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Unread postby Wayne » Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:01 pm


Martin J. Gruenberg <>

2 Sep at 17:14

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Office of the Chairman
550 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20429

We hereby notify you that funds have arrived the United States of America in your name for onward credit to your nominated bank account.

As part of our oversight functions over such huge inflow into the US financial system, we have investigated and verified that the funds are clean without legal and administrative encumbrance. This is because we are the United States Federal Insurance agency responsible for underwriting the guarantee for the settlement of such claim in the United States of America and across the world.

You are only required to confirm that the said funds actually belong to you.

You are also required to pay the receivership authorization fee, (which is not deductible) to the FDIC Receivership Office in USA and reconfirm your personal and banking details, so that the funds can be credited into your account without further delay.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Martin J. Gruenberg
Chairman, FDIC
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:53 pm

Hm Treasury London United Kingdom
Horse Guards Road
London SW12HQ
United Kingdom.

Attn: Sir/Madam,

Sequel to the meeting held today here in London by the International Fund Monitoring Committee and The Hm Treasury London United Kingdom, I write to notify you that your Payment sum of $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 totaling the sum of $11,000,000.00 have been approved to be transferred to you.

Henceforth you are advised to stop all forms of communication with anyone or group of people in respect of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD. You are to only communicate with Hm Treasury London United Kingdom for the successful transfer of your fund to your bank account.

Your $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD will be transferred to your bank account through the USD account of the Hm Treasury London United Kingdom.

You are hereby advised to fill the attached payment application form and return the same by email attachment so as to enable Hm Treasury London United Kingdom to officially commence with the transfer of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD to your bank account.

Re-confirm your bank account details where your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD will be transferred to. You are also advised to fill the attached payment application form.

I repeat henceforth you are advised to stop all forms of communication with anyone or group of people in respect of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD. You are to only communicate with Hm Treasury London United Kingdom for the successful transfer of your fund to your bank account.


Martin J. Gruenberg(Mr).

Hm Treasury London United Kingdom
Horse Guards Road
London SW12HQ
United Kingdom.


Received: from
Return-Path: < >
X-Originating-Ip: []
From: "Martin J. Gruenberg" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 13:29:07 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Attn: Sir/Madam,
"Look for the lies."
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:39 pm

Hm Treasury London United Kingdom
Horse Guards Road
London SW12HQ
United Kingdom.

Attn: Sir/Madam,

Sequel to the meeting held today here in London by the International Fund Monitoring Committee and The Hm Treasury London United Kingdom, I write to notify you that your Payment sum of $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 totaling the sum of $11,000,000.00 have been approved to be transferred to you.

Henceforth you are advised to stop all forms of communication with anyone or group of people in respect of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD. You are to only communicate with Hm Treasury London United Kingdom for the successful transfer of your fund to your bank account.

Your $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD will be transferred to your bank account through the USD account of the Hm Treasury London United Kingdom.

You are hereby advised to fill the attached payment application form and return the same by email attachment so as to enable Hm Treasury London United Kingdom to officially commence with the transfer of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD to your bank account.

Re-confirm your bank account details where your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD will be transferred to. You are also advised to fill the attached payment application form.

I repeat henceforth you are advised to stop all forms of communication with anyone or group of people in respect of your fund $10,500,000.00 USD Plus Interest sum of $500,000.00 USD. You are to only communicate with Hm Treasury London United Kingdom for the successful transfer of your fund to your bank account.


Martin J. Gruenberg(Mr)

Hm Treasury London United Kingdom
Horse Guards Road
London SW12HQ
United Kingdom.


Received: from
Return-Path: <>
X-Originating-Ip: []
From: "Martin J. Gruenberg" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 15:48:11 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Attn: Sir/Madam,
"Look for the lies."
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Unread postby firefly » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:57 am

Recovery scam.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Office of the Chairman
550 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20429

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Office of the Chairman
550 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20429


We hereby notify you that funds have arrived in the United States of America in your name for onward credit to your nominated bank account.

As part of our oversight functions over such huge inflow into the US financial system, we have investigated and verified that the funds are clean without legal and administrative encumbrance. This is because we are the United States Federal Insurance agency responsible for underwriting the guarantee for the settlement of such claims in the United States of America and across the world.

