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Some things never stand still.

Unread postby Wayne » Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:54 pm

As you'd have no doubt spotted, I did a presentation at BSides Bristol recently. It all went pretty well, but even since then there's been new developments. One piece of software I was using has had 2 new releases since then and one of the comments I made in it has been (sort of) disproved and one site I was using has done an update that includes some extra options. That's OK though, things change and we have to keep up with those changes. The new update of the software allows me to demonstrate something I couldn't on the day so I can add that into it now. Likewise the bit I got "wrong" I now know has a kind of workaround that will allow me to do something I couldn't do before, but only in certain circumstances. I'm being pretty vague about it here as we know not everyone who comes to the site has good intentions and we don't want to make their lives easier. Suffice to say that the things I've learned and the new updates mean I can make any further talks show more examples of the subject. That in itself a is a good thing, even if it does mean I'll need to keep rewriting it as and when new features are released. Scammers abuse things that were initially created for good, and we need to keep up with that so we can warn people about it and show how the scammers use them. As Sun Tzu said, "Know your enemy".
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