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Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:53 pm

catrulli :( I am so sorry for your experience
take your time to heal as it takes time
Grieve over your dreams being broken and lost
He will not give you what you want as he is just a fantasy that we have filled in the spaces with his voice, his writings and a picture to make it seem REAL

To him, the scammer :evil: ,
you are just a JOB, just a way of getting $$$$$$ any which way $$$$$$$

Because you are a true caring passionate person :) the scammer used all of those against you to get what he wants and cares not about the victim :(

reading what he wrote to you in chat showed his real colours, insulting you, threatening you, belittling you all because you asked a question "who are you" he used all those techniques to manipulate you into submission and feeling of guilt, after all how could you talk to someone you care about and asks for your help, like that :?:

I noticed he made his problems your responsibility
I noticed he threatened to block you ...but didn't
I noticed he used personal beliefs against you, "you lie!"
I noticed he offered many tings and never gave you one

Did he send the $$$$ back

Walk away without a word do not respond to scammer in anyway

be aware that there are many scams be vigilant

It is hard and your heart will ache and you will cry and be confused and perplexed :( take your time go for a walk , meet up with friends, clean out the fridge, sit in the garden and look at the small things, pat an animal, cuddle a child
Be kind to yourself and know are a caring sincere person and it is good to know you :)

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:39 am

3. Money

I plaid that I am sending money....I plaid that I am walking to the post office to send money, and my way takes me on foot one hour, during my 'way' I was talking with him from my phone...

márc. 16. 8.08
:I cant believe it. I am scare... You will very angry now.
márc. 16. 8.09
:Please promise me that you dont be angrx and dont hurt me.
márc. 16. 8.09
Richard:I am not angry
márc. 16. 8.09
márc. 16. 8.10
Richard:I promise
márc. 16. 8.12
Richard:Are you there?
márc. 16. 8.16
:I did not know it..i am so sorry,oh Richard i really did not know it. This weekend is "long weekend " because óf the festivity. The office is closed,and the bank tno.long weekend means tha there are some of shops open. Oh Richard i did not know it.please dont be angry
márc. 16. 8.16
Richard:Ok, so what do you want to do now?
márc. 16. 8.17
i:I am in front of the office
márc. 16. 8.17
Richard:That means you can't send the money today
márc. 16. 8.18
:I am disappointed and a little tired
márc. 16. 8.18
:I am disappointed and a little tired
márc. 16. 8.18
márc. 16. 8.19
:Yes,monday moorning
márc. 16. 8.19
:I cán say nothing .i am so sorry
márc. 16. 8.20
:I rdally did nnt know that it will closed
márc. 16. 8.20
márc. 16. 8.20
Richard:Its ok
márc. 16. 8.20
Richard:Its not your fault
márc. 16. 8.20
Richard:You don't need to be sorry
márc. 16. 8.21
:You are angry i feel.but its not my fault
márc. 16. 8.22
I am so sorry
márc. 16. 8.22
Richard:I am not angry
márc. 16. 8.22
Richard:I know its not your fault
márc. 16. 8.23
:I am going at home... One hour and will be home
márc. 16. 8.24
márc. 16. 8.24
márc. 16. 8.24
Its a long walking
márc. 16. 8.24
Richard:Sorry dear
márc. 16. 8.24
márc. 16. 8.25
Richard:Take care ok
márc. 16. 8.25
:I like walking.and for you everything
márc. 16. 8.26
Richard:I know baby
márc. 16. 8.27
Richard:I promise you won't regret it
márc. 16. 8.27
:Promise nothing Richard
márc. 16. 8.28
Richard:I promise
márc. 16. 8.28
:Just be sincere and honest and love me
márc. 16. 8.29
Richard:I do
márc. 16. 8.29
márc. 16. 8.30
:I love you
márc. 16. 8.31
Richard:Love you too
márc. 16. 8.37
:Are you disappointed?
márc. 16. 8.37
márc. 16. 8.38
Richard:Its ok
márc. 16. 8.39
:I am snrry very much
márc. 16. 8.40
Richard:I know
márc. 16. 8.40
Richard:Its ok
márc. 16. 8.40
Richard:Its not your fault
márc. 16. 8.42
But the weather is wonderful
márc. 16. 8.43
i:I need this weather now.i dont hold you.we can talk later
márc. 16. 8.48
Richard:Ok dear
márc. 16. 8.48
Richard:See you later

From 16 march to 19 march he was very-very kind and lover...
márc. 19. 8.44
:15 minutes and will be at the office
márc. 19. 8.44
márc. 19. 8.44
Richard:I saw all your messages
márc. 19. 8.45
Richard:And I couldn't reply you, because of network
márc. 19. 8.45
:You dont have to be angry my dear Richard
márc. 19. 8.46
:I understand you.
márc. 19. 8.46
Richard:I was not angry
márc. 19. 8.46
Richard:Was just stressed out
márc. 19. 8.47
:You can see that i always try everything for you.i love yoú
márc. 19. 8.48
Richard:I know that
márc. 19. 8.48
Richard:Love you too
márc. 19. 8.49
:5 minutes and i will at the office
márc. 19. 8.50
márc. 19. 8.53
:Where are you now,at work,
márc. 19. 8.53
:I am slow, i am writing from my phone
márc. 19. 8.53
márc. 19. 8.54
Richard:I understand
márc. 19. 8.54
Richard:I am still at home
márc. 19. 8.58
:I am sending about 200euro
márc. 19. 8.58
márc. 19. 8.58
Richard:Thank you
márc. 19. 9.06
Richard:Are you there
márc. 19. 9.08
:Yes i am sending now.just your name,and adress

