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My Story

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My Story

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:43 am

Hi Everyone, I have been trying to decide how to tell my story and now think I have reason to. I was scammed, no doubt about it, the profile I was sent was of a handsome man, and his profile words were everything I wanted to hear and read. For just over 3 months, my life and most importantly my bank account revolved around this person, until I could no longer afford to send any further money - the amount doesn't matter, well it does to me, however, it is actually of no consequence when I realize what he did to my heart and soul and emotions. The profiles are fictional, they are real people yes, but they are not the ones scamming - please always remember that.
I was on, now of course realizing that they are loaded with scammers and they don't really care. I was sent his profile, yes I did do what he wanted, send money, they, the devils themselves work in a way that you cannot help but be taken in, sleep deprivation, not eating properly, to the point I was lucky if I had two hours of sleep per day and/or night. I was at his command for everything but always being right by my computer to answer his every call. I read something interesting, they will ask you to phone them, say hello/hello and hang up using the excuse of a bad line, not was only to ensure it was their victim calling.
These or some of these devils are high performance and have a command of the english language, I have seen others that are so scripted, that when it comes time for them to write, it is less than grammer school english.
To say my heart was broken, never mind my finances is an understatement. So after I broke off the situation, I lived with this knowledge of what I had done to myself for over 2 months, deperately trying to revive myself, knowing I could eventually regain not only my self esteem, but finances. I am slowly doing that with the help of the people on this site - trust me they know what they are doing and I will be forever grateful, you know who you are - I owe thank you's to so many, and am delighted they have become friends.
I have gone on with my life and I have gone on with helping others who are or have been in my situation, it is truly gratifying and will always do my best to help all newcomers who have been scammed and need the reassurance I was given. Rest assured, you will be help on this site and we will all work to walk you through this experience and to help you get back to the road of recovery and healing.
Life will go on, and now it is what you make it for yourself.
My name is Ruffled Feathers, and I am proud of it.
Thank you for reading my post.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Ruffled Feathers
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Re: My Story

Unread postby Bluefox » Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:10 am

RF thankyou for your post :)
It reminds me so much of what those who have and are been scammed go thru

this is one of the hardest steps letting others know of what you have experienced and being strong enough to share it, also the first step to recovery

thankyou again, well done :) am glad to know you (clap clap)
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Re: My Story

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:49 am

Thank you BlueFox - I appreciate your reply. I have had so many here on this site help with my recovery, there is no way I can repay other than to help any and all newcomers who are going through the devastation of being scammed. If you know someone that needs help, please let me know, I am not a baiter, but I can help in recovery. Once again thank you, RF
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Ruffled Feathers
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Re: My Story

Unread postby Tomi » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:08 am

Oh RF! You are really an amazing woman. You're a gem, from what you'd been through to now opening up your heart and extending your hands to help others...I've been blessed to have known you.
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