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This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.
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Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:39 pm

Hi, still operating. This is, in my opinion, a group of Nigerian scammers including at least one female. Nothing about her story adds up or makes sense. Claims to be born in US, but she can't speak English worth a damn and uses Nigerian phrases. You call her and she has a bizarre unintelligible accent. Claims to live alone but you hear men in the background talking a foreign language. Right now this gang is operating out of Coral Gables, Florida. Phone number 786 671 0381.

She is very good. Best Nigerian romance scammer I have ever dealt with. They are really upping their game. Currently on Twitter and Facebook.

This gang will be reported to the police tomorrow.

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Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:42 pm

RobertLindsay ,

Thanks for posting. The "unintelligible accent" may be French. Many West Africans speak French as a first language.
The number is redirected, and scammers are most likely not in the USA.

Can you post Email addresses, E-mails received from them, Facebook profile information link, Twitter profile link, chat profiles, documents, and other items here too? Anything you add might save someone else from becoming a victim.
Exact Details and messages that have unique phrases used to victims that can be searched online save other victims.

Number billable as geographic
Country or destination United States
City or exchange location Florida
This is a redirected VOIP phone number to the scammer, who can be located anywhere in the world.

Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:01 pm

How do you know it's a redirected VOIP #?

Jessica Hurst - typical scammer email

Photos in previous post

Webpage: Already deleted!

Can't send you the emails. There's a lot of me swearing at "her."

No fake documents.

786-671-0381 phone number goes to Coral Gables, Florida.

I run a Yahoo site for romance scammers though I was victimized twice years ago for $6,500 in total. And this one almost got me. I run into them all the time on dating sites and always spot them very quickly and report them. Hi5 is swarming with them. There are also many on Tinder. Working out of a Twitter page claiming political interest is ominous.

Wanted access to $30K in credit card money, probably to run it up. I had $9K available. She did get into one credit card account but I would not let her do anything in there. She didn't get a nickel out of me.

May not even be a woman, may be a man. Accent sounds like a Chinese woman but many other things point to Nigerian romance scammer.

Scam similar to that described in the other man's post. She tried to get access to my credit cards for a business proposal. She was going to put money on my cards, and then I would buy laptops and send the to her. My profit: $2,000. Frankly, the nature of the business deal itself was "too good to be true" and it was hard to see how we were going to buy retail and then mark up 20% to find a sucker. She was going to mark them up. She said she was in "merchandising" a word most don't use but it's used in Nigeria.

She was quite stupid, about as dumb as a rock as most of them are. Revealed very little information about herself but she had a pretty good backstory that worked pretty well. Problems: Puerto Rican with Caucasian last name? Explained by saying father was adopted. Both parents dead and fiance dead three weeks before marriage. They're lives are always full of tragedy. Gave mothers name as Gonzalez - good move because that is a Rican last name.

Would not give me references, chided me for not trusting her. Voiced concern that I would rip her off, which they always do. Her English was quite good, but sometimes it was just weird. She made errors in English that no native speaker ever makes, a hallmark of Nigerians. Had little sexual interest, odd for a woman showing that much interested in me. Puerto Rican Baptist? Nope. They're Catholics. Seemed to be falling in love with me way too fast and asked me to come see her and said she would come out to see me. Knew her way around the US. Knew major cities, etc.

Moved from Florida after fiance died to New York but retained Florida phone number?! Most people don't do that. Phone number basically didn't work and you got a message that it was a text mail #, which is weird. Not even a phone number! Didn't answer phone, started texting me. Really wanted at those credit cards. I assume she was going to grab them and run them up real fast. Almost got access to one card, but it only had $5 on it, so it would not do her much good. But she might have gotten a $500 cash advance. At first tried to get me to pay for her "car repairs."

Wears lots of makeup and and very fancy rich girl outfits but doesn't have a nickel. Works in real estate but lives in poverty. Gorgeous but lives in poverty, few men in her life, all alone, can't make money at any job, hasn't had any men in her life, doesn't date, way too religious, not much interest in sex for a woman that age.

I talked to her on the phone and she had a horrible accent and was barely even intelligible. It may well have been a man imitating a woman. It did sound like a really weird woman but the accent seemed Chinese or Asian. In the background heard other men in her apartment talking in maybe a foreign language. Explained away as "neighbors next door." But they wouldn't sound like they were in your apartment.

Became extremely interested suddenly in me getting scammed twice by Nigerians for $6,500 total and in having a Yahoo group to fight scammers. Very, very interested in how I could figure out the Nigerian romance scammers right away. Wanted to go to Google Hangouts right away. For some reason, Nigerian romance scammers always want to go to Google hangouts.

