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Scammer tells the future.

Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:13 pm

Last week I talked about how I'd possibly broken my thumb. I said I was waiting on the verdict from the fracture clinic. Well that came through and I have indeed broken my thumb. Here's the weird bit though. On Sunday I had one of those automated romance emails that put in random words and phrases. You can read about them at Some of them have really crazy text in them that I've been collecting for the next book. I was going to add this one to it, but then forgot. This is what it said:


Is it TERMINAL???? You can see why I was going to add it.

Monday morning the letter from the clinic arrives and whaddya know, this is part of what it said:


Yup, the letter only has the word TERMINAL in it! It's basically referring to the tip of my thumb, but what are the odds I get this weird letter one day and an actual letter the next day with the same word in both of them? Not only that, but the word "crisp" means "hard enough to be broken easily" according to ... lish/crisp

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