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Unread postby Wayne » Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:36 pm

FGN NOTICE < > Today at 18:38
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE < >
Message body
TEL: +1646 84484 93


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. This Email is to enlighten you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long overdue payment due to excessive demand of money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies, Diplomatic agents and fraudulent barristers after which your fund/payment remain unpaid to you.

I am Joseph Peterson (PhD) a highly placed official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). I have been assigned to take responsibility of your funds remittance to you without further delay. It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies across Europe to Africa and Asia and we have decided to put a stop to these nightmares, which is the reason I was appointed to handle your transaction.

You are among the list of individuals and companies whose unpaid funds have been approved for payment under the stipulated guidelines of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other member countries of the United Nations, any amount money that has been found in the international financial database waiting to be transferred without claims after the submission of every payment report shall be confiscated and forfeited to the United Nations account.

All Governmental and Non-Governmental parasites, NGOs, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to quit from your transaction and YOU have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the IMF is now directly in charge of your payment. You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any Institutions with respect to your transaction/funds remittance as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. Do reconfirm the below details to enable the processing of your funds remittance.

A) Full name & Address, B) Direct Telephone number, C) Sex
D) Occupation & Age

Respond to this e-mail on ( ) with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your funds will be released to you. Kindly report any suspected scam/fraud email or ongoing transaction to this office for investigation and wait for feedback. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Thank you.

Call me immediately TEL: +16468448493

Kind Regards,
Mr. Joseph Peterson
Legislative Affair Office

TEL: +16468448493
Number billable as geographic number
Country or destination United States
City or exchange location New York City, NY
Original network provider* Clec, Llc - Ny
(646) 844-8493
6468448493 is a VoIP number provided by Voxbone with an area code in NY
Mobile Phone Owner
White Plains, NY 10605
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Unread postby Wayne » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:19 pm

FGN NOTICE <> Today at 7:13
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE <>
Message body
TEL: +1646 84484 93


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. This Email is to enlighten you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long overdue payment due to excessive demand of money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies, Diplomatic agents and fraudulent barristers after which your fund/payment remain unpaid to you.

I am Joseph Peterson (PhD) a highly placed official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). I have been assigned to take responsibility of your funds remittance to you without further delay. It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies across Europe to Africa and Asia and we have decided to put a stop to these nightmares, which is the reason I was appointed to handle your transaction.

You are among the list of individuals and companies whose unpaid funds have been approved for payment under the stipulated guidelines of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other member countries of the United Nations, any amount money that has been found in the international financial database waiting to be transferred without claims after the submission of every payment report shall be confiscated and forfeited to the United Nations account.

All Governmental and Non-Governmental parasites, NGOs, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to quit from your transaction and YOU have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the IMF is now directly in charge of your payment. You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any Institutions with respect to your transaction/funds remittance as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. Do reconfirm the below details to enable the processing of your funds remittance.

A) Full name & Address, B) Direct Telephone number, C) Sex
D) Occupation & Age

Respond to this e-mail on ( with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your funds will be released to you. Kindly report any suspected scam/fraud email or ongoing transaction to this office for investigation and wait for feedback. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Thank you.

Call me immediately TEL: +16468448493

Kind Regards,
Mr. Joseph Peterson
Legislative Affair Office
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Unread postby Wayne » Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:58 pm

FGN NOTICE <> Today at 4:54
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE <>
Message body
From The Desk of : Dr. Emmanuel Sam



This is to notify you that your case was presented to us and was deliberated upon Last Monday during the on going National Economic Summit of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the presence of the president,Federal Republic Of Nigeria,the Governor Central Bank of Nigeria and other key economic policy matters.

It was discovered to the dismay of all participants that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed despite been cleared by the authorized Financial regulatory bodies.
It was discovered that some unscrupulous individuals aiming to frustrating all your efforts have removed some vital documents from your payment file

However, a 7-man harmonization, normalization, notarization,computerization and re-documentation committee has been set up to finally perfect all the necessary documentation to that effect.

After much strict scrutiny on your file, we discovered that some top government officials in Nigeria especially in banks are working against your interest in this other to collect money from you before transferring of your fund.

We have decided to go into a pact with reputable Banks to settle your payment.and you are advise to withdraw all correspondence with any office in charged of this payment, as your fund will be wire to you within the next 48hours .

You are to contact me immediately for the setting up of your accredited payment access code number, password and allocation of foreign exchange for your Payment through your nominated bank.

