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Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:19 pm

Military Romance / Trunk Box Scam:

I am Sgt Miss BEAUTY MAXWELL , i love your profiles, please write to
my i will be waiting your so that i will send you my pictures and
introduced my self to you.
Thanks my dear.

Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
From: Beauty maxwell <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018
Subject: Hi,

How are you my dear?. Am sorry for writing you late i was busy on the military duties, it interest me to contact you, having got your contact while looking for a reliable and trust worthy person that i can trust and work together on this.

I am Female SGT. BEAUTY MAXWELL …. From United State of America, presently in Syria. our troops normally moved around other countries, In our ground inspection in some of the destroyed buildings by France soldiers air raid on ISIS control area here in Syria, We discovered TWO well secured Metallic box abandoned in one of the destroyed building.

On our investigation, Me and my colleague discovered that One of the box contain about $11M and the second box is filled with Gold my share of the total money is ($4,560,000 Four Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand united states Dollars ) we rescued some peoples from the rebelled area, Since it is only me and my colleague know about this and have shared the money between us i have decided to move my own out of Syria were it will be secured pending when i will be free to come over to meet with you for sharing.

I cannot take this money to the United States because since they know me as military personnel, they will want to know how I come about it. and there are several security measure why i cant send it to united state, Due to this, that is why i needed your help on this, All i need from you is assurance and trust to help secure this cash box in your country so that by next month when our time here is over i will fly down to your country to meet with you for Sharing between Me and you. You will also help me to invest my share in any lucrative business there in your country.

Your involvement is risk free. Reply me if you can handle this as soon as possible so that give you all the detail arrangement am making to move the fund down to a better place.

Where i am now we can only communicate through email communication, which are secured so no body can monitor our emails, then I can explain in details to you. I will only reach you through email, because our telephone calls might be monitored by top military soldiers.

Attachment is my pictures, and the pictures of the collapse buildings and my own share of money, and my colleagues, write me back once you read my message

Best Regards

12 Photos sent:







Above stolen photo belongs to Janessa Brazil. We have a topic where scammers have abused her photos in our Blackmail section here:

And one in our Romance section here:



The above two photos are previously reported as stolen images used as Mercy Francis here: ... =6&t=39588





Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:59 pm

My Dear. thanks for your mail. Firstly, i am sorry for my delayed to replied to you, i was very busy in the military camp, my dear, I want to assured you that everything is going to work out accordingly without any problem in the future.

Meanwhile, i have made every arrangement to insure safe delivery of the cash box to you, through a reliable security and delivery company without any form of problem and delay because my return is near when you finally receive the consignment box, once again I want you to understand that I did not disclose entire deal to the company for security reasons.

As a woman I really wish to be a partner with you and also promised to reward you accordingly for your acceptance to help me in securing this money and to maintain confidentiality attached to this business as this is my only hope for my investment when i retired from service.

Like I told you, I am a senior officer in the military and the picture is my colleague after this business we are going to create an everlasting family relationship, and you will not regret for being part of this project, but I pray that i will keep trusting you until this is over, this business is highly secured and risk free if only you will follow my instruction every thing will go smoothly and Please try and keep this matter within yourself alone and never disclose to anyone.

Every arrangement towards this project is between me and you alone, and on no account should you disclose it even to the staffs of the delivery company, also remember that the box consignment was registered to the company as a diplomatic package containing diplomatic materials. For us to finalize every arrangements kindly send your personal details to me so that I can submit your details to the security company to enable them proceed further for the final delivery of the box to your country/address.

Send your details below to me urgently;

Your full names:...........

Your residential address:..............

Country name :.................

City name :......................

Your country nearest airport ...............

Age :...................

code number :..........................

Telephone number:.........


Once you receive the money i will let you know my plans to come over to meet you one on one in your country and we shall discuss and decide on how and where to invest the money. alternatively, when i come over then i will handle the depositing of the money in the bank by myself.I await your immediate response
Love and care from, BEAUTY.

Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:32 pm

My Dear,
May the almighty God continue to bless you and your family for your very kind and prompt response to my email.

Honey, i am sorry for my delayed to replied to you, i was very busy in the military camp with some top soldiers, honey i have received your information's details which you sent to me, i will send your information's to the delivery company and introduced you to the delivery company as my partner receiver in your country.

Honey as i told you in my previous mail that due to the United Nation policy on Syria, there is a plan to move some troops out of Syria so I will be among the people that will be moving out, i cannot take this money to the United States because since they know me as military personnel, Due to this, I have made an arrangement for a United nation official delivery Red cross officer delivery agent to move this fund, The question is who will be in charge of the money in my absence? This is exactly why I need your help. I want to guarantee you that you will not stand any risk in this as I have mapped out the strategy to have this box moved out of here safely Through delivery agent means and you have to keep everything confidential till you receive the box and do not disclose it to any other person for security reason. I have made all the arrangement on how to carry out the transaction and i will be in your country in two weeks time.

Please make sure that you keep everything confidential till you receive the consignment box, the box will leave on board the UN official delivery from Syria to your International Airport, Upon the arrival then you have to contact the delivery agent for you to reach an agreement with him on how and where the box will be delivered to you in your Home Town I have give him your full names, address of delivery and your phone numbers for him to make the necessary logistics involved.

My dear, the delivery agent will contact you for more information and the diplomat will come with the consignment box, so try to response to him as soon as he contacted you because i will forward all your information to the delivery agent delivery company.

The name of delivery company agent official delivering officer:

Name is: Benson Adams

Note: It has to be clear to you that the delivery agent is not aware of the content of the box as I will only tell him that it contains your personal belongings. Then you shall take control and reach an agreement with him as regards to the delivery of the box to you. You are going to help the delivery agent to secure the diplomatic yellow tag at the Airport before he move down to your country to convey the consignment to you. Because i instructed not to open the consignment box. The yellow tag is required to avoid the customs and other security agents at the airport not to search the consignment box, this is in accordance with United Nation's delivery agent delivery act. Do not be afraid of anything, I promise i will surprise you as soon as i come to your country.

You must have to be aware that you are going to assist the delivery agent to get the diplomatic yellow tag there at the Airport before he move down to your destination, the delivery agent shall not have any doubt that the box belongs to you because I instructed at no time the box will be open until it search to your destination.

The delivery agent shall make use of his diplomatic immunity to ensure that the box is delivered to you as a diplomatic package which shall be free from any form of check at the airport. The box: The box contains the money and it will be protected with a pin code which I will make available to only you alone. You shall not in any case disclose the content of the box to the delivery agent for security reasons. I told him that is your personal belonging. That is why the diplomatic yellow tag is require from him at the airport. As soon as you receive the box and the pin code, you shall have in mind that your percentage will be 50% of the total sum while you shall ensure that my own percentage of 50% is intact. As soon as i come to your country and you can help me to invest it in a good profitable venture in your country. I will contact you again as soon as the consignment arrive at your International Airport and make sure you follow the instruction of diplomat agent to avoid any problem at the airport with the money, i will be waiting to read from you before the delivery agent will start booking his flight ticket. thank you for your effort and cares to be there for me.
Best Regards,

Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:20 pm

my dear, i am sorry for my delayed to replied to you, i was very busy at the military camp and i also negotiating about the delivery with the delivery company, so they have finally started up their delivery process to you through their delivery assigned agent Mr Benson Adams.

The delivery of the cash box is coming to your country in your name, so that you can be able to receive the consignment cash box from the hand of the delivery agent over there in your country USA when the delivery agent arrived in your country airport.

You have to pay for the airport custom clearance fees for non inspection yellow tag when the delivery agent arrived in your country airport USA.

