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Unread postby nottheone » Sun May 27, 2012 12:57 pm

I am new on here, and I was informed that I nreally needed to post my story, so here it is:

Thank you ruffled feathers. I'm not sure what to say or post. this will be between us for now, I hope. It started last month. Actually, it started ealier. My husband recently divorced me and then my mother fell down the steps where she and I lived and died. I was crushed beyond measure. I was barely surviving and my friends thought I should start dating. I work twelve hours a day and could not figure out how that could happen. Plus, the bars and clubs were not for me. One friend as well as my son suggested I go on line. I went to U.S. Military and made up a profile. After about two months I was getting frustrated and decided to get off. I was also on POF AND QUICKLY GOT OFF THAT ONE. Just as I was about to get off the military one this new face popped up. I viewed it and next thing I know a Miguel Alvarez was sending me a message. This began on April 8th and moved quickly. He within 3 days wanted my email address so we could talk at anytime. Ok, i did it; its just an email address. The most beautiful letters came. I cried with such joy because someone was speaking what was in my heart. Then we exchanged numbers. He called me every night! I felt like Cinderella! what a fool I was!! I sent him love songs via email because I wasn't as eloquent with words. Then came the contract to England. He called me before he left and for the first time said he loved me. I was hooked. I am a Registered Nurse Counselor, How could I have been so stupid?!!! I knew better! anyway, He called with progress for a few days then sent me the itinarary of his flight. He was going to finish up and then fly here and even proposed to me. He sent flowers, he sent candy and he sent a spa basket. Oh I felt like someone finally with the heart of love. He had a wedding band on and I asked him about it in the pictures. He said after his wife died of Cancer, he told God that he would take it off when the mate that was for him came along. He said the first thing he wanted me to do when he got off the plane was to take the ring off signfying a new beginnig. God they are so good with conning!!!

Then came the export duty paper. He sent me a text saying "Honey I will explain what this means when I call. its urgent". The equipment to do the work cost more than he thought it would and he needed $8500.00 to get it released from export duty. I hope I'm not rambling, but all I want to do is scream. I cant stop crying. I am also a Minister. I went into my ministry account, I went into my mortgage account, and even borrowed from my son. OMG I FEEL SO RAPED! There is so much more to this story, but, I ended up sending him over $3,000.00 dollars. and it still wasnt enough. He said he sold his car and got the balance. and he was so grateful because i made it happen. He was on his way to my arms. Next, he emailed me a copy of the check, but he forgot to notify the airline to keep his ticket open and he lost his his ticket! He needed $1690.00 for a ticket to get to me. I told him what about selling his bike. (he said he had a Harley Davidson). I told a friend of mine and she offered to look at it because she wanted a bike. She went on line to comparative shop the price and lo and behold the bike belonged to someone in Texas. I actually called the man and he said he did not know a Miguel and it sounded like a fraud. When I confronted Miguel. he still denied it and said that the guy was his friend and was messing with me. Finally, I asked God to help me expose this man if he was a fraud. And he did. I remembered the infamous list, he called me Lancelot. That bothered me, but ignored it at first because the rest was so beautiful. But this weekend I googled "you are my Lancelot" and the exposure was done. As I scrolled down the real scammers picture list, I found my "Miguel" and I lost it. I got sick and then I saw the bastard that didnt care for anyone but himself. Now, I"m behind in my mortgage, I am supposed to do a mission trip in August and don't have the money. I have a job where I can do overtime. and more than likely I will recover, but I'm andgry, and ashamed and feel like I'm grieving for someone I thought would be the one I would spend my life with. How do I go one? I have all his emails, and even though I know it probaly won"t accomplish anything, I will be submitting it to the authorites. I even have the email copy of the false attempted sale of the Harley. I want to post this bastards face on the forum but I dont know how to. Also, do you post his face and name, or the innocent victims face and the name? I know this was long and I'm sorry, but if I don"t get this out I know I will explode. Theres more, but I will end here.Thank you for being patient with me. I hope I did it correctly, for I am not very good with computers. May God bless you.

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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Pinky » Sun May 27, 2012 5:43 pm

Wow! It looks bad for now, I know, but you're not the first, you're not the worst and sadly, you'll not be the last. You will survive. Each day will get easier. But one thing I know will make it happen faster for you, is to jump in with both feet and fight this crime. You can do that in many ways. You've made the first step by posting your story. Continue in this direction now by posting all the information you have on the heartless bastard - including the pictures he is using. The pictures were of an innocent man, of course, one who knows nothing about what was done to you with his face. But still, the scammer is using those pictures to scam others. And other scammers will use those pictures as well. Getting them out on the net where google can find them, will help the others being scammed to find the proof they need to break free.

Unfortunately all of the above will only slow the scammers down a little. They'll make up new stories, change their names and email addresses and steal new pictures. They won't stop. All we can do to fight them is to be very vocal and proactive in warning and educating others. This means you can help the most by telling people of your experience - especially people you know who are looking for a relationship by social and dating sites. This might be difficult at first because you might be embarrassed or feel foolish - but I promise you, you will be blessed by God for it. I know this is the right thing to do. Perhaps He might have allowed this to happen to you because you are just the right person to help. Perhaps you were divinely chosen.

