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Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Big Al » Thu May 31, 2012 2:08 am

Like I've told others, there's going to be bad days and good ones. The overall picture should get brighter as you go on though. There are some really good people here ready to help though and never feel alone in your situation.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby duckhunter » Thu May 31, 2012 3:58 am

Please know that our hearts are with you as you process your grief. As difficult as it may seem at the moment, a day will come when you will look back on it all and see what a beautiful, loving person you are despite what he did ... and find comfort in the realization.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Thu May 31, 2012 11:06 pm

I may have submitted this earlier. If so, I don't mean to be redundant.

I really don't miss him at all as there is nothing to miss. Now when I run across the photos I presented on this website, I see the evil in his eyes. He is no longer good looking to me.

I don't think I really ever liked him as a person, and I had a hard time believing that he liked me. He was very good at what he did but not that good. There were so many things he said that made on sense, like when he told me he had cuts and bruises from the "car accident" but would be in the hospital for a month. I suppose he wanted to make me think I couldn't call him for a month so he wouldn't have to talk to me. The only misjudgement he made was that he thought I was stupid. I'm not stupid. I found all the websites, all the photos, and all the truth. It was just too late. What I am is sensitive and trusting, and I think other people will treat me like I treat them. I never really got to the point where I thought he was lying. These pathological liers are very good at lying. He would remember lies six months later and then come up with new lies to reinforce the previous ones without even being asked about them.

I loved him because I loved the illusion of love that he was so good at presenting. I loved the phone calls but not necessarily the conversations. I loved the kind words and the promises and the dreams and hopes for the future. Everything that I was motivated to do, I did with plans for the future. Everything was done directly for him or indirectly with his happiness in mind. I never could understand why he never gave me anything tangible. I would have been happy with a bithday card, but I never got one. Last year I had to tell him that my birthday had passed. I spent $25 on postage to send him a birthday present that I spent three days making myself just for him. He didn't even appreciate it because it wasn't money. A few months ago, he asked me how old I was. How could he not have known? Once I called him and he said "who is this?" When he would call me he would say "this is Stas." How is it even conceivable that I could not have known who it was? When you think about someone all day and hope he will call, you know who it is when he does.

Unlike alot of scammers, he made most things very real and very believable. All of the names, photos, addresses, etc. were true and very provable. Everything that was said was planned just for my personality. He didn't have to spend much time with me, but I would imagine that the three of them had to devote some time each day for planning the next move. It is all very chilling. I think he is very pathological and very dangerous. He didn't need anyone else because I was an easy job with a high rate of return. I can't imagine how manipulating someone's emotions can be looked at as a job. How can you spend time with someone almost every day for twenty months and receive $100,000 from them and develop no emotional attachment? I am sitting here spilling out my emotions and still spending my time because of him, and he is out having fun in the car that I bought. He is not thinking about me, but I am still having trouble accepting the fact that he never developed any kind of feelings for me. I felt love, I know that. Maybe it wasn't real, but it seemed very real at the time.

One thing that really bothers me is the fact that what these people do is not really illegal. It is not illegal to lie or make promises about a wonderful future life with someone. It is not illegal to beg for money or to end a relationship and keep the money that the other person willingly gave you. However, it is very morally wrong to intimidate and manipulate someone's feelings and to inflict emotional pain for the sole purpose of materialistic gain. I think it is inconsistent with normal human behavior. I think these people are sick and need help. However, they seem to enjoy what they do and have no intention of changing. I think it is very, very sad.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Thu May 31, 2012 11:47 pm

WOW - you are on your way to recovery and healing. This is a fantastic post of real feelings and emotions, everything that we have all gone through emotionally due to a scammer, you have said in this post, and is exactly what we have all tried to say at one time or another.

There is no doubt your emotions will be raw for awhile, but being able to express yourself in this manner, not only have you helped yourself, but the rest of us as well, and I thank you for that.

You are very brave to come forward and with such eloquence, I now know, you are going to come out of this so much stronger than you ever thought possible.

Your posting should be required reading for all new scam victims --- it indicates the healing/recovery process.

This is a very meaningful and well written document of your emotions and will be appreciated by many.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:08 am

Thank you RF.