Honey, please you have to help me to pay the custom airport clearance fees in your country USA when the diplomat agent arrived in your country airport.

I am not in position of making any transaction here in this military camp as it is against the military law, that is why i contacted you, so that i will not have problem with the military top soldiers here, please try your possible best to help me as you knew that i will surely rewards you and refund you all what you will spent in this business, i am begging you in the name of God to try and make everything to be successful as it is my life and the hope of my life to start a new life with you.

After the clearance of the consignment box from your country airport and after the delivery agent handed you over the consignment cash box, then you can wait for me to come over there in your country and meet you to have my own share after you received the consignment cash box from the delivery agent.

Please make sure you make everything to be successful when the delivery agent arrived in your country airport on Thursday morning 6/12/2018, so that everything will be solved successful without any problem.

As you know that the consignment is the hope of my life to invest a good business in your country and to start a new life, i will stop the military work after you finally received the consignment box from the hand of the delivery agent.

So that i will have a new life to lived with you and invest a good business in your country under your lovely advised, the military work i am doing here is very risk and dangerous, some of our solders have been killed through gun shot bullets, i really want to quit from the military work and start a new life with you and invest a good profitable business in your country.

Please respond to me now, as the delivery agent have booked his flight ticket for the arrival in your country on Thursday 6/12/2018, attached here is the airway bill receipt that was done in your name and your Country name for the delivery of the consignment box in your name over there in your country.

I love you and i thank you, i appreciates you so much for your great effort to be there for our own good and better life, i will be waiting to read from you my dear, i love you.


Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:56 pm

My honey, thank you so much for your effort and cares to be there for me, God will bless you and rewards you for your effort to be there for me, honey, please remember i have trusted with all my heart, i have put all my life and hope in you, please do not betrayed my life, honey do not disappoint my life, this is my life and my hope to start a new life with you and invest a good business, please honey try your possible best to follow up with the delivery agent instructions and direction when he arrived in your country, i will be waiting to read between you and the agent a good news that the clearance is done, so that i will be happy and have the rest of mind, because the military camp here is not good for me, no life is saved in this military camp, please try all your possible best to help me, so that i will have my better life and life a new life with you and invest, so that i can be able to stop the military camp, i love you

Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:12 am

My honey, how are you today my love, i hope you are fine today? i thank you and i really appreciates your cares and your effort to be there for me, i really appreciates your promised to take cares of my inheritance when it arrived in your country, God will bless you for your good heart which you have for me, please try and stand for me over there as you promised, please stands for me there with trust and honest, i promised you i will rewards you abundantly after you received the cash box from the hand of the delivery agent when he arrived in your country, please try your possible best to follow the delivery agent instructions, so that the box will not have problem at your country airport authority okay, i hope to read a good news between you and the delivery agent that you have received the box from him after the airport clearance, i am still waiting to read between you and the delivery agent soon, i love you and i am very grateful to you, i love you, i missing you, i love you, kiss you

Honey, how are you? i am very worried to read from you, because the delivery agent have alerted me through message that he have arrived in your country and your telephone number was not responding to communicates with you.

Honey, i am very unhappy to read such report from the delivery agent because you are aware of the date for the arrival of the delivery agent in your country, which you supposed to kept your telephone on and alert to communicates with the delivery agent as you knew that the delivery agent will called you today.

Honey, please and please this is my life and the hope of my life to start a new life with you and invest a good business, please drop your available telephone number to enable me to send it to the delivery agent to used it to call you on how everything will be done successful for our own good and better life, i am getting very disturbs and worried as you have not responded with the delivery agent on how everything will be successful, i am still waiting to read a good news from you soonest, i love you, thank you for your effort to be there for me my love.

Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:01 am

Honey, i have read from you and i am very sorry for the lost of your telephone, honey, please you need to get another telephone line immediately as you knew what we are having at hands, please try and get another telephone and send it to the delivery agent for more easy and fast communications, as you knew that the delivery agent will not still waiting for you alone, because the delivery agent have other peoples packages to deliver to them not only yours okay.