márc. 19. 9.34
:No code yet

márc. 19. 9.52
:No code ye

márc. 19. 10.21
:I am still waiting
márc. 19. 10.22
márc. 19. 10.28
Richard:Don't be upset please
márc. 19. 10.29
:I am patiente,dont worry
márc. 19. 10.30
Richard:Ok dear
márc. 19. 10.42
:Ok. I just know snmething. You will be angry

márc. 19. 10.44
:Center dont accept because safety reason my sending.they said i sent three times. I dont understand it.
márc. 19. 10.45
:There was more sending that center refuse because óf safety reason.
márc. 19. 10.45
Richard:Taking too much time
márc. 19. 10.46
i:I dont understand it
márc. 19. 10.46
Richard:You can send as much as you want by western union
márc. 19. 10.46
márc. 19. 10.46
Richard:Doesn't matter
márc. 19. 10.47
:Read back my messages please.
márc. 19. 10.47
Richard:I have read it
márc. 19. 10.47
Richard:I don't believe that
márc. 19. 10.47
Richard:Have to be at the office now
márc. 19. 10.47
Richard:See later
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:But they collected the money and you have been waiting for code
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:And now for safety reason
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:Do I look I like a dumb person to you
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:I am not angry
márc. 19. 10.48
:Than i dont understand. Last time too was problem with my sending
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:Just disappointment
márc. 19. 10.48
Richard:Please with God's name
márc. 19. 10.49
Richard:Go home and forget about sending
márc. 19. 10.49
Richard:I should be in the office since
márc. 19. 10.49
Richard:I have been waiting
márc. 19. 10.49
Richard:I am serious this time
márc. 19. 10.49
Richard:I don't want this money
márc. 19. 10.50
márc. 19. 10.50
:Its not about you. They give me back my money
márc. 19. 10.51
márc. 19. 10.51
Richard:Keep it
márc. 19. 10.51
Richard:And go home
márc. 19. 10.52
:Itr not my fault!! I was waiting since

márc. 19. 10.52
:I should work too!
márc. 19. 10.53
:What have to dn now???itr not my fault!!
márc. 19. 10.53
márc. 19. 10.53
Richard:I know
márc. 19. 10.53
Richard:Forget ot
márc. 19. 10.54
márc. 19. 10.54
Richard:Go home and stop talking about money to me
márc. 19. 10.54
márc. 19. 10.54
Richard:You lied to me
márc. 19. 10.54
i:Its 10:53am,i should work too! I was waiting since!
márc. 19. 10.55
Richard:What do you take me for
márc. 19. 10.55
Richard:Go and do your work
márc. 19. 10.55
Richard:And please stop writing me for now
márc. 19. 10.55
Richard:I need space
márc. 19. 10.55
márc. 19. 10.56
Richard:I mean that
márc. 19. 10.56
:Its not my fault! You are harsh with me Richard
márc. 19. 10.56
Richard:What do you mean telling me, because you have sent 3times
márc. 19. 10.56
Richard:You can't send
márc. 19. 10.57
Richard:You can send 100times if you want to
márc. 19. 10.57
Richard:Go to another office
márc. 19. 10.57
:What should i do now?
márc. 19. 10.58
:Not the office,the center sáid this.i dont understand too
márc. 19. 10.58
Richard:What center
márc. 19. 10.59
márc. 19. 11.00
:I was waiting since Richard!!
márc. 19. 11.00
Richard:Don't worry
márc. 19. 11.00
:my country's capital
márc. 19. 11.00
Richard:Keep it
márc. 19. 11.00
Richard:And go home

márc. 19. 11.03
:Last time too the center told that there is too much sending to nhgeria,and didnot want to accept my sending.and now too. How do i know why they said this?? I was waiting here since
márc. 19. 11.04
Richard:This one was to london
márc. 19. 11.04
Richard:Not nigeria
márc. 19. 11.04
Richard:I don't want to know
márc. 19. 11.04
Richard:This discussion is over
márc. 19. 11.05
Richard:Or go and use Money Gram
márc. 19. 11.05
:I never used earlier the western union. And now you leave me, forever because of this. If you leave me thats you are.not a problem

márc. 19. 11.07
Richard:Its ok
márc. 19. 11.07
Richard:Don't talk about this again
márc. 19. 11.07
márc. 19. 11.07
Richard:I am very angry right now
márc. 19. 11.07
Richard:Go home
márc. 19. 11.07
Richard:Don't worry to send me any money again
márc. 19. 11.08
:Its not my fault. And you want to leave me forever. And íf you leave me, its true that its about the money not about you and me.
márc. 19. 11.08
márc. 19. 11.08
Richard:Anything you think my dear
márc. 19. 11.09
Richard:I don't want this anymore
márc. 19. 11.09
márc. 19. 11.09
Richard:You are not trust worthy
márc. 19. 11.09
Richard:Go and forget about me
márc. 19. 11.09
Its not my fault.
márc. 19. 11.09
Richard:And you will meet someone
márc. 19. 11.09
Richard:You have been at home
márc. 19. 11.10
Richard:And you lied that you are at the office
márc. 19. 11.10
Richard:Don't write me again please


I was continually writing him, I did know he is a liar, but I wanted to convince him to stay with me, because I still loved him.
He wrote me an email and I found the only one header as proof that he is i NIgeria, but I still did not want to believe that he was a bad man.. I thought that maybe there were two man: the real Richard Thomas and somebody from Nigeria who acquired Richard's datas and he plays with me...I was confused why he wanted first money to Nigeria and why he wanted money later to London. When he 'was' Nigeria I checked three times too that he was in Eko Suites Hotel in Lagos. When I called second times the hotel a man in the reception gave me immediately Richard Thomas. When I called three times the hotel there was a man who did know everything about me. He asked me questions: do you know Richard Thomas? Do you know personally? do you know form online? Do you want to send money? how many...? When I told this ti Richard he said it was about a security reason...
Received: from [] by via HTTP
please delete me from there
i just sent you 300 euro
i am sending you the code
you can go ahead to the bank and take your money
i really appreciate the help
thank you

at the end I convinced him to stay with me, I wrote him about 20 letter, and messages, I was so confused...
Love letters again, he charmed me again, then disappeared for 2-3 days. And at the end when he appeared, he wanted me to let him forever...