As soon as you contact me your payment will be processed and approved. You will either received the amount through Telegraphic Transfer or by a certified International bank draft from my office. Or You may be able to receive the fund via Electronic Voice Transmission System (E.v.t.s) This Process will avail you the opportunity to make the transfer by your self with a presidential seal number for protection that will be given to you by my office and also confirm your fund in your account the same day.

If by the end of 24hours you have not contacted this office WITH YOUR INFORMATION'S TOGETHER WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER , you will consider
this payment cancelled

Best regards

Dr. Emmanuel Sam

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Unread postby Wayne » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:24 pm

Remittance Advice
FGN NOTICE <> 3 Dec at 5:44 PM
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE <>
Message body
From The Desk of : Dr. Emmanuel Sam



This is to notify you that your case was presented to us and was deliberated upon Last Monday during the on going National Economic Summit of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the presence of the president,Federal Republic Of Nigeria,the Governor Central Bank of Nigeria and other key economic policy matters.

It was discovered to the dismay of all participants that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed despite been cleared by the authorized Financial regulatory bodies.
It was discovered that some unscrupulous individuals aiming to frustrating all your efforts have removed some vital documents from your payment file

However, a 7-man harmonization, normalization, notarization,computerization and re-documentation committee has been set up to finally perfect all the necessary documentation to that effect.

After much strict scrutiny on your file, we discovered that some top government officials in Nigeria especially in banks are working against your interest in this other to collect money from you before transferring of your fund.

We have decided to go into a pact with reputable Banks to settle your payment.and you are advise to withdraw all correspondence with any office in charged of this payment, as your fund will be wire to you within the next 48hours .

You are to contact me immediately for the setting up of your accredited payment access code number, password and allocation of foreign exchange for your Payment through your nominated bank.

As soon as you contact me your payment will be processed and approved. You will either received the amount through Telegraphic Transfer or by a certified International bank draft from my office. Or You may be able to receive the fund via Electronic Voice Transmission System (E.v.t.s) This Process will avail you the opportunity to make the transfer by your self with a presidential seal number for protection that will be given to you by my office and also confirm your fund in your account the same day.

If by the end of 24hours you have not contacted this office WITH YOUR INFORMATION'S TOGETHER WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER , you will consider
this payment cancelled

Best regards

Dr. Emmanuel Sam

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Unread postby Wayne » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:33 pm

[No Subject]
FGN NOTICE <> Today at 10:43
Message body


This is to notify you that your case was presented to us and was deliberated upon Last Monday during the on going National Economic Summit of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the presence of the president,Federal Republic Of Nigeria,the Governor Central Bank of Nigeria and other key economic policy matters.

It was discovered to the dismay of all participants that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed despite been cleared by the authorized Financial regulatory bodies.
It was discovered that some unscrupulous individuals aiming to frustrating all your efforts have removed some vital documents from your payment file

However, a 7-man harmonization, normalization, notarization,computerization and re-documentation committee has been set up to finally perfect all the necessary documentation to that effect.

After much strict scrutiny on your file, we discovered that some top government officials in Nigeria especially in banks are working against your interest in this other to collect money from you before transferring of your fund.

We have decided to go into a pact with reputable Banks to settle your payment.and you are advise to withdraw all correspondence with any office in charged of this payment, as your fund will be wire to you within the next 48hours .

You are to contact me immediately for the setting up of your accredited payment access code number, password and allocation of foreign exchange for your Payment through your nominated bank.

As soon as you contact me your payment will be processed and approved. You will either received the amount through Telegraphic Transfer or by a certified International bank draft from my office. Or You may be able to receive the fund via Electronic Voice Transmission System (E.v.t.s) This Process will avail you the opportunity to make the transfer by your self with a presidential seal number for protection that will be given to you by my office and also confirm your fund in your account the same day.

If by the end of 24hours you have not contacted this office WITH YOUR INFORMATION'S TOGETHER WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER , you will consider this payment cancelled

Call me immediately on my Telephone : +2348021201877

Best regards

Bukola Saraki
Senate President Federal Rep of Nigeria
Tel: +2348021201877

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Nigeria
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Bharti Airtel Ltd (Celtel)
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Unread postby Wayne » Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:58 pm

SENATE PRESIDENT <> Today at 9:10
Message body


This is to notify you that your case was presented to us and was deliberated upon Last Monday during the on going National Economic Summit of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the presence

of the president,Federal Republic Of Nigeria,the Governor Central Bank of Nigeria and other key economic policy matters. It was discovered to the dismay of all participants that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed despite been cleared by the authorized Financial regulatory bodies. It was discovered that some unscrupulous individuals aiming to frustrating all your efforts have removed some vital documents from your payment file, However, a 7-man harmonization, normalization, notarization,computerization and re-documentation committee has been set up to finally perfect all the necessary documentation to that effect.

