and she is ready to help me immediately, every moment when I need support.
She works as a journalist in a local newspaper named "Life"
,do you have a reliable friend? I'll stay at home tonight, I need to work about the house. I hate disorder and dust.
,how often do you work about the house? Can you cook? Do you like to do it? It's very interesting for me.
I love to cook, especially on traditional russian recipes. I learnt how to cook since my childhood when I went to my grandmother's village.
I always liked to watch closely how my grandmother was cooking. And now I prefer to cook light salads from vegetables and fish!
They are more useful. When I come to the village, I love fishing also.
Sometimes I ask my father to take me with him. We usually sit to the boat and swim away from the bank of the river or lake.
I can not describe how beautiful nature we have here! You can only see it with your eyes and enjoy.
I very much wish to change the life.
I imagine how I will choose the furniture and other things for my future home. I really want to have my own house or flat.
I will consider the house of my husband also as the. I not the proud. The main thing for me, understanding.
I hope you understand me very well. In Russia it is very difficult to buy your own accommodation.
It is possible if two people have a good wage only and can pay for the mortgage. I have to rent a flat and I need to pay per month for rent.
I hope now you understand the reasons why I want to have a warm corner, where I will not have to pay money for an overnight staying.
Well,I should not put my own problems on you. I believe everything will be fine!
I send you a photo of my childhood and a youth. And you have childhood photos?
I wait the answer!!!

3 photos attached but not posted because of the age of the subjects.
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:42 pm

Hello !!!
I am the happiest woman, because you think about me and write letters to me.
Your words and attention are invaluable for me, they give me strength for the future life.
I’d like to ask you if you are in correspondence with other women? It is very important to me because I do not want to waste my time.
I want to develop our relations and I want to be sure that you are ready fully devote yourself to our relationship.
I want to be sure that you are faithful to me even through a distance.
I consider myself a reliable person and you shouldn’t have any doubts in my honesty and faithfulness.
I don’t write to other men because I have chosen you out of 1000 men and I am not interested in somebody else.
I want our relationship to be beautiful without any misunderstandings.
Many russian sites notify that men may have a few more profiles on other sites.
But I don’t want to compromise you, searching for some discreditable information. I want to believe you. I want to trust you.
I know that you are worth and wise man and you won’t waste your time, looking at beautiful pictures or other women’s words.
I was thinking over a lot about the possibility to find a job in your country. What do you think?
Will I be able to find a job on my specialization? My speciality the accountant in tourism sphere.
Or may be it’s I better to learn a new profession? When I imagine it, I covered excitement.
I imagine how I’ll communicate with people from your country. What can you tell me about the people in your country?
How can you characterize your nation? Do you think I will be able to feel myself like at home there?
Of course I'm always confident in my abilities. And I’m always ready to reach new goals, I go forward. I will not allow anyone to hurt myself.


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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:32 pm

Hello .
Your letters are as sunshine, they bring warmth to my heart. I am glad very much, when I get them.
I did not tell you before, that I like your name. And if we have big distance between us, when I read your letters, I feel, that you are near.
I like ti get and read your letters. And I like to write you, because you are always on my mind.
You write me respectfully, and I like it so much.
I imagine you, when I read your letters, I imagine, how you tell me your words from your letters.
I think, that we have much general things for interesting dialogue and talk. But the most important, our desire to find second half.
, I hope, that you always will be sincere with me, I also always sincere with you and I will tell you everything, what you will ask me.
I am glad very much, that we continue our correspondence and I hope, that we will develop our relation more and more …
Now I cannot write the big letter. I have many affairs, and then I should gather to parents.
I will write you the letter on Monday.
I wish you nice weekend!!!!
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:53 pm