Passed almost one week. I did know about him everything, because I traced o net. But I still wanted to trust. Then I wrote him messages:

márc. 27. 0.01
:You played with my trust. First you wanted my trust,thats why you charmed me with your love words,you knew that I am a hurted woman, it was easy to win my trust with kindness and love words of never respected me. I am too poor and simple and sensitive.but I am not stupid!
márc. 27. 0.03
i:I never want and never won't weak when I see you and your photos

márc. 26. 23.20
i:how many woman were suffering because of you?
márc. 26. 23.22
Richard:What nonsence
márc. 26. 23.22
Richard:Are you mad
márc. 26. 23.22
Richard:Are you sick
márc. 26. 23.23
márc. 26. 23.23
i:because of a man who like confuse women
márc. 26. 23.24
Richard:If you don't take your time
márc. 26. 23.24
Richard:I won't send you any money
márc. 26. 23.24
:i never insulted you with words you use. It show how you are intelligent really
márc. 26. 23.25
:if you dont send my money
márc. 26. 23.25
:you show your promise too
márc. 26. 23.25
márc. 26. 23.26
I don't scare of you threat
márc. 26. 23.27
i:Good night. I will wait for the code tomorrow
márc. 26. 23.28
:I can say too this: you never know what you have until it is gone. God bless
márc. 26. 23.28

márc. 26. 23.02
i:250 euro.....I will waiting for it
márc. 26. 23.02
Richard:That's why you won't find a man
márc. 26. 23.02
Richard:In your life
márc. 26. 23.02
:and thats why you won't find women
márc. 26. 23.02
:I will find a GOOD man
márc. 26. 23.03
:I don't need a fantom man
márc. 26. 23.03
:phantom man....
márc. 26. 23.04
:so send my money back....from UK or from Nigeria, I dont care
márc. 26. 23.05
Richard:f*ck you 'my name'
márc. 26. 23.05
:I won't weaken anymore when I see you photo...
márc. 26. 23.05
:yes thats you
márc. 26. 23.05
I know the true
márc. 26. 23.06
márc. 26. 23.06
Richard:I am busy
márc. 26. 23.06
Richard:Please leave me alone
márc. 26. 23.06
:yes I believe it
márc. 26. 23.06
you are very busy to confuse women
márc. 26. 23.07
márc. 26. 23.07
Richard:You are really dumb
márc. 26. 23.07
i:I will waiting your call or email with the code tomorrow
márc. 26. 23.07
:yesas you too
márc. 26. 23.07
Richard:They say:: you never know what you have until it is gone
márc. 26. 23.07
Richard:If I don't send the money
márc. 26. 23.07
Richard:What will you do?
márc. 26. 23.08
Richard:So relax till tomorrow morning
márc. 26. 23.08
:If you dont send the money, I cant pay my son's exercise
márc. 26. 23.08
Richard:And I will resend it back to you
márc. 26. 23.08
:and my car's payment detail
márc. 26. 23.09
:tank you if you will do it
márc. 26. 23.09
:good night dear Richard

By this time I did trace by myself on net everything, and I did know he is a scammer, and I wrote this him too.

márc. 27. 19.20
:you are love scammer....
márc. 27. 19.20
:from Nigeria
márc. 27. 19.23
i:I delet now from everywhere. You have my phone number, and my email address too. I will waiting for my money, and the code....."Richard" or Gabriele Caden
márc. 27. 19.24
:God will punish you. Sorry but I dont know what is your name
márc. 27. 19.26
:oh, I forget something. Tell me please who is that very kind man on the photos? That man is not in Spain but in Thailand
márc. 27. 20.37
Richard:I don't deceive women
márc. 27. 20.37
Richard:You don't know to love

márc. 27. 22.40
Richard:You don't know what love is
márc. 27. 22.40
Richard:You are confused
márc. 27. 22.41
:And please dont call me 'my name'...
márc. 27. 22.41
márc. 27. 22.43
:Yes i am confused because i know who are you
márc. 27. 22.43
márc. 27. 22.44
:You never loved anybody. Dont know what is love
márc. 27. 22.44
márc. 27. 22.45
:You never loved anybody. Dont know what is love
márc. 27. 22.45
Richard:its ok
márc. 27. 22.47
Why do you do this??i am unable to believe that there are bad men who do this terrible thing
márc. 27. 22.48
márc. 27. 22.48
Richard:Believe anything you like
márc. 27. 22.48
Richard:I am not a bad person
márc. 27. 22.49
:I hope you read back my every message and letters
márc. 27. 22.49
Richard:Don't worry
márc. 27. 22.49
Richard:I deleted them
márc. 27. 22.49
Richard:I will block you from calling me too


I will continue, I will write what I lived during this 2 months, and after the 2 months....

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:50 am

Thank you Tomi and Bluefox for your words. I am so grateful :) :)

Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:53 am

Hi Catrulli,

I am happy to see you posted your story regarding your scammer. You have worked very hard since I first started talking to you, to heal and get strong once again. And I know from our last communication you are stronger everyday, so keep up with good and happy thoughts that will make you feel whole once again.

I hope you are eating properly again and getting sleep..... :D

You know, I am here for you as well as all the others on this site.

