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Unread postby firefly » Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:22 pm


Hello my honey xxx!
I am happy to receive your letter. I have woken up as usual,
have taken a shower, have made a breakfast. But there was at
me no appetite. I would not like to do anything. I thought only
of you, and having come for work, I thought only of that at last I
could read your letter. And so time while at last I have sat down for
the computer was long. And I have read your letter. I said to you in
the last letter that I had very much strong feelings to you. Also it
is love probably. Because so to think of the male, woman in love can
only. I always think of you, you always in my thoughts. You became my
part life, and each your letter strengthens only my feelings. You have
stolen a part me, and I am grateful to you for it. May be I hurry up
with conclusions, for that I know precisely that you are very
necessary to me that you have presented to me hope, hope that I will
not be lonely more never. There is no saying while these three words,
which people speak to me each other when such strong feelings arise
between them. And I will not hurry up. You know that you are important
for me. I want to tell these three words, but not now... I am confused
not much. I did not know that I will become attached to you so
quickly. But it is truth!!! And I think that it not accident. It is
our destiny that we have got acquainted with each other, it has
presented us each other. At us with you much in common, we understand
each other from a half-word and now all depends only on us. Do you
I feel sad that you can't arrive to me. I understand that it is
very difficult to make it and that free time, money and many other
things for this purpose is necessary. But there can be you found a way
to arrive to me soon? I ask you about it because at me will be
vacation in about 2 weeks, and I will be free nearly 1 month. And I
would be happy, if you have arrived to me at this time. It would be my
the best vacation!!! Also I will have a birthday on October 18 and it
would be your best gift if you will be with me this day!! It would be
my the best vacation and my best birthday!!! Because we will be
together!! You could arrive in October? I understand that it is not
easy. And you need free time for a trip, preparation and many other.
But maybe you could arrive for some days at least? Because at us it is
very strict with vacation on work, and my next vacation will be just
over 1 year. And if you arrive to other time I will work. And I can
give only a few hours after work for you. But I want to be with you
all time when we will be together. Do you understand me? Maybe, you
can arrive to me for some days at least during my vacation? You should
know that for me it is not important where we will meet. For me it is
important when we will meet. And I could arrive to you also. And I
think that it would not be difficult to do for me. Because I was
abroad in Latvia from work already and I have the international
passport. And I would arrive to you necessarily. But it is expensive
to me. And therefore I want, that you have arrived to me. Maybe, you
can arrive to me in October?
I will miss you and your letter. I will try to answer your letter
more likely. But if there will be a small delay do not worry please.
Because you know that I think of you always. I kiss you!!! Take
care!!! As now you do it for one woman!! Yours forever Olga.

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Unread postby firefly » Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:17 am


Hello my love xxx!!!
I am happy to receive your letter. I wasn't mistaken that I speak
to you my love!!! To me it was difficult to tell to you in the last
letter. But I thought all this time long of I test what feelings to you.
And I was convinced definitively that it is love!!! Yes it is
love!!!!! It is love and I am happy!!!!! I love you!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!
And I am grateful to you that you have woken in me this feeling again.
Because love - it's very beautiful!!!!!! Do you agree? Maybe it's too
loud word, but I do not want to hide it from you. And you know about
it!!!! I don't want to hide from you the love. And I am happy that the
destiny has presented to me you!!!! At me emotions now are overflowed,
and I very much worry now. At me heart fights quickly. It probably the
most important letter in my life which I write you. You for me became
very important!!!! You became a part of my life!!! I love you!! I am
ready to tell these words infinitely.
I feel sad that you can't arrive to me. Because I hoped that you
will be able to find a way to arrive. But you speak that you can't
arrive and I don't know that to do to me during my vacation. For me it
is very important to meet you quicker, especially on the birthday. If
you arrived that it there would be happiest time for us. You know that
for me isn't important where we will meet. And I could arrive to you
also. But I have no money for a trip. If we got acquainted with you
earlier and started speaking about a meeting, probably I could save
money for a trip. But for such short time it is very difficult to make
it. But I won't give up and I will study surely all information on a
trip to you and is possible that I could find money.
We could meet in
other time, but you have to understand me that I will work and I will
be free only in 1 year next time. And the more so that I can't wait
because I want to be with you quicker! ! I LOVE YOU! ! And I can't
without you! ! And I will try to make everything that we could be
together quicker. But if a trip it is very expensive and I won't be
able to find money, there can be you made everything to arrive to me
soon. Please, try to find also a way to arrive to me during my
vacation. I very much ask you about it. You are very necessary to me!
I will look forward your letter. I kiss you!!! I love you!!! You my
love forever. Take care! Your forever Olga.