After writing that and crying a little, I realized that today I have no interest in ever knowing what he is doing and am starting to have little caring for what he thinks of me. I am solid in knowing what I think of him now, and unfortunately, it is not real good. I am starting to feel secure in saying that if he called me, I would be able to say "Tell him that I don't want to ever talk to him again." But he can't call me. He doesn't know my phone number or my Email address. There is no way he can leave me a message anywhere on the internet. He could send me a letter, but he would have to buy a stamp. I don't think that is likely. I don't know if I am quite there yet, but thanks to this site, I am getting closer to being able to say that I wouldn't open it if he did. Before, I saw him as innocent and charming. Now I see him as hardened and scary. Scary but harmless.

The crying is good. There are twenty long months worth of emotions inside of me that never came out. I have no memories of anything good with him. I've had real relationships that didn't work, but even those have some good memories.

I hope he finds the girlfriend he said he wanted before he left. Maybe she can help him to become human.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby nottheone » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:58 am

Welcome; You are not alone. As a newcomer it is so comforting to know that. One thing about feelings, they are neither right or wrong. What you do with the feelings I have learned determines your choices and future outcomes.. Your first step has been to expose this evil one for who he is. RF made it clear to me that this would help the healing process to begin and it did. Also having very supportive friends and family. Being a Registered Nurse, I always anticipated outcomes having worked I.C.U., but did not anticipate his one. Something my son said to me, 'I am sorry for your pain mom, but I know you, this will make you stronger'. He is right. You will come out stronger and wiser!
You are a survivor, we all are, and will continue to be one. We're here for you. Thank you for sharing!
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:51 pm

Here is a large sampling of the Emails he sent me from September 2010-the beginning of March 2012. March-the end of April was the time duing which he wanted the 2nd car, got the $42,000 and then disappeared. I don't have the Emails for that period, and much of the written communication for that time was by text message anyway.

I don't understand all of this, but for him, the money was everything. For me, it was nothing. It had no meaning then, and it has no meaning now. When I think of the money I lost, I feel nothing. However, when I think of the hopes, the dreams, the broken promises, the joyfol days and the sleepless nights, the happines and the pain, and the love he expressed and the love I felt, I feel everything. When I read these Emails, I cry.

Money is replacible and physical pain is forgotten. But emotional pain and loss is engrained in your soul forever. It is always there, and it can never be forgotten. How can I still feel love for him when he has not the capacity to feel anything? For me, love is rare, but when it is there, it is a permanent fixture in my soul.

I am a physician, I am well educated, and I have some degree of intelligence. How could I have believed all of the words in these Emails? I guess it is because I wanted to believe them so much.

Everything in these Emails meant something to me. For him, they were emotionless words written only for the purpose of obtaining money. For me, these Emails were a mayor part of my life for twenty months. In reality, everything was nonexistent.

The Emails:

Fred, understand me right... U spend a lot on f4f, i working hard, and so tired after this job... And same i have a funny sum from all!

I want make deal with you... What about if i not will work? This will most important thing which u could do for me... I will wake up and call you everu morning, we will make ower frindship more clother, u will spend only 2500$ in month (my salary), and i will live more easy...

What u think friend?

Okey Fred! Good luck! I'll cal you dear! :-)
be carefull in road! kiss

Hello dear! I get money and will be in home about 3-4 pm! Exam yesterday was good:))


Thank you dear! :)

Fred, sorry can't call u tonight, but I miss on you... I will call u tomorow morning about 11am! Have a good day dear! Kiss

Hi, Fred! =) I want to ask you something, I do not know can you do it or not, but I'll ask!
I actually decided to move to the U.S., that we should be together! I want this and I know you want it too! We will be happy =)

But on the other hand, I'm leaving Russia ..... here is my family and friends! But you - this is my bduschee so I know that we will be happy! And I want to. you to be happy with me ... you deserve it! Therefore, my decision - the final! I'll move to the USA!