Take care, RF

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:16 am

4. I could not let him go...

I could not let him go therefore first I wrote him lot of letters...
on 28 march I have found RS and I posted him, but all the same i could not let him go.
I wanted to find him, and punish him. I found 4 profile on facebook with the photos used by this scammer. I found two profile with the name Richard Thomas and two profiles with Gabriel Caden. I opened with a fake name a Yahoo, and with a fake Yahoo ID I added Richard and Gabriel too, and I was waiting....

Once Richard signed in.
I wrote this to Richard:
Mar 29 5:23 PM
i:Who are you? You are on my líst with about 20 others person. Why did yot add me
Mar 29 5:31 PM
:I do not understand at all. Who are these 20person on my list, I am sorry. You are my sister's friend?

Mar 29 8:21 PM
:So if you will online please delete me from your list please

Mar 30 10:11 PM
:Hi, you are the 21. or 22 person who suddenly appear on my list...who are you???

Mar 30 11:41 PM
:Please delete me,you are again here... Or maybe my sister play with me..

Mar 31 2:57 PM
:May I know Who are you? You and about 20 person appear on my list.maybe my stupid sister plays with me
Mar 31 3:02 PM
:I said who are you??
Mar 31 3:05 PM
:If you don't want tell let delete me!?

Mar 31 3:55 PM
Mar 31 3:55 PM
richardthomas05:You added me
Mar 31 3:56 PM
richardthomas05:How I am suppose to
Mar 31 3:56 PM
:Ok I an Caterina,and I have a stupid sister.
Mar 31 3:56 PM
richardthomas05:Which sister
Mar 31 3:58 PM
:You and aboút 20 person appear on my list.
Mar 31 3:58 PM
richardthomas05:That's not possible
Mar 31 3:58 PM
richardthomas05:Where are you from?
Mar 31 4:00 PM
:I said my sister. You are the firrt who answered me.
Mar 31 4:00 PM
richardthomas05:Which country are you from?
Mar 31 4:02 PM
:Italy. I will kill her,i have change my password
Mar 31 4:02 PM
richardthomas05:I don't understand
Mar 31 4:03 PM
richardthomas05:What's your sister name?
Mar 31 4:05 PM
:Why i have to tell you my síster's name.i dont know you at all
Mar 31 4:06 PM
richardthomas05:I don't know you too
Mar 31 4:06 PM
Mar 31 4:07 PM
Mar 31 4:08 PM
:You added me first..
Mar 31 4:09 PM
richardthomas05:I added you?
Mar 31 4:09 PM
Mar 31 4:10 PM
:Delete me please
Mar 31 4:11 PM
Mar 31 4:11 PM
richardthomas05:Are you on facebook?
Mar 31 4:13 PM
Mar 31 4:13 PM
Mar 31 4:14 PM
Mar 31 4:14 PM

Mar 31 4:18 PM
:Stupid sister.always look for men...i am sure he thought my password and added you and the others
Mar 31 4:18 PM
Mar 31 4:18 PM
richardthomas05:No problem
Mar 31 4:21 PM
I am angry
Mar 31 4:21 PM
Mar 31 4:22 PM
:You ask?
Mar 31 4:24 PM
richardthomas05:You said you are angry
Mar 31 4:24 PM
Because of you and the others..and my stupid sisteq
Mar 31 4:26 PM
richardthomas05:I don't you two please
Mar 31 4:26 PM
richardthomas05:If you want to get angry
Mar 31 4:26 PM
richardthomas05:Get angry wit her
Mar 31 4:31 PM
Mar 31 4:32 PM
Mar 31 4:32 PM
richardthomas05:Goodbye please
Mar 31 4:32 PM
richardthomas05:I am busy
Mar 31 4:33 PM
richardthomas05:Delete if you want to
Mar 31 4:33 PM
Mar 31 4:40 PM
It is not your fault sorry
Mar 31 4:40 PM
Mar 31 4:43 PM

Apr 01 2:03 AM
:It was my sister,she told me everything. I just changed my password,she won't cause it again. Sorry again.

He did not signed in since.
Richard was an intellectual arrogance.
I ignored him few days ago from my fake Yahoo ID...and from everywhere...

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:16 pm

Before I post other conversations, I want to tell that I wanted very much punish my scammer, I wanted play with him. When I found two other profile on facebook with the name of Gabriel Caden, I added him too my fake yahoo messenger and I was waiting his online...He once signed in. I plaid that I am a doctor in London (I was not in London in my life) and I am an italian woman. I wanted to know that behind Gabriel and Richard is the same person.
I induced him to write me an email too. He is in Malaysia not in Nigeria where was Richard from. I ignored already Gabriel Caden too :) and I am fine now.