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Subject: I LOVE YOU!!!

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Unread postby firefly » Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:35 pm


Hello my love xxx!
Your answer has lifted my mood again which to me have spoilt on
work not much. I do not want to say about it because my work such that
buyers happen different much. Someone thanks me, someone is not happy
with me. I have got used already certainly, after all life such that
behind pleasure the grief and on the contrary begins. But I will not
speak about it much. Now you my pleasure forever, now you my happiness
forever, now you my love forever. It seems that we are familiar not
much, but this a strange feeling - love comes unexpectedly always. It
is possible to speak About love much, but is better is to feel. I am
very happy that I feel it. I love you very much also you probably will
forgive me for it because I cannot love in another way. It is my
weakness, to tell to the beloved all frank thoughts. To me sometimes
it becomes not much terrible, because there is an uncertainty that I
can make you same happy what you have made me. But it is only bad
thoughts which come to me sometimes. I know that we are created for
each other.
I very hoped that you will be able to arrive to me. But I
understand that you can't make it. But I spoke to you that for me
isn't important where we will meet. For me it is important to meet you
quicker. And I studied all information on a trip to you to xxx.
That I could arrive to you, the visa is necessary to me. To me have
told that the visa will be not difficult for receiving. Because I was
already abroad in Latvia from work and I have the international
passport. Latvia enters in structure Euro Union, and it is the big
plus for visa receiving. So I have not problems with the visa. The
term of the visa is 5-7 days. But I need to go for it in St.
Petersburg. A total cost of the visa is 450 euro. It includes cost of a
trip to St. Petersburg, consular gathering, cost of the medical
inquiry, residing cost in St. Petersburg while to me will make out the
visa, and another. Tickets from St. Petersburg to xxx and back cost
240 euro. It means that the general trip costs 690 euro. But for me it
is huge money. But I won't give up and I will try to find this money.
But if I am not able to find this money, there can be you could arrive
to me? I love you and I can't without you! ! Please, lets we will find
a way to meet quicker!
I very much miss you. I love you. You my unique. Your Olga.

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:00 pm


Hello my love xxx!!!
I am happy to receive your letter. Yesterday there was a special day
for me because yesterday there was my birthday!! I became 1 year more
senior. To me was 31 years. Oh as time flies quickly. Now I remember
the life and it seems to me that yesterday I was the little girl. you
know that you are very important for me and I very much would like
that you were in mine birthday together with me. But at us still ahead
and I hope that birthday we will celebrate my following together!! I
celebrated the birthday as usual. To me my mother called and
congratulated me, relatives and friends also called and congratulated
me. In the evening I laid a table with an entertainment and to me the
closest people came. We sat at a table and celebrated mine birthday. I
passed all my last birthdays in this way. But I hope that my following
birthday will be special!! You understand me?I have received your
letter again today, and on the one hand, to me it became good,
but on the other hand, became a little lonely. We love
each other, and this love is felt in each letter, but this distance
between us afflicts. It is very long. And it very sadly to realize
that in our world it is difficult to two people to meet sometimes. Now
it is possible to reach in any place in the world for days, but for
all it formalities, papers are necessary. I don't know why at me such
thoughts, maybe, because since morning something at me not so well. I
at first have broken a cup, then I was brought down nearly by the car
on the way to work, then there were still small incidents. I
understand that I am possible haven't noticed other good situations.
But you should know that for me now the happiest situation are your
letters. I love you!!! I am ready to tell it again and again. I always
think of you. But me it would be desirable to tell to you when we
would sit together, somewhere at restaurant at candles, and I saw your
beautiful eyes. I dream of it every day. You have given me belief,
hope and love, and I very much am afraid to lose you. You have such
small sensation of fear? It comes to thoughts when the bad mood, or is
simple when alone.
I very much want to be with you. All thoughts only about our
meeting. Why it is very difficult to make it. Why different documents
are necessary to meet, formalities are necessary. Who thought up it?
Why simply it is impossible to get into the plane and to be with you.
After all it takes only some hours. Now in our world distance not a
problem. But a problem in borders and in laws which not clearly for
whom are written. Oh, don't turn on this attention, I understand that
a problem now in money. And I wrote to you that I will look for money.
But unfortunately I have no good news. I called friends, relatives to
find money for a trip. You know that is necessary for me 690 pounds. But
I couldn't find this money. I could find only 200 pounds. But it isn't
enough of it.
If I foreknew that we will meet, I would start saving
money for some month. But unfortunately I don't know what to do. Maybe
you could arrive to me? I could help you with this money which I have.
you know that for me isn't important where we will meet. for me it is
important to meet you quicker. I love you and I am ready to help you
with the last money, only please come to me. I can't without you!
I am grateful to destiny that you are in this world! You the loved
one for me now! Yes, it is truth! I don't talk to anybody so frankly,
as with you. I don't like to show the grief before friends and other
people and I try to smile always, I pretend that all is good. I don't
want to upset them. But I say you everything that at me on a shower. I
love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Your forever Olga.