Her email was a typical scammer email and totally out of character for a woman like that. No gorgeous woman is calling herself lovergirlforu in an email. She has men swarming on her. But she laughed off as she laughed off everything. Almost sent her $200 to "fix car" but really didn't have it to send.

Would not give me references for a $9,000 deal. Accused me of not trusting each other. We need to trust each other! No real businessperson acts like that. And no real businessperson is that fast or that greedy to get at your money. Never explained why she needed my credit car login information to do the deal. This was so she would know when the money was in my account.

Made frequent references to being a good Christian. Rican woman would say good Catholic. Often said she was scrupulously honest. This was the most clever Nigerian I have ever met. Possibly lived in US and her language was the least messed up. Easy humor and seemed to quite possibly be a woman. Way too much of a "good Christian girl" going to church all the time, looking for true love, low sex drive for such a knockout. Most knockouts are not like that.

Used very little Nigerian grammar but did use "cos" for "cuz." A huge red flag! Then used a British slang term daft that I learned is also used in Nigeria. Claimed she didn't know where Nigeria is or where it was located!? How many people are that stupid? Seemed to be a very religious woman with little sexual interest more or less saving herself for marriage. No kids and no marriage for a gorgeous woman of 38? I got very suspicious of her accent, but she insisted she was born here. No one born here has an accent like that! She said it was because she was Hispanic!? But native born Hispanics don't sound like FOB Chinese!?

I catch most of these idiots instantly and report them on dating sites that are swarming with them. I had no idea they were on Facebook too. Twitter profile did have some topical news stories on liberal topics. Claimed to be a liberal. This was a good move on her part. But profile had just been started a few days ago and had few posts in it, odd.

Her appearance was a bit odd for a Puerto Rican. Looked more Amerasian. However, three photos given were of the same woman of the same age, good move. She also had a video of herself from "New York" saying it's cold. It was the exact same woman! But she wasn't talking in the video. Already had 44 followers with few posts, all men. Suspicious.

Over and over, things just did not add up about her.

Further, I am 61 years old and though I still date 18 and 19 year old girls when I get extremely lucky, most attractive young women now treat me like pond scum. As a handsome young man it was the opposite. It would be very hard for me to get a real 38 year old knockout like her at my age. That was too good to be true, sorry. It used to be everyone wanted me, now no one does.

Sadly I told her she was a scammer and called her a Nigerian and told her I was reporting her to the police, so the Twitter page is already down. Was previously on Facebook.

This was the best Nigerian romance scammer I have ever seen. Familiar with casual American slang oddly enough, almost none of these guys are. Very clever, excellent street and people skills, very smooth, classic con artist. She reads right through you but ultimately does not make a convincing woman for who she portrays or maybe even not a convincing woman at all.

Re: Jessica Hurst -

Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:59 pm

How do you know it's a redirected VOIP #?

Because all 419 and romance scammers use them. VOIP masked their real location and makes it appear to victims that they are where they say they are, but are not.

Can't send you the emails. There's a lot of me swearing at "her."

We do not want your emails to "her." Only hers to you, with your name and other personal details removed if they mention them.

Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:46 pm

I'm sorry, there's nothing of value in there, just her fighting with me and she talks shockingly like an average American person. Also I deleted most of them and just deleted some more because she is trying to hurt my feelings. She keeps bringing up the $6,500 as if to rub it in (good psychology).

Do they really use women on the phone when you call them, or is it a man pretending to be a woman? I thought maybe it was a Chinese woman or a woman with a really bizarre accent.

Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:51 pm

Could be any of those choices. A woman, A man trying to sound like a woman, or someone using a voice morpher.

Your best option is to block the scammer wherever they try and contact you.

Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:56 pm

All our advice to break with scammer, etc. is here. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26504

Re: Jessica Hurst

Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:33 pm

She is still active on Twitter. Watch out for her! She has blocked me. I have cut off all contact with her but she keeps messaging my phone and writing me emails. The emails are filtered to trash and the messages are blocked, but I can still view them if I wish.

Re: Jessica Hurst

Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:49 am

Now operating out of this profile.

https:/ /

Re: Jessica Hurst

Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:48 pm

Thanks for the report, RobertLindsay. Now, do not report the scammer's profile to be closed. There are many reasons for leaving them open, mostly so that victims can search and find warning here.

Please read: Reporting a Scammer's Profile or Email Address? Don't!

Jessica Hurst
Cool,calm, adventurous

Walton, NY
Joined February 2018
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