Yahoo Messenger:
Apr 14 9:45 AM
:HI! And YOU? Who are you?? You too are on my list as an other man I do not mind, I did not delete him and I did not delete you too How are you?
Apr 14 9:46 AM
gabrielcaden:am fine
Apr 14 9:46 AM
i:My sister added to my list lot of man. She always look for man. I changed my password, but I did not delete yet these man
Apr 14 9:46 AM
gabrielcaden:am gabriel
Apr 14 9:46 AM
:where are you from?
Apr 14 9:47 AM
Apr 14 9:47 AM
Apr 14 9:47 AM
:I see
Apr 14 9:47 AM
Apr 14 9:47 AM
:I saw you somwhere already, but I do not know where. You are on facebook?
Apr 14 9:47 AM
:I am 'my fake name'
Apr 14 9:48 AM
Apr 14 9:48 AM
gabrielcaden:you can add me on
Apr 14 9:48 AM
Apr 14 9:48 AM
:Nice to meet you, I like to talk with the people. I hope we can talk sometimes here
Apr 14 9:49 AM
Apr 14 9:49 AM
Apr 14 9:49 AM
gabrielcaden:am not always here
Apr 14 9:49 AM
gabrielcaden:add me on facebook
Apr 14 9:50 AM
i:on faceboook we can talk?
Apr 14 9:50 AM
Apr 14 9:50 AM
:what is your profession?
Apr 14 9:51 AM
gabrielcaden:add me you will see it on my profile
Apr 14 9:51 AM
:I understand, I have not profile on facebook, I try to open one
Apr 14 9:52 AM
Apr 14 9:52 AM
Apr 14 9:53 AM
:to this email I can write you if I do not find you on facebook? I open a profile there
Apr 14 9:53 AM
:my email is: 'my fake email'
Apr 14 9:53 AM
gabrielcaden:dear you will always find me on facebook
Apr 14 9:54 AM
gabrielcaden:ok i will save yor email
Apr 14 9:54 AM
Apr 14 9:56 AM
:nice to meet you...have nice day Gabriel
Apr 14 10:00 AM
:are you there?
Apr 14 10:00 AM
:I opened a profile on facebook
Apr 14 10:00 AM
:but I have found 2 profile with gabriel caden which you use?
Apr 14 10:03 AM
Apr 14 10:04 AM
Apr 14 10:04 AM
gabrielcaden:give me your name on fb
Apr 14 10:04 AM
:'my fake name'
Apr 14 10:08 AM
:you said I will see on your profile what is your profession, I can not see
Apr 14 10:08 AM
:I will load my photo there
Apr 14 10:13 AM
:well ciao Gabriel, have a nice day, I hope we will meet...on facebook or here
Apr 14 10:13 AM
:I am 'mya fake name' from Italy...but I live now in London


Apr 14 10:40 AM
:Well you work with oil company. You are a busy man I think
Apr 14 10:52 AM
gabrielcaden:no dear
Apr 14 10:52 AM
gabrielcaden:dear tel me more about you

Apr 14 11:17 AM
i:I am on facebook now

Apr 14 5:00 PM
:hi again
Apr 14 5:01 PM
:this photo here do not like your photos on facebook. you are so else. Your nose is the same
Apr 14 5:02 PM
gabrielcaden:i don't understand dear
Apr 14 5:21 PM
:I am here
Apr 14 5:21 PM
i:I wanted to tell you, that
Apr 14 5:23 PM
gabrielcaden:what dear?
Apr 14 5:23 PM
:this photo here is so much other thanm the photos on facebook
Apr 14 5:24 PM
Apr 14 5:24 PM
gabrielcaden:is disame dear
Apr 14 5:24 PM
gabrielcaden:if you don't like it i will change it
Apr 14 5:24 PM
Apr 14 5:25 PM
i:because of me you do not have to change it
Apr 14 5:27 PM
gabrielcaden:yeah i can it for you dear
Apr 14 5:27 PM
:if you think
Apr 14 5:27 PM
:You told me on facebook that you live in cambridge. Camridge or London?
Apr 14 5:28 PM
gabrielcaden:dear i live in london
Apr 14 5:29 PM
:I asked you where dou you live in London, (I mean which part of London) and you wrote: Camridge
Apr 14 5:30 PM
:Cambridge sorry
Apr 14 5:30 PM
gabrielcaden:dear is ok
Apr 14 5:30 PM
gabrielcaden:that is why i said i want to see you then i take you to my home
Apr 14 5:31 PM
:I think you do not understand me
Apr 14 5:32 PM
Apr 14 5:32 PM
:you told me:
Apr 14 5:32 PM
Apr 14 5:32 PM
gabrielcaden:dear is ok
Apr 14 5:32 PM
:so London or Cambridge
Apr 14 5:33 PM
Apr 14 5:33 PM
i:ok. and which part of London?

Apr 14 5:34 PM
gabrielcaden:dear you want to give you my home address now ?
Apr 14 5:35 PM
gabrielcaden:you want me to give you my full address now ?
Apr 14 5:35 PM
:oh no, just interest we both live in London. The world i little. I live in Abbey Road.
Apr 14 5:36 PM
i:London is very nice town. I love it
Apr 14 5:36 PM
:but I miss my home Italy, Verona
Apr 14 5:36 PM
Apr 14 5:36 PM
gabrielcaden:that is it dear
Apr 14 5:36 PM
:Well in which part of London do you live?
Apr 14 5:36 PM
Apr 14 5:36 PM
gabrielcaden:some one have to miss her/he town
Apr 14 5:37 PM
gabrielcaden:St Thomas`s Square
Apr 14 5:37 PM
:I understand
Apr 14 5:39 PM
: :)
Apr 14 5:39 PM
i:I work in St Thomas' Hospital
Apr 14 5:39 PM
Apr 14 5:40 PM
gabrielcaden:you see
Apr 14 5:40 PM
:the world i little
Apr 14 5:40 PM
gabrielcaden:God want to bring us together

Apr 14 5:40 PM
Apr 14 5:40 PM
:I do not know
Apr 14 5:41 PM
:we need love....without love, without see each other we can not say it
Apr 14 5:41 PM
gabrielcaden:dear we will see okay
Apr 14 5:42 PM
i:I have to go now...I have to go to the hospital. I will be here at 9pm
Apr 14 5:42 PM
:ok. let's we meet
Apr 14 5:42 PM
gabrielcaden:ok dear
Apr 14 5:42 PM
gabrielcaden:kisss kisss
Apr 14 5:42 PM
i:I said you: let we meet.
Apr 14 5:42 PM
:when will you be free?
Apr 14 5:42 PM
:tomorrow? today?

