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BSides Bristol.

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BSides Bristol.

Unread postby Wayne » Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:23 pm

Once again I'm going to be a speaker at a BSides event, this time the end of August at Bristol. Last year, the first place I gave my talk "Anything online can be faked. Here's how." was at Bristol. This year it'll be the first place I give my new talk, "So you wanna be a baiter.". The only other place I've given a brand new talk was at BSides Cymru, where I had a 10 minute/10 slide presentation "The 10 commandments of baiting." and that was the only time I gave that talk. I've also been approached about doing live scammer calls at another BSides event later on in the year, but nothing has been written in stone on that one yet. On the off chance that they do decide to go through with it I've put forward the talk for there too. I figured that if I'm up there anyway I may as well offer to pull double duty, especially as it's about a 12 hour round trip. More updates as and when I know what's happening.
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Re: BSides Bristol.

Unread postby Wayne » Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:45 am

As an update, I'm going to be at Bsides Bristol on both days. On day 1 I'll be giving my new talk, and on day 2 we'll be running a workshop in the afternoon where we'll be answering more questions, playing an old call or two, explaining the thinking behind them as well as attempting new scammer calls live. Should be fun.
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