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Just because the scam is "blatantly obvious".

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:09 pm

Ever seen those programs on TV where they show an airport or border crossing? Having family in both Australia and New Zealand, it's always fun to watch the ones based there. There'll always be three different stories over an episode. One will likely be someone looking to fly over under the premise of a holiday, but their real intention is to stay and work. That or someone smuggling drugs. Another (and the one I particularly love) will be a family trying to smuggle in suitcases of food and doing their best to pretend they had no idea they were doing anything wrong or kick up an almighty fuss when they're told they can't take all that stuff into the country/have to pay tax on it. Then there's the bit of the show where they're in the mail area. An item will throw up some sort of flag, and one of the staff will look at it and say "You can see here that it's a pretty poor concealment". From my TV screen, it looks perfectly normal. Of course I'm not a trained professional with likely thousands of hours spent examining boxes, bags and envelopes looking for the subtlest of clues something's not as it should be.

Another example would be the shows where law enforcement are looking for counterfeit goods. "The stitching's not quite right on this" or "The logo's in the wrong place" are the kind of things they'll say when they show the fakes. Frankly, I have no idea what a genuine Louis Theron handbag should look like, let along a fake one. The closest I've ever come is when the friends my family were on holiday with bought some cigarettes off a guy in a pub and just one puff told me these were not only fake but bloody disgusting to boot!

It's like that with what we do here. We can look at a fake passport image for example and instantly go "It's a fake, and a godawful one at that!" but your average man on the street wouldn't notice that parts had been copy n pasted to make it look more genuine. Something as subtle as the headshot being crisper than the rest of the supposed scan, or a single letter being slightly misaligned stand out to us like a sore thumb. What we need to remember though is that not everyone has the experience to spot these things. It's obvious to us, but just like my watching someone in Australia say an item likely contains a hidden concealment because it feels a little too light, we have to remember that not everyone can see the "obvious". If you're talking to someone who's not sure they're being scammed then take the time and effort to explain to them why the things they're telling you make you positive it's a scam. And don't patronise them. With a little gentle pointing in the right direction and some patience, the person you had to explain the "obvious" to today could become a great scam fighter down the line.
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