Apr 14 5:43 PM
:Dinner or lunch?
Apr 14 5:43 PM
Apr 14 5:44 PM
gabrielcaden:that's nice dear
Apr 14 5:44 PM
Apr 14 5:44 PM
:today or tomorrow?
Apr 14 5:44 PM
:today dinner or tomorrow lunch?
Apr 14 5:44 PM
gabrielcaden:dear i will not be free today
Apr 14 5:44 PM
Apr 14 5:44 PM
Apr 14 5:45 PM
Apr 14 5:45 PM
gabrielcaden:dear can you just give me your phone number so that i will give you a call ?
Apr 14 5:45 PM
Apr 14 5:46 PM
:you do not want t omeet me
Apr 14 5:46 PM
i:"I will call you"
Apr 14 5:46 PM
:if a man says this than he do not want to meet tha woman
Apr 14 5:47 PM
gabrielcaden:why not dear
Apr 14 5:47 PM
gabrielcaden:dear i want to meet you
Apr 14 5:47 PM
gabrielcaden:give me your phone number dear
Apr 14 5:47 PM
:well tomorrow for lunch?
Apr 14 5:47 PM
Apr 14 5:48 PM
:there is a good restaurant, maybe you know it:
Apr 14 5:48 PM
:Bellaria Restaurant & Wine Bar
Apr 14 5:49 PM
:71 Great Titchfield Street, Fitzrovia, London
Apr 14 5:49 PM
:at 12.30am?
Apr 14 5:50 PM
Apr 14 5:50 PM
:I have to go to the hospital

Apr 14 5:50 PM
Apr 14 5:50 PM
Apr 14 5:51 PM
:I will wait for you in the restaurant...But I have a bad feeling, you will not there
Apr 14 5:52 PM
:You do not know the italian women. They want the man takes his word
Apr 14 5:52 PM
Apr 14 5:52 PM
Apr 14 5:52 PM
i:I will be here at 9-10 pm and we talk about it....if you still want
Apr 14 5:52 PM
Apr 14 5:53 PM
Apr 14 5:54 PM
gabrielcaden:bye for now
Apr 14 5:54 PM
:will you be here at evening?
Apr 14 5:54 PM
Apr 14 5:54 PM
:ok, well God bless you Gabriel...and your little son
Apr 14 5:55 PM
Apr 14 5:55 PM
Apr 14 5:55 PM
gabrielcaden:bless you too
Apr 14 5:55 PM
:have you any photo yet of you and of your son?
Apr 14 5:56 PM
i:This is my email address: 'my fake email' , please send me some pic yet.
Apr 14 5:56 PM
Apr 14 5:56 PM
:do you promise?
Apr 14 5:57 PM
:ciao, I have to go. Arrivederci
Apr 14 5:57 PM
Apr 14 5:57 PM
:I will wait for the pics and I will wait for the lunch. Ciao
Apr 14 5:58 PM

Apr 14 10:51 PM
:you did not be here...
Apr 14 10:51 PM
:good night

Apr 16 8:49 PM
:How are you?
pr 17 2:38 PM
:hi Gabriel. How are you in Asia?
Apr 17 3:01 PM
gabrielcaden:am fine
Apr 17 3:01 PM
gabrielcaden:and you ?
Apr 17 5:44 PM
:I am fine too
Apr 17 5:44 PM
:Have you lot of work in Malaysia?
Apr 18 10:59 AM
Apr 18 11:00 AM
gabrielcaden:dear why you don't want to call me ?

His sent me email and sent me 3 photos used by Richard too, but Gabriel that the little child on photo is not his daughter (as Richard said) but his son :lol: )
header is:
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat - Malaysia

On facebook:

Gabriel Caden
dear no pic
try to put your pic okay

yes, I try

I van not see what is you profeesion
I can not see
I saw you somewhere already but I do not know where
you resemble someone

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
who ?
dear put your pic

yes, I will, but now I must go to cook later I load my oic too
I am from Italy, Verona, but now I live in London

apr14.Gabriel Caden
that's good dear

yes, I am doctor

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
nice to meet you

me too

apr14.Gabriel Caden

ok thats good

apr14.Gabriel Caden
am working in UK with Oil and Gas company

in UK???
I have to go now, I will here later.

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
bye for now

Have you family?
I am on mobil now

I can not wait to know you better.ciao!

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
I have marry before she died on car accident, i have only one son of 6 year is with my mother in Iceland, i am the only child of my parent that,s all about me.

and that girl on the photo? She is your daughter?
I hope you will here soon. Please write me more about you. Is there your daughter on your photo? She is very cute. CiaoGabriel.

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
yeah that is my son
am from Iceland but i am working in UK with Oil and Gas company , as MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR
are you married ?
dear can you send me your phone number now so that i can reach you when you are not online ?

I am not married. I am waiting "the man in my life" I work a lot. If you do not mind,tell me about yourself and son more. How old are you?why do not live with you your son? What is his name? He is very cute and nice like a girl

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
am 42 years old
i live alone
and my son stay with my mum at iceland

apr14.Gabriel Caden
i need a woman who will take good care of me and my son

I understand you. Some day you will find that woman..

I am here, not on my mobil now
you are a busy man I think...
who work with Oil...

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
not really dear
i will have time for you

I mean in your lfe, you are a busy man. You work a lot?

apr14.Gabriel Caden
my son name is james

what is your function in the company where you work?

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
am the head of my department

I understand
ad you live now in London?

apr 14.Gabriel Caden

me too. I will be here for 2 months yet. The world is little...

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
yeah dear

where do you live in London?

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
Cambridge ( :lol: )
and you ?

London or cambridge now?

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
where do you live ?

Abbey Road

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
where will you be free ?

where? you mean when?

apr 14.Gabriel Caden

I am free now for 10 minutes, and I have to go to visit a child in a hospital. You know I am doctor. And I will be here at evening about 8.30-90pm

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
dear i mean when are we go to see
i like to meet you as person
you know
dear i really need a woman in my life

you are very fast

apr 14.Gabriel Caden

you need love I think, not "a woman"
You need to be loved and you need to love

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
dear why you say that

because we met few hours ago...