It will be very soon, after 5 months =)) On the one hand - this is very good, but on the other - this is my last 5 months in Russia with my friends! And I want to get on this time as much as I can get!) It would be really cool and fun, if I had a car!) I would have spent those 5 months are very happy with my friends here in Russia (they are very dear to me)! And here's my question - I do not know how much money you have, but if it's enough - it would be very cool if this new year - you would give me a car (of course second-hand), because the next new year we will celebrate with you =))) Before I left the U.S. - I'm selling it, and even more profitable and bring you the money! But do not worry if it's not in your power! You are in any case, dear to me and I in any case will move to the U.S., that we should be together =))
Like u dear=)

Maybe we can to buy car in Dec? I will look not so expensive car....

yes, i'm sure! i will sell it and it will enough for my movie in usa! my speacking russin is perfect and i know a lot from i can easy sell all=))

about transfer? i can go in bank and to open acoount! but they have limit 5000$ in month, but i'm not sure...will go and know

Thank you my dear! I understand that you trust me - it is very important to me! So I can relax about that with me nothing will happen in the USA! Of course I'll be working, I can do many things well and I think =) We'll be happy!))

I think about BMW, it's good here for driving in winter, but will see!
U can't to sent me money on account, it's to much money! They will check how and why .. is problem!

how many U can sent using western union?

Thank you my dear.... it isn't only words... I really like u.. not for the money, which u send me.... You doing it for me....U want me to see happy..! Thanks!
Nobody never not was with me same as you...
I am happy, cause I have you =)

25 000 is better than 22 000$ (I will sell car here in summer about 30 000 maybe)!)
I will go in banks today and will pick up all money!) If something wrong - i will call you!

I'm not sure when I will leave for car, i have last day on study - 25 december...! but I will sent you email every day! I promise dear!!!

Hello Fred!)) I just back in home, so long time drived! car is perfect! I did buy INFINITY)))

about my moving! Dear, I know about it more tha you! And I strat do it! from MILITARY TICKET! when I will get it - my friends will help me with VISA for study!
so...only about study I'm not sure!)

I am very glad that you write to me about it! it gives the yin to understand that you have inside! I really appreciate what you give me! I'm happy, because you always want me well! I dmayu you can not offend me in my life! You're very kind person, so I want to take care of you, too, to please you, draw a smile on your face and make happy! Thanks to those that you are mine!)

I really want to make the car, but no more than to go to you in the USA! I'm looking forward to it and constantly think about my future life with you! And when I think I feel the warmth and joy!

Thank you very much, for being try to make me happy!

Okey my Dear! Thank you!) Else 1 month free life))) It is so nice not working, thanks!
I will call you in this evening! Promise))

thanks you for the mail Dear!))
kiss you!

dear Fred! I keep telling you about my friend Basil ... We were friends with him before to go to school .. about 5 years! At school we were in one class and sat at one desk! With first class - we went with him to engage in Sambo, and walked together for exercise and training for over 10 years! We are constantly on vacation together, traveled together to the competition ... His parents call me son! They often helped us when my father drank and beat us ... Vasya - my brother, but not in blood ...!

Now with him there was a trouble, because of the fights he had problems with the kneecap, he even goes bad ...(( I can not write this without tears ... He needs a change operation sacral cartilage on both feet .. This operation costs about $ 4000 dollars! a lot of money for his parents! Vasya is the sister of Luda, who is also studying here in St. Petersburg ... His poor parents are working very hard and often, they sometimes have nothing to eat! "They give all children, to the last ruble ... "My duty, my duty is to help my best friend ... so your money you send to me in March - I'll give everything for the operation ... thus helping a friend and his poor parents, that I most live in March, to pay for rent, school and exams ... I have to go to work in video chat! misunderstand me why I'll do it! "I love you, but it's not cheating .... but to help my best friend, brother members and in my family too ...


I'm so glad to read this massage... Sorry I can't writins same wonderful as you, just can say I'm happy now! Happy cause I have you!)

Happy Valentine's Day

It is so bad news....U have problem!=((

I not know how it will help...but I sent here photos documents which I have on car...

and I was in servise today, they again say me to buy new I haven't enough money for to pay for the repair=(

and If u can't sent me more mean I can't live... Cause I will help Vasya...

I have problems...and u, cause have me... it is so sad!

not know what's wrong.,,, But I think U think and check now 1 idea ''u think I want from you only money'' well....u stop to sent me more... Before u promised me to sent money on clothers CK and nothing, after U said u wanted to sent me 1050 on Valentines day...and nothing, after I said - i need moner on repair car and again nothing! Now - u lose your job cause sick... How I underatnd u wnat to see my reaction... ;)

it is strange! If u habe this idea (i want from you only money) - then stop write me anymore!

maybe I not right

It is so bad news....U have problem!=((

I not know how it will help...but I sent here photos documents which I have on car...

and I was in servise today, they again say me to buy new I haven't enough money for to pay for the repair=(

and If u can't sent me more mean I can't live... Cause I will help Vasya...