After much strict scrutiny on your file, we discovered that some top government officials in Nigeria especially in banks are working against your interest in this other to collect money from you before transferring of your fund. We have decided to go into a pact with reputable Banks to settle your payment.and you are advise to withdraw all correspondence with any office in charged of this payment, as your fund will be wire to you within the next 48hours. You are to contact me immediately for the setting up of your accredited payment access code

number, password and allocation of foreign exchange for your Payment through your nominated bank. As soon as you contact me your payment will be processed and approved.You will either received the amount through Telegraphic Transfer or by a certified International bank draft from my office. Or You may be able to receive the fund via Electronic Voice Transmission System (E.v.t.s) This Process will avail you the opportunity to make the transfer by your self with a presidential seal number for protection that will be given to you by my office and also confirm your fund in your account the same day.

If by the end of 24hours you have not contacted this office WITH YOUR INFORMATION'S TOGETHER WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER, you will consider this payment cancelled

Call me immediately on my Telephone : +2348021201877

Best regards

Bukola Saraki
Senate President Federal Rep of Nigeria
Tel: +2348021201877.
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Unread postby Wayne » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:32 pm

Dear Fund Beneficiary,
FGN NOTICE <> Today at 4:16
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE <>
Message body
RE: $10.5Million, ATM Master Card Payment

Dear Fund Beneficiary,

This is the 3rd time i am sending you this notification letter regarding to your abandoned ATM Master Card valued sum of US$10.5Million and i have not received any positive respond from you or making a suggestion on how you wish to receive your ATM Card. Once again; I am DR. EMMANUEL SAM the new director ATM Head of Operation United Bank For Africa PLC, I resumed to this office on the 14th of may 2017 and during my official research I discovered an abandoned ATM Master card valued sum of
$10.5Million belonging to you as the rightfully intimate beneficiary.

I tried to know why this card has not been released to you but I was told by the UBA Bank management that the former director ATM head of operation who left this office four months ago withhold your card for his own personal use without knowing that his evil plans towards diverting your fund will be discovered. Now that your ATM Master card
is still available and ready for your receiving,

therefore you can come down here to our bank to pick up your card direct from my office or alternatively it can be arranged ship to your address through any registered reliable courier service company that you will take care of the courier charge, hope it is cleared and accepted by you?

I don’t know the courier cost of shipping the card to you but if you permit me and accept the terms, then I can make an inquiry from the courier shipping company to find out the cost, but in that case you will be required to forward to me your address where you want to receive the card to enable me find out the shipping cost to your location. Your direct telephone number and address will be needed and more details of your ATM card payment will be made known to you as soon as I receive your swift positive response we need the below details from you.

Thank you for participating with us.

(Full name)::::.............
(Your Country)::::..........
( Address):::::.............
(Phone Number):::...........
(Your Age):::::............
(OCCUPATION )::::.......

Do not hesitate contacting me as soon as you read this mail.

Thanks for your co-operation and i am wait for your kind positive respond.

Yours Faithfully,
ATM Head of Operation United Bank
For Africa PLC
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Unread postby Wayne » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:59 am

Dear Fund Beneficiary,
FGN NOTICE <> 29 Nov at 10:44 PM
Reply-To: FGN NOTICE <>
Message body
RE: $10.5Million, ATM Master Card Payment

Dear Fund Beneficiary,

This is the 3rd time i am sending you this notification letter regarding to your abandoned ATM Master Card valued sum of US$10.5Million and i have not received any positive respond from you or making a suggestion on how you wish to receive your ATM Card. Once again; I am DR. EMMANUEL SAM the new director ATM Head of Operation United Bank For Africa PLC, I resumed to this office on the 14th of may 2017 and during my official research I discovered an abandoned ATM Master card valued sum of
$10.5Million belonging to you as the rightfully intimate beneficiary.