And being religious yourself, you know the destruction and damnation that these despicable criminals have brought upon themselves. If you want retribution, trust that God will deliver. No crime against God's chosen goes without horrific eternal consequences. You might even pity the bastard (I wouldn't, but then I'm way far from perfection, myself).
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Sun May 27, 2012 9:11 pm

Hi nottheone,
Glad to see your post and I know you will be pleased with the support you will get on this site.
We are all here to help you heal and recover.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Tomi » Sun May 27, 2012 9:58 pm

Hi Nottheone! I am so sorry for what happened to you with these evil criminals. As a scam survivor myself, I know that at this moment; you are angry, shocked, deeply hurt, feel stupid of yourself and want a revenge. All of these are so understandable. You have been cruelly deceived by these criminals who can make everything believable, use human emotions with only one purpose--- money. You’ve been looking for love, only to be hurt, deceived, taken advantage of. But please don’t blame yourself and you’re not at all stupid. Like everybody else who had been a victim of this kind of crime, you were just unaware that this exists. It could happen to everybody, even to an intelligent person as you are. It may be so hard right now, but you will eventually heal. Just be strong and take good care of yourself.

Like Ruffled Feathers, we are all here to support and understand you. Fell comfort knowing that we’re always be here for you as you begin your healing process. Though you will never recover the money that you lost from them but by posting all the infos that you have of your scammer (emails, email header, money request, chat logs, pictures, phone numbers, money recipient name), you can help warn other potential victims and even save even one pure heart from being hurt and deceived. This will also help your healing process as well. One important thing too is to completely cease all your communications with this scammer.

Being religious, now is the time to make your faith stronger. You may and may never understand why it happened to you, but everything happens for a reason. Just pray that you will be stronger to endure this and trust that even you lost a huge amount of money, you will be taken care of and will never be left empty handed.

Take good care of yourself.

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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Bluefox » Mon May 28, 2012 5:08 am

Welcome newcomer
mmm it is a hard place to be
to think that you are a health worker, a counsellor as well as a woman who has been rejected with a loved one dying
all seems a lot to handle
Giving all you can to others to make their lives better to some degree while all around you yours is falling apart :(
Then a ray of sunshine with an offering of hope and dreams come true, how fantastic and the words and pictures are so very titalating :) with the pictures, the voice, the mental images that one makes all like a dream come true :P

then to find that you have been deluding yourself with a person who is false, it is very hard to get ones mind around such a thing performed by another for wicked means like $$$$ with no regard for the others heart "mind puck"

what a dilemma it puts you in on the one hand you are a caring person in so many ways and also loving ..........yet now you have to play the hard yards and say NO NO NO NO and deny help

the truth is he cares not about you at all, just simply himself and manipulates you all the way
I do hope you have ceased all contact with him and look forward to you posting his details as this will save others who are also loving and caring like yourself

I am also one who comes from similar background in so many ways, to be honest what others have to say here is so true and to regain your own power and to help the healing do post up all you can on this scamming scammer, it will save so many others the distress and harm you yourself have experienced

Post up pictures he used
site on which you meet
email address he uses
phone numbers he has called and the number you had to call him on
any other information that will go to help others to be safe

We are here to walk with you thru this time of healing and support you as you grow strong again and find your footing and then go out to help others

Thankyou for letting us to know you
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Big Al » Mon May 28, 2012 1:13 pm

Hello Notheone,
Sorry to read everything you've gone through. Now that you have help from the people here things should begin to improve. There'll still be some bad days along the road but the long-run picture will be better.
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby duckhunter » Mon May 28, 2012 9:08 pm

Hi newcomer. I`m so sorry you have been through so much, then to be targeted by a low-down criminal as you were ... I can imagine the questions you must have.

I believe with all my heart that the most decent, kind, compassionate and strong people are the ones who become victims of romance scam. I have no idea why though. Perhaps it`s God`s (or the Universe`s) way of encouraging us to choose who and what we will be in light of these challenges ... and to come to know that we are in fact indestructible after all. As a scam survivor, I can tell you that as difficult as it was at the time, the lessons I learned and opportunities to really live that followed my ordeal made it all worthwhile. I pray that the same happens for you.

Hang in there girl. You`re a survivor already.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby SlapHappy » Thu May 31, 2012 6:48 pm

Please post all new Miquel Alveras scammer details here in Romance Scams section:

^^Nottheone, please click on the above link and post any new information here.
Thanks. :)
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Re: newcomer

Unread postby Stimpy » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:22 pm

I am also a newcomer and recently posted my story on this site. I was severely scammed for twenty months. I know what it feels like to experience that sense of joy when you think you have met the person of your dreams. The kind words you hear seem to take away all your loneliness. It is devistating when you find out everything was a lie. But you have to realize that you are so much a better person than he is. The anger we all feel is normal and real, but it is not worth wasting time on because it only allows him to continue to hold power on your emotions. You are lucky because you are now free from him. It's only been a month for me but I am relieved that it is over. Do what you can to post his details. Maybe it can help someone else.

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Re: newcomer

Unread postby SlapHappy » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:46 pm

She has posted a lot on her scammer that I have moved to the main section, fredwunker. I'm very pleased that she is showing courage and concern for other victims of this scammer as well. I'm glad that you are also slowly recovering from this sociopathic man, who will never ever feel real love, but will continue to use and abuse others for his own financial enrichment. Your mood swings will slowly subside over time and the hurt lessen for you. Focus on yourself and the future from here on out, and do not beat yourself up over your experience.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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