I have problems...and u, cause have me... it is so sad!

Thank you my Dera for this transfer! I understand you! I will working a lot and hope u not will need to sent me anymore!

I pick up money from moneygarm

Yes fred, i tald... I pick up 3000 from money gram!

Now I hope U can image feels, if u will be without me! It was like lesson for you!

I just back in home and will sleep now! I will call you about midnight! Have a good day ;-)

very glad u re happy my love :)

and very glad u could help me with money :) 2500 would be better than 2000, and wil great if u could sent it before 1 april! I must pay for the reht 1st

hey Fred! Sorry Dear iprobably i will working tonight! Tomorow i will buy iphone, so we will chat everywhere :)

Thank you my Dear! Kiss you!
I not will call u, cause not want wake up you, will call u this evening by iphone :-)

Hello Fred! thank you so much for the money! :)
how are you?

Hello Fred!

Thank you so much!

Don't think i not want take money in future from you, cause I mad...
No, i can't to be mad! U re so nice man, u making a lot for me....really thanks! My life is more better now...and it's cause U did help me a lot!
I have a lot of wonderful things, which for me was inpossible to have 6 month ago! I want to say you ''thank again and again'... PLEASE, not sent me money anymore... U give me the all. what U have! I can find money!

I will very miis you! I miss you now

I am near Dear!
I love you!

I haven't power anymore, I can't stay in SPB...I can't find job for pay all my bills. I'm not student if not will pay, I havent' place for live - if not will pay, food and other...
So.. I must come back in my town, live with parents and working on fabric - this is my future Fred!


Hi dear! Tomorrow I go to my job. I will be working in a trendy beauty salon! Prior to his work, I go to school to recruit kids. I'll coachthem to fight - it's wonderful! I love kids! And I'm glad I can change them =)
I would like to ask you a little money on clothes for work ... I should be wearing too trendy! But, I understand you - if you can not sendthem to me! It's okay! The main thing - I can see you now on Skype!

hello my Dear...

I miss you...

I want celebrate next New Year with you..

New Year starts...I know u will create your new life. Do it for us. I love you

I do not know - did you feel it or not, as I hung emotionally and wondered when he was telling you about the life of my mother.
It is in an unreal situation, works like a horse - her father was beating, my sister does not respect and takes away everything andthrowing off her all her duties. I was really tormented myself for not being able to help ... I try, I try, I try .... but in the Russia I havenothing. I cheated with the salon hairstyles. People here are angry and alochnye. I thought, and this question scares me - something to live in this world? I cant anymore.... I'm always try to be positive with smile, but I cant...

Thank you my Dear! Very glad to read this when I wake up :-)
I love you too

I have a friend of a man, he works in the Russian government. He was very influential and rich. We are engaged in a fitness club.Sometimes after a workout and before learning he invites me to dinner. He's gay. He understands that I'm a young guy with an amazing body and face, and a clever head. He always invites me to be his boy-friend. Tells me that I am worthy to wear expensive clothes, drive a nice car. He says if I'm with him, I do not pridktsya work. Sometimes I express to him my business ideas - and he says he would invest the money.

I will have holidays 7-11 March, Maybe we can have meet in Spain and have some rest/)

Maybe if u have some extra money - u can sent it to me for travel in holidays? If u havent - its okey, I not will be sadly or think something bad about you :)

Thank you :-)
I love you

I miss you...
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:55 pm

Thanks for posting these emails and chats. It will help other victims and also help you to let go of the fantasy world that the scammer created in your mind. Do not let him take away what is good in you. He will never feel any real love for anyone. He uses people for his own financial gain, with no remorse or empathy at all. The pain you feel will eventually subside, but you will never forget. It is like a real life divorce in a way, and people do get over that and move on. You are on the right path to recovery by letting this man go and telling others your feelings. Your life will get better, day by day.
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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Stimpy » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:46 am

The Emails that I have presented above are in chronological order and give some indication of the emotional manipulation but certainly don't explain everything. It all started in September 2010. I met him at a webcam site where he was employed as a model. After chatting with him several times, he learned that I was a physician. That was when he latched on. He became my friend. He gave me his personal just for me and possibly others, but not his Russian Email. He said he spilled coffee on his laptop and needed a new one. I was very enamored by the fact that a young model was interested in me. Of course I saw his need for a computer as a way to make him happy. I sent him the money. I wasn't sure how to send it, but he said he had a friend who had gotten money from the US by Western Union. Now it is clear to me that I'm sure the friend had also scammed. I didn't know anything about romance scams from Russsia at the time.