Hello my Dear !
In the morning sunshine told me, that one person of this wonderful is waiting a letter from me!
Here was very marvellous morning.
It was so nice to awake and to feel, that man thinks about me somewhere...
In the weekends I gone to the village and told to my parents about you, I told them very much about you and about you talk with you.
, my father told me, that you are worthy man and he hopes, that everything will be good and one day we will talk in real.
Also, my father sent you “strong handshake” he would want to know you in real.
My parents asked me to tell you, that you are very good person and that they believe you and to your kind words, which you write me.
My mother wants very much, that our relation will be strong and good and to be us happy! She wishes us only well.
I walked on fresh air.
I want to tell you, that when I saw to the sky, there was so much stars, and this sky is also over you’re your head, my !
And sometimes I think, that if we will see to moon and to one star in one time, we could see reflect of each other.
I would see your smile. I would see brilliance of your eyes, it is not possible to see this through photos.
And may be start would can help us to see this. Oh, how much I would want to see this with my eyes.
I would want to see your sun smile, your gentle glance.
I would want to lay with you on soft grass, as blanket and to see to the sky.
And to hear wind, which would sing our his song. I would never forget this night.
I do not ask much, I want only one to be happy and loved...
Now I have to tell you bye for now.
Write as you spent weekend?
Kiss Anna


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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:20 am

Hello my Dear !!!
How was your day? How is the weather? Health? Is everything ok?
I am very glad to get your letter.
Every time I am so exciting, when I open my mailbox. I want to tell you, that I am happy so much, that we found each other in internet and that we decided to write each other.
I am so thankful to my fate, which connected us!
My female intuition did not let me down, because I am sure, that you are the person, whom I wanted to meet always.
I searched the person, with whom I would want to spend happy and long life together...
You really tell me about much good thoughts in your letters and I am so thankful to you for warmth and enjoyment of dialogue, which you give me...
Always, when I read your letters, I feel, that you sit near to me and tell this words...
May be I have rich imagination...
I can imagine all your gestures and all your emotions, from which you pass me your ideas... it is very great for me!
, today I learned the date of my vacation!
The beginning of my vacation on 20 April, the termination in 20th of May .
I work under the contract. The contract with our firm, we sign it for a year onwards.
I invite you to Russia on the date of my vacation. We should learn from each other at this time.
If all is well, I will not sign the contract next year.
Can you get to Russia until May 20? I need to know your concrete answer.
I should plan the vacation. If you can not reach, write immediately.
Following my vacation will be only in one year.
Think and write to me. I really want to meet you in Russia.
The name of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Elizovo airport.
Please write me your mobile number. I will try to write to you sms, or you can call me!
This night I had a dream.
I and my friend Ekaterina was walking at the park in city... it is very nice place, there are much green plants and flowers. (Summer) The weather was warm and sun.
I do not know how and why, but I saw you there... YOU - , you was sitting at the bench and was smiling.
You saw us and called us. I felt enthusiasm and joy...
you was smiling always and saw only to me. It was so delightfully...
We was sitting at the bench and was talking, talking, talking. all this time you eyes saw to my eyes and I thought, that you want to tell me something very important!
I awaked so sharply of an alarm-clock, but with big smile on my face. I was happy and I am still so happy!!!
I hurried to my work, but I wanted so much all day to write you about this nice dream.
You should know, that when I am at the work, you are always ion my mind. And we are always together on my dreams, thoughts.
It is so pity, that this is only at the dreams now.
But I know, that if we will want, our meeting will be obligatory, and there will not be any barriers... the most big distance cannot stop our wishes.
I will wait your letter, and remember, that I am always with you, in you thoughts and your life, as you are in me.
Your Anna




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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:46 pm