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Unread postby firefly » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:44 pm


Hello my love xxx!
I am happy to receive your letter again. I miss you. I want to
repeat these three treasured words in each letter: I LOVE YOU! ! I
LOVE YOU! ! I LOVE YOU! ! ! And I will tell it because I am the
happiest woman for whom there is one purpose in life it to meet you,
to embrace you, to kiss you, to be with you, to love you all life, to
help you both with troubles and with pleasure, to care of you, to
caress you, to make you the happiest man. So a lot of things want to
be made for you, to give you everything that at me is. And
unfortunately I can't make for us only one - to meet! When I think of
it, at me the mood starts falling down. But we have a hope and we
will be able to overcome all difficulties, after all I think that the
destiny provides us difficulties that we could prove as strongly we we
love each other. And we will surely prove the love when we will be
My love, I want to be with you and I want to be with you faster!!
Because I love you and I can't without you!! And if you could arrive
to you, I could help you with money which I have. But if you can't
arrive to me, I ask you to help me with money for a trip to you.
I could arrive to you soon!! Understand me that I love you and I can't
without you!!
I very strongly love you, I can't without you. I wait for your
letter. I kiss you (you feel my kiss? ) . Your forever Olga.

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Unread postby firefly » Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:29 pm


Hello my love xxx!!!
I am happy, to receive your answer again. Now all thoughts only of
you. Oh as I want that there was a miracle and that you appeared now
together with me. But unfortunately it not probably now to saddle. But
I don't lose hope, after all I love you and I hope that we will make
everything for our meeting. You are necessary to me as air and I am
happy that the destiny presented me you.
We are familiar with you already long time. Let there was a pause in
our relations, but we proved that we love each other and that it is
our destiny that we got acquainted with you. The destiny gave us hope
for love and happiness. And I think that now we can't hope for destiny
and we have to act. You agree? Now all in our hands. And you know that
I do everything for our meeting. And I could find part of money for
our meeting. But you say that you can't arrive and you can't help me
with a trip. And I don't know that to do to me, after all the day
after tomorrow I will be free from work and I don't know what should I
do. And I hoped still that you will make everything for our meeting.
But you can't make it. And what to do me?
I spoke with the friends yesterday and we spoke about you, about
that why we can't still be together. And I told them everything that
to us disturb. They told me that if the man loves and wants to meet
really, he will make it in any way. And I had doubts. Sorry, that I
write such, but I am now in such desperate condition.... It is
possible that you don't want to send me money because you don't trust
me. I'm right? But after all you have to understand that if you could
arrive to me, you wouldn't risk anything. Also, I am ready to arrive
to you to the country where I was never and I have no doubts in you
because I trust you for 100%. Also if you could send money and if I
decided to deceive you, you could find me easily by means of police.
I'm right? My friends brought me to a conclusion that you have money,
but you are afraid to send it because you don't trust me. I'm right?
Sorry, once again for my words, but you have to understand me that I
can't without you and I can't without you.
I love you!! And I wait for your answer. Your forever Olga.

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