You are only required to confirm that the said funds actually belong to you.

You are also required to pay the receivership authorization fee, (which is not deductible) to the FDIC Receivership Office in USA and reconfirm your personal and banking details, so that the funds can be credited into your account without further delay.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Martin J. Gruenberg
We hereby notify you that funds have arrived in the United States of America in your name for onward credit to your nominated bank account.

As part of our oversight functions over such huge inflow into the US financial system, we have investigated and verified that the funds are clean without legal and administrative encumbrance. This is because we are the United States Federal Insurance agency responsible for underwriting the guarantee for the settlement of such claim in the United States of America and across the world.

You are only required to confirm that the said funds actually belong to you.

You are also required to pay the receivership authorization fee, (which is not deductible) to the FDIC Receivership Office in USA and reconfirm your personal and banking details, so that the funds can be credited into your account without further delay.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Martin J. Gruenberg


Return-Path: <>
From: "Martin J. Gruenberg" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:01:20 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Attn:Sir/Madam,
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Unread postby firefly » Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:59 pm

Recovery scam.

Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Headquarters:
Washington, D.C., United States

Attention: (Code 1691)

Happy New Week and I hope you start taking the right step on this note. With the rate people are frustrated with fund clearance complications these days, I feel a burden of responsibility to help as many people as we can to reverse their suffering, Will you take this opportunity, or will you let it pass? The choice is yours but I am committed to helping as many people as possible regain their financial freedom once again.

This is a hard email to write because you are about to lose this fund to the financial regulators. This is your final chance to do the right thing if you want to start using your fund in two working days, If you don't want to use your fund then the bank will help you confiscate it. It’s that simple. It's harsh but true. I'm here to tell you the truth. You have no excuse to lose your fund. we are here to give you a result in two working days. But the choice is yours alone.

I want to share a secret with you that isn't often discussed with your bank, no bank will give you access to such cash with a sure guarantee that they are secured and that security and guarantee is what we will present to the bank and they will give you access to your fund unconditional within two working days, this is not rocket science but a diligent study of what is going and sincerity to help people in your condition, Everyone on our team is on standby for any and all support you might need to start using your fund once you activate your Deposit Guarantee Insurance.

If you know what Deposit Guarantee Insurance stands for you will never wait for a single minute to get it because it is on record that we never fail any client, It has everything we need to give you access to your fund, we know you must be skeptical going by what you have been through but you will never regret coming in contact with us, Because the more people know about this documents, the less money the bank makes. It's that simple. Deposit Guarantee Insurance has provided a solution for everything regarding fund clearance.

Go ahead and pay for the activation of your Deposit Guarantee Insurance and start using your fund in two working days because Tomorrow might be too late, Don't be a victim. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kindly request for the payment options now and I want you to know that this code is important and kindly decline any email without this code.

P.S-: I hope you make the right choice for you and your family. Don't suffer for anything and activate the DGIC and start using your fund.

Martin Gruenberg,Chairman,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Private Official Email:
Official Email:
Whatsapp Live-Chat: +1 (360) 996-7112


Return-Path: <>
From: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 06:15:30 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination United States
City or exchange location Chehalis, WA
Original network provider* United States Cellular Corp. - Washington
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Unread postby Wayne » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:47 am

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Headquarters:
Washington, D.C., United States


This is a long email, but I hope you will read it all the way through

You're about to find out the truth most banks have been keeping away from you, I want to educate you on the Different Between Deposit Insurance and Deposit Guarantee Insurance so that you will understand what we are trying to do for you without contradictions because Deposit Insurance and Deposit Guarantee Insurance are two different things altogether.

Deposit Insurance is to provide deposit insurance to depositors in U.S. depository institutions while Deposit Guarantee Insurance is an initiative to provide Deposit Guarantee Insurance to Fund beneficiaries with Bank to protect them from fund clearance procedure AND FRUSTRATION, in the case of deposit insurance we pay bank depositors if anything happens to your fund with the bank but with Deposit Guarantee Insurance, you pay us to issue a guarantee to your bank to release your fund to you so that you will not go through fund clearance frustration.