I spent alot of money in September of that year at his webcam site. He saw this as an opportunity. He suggested that I might send him his $2500 salary each month in place of him quitting work and talking to me at home on Skype free. It seems odd now that he would already have had a Skype account for talking to people long distance. I didn't really like the idea but when I expressed doubt about having to pay someone to talk to me from home, he said that Americans think they can have everything. Being so generous as I am I said I would send him $3000 a month. He was of course happy and gave me his cell phone number. He quit work and talked to me on Skype. He began to indicate that we had the potential for having a future together. He was extremely kind and said wonderful things to me and made me happy. His Birthday was on October 6th, and he got me to send him money for an SLR camera. He came up with some bizarre story about having a Chyamdia infection and needed a large amount of money for doctors and medicines.

He told me very little about himself. I told him everything about myself as I was falling in love, but he showed little interest. Then all of a sudden in December 2010 he decided to come to the US so we could be together in five months. That was when he got me to buy the $25,000 black Infinity G35. He obviously has very expensive tastes. He wrecked it a week later, and I know he did because I saw the photos of the wrecked car. I payed a large amount of money to fix it. I was still sending him $3000 a month and also payed for the friend's operation as indicated in the Emails. There was also a large Valintine's present and additional money for clothes which were of course Calvin Klein. It started to become apparent that I hadn't gotten a Birthday or Valentine's Day card or anything else. Emails were difficult for him, and he never, ever spent any money on a phone call or a penny for anything else for that matter. But he made it rather apparent that he didn't need to because I was so lucky to have him.

Like is mentioned in the Emails, I suggested that he was only interested in money, and he was quick to say that was not true, and if I felt that way then I need not write him anymore. Like one of the Emails indicates, once he didn't contact me for days, and when I was unhappy with this, he said that should teach me a lesson, showing me what it would be like without him. Sometimes I would get so unhappy that I would threaten to leave, but he was quick to point out that my life would be meaningless without him. Anytime I gave him money, he said wonderful things, talked about our future and did everything he could to make me happy. Of course he also at times inserted things that indicated that he didn't want any more money and that money had no bearing on the relationship.

Last summer he said he wanted to be my angel in life. When I gave him money, he would tell me he loved me. In July, he said he wrecked the black car beyond repair. He said he was in the hospital with cuts and bruises and would be there a month (hardly likely and indicating he thought I was stupid), probably to give him an excuse not to have to talk to me for a month. In early August, I sent him $5000, and three weeks later he had no money for rent or food and would have to move back with his parents and work in a factory. Two weeks later, he was enrolled in school but still not working, saying that his friends had payed for everything.

Last June he supposedly got a job in a bank. It was never mentioned again. Later, when I asked if he was still working there, the answer was simply no. Then all of a sudden in September, he was working in a bank again. That was the excuse he gave for refusing to answer my phone calls (because the phone had to be turned off at work), but then I heard no more about any banks. In October, it was mentioned that he did some modelling and did some videos, but then once again these jobs seemed to just disappear. It was in November that he came up with the job in the trendy beauty salon that he needed clothes for. Then a month later, I called and he said he had lost the job. When I questioned him about it he said that his boss gave him $2000 and told him that it was his last day but gave him no reason why. As time went on throughout the relationship everything that happened just kept getting more bizarre and difficult to explain.

He moved from place to place, changing apartments a number of times. Each time he moved, the standard of living seemed to improve. I don't remember the first address, but photos he sent me showed an apartment that was pretty bad and almost looked uninhabitable. The second address was on Vladimirski Prospect. He lived there with Ilya Agafonov. There was one bedromm with two beds. Then next apartment was on Bakinina Prospect with a different roommate. There he had a bedroom to himself. I saw a photo of him in the kitcken of that apartment taken in February of this year, and the countertops were granite and the cabinets had fancy glass fronts. In contrast to his increasing standard of living, I was actually sending him less money as time went on as my standard of living was decreasing.