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
yeah i know
is ok

if you do not mind, I
can talk with you more, and know you more
and with time we can meet too
we both are in London

apr14.Gabriel Caden
ok dear
thanks dear
how is your work today ?

I am a sensitive woman with lot of delusions. I am a little careful
But let's we talk a lot, and we will see it

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
bye for now dear

you go?
I hope we well meet again soon

apr14.Gabriel Caden
yeah dear

apr 14.Gabriel Caden
am here for you

you did not be here at the fixed

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
dear i was so busy....i told you give me your phone number so anytime i will not be free i will let you know ...thanks .

hi, I hope you are fine, and your son is fine too. what will you do today? Can we meet at 12.30?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden

hello Gabriel

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
how are you today ?

I am fine thank you
and you?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i miss chatt with you
am cool

What are you doing?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
am arranging my things
i just got a call from my customer that my goods are ready

what things?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i mean my cloths
dear i want to travel tomorrow

I understand. And where will you travel?

apr15.Gabriel Caden
to get my goods ship to state
asia country ( :lol: he did not know that I already did know he is in Asia, and now he will travel to Asia :lol: )

oh, thats good, I have to travel too to a mission soon. in 4-5 weeks
what are you doing in Asia?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
dear please wait for me
i will like to see you dear

wait for you? You talk with me like a lover man
you do not know me

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
yeah dear
that's me dear
i want to imports Gemstones from asia to state

I understand. that's good
I will go to mission work too to an other country in 4-5 week
to Africa this is a mission for children
I am doctor you know

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
dear b4 then i will be back for you okay

and which country you will go?

apr15.Gabriel Caden
as soon as i get to asia i will give you my number so that you can reach me dear
malaysia ( :lol: )

malaysia, that's good
good country
I will online on yahoo, you can reach me if you want ok?
when will you depart tomorrow?
which town will you go?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
what is forma1?

Forma'1 car race
car race in Malaysia
I like Forma1
which town will you go?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i don't know yet
when i get there i will tell you

You will depart tomorrow, and do not know where?
and your son? I think he will miss you

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i told you my son is not staying with me

ok, please reach me, write me an email when you want me to online. My phone ring when I give email, and I can come online. my email: 'my fake email'

apr15.Gabriel Caden
dear why you don't want to give me your phone number

I have to go now to the hospital. well today we can not meet..
have you skype?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
what are you hide for me ?

me? hide
just I have mobil phone, and skype is less expensive
I have to get a new mobil phone with better rate
I have to go now to the hospital please reach me tomorrow.
I think, I like you Gabriel
I am sad we can not meet today
if you write me, my phone will ring and I can come online...
are you there?
write me email when you want me online

Are you there yet? Give me your phone number please. I am sad we can not meet today. I hope you will come back soon from Malaysia. Wish I go with you there... Please write me email.

apr15.Gabriel Caden

Oh Thank you! When will you depart tomorrow to Malaysia? You know I have italian mobil,and if you call me, i have to pay too for the call.but please, write me email from Asia,and if I get it,my phone will ring,and I can come online
Oh thank you! You know, I have an italian phone and if you call me from an other country from Asia,i have to pay too for the call. But please write me from Asia email to me.when you write me my phone will immddiately ring,and I can come online.
I do not know yet,but i am afraid I will miss you;-(

HI Gabriel
have you eaten?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
and you ?


apr 15.Gabriel Caden

what have you eaten? what is your favorite food?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
and you ?

potato and chicken
when will you depart to Malaysia tomorrow?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
dear i will move tonite
dear when get to malaysia i will email you okay

yes ... =1&theater I like this pic very much. Where this photo made?

apr.Gabriel Caden
how did you know ?

there is a woman, I think she is from thailand. I think from hee face
her ... =1&theater end this?
and ( :lol: there is a man on this photo in the beach without clothes :lol: "in Iceland" :lol: )

apr.Gabriel Caden
iceland ( :lol: )

Iceland? It was not cold?
In Iceland at the beach...

apr 15.Gabriel Caden

me ... =1&theater and this?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden

and this?

you sent me by email

apr.Gabriel Caden
yeah i know dear

where this photo made?
you are an easy going man, I think
I disturb you now, maybe you are busy now...

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
am ok
where are you now ?

well, where mad this photo?
at home, I came back from the hospital
I am free now

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
send me your pics too

I have not other pic only this one In Italy I have lot of photo on my computer, but on my laptop I have not, just this one
I use here my laptop

but I try to take any photo ...I am not too beauty
well, where this photo made?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
just send me okay

all right

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
iceland ( :lol: I think this man mistake Iceland for Ireland :lol: )

What is the official language in Iceland?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
ice-landing ( :lol: )

I will be back soon, I am hungry, I make some food ....
I am here
what will be your function in Asia? What is your job there?
can I ask?

bye for now. You disconnected...write me when you arrive to Malaysia. Ciao

are you ready for depart?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
not yet dear

at what time you depart?
at what time will you depart?
I ask a lot? You can ask me anything if you want

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i like surprise


apr 15.Gabriel Caden

why do you say that?

