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BSides Lancashire.

Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:26 pm

I've spoken at BSides Cymru and BSides Bristol. On March 27th I'll be speaking at BSides Lancashire. It's a 15 minute lightning talk about how anything can be faked, basically a cut down version of the talk I gave in Bristol but with some new stuff in it. It mainly concentrates on the AI side of things. It covers both how the scammers use AI as part of their toolbox and how to spot them. If you're anywhere near Lancashire I thoroughly recommend attending. Obviously not just for my talk, but to hear all the other speakers too. This'll be the 4th one I've attended and they've always been brilliant. It's a great way to learn new skills, find out information on IT and also to make some brilliant contacts. If you do decide to attend, come seek me out and we can have a chat.
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