Starting in January of this year, he was supposedly working once again as a model in a chatroom. But this was odd too since I had a pretty good idea which chatroom it was supposed to be, and he was never there when he was supposed to be. Also, at first, he said he was working eight hours a day. Then all of a sudden it was three hours a day. Truethfully, I never did know much about what he did since told me very little about anything unless I asked, and then the answers were always vague. I knew he supposedly went to work for about three hours in the mornings, then went to the gym for two hours in the afternoons, and then went to school for a few hours in the evenings. Other than that, I was always pretty much in the dark. Usually when I called on the phone he said he was busy. Usually if I called on Skype it was ignored. He liked to do the calling.

He was still pretty interested in the future this last New Years as he said he wanted to spend next New Years with me. When Valentine's Day came things started to get strange. I sent him $1000. Of course he did nothing for me except he did call on Skype and said he was calling because it was Valentine's Day, not Happy Valentine's Day. This made me angry, and a few days later, I asked him why he didn't get me anything? He said that I thought he was my toy, a toy sought to satisfy my selfish ways. It was a few days later that he came up with the rich Russian man who was going to buy him expensive clothes and an Infinity G37 Coupe. Remember that the first car I bought was an Infinity G35-the one that had supposedly been wrecked last July. He said he wanted to be with this rich man because all he wanted was money. This was about the time when his intimidations and manipulations of my emotions started to become extreme. A week later, he decided to forget the rich Russian man and came back to me saying that he would rather be with me and have good feelings than be with him and have money.

The next thing I knew we were talking on Skype and he mentioned that he wanted another car and wanted to know if I could buy him one. I said no. Then all of a sudden he wrote and asked me to join him in Spain for his holiday. That was when he asked me for money to help him go after I told him that I was unable to go too. I sent him $750, and he then told me that he loved me. While he was in Spain (I guess he went) he sent me an Email saying that he missed me. The day he returned from Spain we were talking on Skype and he said that it said on Gmail that he could not use it for two weeks. That seemed very strange, but I didn't think too much about it. He said that he just used Gmail to Email me, which now also seems strange. He gave me his Russian Email He told me to start using that one. Some weeks later I discovered that his Gmail account had been closed. I have my suspicions about all of that, but I will come back to it.

Then one day I got another Email saying that he had $5000 of his own and his Mother could give him $10,000 (both of which seemed highly unlikely) and wondered if I could give him a little to help him buy a car. He provided me with a link to an site where there was a white used Infinity G37 Coupe that cost $37,000. That Email was imidiately followed by another one that said he was afraid that I would think that he was only interested in me for money (obviously staged to make me think that he really was concerned about that). He knew about how much money I was making, and I think it was becoming clear that I didn't have any money to help him buy a car. However, that obviously was none of his concern. Also, I'm not sure where he came up with the idea that he could buy a $37,000 car with $5000 of his own, $10,000 from his mother, and a little from me. It was also laughable to think that his Mother had $10,000 since he has told me in the past that she works twenty hours a day and can't even afford a real apartment (also laughable since she supposedly is a doctor), but by this time, not much of anything he said was making much sense. Anyway, once again I told him that I could not afford to help him buy a car. Plus I expressed my opinion that it was absurd to think that a 20 year old needed an Infinity G37 Coupe. I think his response was that he really didn't need a car at all since he could take public transportation but just wanted a car like that because he was young and wanted to feel the emotions that come with being young. Obviously we are not dealing with a normal person here.

Throughout the course of the winter and early Spring, he repeatedly made references to having private teachers and a personal trainer and then made the trip to Spain in early March. I was only giving him about $1500 a month and it appeared that he was only working about three hours a day. Therefore, one day I asked him where he was getting the money for all of this. He replied by saying that he had never told me but he had sold the wrecked black G35 for $5000 sometime in the Fall. It seems quite strange that someone would buy a totalled car for $5000, but I believed it just like I believed everything.

