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Beware! Those unknown missed calls from abroad cost you mone

Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:32 am

Beware of so called "wangiri call-short call missed call, its a scam, probably your mobile number has been added to a"sucker list" so scammers make a short call and you missed it DONT CALL BACK it will cost you money calling high price international hot lines- or with a single missed call they can hack your phone if you call back, dont call back add the number to a blacklist or even factory reset you phone as I read in forums with a missed call from mystery number they can take over your mobile and read all its content ,contacts,photos,sms,viber,whatsap-even make calls on numbers you have never called like you have called 19h on a expensive line. I experienced a missed call from a mysterious unknown number from italy searched for info same number did not exist in italy. Please take care,stay safe
Hope this could help someone

Re: Beware! Those unknown missed calls from abroad cost you

Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:44 pm

I never call back unknown numbers. 99.99% of the time, they are phone scammers. Most want to talk your personal details out of of you by impersonating someone else rather than somehow planting a virus on your phone or giving you a huge phone bill on a premium cost phone line.
I use a blocking service through my home phone carrier that blocks from a list of known scammer numbers, so I receive only one actual ring to my number or none at all instead of going to four rings . And I also screen all calls using an answering machine, so I never pick up any call unless the person is someone I know and I hear their voice leaving a message. I do the same on my mobile number. I never answer unless I know who it is.
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