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When grief makes way for anger.

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When grief makes way for anger.

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:34 pm

Let me give you a brief bit of backstory before we start. My mother in law's best friend was a lady we'll call "Helen". Helen married "Jack" and moved abroad. They remained best friends until the day my mother in law sadly passed away around 15 years ago. My father in law passed away just under 2 years ago. To say he was not good with computers would be putting it mildly.

Today my wife had an email from Helen saying how upset they were after Jack received an email claiming to be my father in law, apologising for not having written sooner and including a zip file that was claimed to be photos.

Strike 1:
I mean, obviously being dead is a pretty good excuse not to have emailed people for the past 2 years. Unless he had access to the netherworld wide web (nwww).

Strike 2:
Also, he would have had no clue how to create a zip file with images.

Strike 3:
On top of all that, it was from an email address that was clearly not his.


This happens a lot, it's just that this one struck a little too close to home for comfort. Thankfully they realised it was a scam and didn't open the file. They also reached out to warn others who may also receive the same email. It still left us all feeling pretty pissed off though, and shows how scammers don't care who they hurt. Not that we didn't already know that of course. It's pretty much the reason this site exists. We need to add to the "always be aware of any unsolicited emails you receive asking for money" advice we always give. Always be aware of any emails you receive that are out of the norm for the person who claims to have sent it.
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Re: When grief makes way for anger.

Unread postby Ducky » Mon Jul 24, 2023 9:47 am

These are the things that make me angry.
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