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More BSides news.

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:52 pm

I woke up this morning (well, this afternoon to be more accurate) and had a nice little surprise in my inbox. I'd put forward the talk I've been giving to two BSides events and was told today it'd been accepted for the BSides Cymru one. I'd already spoken at one back in 22, and had agreed to mentor a new speaker at this year's event. I figured I'd put the talk forward because why not. I was going to be there anyway, so may as well throw my hat into the ring. I've also done a lot of tweaking to the talk since I first gave it at another BSides event the end of last year, and part of that is based on a conversation I had with one of the organisers of this one. It'll be good to show them how I incorporated that into the new version. So to date I've given the original talk at BSides Bristol, gave the revised version (well, about 90% of it) online for NAPSA recently, have a 15 minute version for BSides Lancashire the end of the month and then will do the full new version at BSides Cymru next month. I usually sneak in an Easter egg or two, and this one will be no different. Now we wait to hear about the other one I applied for.
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