You were directed here because we promised fund beneficiaries a quick solution to the fund clearance problem, we BOTH know you’re struggling with. Right?, I understand your pain and your struggles, Anyway, enough of that frustration…that why we introduce Deposit Guarantee Insurance to replace fund clearance frustration...with something real. With something that works so that you don't need to go through fund clearance frustration to have access to your fund.

I am going to be 100% very very honest with you here. If you want to start using your fund within two working days, I promise you, this is your final bus stop, If you’re the type who believes everything is a scam, now is a good time to stop reading and enjoy the rest of your day… If you’re the type WHO BELIEVES nothing will work-out of all these, now is also the best time to stop reading. I have no desire to convince you. You’re free to continue with people you trust, Now, if you’re genuinely ready for HELP, for what has worked for thousands of people, for people far and is it moreover You’re going to STOP any further communication with any office that is claiming that they are helping you, my promise to you. is simple. It’s straightforward. No gimmick. No stories. No, hide, and seek. it is all about Deposit Guarantee Insurance, it is designed to painstakingly eliminate the root cause of fund clearance frustration, We issue Guarantee Insurance Certificate to the Bank and once they got it, they release your fund unconditionally, IF you are tired of all the nonsense solution being peddled by quacks everywhere, we are here to revert to. Deposit Guarantee Insurance is where the solution is. Do you see exactly how this will help you silently but surely with a positive result

You need to be willing to forget everything you have done in the past and commit to your future! That’s it. So this isn’t going to be for everyone. Please!!, If you fail to write to the bank today so that they will stop the evil plans to confiscate your fund-- the chance to fight for it will be GONE. If there’s one thing I know for sure, The Bank has just one concern, to take over your fund and that's why they are happy with your current delay and That’s why I have to ask you to act fast before it will be too late below is once again the Detailed information of the Bank

Prof. Bashar Rogan
Director Head of Legal Department
United States Settlement Bank

If you refuse to reply to this message, you're saying to yourself you're completely satisfied with your condition. You're saying to yourself it's okay to continue to suffer fund clearance frustration and excuses, The choice is yours, if you want to start using your fund within two working days, I promise you, this is your final bus stop, With Deposit Guarantee Insurance I can boldly say you will start using your money in two working days, In fact, I am so sure I’m willing to give you DOUBLE your money back IF you did not get the result as guaranteed, Yes, I am confident. If you activate your deposit guarantee insurance with only $550 and you did not get access to your fund within two working days, return your payment receipt and I will personally send you an apology letter as well as send you DOUBLE of the fee, Yes, that’s how sure I am. On the other hand, can your contact say the same? Can they give you DOUBLE your money back if they fail you? Can they repair the years of damage caused by their constant frustration to give you access to your fund? Can they repair the damage caused to your family, Why not act now instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars down the line on something you could have solved with less than $550?

As promised Deposit Guarantee Insurance, We will remove all the risks for you. You have a right to be a little skeptical because of what you have been going through before but within two working days, the result is all we need, my priority is to make sure you receive your money 100% without any frustration. No more no less, I am committed to making sure of it. Together with me and my team, we will ensure we take care of you to the best of our abilities. We will ensure to be with you throughout the entire journey of restoring you and giving your fund, I am here to help, assist, and nurture you back to greatness. This is my utmost commitment!You have absolutely nothing to worry about!Be rest assured. My only goal is to give you access to your fund unconditionally

I promise you, If you did not get your money as assured, just email me for a refund. Hold me by my words. It's a promise. It's an assignment. It's a commitment. To you. To make sure we finalize this case, You already know me. I don't lie about things like this. No false scarcity. It's a promise. It's an assignment. It's a commitment. To you. To make sure we give you a perfect result

I appreciate you taking the time to read this heart to heart letter. I cannot wait to hear from you

Thank you,
Martin Gruenberg,Chairman,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Private Official Email:
Official Email:
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Unread postby Wayne » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:48 am

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Headquarters:
Washington, D.C., United States


Hi, This Mr. Martin Gruenberg

Please note that FDIC Divisions and Offices require the use of outside contractors and fiduciary agent services to provide a variety of services to support the overall mission of the FDIC

Your message was well received and I want you to know that the Deposit Guarantee Insurance Certificate is all you need to have full access and autonomy of your funds. With this certificate, the bank will have no option than to release your funds to you without further delay.