Honey, i have already sent your own email address contacts to the delivery agent, i believed the delivery agent will write to you soonest through your email address on how the box will reach to your door steps in your country over there, so that everything will be successful done for our own good and better life, please you have to follow up with the delivery agent instructions to avoid mistakes or problems, i will be waiting a good news between you and the delivery agent soonest, so that i will have the rest of mind that you have received my box for safe keeping, so that from there we will start having a new life and invest a good business for our future sake, thank you once again for your cares and your effort to be there for me, i really appreciates it so much my love, please make sure everything is done successful between you and the delivery agent, as you knew that the box is my life and all i have labored for, i love you.

Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:29 pm

Honey, how are you today my love? i hope you are fine today? yes my dear, i have already sent your email address to the delivery agent to have in contact with you on how to hand you over the cash box on my behalf for safe keeping till i come to meet you, so that i can start a new life with you and invest a good business under your lovely cares.

Honey, have the delivery agent wrote to you through your email address? because i have already sent your email address to the delivery agent, please try and check your email box if the delivery agent have already replied to you, please try and follow up his directions and instructions so that everything will be successful for us to achieve our success and victory, this cash box is my life and all i have labored and work for, please do not allowed my labored which i have made to achieve this box to be in vain, please do all what the delivery agent directed you to do because the cash box is already in your country with the delivery agent to deliver to you after you followed his instructions, i will be waiting to read between you and the delivery agent soon, so that i will be happy that everything is done successfully, i love you and i thank you for your cares and your effort to be there for me, i love you.

Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:40 pm

Honey, how are you today my dear? yes honey, Mr Seth McCain is the right confirmed delivery agent that will deliver the box to you, after the necessary clearance is done.

The delivery company change another delivery agent which is Mr Seth McCain to arrived in your country for the delivery of the box to you, please you have to comply with the delivery agent immediately so that everything will be done successful for him to deliver the box to your door step for safe keeping on my behalf.

Honey, but meanwhile the delivery agent still need your direct telephone number for more easy communications with you, please try and follow up with the instructions and direction of the delivery agent to enable everything to be perfectly done for us, so that we will achieve our inheritance and come together as one lovely family and start a new life after you have finally received the box from the hand of the delivery agent, please honey try and make sure everything is done successful for our own good and better life, as you knew that this is my life and my hope to invest and establish with you, thank you for your cares and your effort to be there for me, i will be waiting a good news between you and the delivery agent Mr Seth McCain to make everything to be done, please follow his instructions and direction as the delivery agent is right there in your country for the delivery of the box to you, i love you, i appreciates you for your cares and your effort to help me to achieve my inheritance, God will bless you, i am very grateful to you, thank you my dear, i love you

Hi , I've been trying to reach you from the day I arrived in New York your Consignment is in my possession right now I just came to Canada to deliver another Consignment to another client I will be coming back in few days there are some charges that links to your Consignment which is the amount of $32400 That's supposed to be paid before your Consignment can be delivered to you I don't know if you aware about that the purpose of the $32400 is for the Diplomatic tag your Consignment did not come into the u.s. with a diplomatic tag so they have to pay the custom GT and the Diplomatic tag at the airport in New York before the consignment can be released to you I need you to try and get a phone so I can be able to reach you to explain to you more better on phone thank you, Seth McCain he .


Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
From: Seth Mccain <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018
Subject: About your consignment


You have to get it cash out of your bank I will come and pick it up from you, but if you need a bank information I will send it to you

Seth M.
Account number: 38301848XXXX
routing number: 031202084
bank of America
Address 7015 greenway AVE PA 19142

Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:45 pm

You don't need to transfer the money in the account withdraw the money out of your account I will come and get it from you after you withdraw it just let me know I will come and get it from you okay
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