He didn't seem upset when I continued to refuse to buy cars in early March, which surprised me. However, I think by this time he had learned so much about me to know that eventually he would win, and he did. My need for his love and my generosity and desire to please caused me to start trying to think of ways to get him the car he wanted. I really didn't have the money to do it, but evenually I came up with a plan. I had been able to afford giving him about $1500 a month, so I decided maybe I could take out a loan to buy the car and use the money I was giving him each month to pay back the loan. I was able to get approval for a $28,000 loan to be payed back over three years. I presented this to him, and of course he liked the idea. He decided he could buy another G35 for that amount of money.

I have not owed anyone any money for many years. I began to get very uncomfortable with the idea of borrowing a large amount of money. Also, I realized that I would be unable to give him any money each month and had fears of losing him because of that. Before the loan agreement had been completed, I changed my mind. When I told him this, he was furious. He said that he was not a toy, and he hoped I would never call him again. However, the next morning I had an Email from him saying that I could call him anytime I got sad or lonely. So things continued in a status quo pattern.

Then at the end of March he said that he and Ilya had been told by their landlord that they had to be out of their apartment in three days. When I asked him why, he said they had not been given a reason. This of course made no sense. He continued to make daily references to the fact they were having trouble finding a new apartment. After awhile, however, the talk about new apartments stopped. I'm still not sure what the significance of all of this was except possibly to reinforce the fact that now I don't know where they live.

A short time later, I found myself once again wanting to make him happy with a car. Once again I preceeded with the loan, but this time I went through with it. It was during this time that he said with me he was feeling his heart and dreamed of the two of us together in one life. He said that he didn't want to base a relationship on money. He found an Infinity G35 that he could buy with the $28,000 and sent me the link to it. When the loan money got to my bank account account and I was preparing to wire it to him, he asked me if I could add a little more to it so he could get the white G37 that he really wanted. Once again he sent me the link or the picture of the white car, I'm not sure which.
This question becomes important later on.

I said that I was still concerned about the fact that I would not be able to send him any more money for three years. He reassured me that he would stay with me and that the money had no bearing on that. I guess I believed that. I wanted to get him the car he really wanted. I also wanted him to buy insurance for it. I wanted to make sure there was plenty of money. I emptied my money market savings and much of my checking account and added all of that to the loan money and went to the bank and wired $42,000 to his bank account in St. Petersburg, Russia. Then I sent him an Email telling him I had emptied all of my bank accounts.

When he read the Email, he sent me a text message saying that was too much money, and he could not be happy knowing that he was driving a nice car and I was poor and working hard to pay off credit, but of course that was the last I heard about that worry. It took ten days for the money to reach his bank account. During that time, not alot changed, but I remember that I was angry alot because I felt like he was not making much effort to communicate or answer Emails. I remember that on Monday April 16 he answered about six of my Emails. Then on Wednesday April 18 I got one telling me that he had received the money. That was the last Email that I ever received from him. Why he didn't disappear right then I am not sure. I guess I will defend him and say that he was not quite that cruel.

On Saturday he wouldn't answer my text messages saying that he was in a bad mood and wanted to be alone but that it had nothing to do with me. On Sunday, he said that he had gone to Moscow to be alone for a few days. I don't think he ever went to Moscow. It became pretty clear to me that there was a major problem. You just don't all of a sudden start ignoring the person you love who just sent you $42,000 for no reason. I started to investigate him. I found a European social networking site called I found his page and his two roommate's pages (Ilya Agafonov and Sergey Kotov). They had moved in with Sergey Kotov when they lost their apartment at the end of March. This new address I do not know. On around Wednesday April 25, I saw that he had posted on his page 20 mionutes earlier. Therefore, I knew that he was no longer in Moscow. I sent a text message asking him if he was home. I got no answer. I then called on the phone three times and got no answers. Then he sent me a text message saying that he had decided to move to Moscow. He wanted a real life. His old life had destroyed him. He was going to find a girlfriend, start school at a new university, and get a job in economics. He wanted me to send my bank information and he would send my money back. He said that we could be friends.

Later that day, I called him and he hung up on me. Two days later, he informed me that he had blocked my Emails. I called him and told him I wanted my money back. I changed my phone number and sent him my bank information with an Email address that he did not know about. The next day I looked and his American Facebook page had disappeared. I guess that is when it finally hit me full force that I had been scammed, and suddenly I realized that my whole life over the previous twenty months had been totally nonexistant. I knew he would never contact me again and he didn't. A few days later, Sergey's Facebook page disappeared. I deleted all of my Email addresses, and got one single new one. I deleted my Facebook page and all methods for him to contact me anywhere on the internet.

