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When everything goes too well...

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When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Neko » Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:16 pm


Sometimes, there's this inner voice in yourself that screams at you saying '' there's something wrong here !!! ''

Well, i should have listen to this. Here's my story, be prepare, i'm french, my englis is far from being perfect.

I was in an dating site. A girl come to talk to me, long story short....she strip and ask me to do the same....and i did

Then it stop and the suposed 28 y-o girl that i saw in her webcam was a guy just posting a video of some webcam girl. He said to me that if i dont send him 200$ he will tell everyone that i ....M********* while looking at a 8 yo girl...WHICH WAS NOT THE CASE !!! IM no freaking pedo !

Anyways he show me a youtube link. The video was me....on my webcam...doing something....

The video had information about me that he gather talking to me. On the video all those infos were there.

He also said that he will send that video to all my family saying that i was a pedophile WHICH IS NOT THE CASE !!! The girl on the video was in her 20s at least.

Then, because i,ve added '' her '' inf FB, she posted the link of this video everywhere on my profile.

I've contacted my family to tell them all this shamefull situation...I've contacted the police, after closing all my social media.

I felt ashamed for a long time. But Wayne and the people on this forum provided me help confort and streng to carry on. The two weeks after the incident have been real hard. People asking me why i was closing my social medias, making up excuses. But, on a positive note, since that i've closed my account AFTER sending messages to my family, those messages have been deleted automaticly without anyone seeing them. Which was a Good thing.

A word of advice, dont tell everyone. Give information only if you deem it necessary. It will keep this kind of situation under YOUR control and give you the opportunity to heal and learn from this bad experience. When i look back this really helped me. After three week i can say that i've passed over this incident and learn from it and got stronger. My life is back to normal, even if i still think about it, i always overcome the bad feeling comming from this. I know that i'm stronger that this weak fool !

So this is where i am now, healed and back on track, even if i would have prefered that it never happen to me. If your living this situation, seek help here, we are all here to help you and gladly will. Stay strong and you'll be able to get by it !
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:27 pm

I am happy you have told your story here, it will help others to understand and possibly prevent them from doing the same thing

This is a hard lesson to learn, but at least you were able to protect yourself by closing all your accounts and telling your family and I am sure they have helped you through this.

We are all here to help support you through this ordeal, and help in your recovery and healing process, and it sounds like you have started on the right road back. You will be a much stronger person and you now know all the warning signs - if your gut instinct is saying something is wrong, believe it. Too good to be true usually means something is very wrong.

Keep up the good work in the healing process.

PS - your english is just fine!!! :D
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:45 am

I'm sorry you were scammed. You seem to be doing a lot better now.
..and your English is one hell of a lot better than my Francais.

Telling your story here will help others see that they can overcome being blackmailed via the internet. Thanks for sharing your story.
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Tomi » Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:38 am

Hey Neko!

Nice to know you are doing well and back to normal again. And thanks for coming back to tell us about it. Sometimes, we have to go through a difficult experience like what you just had for us to earn a hard earned lesson. Own this experience of yours, because this will make you a lot stronger and wiser person.

I hope you will stick around with us here and be of help and support to the newcomers. Because the best person who could offer an assurance to all those who will be undergoing the same scam experience like yours---that everything will be all right as long as they follow the advices here---is YOU, a survivor. Prends soin de toi! (Hope I got it right.)
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Big Al » Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:16 am

@ Tomi, Google translate came up with this:

"Take care of yourself!"

Looks correct to me.
"Look for the lies."
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Tomi » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:27 pm

Merci beaucoup Big Al. ;)
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby SlapHappy » Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:38 pm

Neko, thanks for posting your story here to help others, and I'm glad to hear you say, "I'm back on track." :D
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby duckhunter » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:35 am

Hi Neko.

So glad to know that your life is finally yours again. Your words will do wonders toward helping others who have been through the same ordeal. The fact that you have endured what you have will allow you to be able to reach out and help in a way that some of us might not understand, should you choose to.

Ours is a great community, full of caring people who are happy to meet and become friends with good folks such as yourself. Please consider continuing to be a valued friend and member of It will only make us stronger ... and every good person who helps will tip the scales against the bad guys a wee bit.
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Re: When everything goes too well...

Unread postby Vexed » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:24 pm

I am sorry this happen to you. You came to the right place, the people here are great!! Nothing but support! I am a new victim myself, my story is a little different, but the scammers are all the same; sick and heartless! You seem to be doing a lot better than I was (am) It has been tough for me but without this site and the experienced, caring people here, I would be lost!! Good luck, and keep up the good work on your healing!

Oh, and your English is great! ;) ~Vexed~
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