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
that is why i need your number anything i will just give you a call

I try to get tomorrow an other phone, ok? because this one is a phone with italian rate and if somebody call me I have to pay too. I am here in London since 3 weeks, and I was so busy that I had not time to buy an other phone
I use my skype if I want to talk with my friends

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
dear try to get one tomorrow okay

I try... I will be busy, I have to go to the laboratory, but I will try
why do you not want to use skype? It is gratis

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i will not travel with my laptop okay

I understand you.
I have to go now, I hope your trip will be fine, and I will wait for your email or chat here or on yahoo. Reach me if you arrived to Malaysia. Ciao

apr 15.Gabriel Caden
i will honey
kisss kisss


apr.16 me
Did you arrived to Malaysia?
I hope your travel was fine, everythin gi sok with you. I can not wait to hear from you agai

április 16.Gabriel Caden
dear i just arrived now is my phone number +60104392236
dear call me okay ..
i miss you

Hello Gabriel!
My day is terrible today. I had to operate a little girl. Before she came here to this hospital I had to go to her house with the rescuer car. This little girl all but dies. It was hard to me. I left my mobil phone too with every phone numbers of my friends i Italy!!!! I am so confused today...
I will be here online at night 9-10pm. If you think please be here.

How are you Gabriel? How do you like Malaysia?

If you need something in Malysia let me know

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
dear you have not call me ?why why

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you! ( :lol: )

Hello Gabriel,I am sorry,I can not call you,because you know,it cost too much to me. You are in Malaysia,and if you call me for the call I have to pay too.but i have skype,íf you think. When you return to UK? How is your son.

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
my son is fine ...i just call my son and mum now ,how is your work today ?
give me your number i can sms you honey

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
honey i will been with you by weekend i move here on Friday...


apr 18.Gabriel Caden

Oh I am glad
You will depart back here on Friday??

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
yeah honey
i can't wait to see my sexy baby

Oh it is good. I am waiting tooo!!

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
yes honey
kisss kisss

when we can meet, Gabriel?

apr18.Gabriel Caden
when you want us to stay ?

weekend is godd for me

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
where want us to stay

I have to go now, but at evening I will be on yahoo IM. Please if you can, be online
London? I am in London, you know

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
i mean my house or your house ?

lunch or dinner?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
i want to spend day with you honey


Me too
let we meet somewhere first in London
where we meet?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
ok dear

where will we meet?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
same place you tell me the under day honey
any where that is ok for you dear

ok, well do you know where is Bellaria Restaurant & Wine Bar?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden

71 Great Titchfield Street

let we meet there

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
ok honey

we can lunch something
at what time?
and when?
satruday? sunday?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
saturday honey
hope is ok with you ( :lol: )

yes, I can not wait to meet you!!!
what time?

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
ok honey

I am so glad!!
thank you Gabriel

apr18.Gabriel Caden
me too

I have to go now, please if you can be online at evening
at about 9pm

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
ok my love

I like you, I love you I think

apr 18.Gabriel Caden
i love you more ( :lol: )

one day later: Gabriel Caden
Good morning,

How are you and hope you had a wonderful,honey am coming home tomorow and i got into little problem by loosing my wallet to a cab in malaysia when i was coming from immigration office this morning bcz my goods have be shipp to uk and right now i am stuck and i need your help in making it back to home,I need you to help me with a loan of (2000Euro) to pay my hotel bills and get my self home.Let me know if you can be of help.

All hopes on you.

Oh poor Gabriel!
Sure I try to help you,write me an email to this email address: and write details,what happened exactly, and how can I help yoú

Hello Gabriel
I am so sorry what happened with you
how can I help you?

Gabriel Caden
you call me poor gabriel

because I am very sorry what happened with you
how can I help you
I try everything to help you

Gabriel Caden
can you loan some money when i come tomorrow i give you back ?

now I have to go to the hosptal, but please write me email, and write me every detail, where I can send you money

My phone will ring when I get my email, and I try everythin
is it ok?
But now I really have to go to the hospital
after my work or tomorrow morning I send money, if you want
I am so sorry, and I was sad when I read your message
I hurry to the hospital, write me details, address, nam, and I send money by any tranfers.
I want to meet you very much

Gabriel Caden
wait let me give you now

Gabriel Caden
Name:kim holm
CITY:kuala lumpur,

I am here
It is goog for you that I send money tomorrow afternoon? or I can try it online tonight

Gabriel Caden
dear please try online tonight bcz tomorrow afternoon will be night here
bcz of time differece

ok. I try online tonight, and it it do not work I try in the morning
I love you

apr20 me
dear Gabriel, I tried to send moey online but it did not work for me,maybe I am stupid to send money online. in the morning i will go to the bank and i send you money by western union. here is 12:26 now I willl wake up after 6 hours

apr 20 kGabriel Caden
thank you dear.....sweet dreams ,i'm waiting dear.....

Gabriel Caden
dear what happen? am still waiting for you..

I suddenly disappeare, and I ignored him. behind Gabriel was an other person I ignored him from everywhere.

Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:04 am

Thanks for joining us here and telling your story. This took a great deal of effort on your part, catrulli. You said in your story that you were not very strong and he knew this. You are stronger now and your posts here will help other people realize that they are not alone and they can survive just like you did.

Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:15 am


Hi again, you have done a fantastic job of posting your story and once again, I will tell you how strong you are getting each day, and each day I can see the change in you. Keep up the good work, eat, sleep and put this man behind you so that you can become even stronger for yourself and your children.
We are all on your side here, so don't be afraid to ask questions, or come to the chat room and we can talk further.

I am so proud of you, RF

Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:40 pm

Hello again Catrulli!

You're welcome tulli. :) Anytime that you want to talk, we'll always be here for you. I hope that you're doing a lot better now and is on the road to your healing. You're a strong person, always remember that, and don't let the hurt and the bad memory of what you'd been through with your scammer take away the wonderful qualities that you have as a person.

Healing will take step by step, not just sudden. Take your time to heal, but always take care of youself and your wonderful kids.

I hope you also like the song I downloaded on the Off Topic Chat "What Does'nt Kill You Makes You Stronger". :D It's for all of us "scam survivors".

Take good care.

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