Dear . How are you my man?
I miss you very much! Thanks a lot for your nice letter, and every time when I get letters from you I’m so happy!
, I have understood, that you can not visit Russia in my holiday. It is a pity. This my only thing, a free time.
The following holiday at me will be only in a year.
I work under the contract. And before holiday I always sign the contract the next year. Such rules in our organisation.
If I sign the contract the next year I can not have a free time, in a current of year.
I can think over my trip to your country! How you think? We should see each other.
If all is good, I will come back to Russia to take away all my things and to move on constant residences to you.
If it is fair, I do not wish to sign the contract the next year.
I very much wish to begin the new life, new work, to see you. I hope you you understand me.
This fast decision, but this decision I is possible has accepted, you to me like that-that also I wish to connect the life with you. You understand?
If you agree, I will learn all information. You know, I work as an accountant in the agency.
,please write your full name, exact address, nearest airport.
The agency is in our structure, therefore I can solve all questions without problems.
Write, that you think of it. In my stomach now butterflies)))
I worked all year and was very tired. I need to plan a vacation. I do not have much time.
If you can not find me, I will plan a vacation without you.
My next vacation will be just one year. and I will not have no time for a year for a meeting.
I think this is a good chance to meet. I take the initiative now, why I want to be happy. why not ?
,I want to describe to you my day completely, since morning and till the night.
At 6:30 rattle my alarm clock. I do not love my alarm clock. Because it so loudly rattle, that each time I jump as scalded.
I rise with good mood because in dream I saw you.
At 6:35 I go to a bathroom And I think of you! I wash and I clean a teeth.
At 7:20 I cook a breakfast, as a rule strong tea or coffee and a sandwich. I drink tea and I think of you!
At 7:30 I go to work. Usually, if weather good, I go on foot And I think of you!
I like to go on foot since morning. Air clean and fresh. To job I come vigorous and heerful.
At 7:55 I go to a cabinet where works my girlfriend. As a rule she already on work at this time. If there is an opportunity I receive your letter.
If the opportunity is not present I receive it later or when I am at home.
At 8:00 I start to work And I think of you!
At 10:00 I go on street and I think of you! I breathe fresh air of 10 minutes and come back to work.
At 12:30 a dining break. I go home for a dinner And I think of you! I reach up to a house by a bus. Or I remain to have dinner on work.
At 13:00 I eat and at 13:10 I go again for work And I think of you!
I go by a bus but I abandon a bus earlier, than it is necessary, to again take a walk on fresh air And think of you!
At 13:30 I again work And I think of you! (though in my work is impossible be distracted and think about something another except for work) (smile).
I was not capable to drink tea because I think of you! During the working day when there is an opportunity I answer your letter.
At 17:00 I go home. I go on foot, slowly. I feel itself perfectly because I think of you!
At 17:40 I take a shower and I imagine that you are with me! (Smile)
At 18:00 I have supper, alone, but I smile, because I imagine that you sit opposite to me!
At 19:00 I go for walk with my lady-friend (but it happens seldom).
If I do not go for walk, I listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I knit, I make various homework And I think of you! (of course not all simultaneously) (smile).
Only do not think that all my days pass so. It is an approximate variant. Every day passes on miscellaneous.
But is that peculiar to each my day: this is my thought about you!!!
I will be waiting your next letter, I miss you very deeply, your



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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:26 pm

Hello my dear!I did not understand your decision to meet. You can not come to Russia and you can not meet me?
I need to plan my vacation. the next vacation will be only in a year. During this year I will not have free time. you understand ?
I must also plan my vacation now. I do not want to spend my holidays in the apartment.
I worked all year and want to relax!
If you are ready to meet me, write your address, airport.
I wrote you about it. but you ignore me.
and most importantly, I must see your desire for our meeting. It seems to me that I am asking for it.
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:11 pm

Good afternoon, my
I work in an agency and know all the prices and ways.
Tickets are not important! The main thing is to get a visa. If you get a visa yourself, then you need to go to Moscow to the Embassy. I do not want to go to Moscow myself and waste time.
The agency draws up a full package of documents. Visa, Insurance, tickets!
If you make out everything in the agency, it's faster and cheaper.

1) visa cost 150 $
2) medicine insurance; $ 600
3) tickets 1600 $
4) passport. (I have)
5) medical examination 60 $
6) The commission of our agency is only $ 200.
The total cost is 2600 $.

