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On being a married romance scam baiter.

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On being a married romance scam baiter.

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:57 pm

My wife and I recently hit a milestone anniversary, the kind that requires expensive jewellery to be bought. My long suffering wife has put up with me not only pretending to fall in love with "other women" - who are mostly males abusing stolen images, but also receiving both images and videos of naked females over the past 17 years. How can we do this? The answer's very simple. The door to my room is always open, so she can see exactly what's happening at any time. There's also the fact she knows most of them are really males. It did take a little while for her to fully understand what I was doing as she's not the tech savvy kind and has no interest in what I do, but we got there. I always love telling the story about how I was in a chat with a Pinay scammer on webcam when she walked into my room. Back then the scammers were real females rather than the stolen webcam footage used nowadays, and my thing with romance scammers was to get them to pose for photos with their underwear on their head. If they were on webcam, I'd bet them to remove their underwear off cam. I wasn't after flesh, just something stupid as a "trophy". That was a long time ago, and I've moved on since then. Anyhoo, she once walked in, saw this Pinay on webcam with her bra on her head and said "I like that bra. Ask her where she got it from" before walking back out.

The other thing worth pointing out while we're discussing baiting romance scammers is the "ick" factor. This is the reason many baiters can't deal with romance scammers, and prefer to deal with 419 scammers instead. Having to pretend to fall in love with someone you know is a liar, scammer and likely not even the same gender as the person they're pretending to be can be difficult. I hated doing it the first time, but the fact I could make them feel even worse be being as gynaecological and scatological as I could be with them helped me fight on until I learned to detach myself from it. After that it became easy.

To anyone wanting to try baiting romance scammers, I say give it a go. It's certainly not for everyone, but unless you try it you won't know. And if you need any help, we're here and always happy to hand out advice or hold your hand.
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