
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Nice try, no cigar.

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Nice try, no cigar.

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:27 pm

The purpose of this site is to get out as much information on scammers as we can to as many people as we can. That means we have to on occasion put up with scammers who find their details here. It could be they did a search online, or it could be that someone told them they were here. It's not uncommon for people to go "I know you're a scammer. I found you here" with a link to our site (or any other antiscam site their details turn up on for that matter). It's frustrating as all hell for us when it happens as it often leads to the scammer joining the forum or emailing one of us claiming they're innocent, the person who posted their details are trying to blackmail them, etc.

Case in point, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=88436&p=293814#p293814

How do we know this is a scam, and not "wrongfully posted here"? Let's start with who posted it. In this case it's firefly, one of the site admins. That in itself tells me it's a genuine report. Let's continue though. Look at the very first sentence on the first post.

Next of kin scam - unsolicited email received:

What does this mean? Let's explain by telling you how we receive these emails in the first place. The scammers don't randomly send out emails in the hope they get a reply. They get those emails either from a site leak or a "sucker list". A sucker list is - as its name says - a list of suckers. It's a list of people who are likely to fall for a scam or who may have fallen for a previous scam and therefore could be considered an easy mark for another scam. Incidentally, do you know why they're called "marks"? Back in the old days way before the internet people would go to carnivals. Crooked game owners would take those likely to fall for their crooked games and have an accomplice literally "mark" them, usually with something like chalk on the back of their coat. That way other crooks could spot them easily. That's by the bye though. Let's get back to the emails.

Once you're on one of those lists you'll start receiving scam emails. The trick here is to get your own brand new email on one of those lists. There's a number of ways to do that, but I won't go too deep into it. Suffice to say it's not that difficult. Now you have a steady stream of emails received only because you're on that sucker list. This is what we refer to as a "catcher" account. When we post up scam emails, that's where we're getting them from. With me so far?

So now we know the very fact we've received an email on that account means it's a scam, where do we go from there?

Goker Erdem

My Name is Gerard Giffney

Yet both using the exact same email address of Plus let's mention the fact no genuine bank is EVER going to use Gmail to send out emails.

Next up let's look at the actual context of these emails:

For good reasons, I have decided to present you as
his next-of kin to enable you and I to benefit from it in equal

"Next of kin" scam. Next....

Note : Due to too many scams around the internet we would not be concluding this transaction over the internet but in a face to face meeting which would cost you a travel ticket and hotel reservation.

So "advance fee" then, the very definition of a 419 scam.

Dear Sir / Madam

They don't even know what gender you are, yet emailed you? Yeah, you're not the only person getting that email.

If you have interest in this contract funds .Please reply back with the following details so we can communicate further.

1. Your Full Name:
2. Your Residential Address:
3. Occupation :
4. Your Direct Mobile Number:
5. Your Passport Copy
We look forward to your prompt response.

Again, no idea who you actually are. All these are signs it's a scam.

Next up, let's look at this mecck user. His email address is which coincidentally leads us to yet another scam email received. This time I'm the one posting it back in 2020 and I can assure you I'm a man of good moral fibre.


Weird thing is we have someone with a similar sounding name there who was also banned for trying to claim the person wasn't a scammer. His email address that time was and both he and mecck have an IP address that tells us they're in Lagos, Nigeria. Anyone want to place odds on if they're the same person?

So yes, when he claimed
Stop this! I wish the admin sector can look into this .
we did. We looked into it and only turned over more evidence it's a scam. He's not the first and he won't be the last scammer to try this. We weren't born yesterday though, and we know exactly what to look for. The funny thing is, often our research turns up even more information on them and only leads to more of their details getting posted up online. So please keep on complaining. It gives us even more motivation to turn you into the "mark".
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