Confirm if you are making this payment today, also here are the options available for the payment of the DGIC which is $550

We have 6 (SIX) major Channels to make the payment

1. Bank to Bank transfer/ Cash Deposit
2. Bitcoin Payment Option
3. Payment through Gift Cards
4. Western Union Money Transfer
5. CashApp
6. PayPal

Kindly choose the option that is more easy for you and request for the payment details so we can proceed.

Any policy that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the result you desire. Embrace the reality, and channel all fund clearance frustration to us.

Kindly attach your whatsapp number for easy communication

Kind Regards
Martin Gruenberg
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Unread postby Wayne » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:48 am

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Dear xxx

Kindly send a copy of the payment slip once the payment is made.

I will be waiting so we can proceed
Any further information you'd like to add?: Scammers emails:
Private Official Email:
Official Email:
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Unread postby Wayne » Mon May 06, 2024 2:38 pm

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Headquarters:
Washington, D.C., United States

Dear Esteemed Subscriber

The sun will shine upon you for good this week. Happy new week to our esteemed customer. I know we send a lot of emails explaining why you need this certificate to have access to your fund worth $51,300,000.00(Fifty One Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars and those emails are critical because that's the only thing that will give you the result you desperately need.

I want you to read this email with an open heart and forget about what you have experienced in the past. It's possible you have missed my last emails. That's alright This is why I want to remind you again, You've been hearing it for the better part of eight(8) weeks now but you have repeatedly ignored my professional advice, and your continued refusal to take responsibility and you have been abusing this sincere opportunity and I don't think you will get this privilege again.

I want you to understand that any clearance plan that doesn't take care of Guarantee and security to the bank on the fund is incomplete, This is a fund clearance proven "Fact" because what the bank is looking for before they release the fund is Guarantee and security of the fund that will be released to you and that's what we will provide to the bank and as a reputable independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system. We insure deposits; examine and supervise financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection; makes large and complex financial institutions resolvable; and manages receiverships.

We will clear your fund with a complete fund clearance procedure which includes guarantee and security or you're just wasting time and money, that's why we are offering this special procedure to protect you from fund clearance frustration and give you access to your fund unconditionally, This is a complete program designed not just to release your fund without going through fund clearance frustration but ensure you never fall to fraudsters again and You alone will put an end to your fund clearance frustration condition and begin to use your fund.

Kindly request for the payment details now or risk losing your fund.

Thank you,
Martin Gruenberg,Chairman,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Private Official Email:
Official Email:
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Unread postby Wayne » Tue May 07, 2024 6:39 pm

Scammer's email address.:
Content of the email.: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation. Headquarters:
Washington, D.C., United States

Dear Esteemed Subscriber

The sun will shine upon you for good this week. Happy new week to our esteemed customer. I know we send a lot of emails explaining why you need this certificate to have access to your fund worth $51,300,000.00(Fifty One Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars and those emails are critical because that's the only thing that will give you the result you desperately need.

I want you to read this email with an open heart and forget about what you have experienced in the past. It's possible you have missed my last emails. That's alright This is why I want to remind you again, You've been hearing it for the better part of eight(8) weeks now but you have repeatedly ignored my professional advice, and your continued refusal to take responsibility and you have been abusing this sincere opportunity and I don't think you will get this privilege again.

I want you to understand that any clearance plan that doesn't take care of Guarantee and security to the bank on the fund is incomplete, This is a fund clearance proven "Fact" because what the bank is looking for before they release the fund is Guarantee and security of the fund that will be released to you and that's what we will provide to the bank and as a reputable independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system. We insure deposits; examine and supervise financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection; makes large and complex financial institutions resolvable; and manages receiverships.

We will clear your fund with a complete fund clearance procedure which includes guarantee and security or you're just wasting time and money, that's why we are offering this special procedure to protect you from fund clearance frustration and give you access to your fund unconditionally, This is a complete program designed not just to release your fund without going through fund clearance frustration but ensure you never fall to fraudsters again and You alone will put an end to your fund clearance frustration condition and begin to use your fund.

Kindly request for the payment details now or risk losing your fund.

Thank you,
Martin Gruenberg,Chairman,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Private Official Email:
Official Email:
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