I spoke with the parents, they also approve my decision. You understand, that I will go to other country and I have fears.
But for the sake of our happiness, I am ready to overcome in myself this fear.
I suggest you to pay half-and-half all expenses. I pay 1300 $.
It is very cheap, in comparison with other offers, and I hope that you have the opportunity to help me. I do not have the opportunity to pay all trip.

Do you realize that in Russia has risen very whole currency. And the ruble fell by 50% against the euro and the dollar.
So now for me it was expensive. I do not want our relationship depended on the money.
You know that I am an honest woman. I come from a good family.
But the most important thing is not money .... yes, i understand, that may be, but can not buy money, but not good, can buy Never love .... I hope, that you understand, and that you agree with me?

I am so upset all day. I thought, where can I get so much? But I could not find an answer ... but I still believe, that everything will be ok
And we will be together ....
Soon we can enjoy the sweetness of our lips and warmth of our gentle embraces ...
To be honest, I was at the shock, and now I do not know what to do. But I really need you so much ...
I can tell you safely to every body in this world, that I need you so much ...
Every time, when I go to bed, I have dreams only about you ...
I close my eyes and I see us together ...
I want to be close to you and enjoy of our relationship.
But it is not possible.
I really like so much our community ... but we should go farther and to develop our feelings ...

I will you honestly, I already think sometimes to collect all my things and small baggage .. and to go on foot to you ... in different weather ... collecting all
My power ...
But I want to meet you so soon !!!!!!
And I can not do anything with this.My heart forces to move and to take some decisions ...
I know that we have much distance ... when I think about this, I feel so big pain in my heart ...

I do not know what, what to think ...
, please, answer me as soon as possible ....
I will have my next vacation only in a year. I wrote to you that I signed the contract for one year ahead.
I need to know whether to sign a contract or not. If we decide to meet on the date of my vacation, then I will not sign the contract. I can come to you myself.
I hope that you have understood my idea. I'm an honest decent woman. I want to change my life.
I met you and I think that this is fate. It's a pity that I myself can not do anything about paying a full ticket. Really for me it's expensive.
I need to know your specific answer. I need to plan my vacation.
I worked a lot the last year and I want to rest. But I do not want to stay in the four walls, in the apartment.
I know that we will be together so badly ...
Yours Anna

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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:56 pm

Dear ! How are you ? I hope all ok? I was very glad to receive the letter from you. Each your word makes me more and more happy.
I think of you every day and I’m excited very much by the idea that we will be together so soon.
I simply could not imagine, that all to happen so quickly, but I really feel madly in love!
You make me crazy! You are an angel without whom my life would not have any sense. I wait with impatience that happy day when we will meet.
I want to tell, that I am very grateful to you for your understanding of my difficult situation and desire to help me.
I am really confused the fact that I should ask your about help. It is so pity that I am not rich and I can’t afford such charges.
If it was possible, I would try to make everything for our relationship not depend from financial questions.
I’m really confused much, and once again I please you forgive for my request for the help.
You have not denied helping me, and it once again proves that your intentions are very serious and you want to see me very much.
I hope we will be together very soon! My parents are very glad, that all ok between us, and pleased me to say you hello.
They certainly worry that I will travel so far for a long time a little, but they wish us good luck and hope that we will return to Russia together and you would visit our house in village.
I have never received money from another country and I do not know the ways!
Today I applied for a visa and paid for the first part. I do not want to waste time in Russia! I think that in a few days I will have a visa. Now we need to resolve the issue with the payment of the second part. can you get information from you?
Today in the evening I will visit my girlfriend, her son have birthday, he is 2 years today.
He is very funny and nice boy, and she invited all family and girlfriends to celebrate this day together.
When I was in the toys shop, seller offer me very good present for him – railroad. I think he will like this toy!
It is nice and interesting. When I was little I had my favorite toy – little bear. I slept with it and also dragged it everywhere behind itself.
Now, this toy is in my living room at the village house, as memory for my parents about that times when I was little.
Dear , I should go now, but you know, I will be thinking about
you all the time, and I send you my loving kisses, with love and take
care my sweet, your Anna

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