
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

firefly´s story

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firefly´s story

Unread postby firefly » Fri May 18, 2012 1:46 pm

A year since I discovered Scamworld and my life has changed completely. Before that i have not knew what "romance scammer" mean. I was familiar with a lot of bad things that could happen online, but romance scam was something new for me, since i have never used a dating or social site.

After almost two years being alone, i have registered on one dating site. My profile was there active few hours. And my scammer has found me in less then 10 minutes. Making a long story short, I wasted about three months and 1,000 euros to find the real world behind online socializing. Now, i consider both as educational fees, since my fake romance has helped me to learn a lot of new things.

I know how hard can be for a former victim to talk about his/her scam-experience and how hard is also to expose himself / herself in the process. But everyone can find their own way to deal with that. My way was to learn all that i have found useful and to use this new learned things while helping others who may not have the time or knowledge to find out what´s going on. I have read all that i have found about the topic, i have registered on an anti-scam site and i have reported scammers or i have researched to find fake online identities. Being frustrated because lack of information in reports made by persons who don't return after first report to post details, i have start baiting. I must say "thank you" to Wayne and Slappy for that... Together with another baiter, they have told me so many times that i can do it until I thought that i have learn enough to do it safely. I can say that i was "baited" to become baiter, but i am grateful now for that :).

Baiting was also something new for me and I watched with suspicion such actions, believing it is just waste of time for the sake of trophies. But i have seen victims coming to report scammers after one baiter reported the same used picture or the same email address, and i realized that´s more than a trophy or fun there.

Funny thing is that i was familiar with research to find real people in my former life, long before the Internet or mobile phones were assets. Now i spend almost my all free time searching just to find fake people, and for that i am also fake. As online-ghost, it seems that we can help real people as long as those people are ready to accept that is better to hear the truth instead of living in a fake fantasy world you need to pay for.

No matter how hard it is and how long it will take, i can dream of a world where there will be an international law able to punish this worldwide crime.

In the meantime, i can just try to do my best with all that i can to expose scammers and to provide necessary details about the scammers, with the hope that is useful and can help someone before being scammed. The great irony is that i do what i do now because one stupid scammer pushed me to find a way to stop him and others like him from stealing money and destroy lives of innocent victims online. As long as what I and others are doing in this area is useful for someone it is worth it.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: firefly´s story

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Fri May 18, 2012 5:34 pm

Hi FF -

Your story is like so many others, being alone and looking for companionship, but you are one of the really fortunate ones because you found out in time. I am glad you posted your story, it will help others to know that before they get too involved with the "man of their dreams" do the research and find out if he is for real or not.

I have read many of your posts, and you do a great job in all the research. It's a great benefit to all of us, and I thank you for it.

Keep doing what you're doing - it helps everyone.

A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: firefly´s story

Unread postby Tomi » Sat May 19, 2012 4:54 am

Thanks for posting your story FF. It’s good to know the story, the beginnings, of those people, like you, who have been great contributors to this anti-scam fight. Thanks for all your works and in so doing, you have helped so many.
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Re: firefly´s story

Unread postby Holly Louis » Mon May 21, 2012 1:55 am

....I have Firefly to thank for being there to help me many months ago when I stumbled into the chatroom needing help, thank you I will always be grateful.
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