I tried to know why this card has not been released to you but I was told by the UBA Bank management that the former director ATM head of operation who left this office four months ago withhold your card for his own personal use without knowing that his evil plans towards diverting your fund will be discovered. Now that your ATM Master card
is still available and ready for your receiving,

therefore you can come down here to our bank to pick up your card direct from my office or alternatively it can be arranged ship to your address through any registered reliable courier service company that you will take care of the courier charge, hope it is cleared and accepted by you?

I don’t know the courier cost of shipping the card to you but if you permit me and accept the terms, then I can make an inquiry from the courier shipping company to find out the cost, but in that case you will be required to forward to me your address where you want to receive the card to enable me find out the shipping cost to your location. Your direct telephone number and address will be needed and more details of your ATM card payment will be made known to you as soon as I receive your swift positive response we need the below details from you.

Thank you for participating with us.

(Full name)::::.............
(Your Country)::::..........
( Address):::::.............
(Phone Number):::...........
(Your Age):::::............
(OCCUPATION )::::.......

Do not hesitate contacting me as soon as you read this mail.

Thanks for your co-operation and i am wait for your kind positive respond.

Yours Faithfully,
ATM Head of Operation United Bank
For Africa PLC
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Unread postby Wayne » Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:44 pm

President of the Senate of Nigeria
United Nation <> Today at 14:26
Message body

We, the entire members of the Federal House of Senate, on behalf of
the Federal Republic of Nigerian Government, Under the auspices of the
civilian Head of State, President Muhammadu Buhari and the Governor of
Central Bank Of Nigeria , Mr.Godwin Emefiele held a meeting last week
concerning unpaid payment,allocation/compensation list of
contractors,inheritance,next of kin and lotto beneficiaries that
originated from Europe, Asia Plus Middle east and Americans,On going
through files yesterday, we discovered that your file was dumped
untreated, so at this juncture, we apologize for the delay of your
payment and to also ask that you put a stop to all communication with
any office now and pay attention to the appointed office below for you
to receive your payment accordingly.

Now your new Payment Reference No.-321009871, Allocation No: 6890132
,Password No :AB911001, Pin Code No:01977 and your Certificate of
Merit Payment No :103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate Telex
confirmation No:ws0014433 ; Secret Code No: XXFGN013 ,Having received
these vital payment information,therefore You are qualified now to
received and confirm Your payment with the Federal Government of
Nigeria immediately within 24hrs.

Now you are directed to contact the Office of DR. PHILIP ODUOZA

Contact him now and inform him that you received an email from me
stating that he should advice further on how to process and receive
your funds,also reconfirm! the following info


Contact him to know what it will take for your funds to be processed
for immediate transfer and forward your Details to his office to avoid
transfer mistake.

NOTE : We have mounted our security network to monitor every in-coming
call , if we still find out that you are still dealing with Non
officials of my Office, I shall stop and cancel your payment
immediately .

Best Regards

Bukola Saraki
President of the Senate of Nigeria
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Unread postby Wayne » Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:24 pm

FGN <> Today at 19:28
Message body


This is to notify you that your case was presented to us and was
deliberated upon Last Monday during the on going National Economic
Summit of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the presence of the
president,Federal Republic Of Nigeria,the Governor Central Bank of
Nigeria and other key economic policy matters.

It was discovered to the dismay of all participants that your payment
has been unnecessarily delayed despite been cleared by the authorized
Financial regulatory bodies. It was discovered that some unscrupulous
individuals aiming to frustrating all your efforts have removed some
vital documents from your payment file

However, a 7-man harmonization, normalization,
notarization,computerization and re-documentation committee has been
set up to finally perfect all the necessary documentation to that

After much strict scrutiny on your file, we discovered that some top
government officials in Nigeria especially in banks are working
against your interest in this other to collect money from you
before transferring of your fund.

We have decided to go into a pact with reputable Banks to settle your
payment.and you are advise to withdraw all correspondence with any
office in charged of this payment, as your fund will be wire to you
within the next 48hours .

You are to contact me immediately for the setting up of your
accredited payment access code number, password and allocation of
foreign exchange for your Payment through your nominated bank.

As soon as you contact me your payment will be processed and
approved.You will either received the amount through Telegraphic
Transfer or by a certified International bank draft from my office. Or
You may be able to receive the fund via Electronic Voice Transmission
System (E.v.t.s) This Process will avail you the opportunity to make
the transfer by your self with a presidential seal number for
protection that will be given to you by my office and also confirm
your fund in your account the same day.

If by the end of 24hours you have not contacted this office WITH YOUR
Best regards

Bukola Saraki
Senate President Federal Rep of Nigeria
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