I had to have some answers, so I looked for them, and I found them. I found two photos of the first black Infinity G35.
One was taken in October of last year, three months after it supposedly had been wrecked. Ilya was driving. Then there was one taken in November with Stanislav driving. I found a very interesting photo that had been taken in March. It was of the interior of a car that I am almost certain was an Infinity G37. Sergey Kotov was in the driver's seat. A small portion of the hood was visible and it appeared to be white. The grass was green, and there were leaves on the trees. That could not have been Russia in March. So what was the car, who did it belong to, where was it located, and how did it get there? I don't have these answers, but I have some ideas. Maybe it was Spain in early March. Maybe it was the white G37 that Stanislav was still trying to get me to buy in April. Maybe it now belongs to Sergey. Maybe someone else bought it for them. Maybe that person was eliminated the day they got home from Spain when Stanislav closed the Gmail account. These are guesses, but they seem to fit very well. If this is all true, then all three of them have a car now. A link for a black Mercedes C55 AMG showed up on Stanislav's page in early May. It cost $44,000. Then a video showed up of a black Mercedes in front of an apartment building. I looked and the Mercedes C55 AMG had been purchased. Therefore, it does appear that there are now three cars-the original black G35, the new Mercedes C55 AMG and maybe the white G37. I do think that someone else bought them the white car, and I think it has something to do with Spain, but this is where my proof ends.

For me this a very long, very sad, and very tragic story that encompasses twenty long months of my life. I don't like the ending, but I got all of my questions answered. I have plastered my story on every scam site I have been able to find. Stanislav Lukashov now appears in multiple places on and under both the English and Russian names. I have learned a vast amount of information about romance scamming, now both from direct experiece and from reading everything on all of these scam sites. Everything now makes sense and falls into place perfectly. However, nothing I do helps much. The pain is still there.

I admit that I always had a lot of doubts about his sencerity. However, I always told myself that no matter what happened he always was still there. I always told myself that there was a chance that he really did love me, and as time went on I concinced myself more and more that he really did.

So why did he leave when he did? I guess because he knew I didn't have any more money, and he had gotten the $42,000 prize. I think one of the hardest things to accept is knowing that he let me give him everything and then even let me go into debt and then left with no caring and no remorse. It is also almost impossible to accept that I know that he spent all that time with me, talked to me face to face on Skype pretending to enjoy it, and said all those wonderful things to me, when in reality he didn't like me in any way and probably hated every second that he had to talk to me or look at me. I just can't conceive how anybody can be so cold and be able to spend twenty months with someone and not develop any emotioal attachment for him whatsoever. I've done some reading, and that is the definition of a psychopath. It helps a little to realize that these people can't be normal and be able to do these things to other people.

I hope this story helps someone out there who is finding himself or herself in such a situation or has been through similar circumstances. It helps me to read other people's stories and see that I am not alone. It helps me to see that there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't do anything wrong, and I am not stupid. I am just like the others. I get lonely, I am a good person with a big heart, and I just want someone to love who will love me back.

Here is a collection of photos of him and then one of Ilya Agafonov. All of my photos of him are real, and all of the information I have about him is true and easily provable. That is what made him so good at what he did. He made everthing believable and made everthing a reality.







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Re: Stanislav Lukashov-Станислав Лукашов

Unread postby Tomi » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:25 am

Again, let me express how sorry I am for what you had been through with your scammers. They are heartless human beings, or they don't deserve to be called human beings for what they do. They don't care about you but only your bank account. They will make lies after lies to make their deception believable on order to extract money even to bleed you dry up to your last penny.

Thanks for sharing & posting your story. And wow, your postings of your emotions had been so beautifully expressed. With this, you're also helping other victims who have been going same thing as what you have been going right now. You've shown already your strength. It will take time to completely heal from this but you're getting there. Don't let this tragic and sad experience take away the wonderful qualities you have as a person. You've been emotionally abused for so many months with this evil. Now is the time to look after yourself. You're a wonderful and lovable person, always believe on that.

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