
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Spammers beware!

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Spammers beware!

Unread postby Wayne » Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:31 pm

Like any forum, there'll always be spammers trying to join up to post their links here. We already make it hard for any automated spammers to join, and that cuts down the numbers immensely. We also don't allow people to have what are called "signature lines" - the bit at the bottom of our posts where we provide links and our email address. That also makes it hard for them to sneak anything into their profile page. Sometimes a spammer will come here though to post up their crap. You'll notice that you practically never see any here, and that's because the moment we spot it we delete it. Sometimes someone will join and post what they may feel is a genuine resource, and we check that out to make an informed decision on it. No bullshit AI here, we really do have a human check it and make an informed decision. If we feel they're genuinely trying to help, but the link is to somewhere we're not happy with then we'll simply remove the link and leave a note in red to let them know what we did. If however they're obviously posting up spam links then we use our "1 click delete" button to instantly kill their profile. Not only does it delete the account, but it gives us the opportunity to report the spam post to a number of blacklists. Technically that'd make it 2 clicks, but let's not quibble. Bottom line is, if you're a spammer and you post here, not only will we remove your posts, we'll delete your profile AND get the links you posted added to the blacklists so other sites are warned about you as well. It takes more effort to do it this way, but it keeps the site as clean as we can possibly keep it.
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