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Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:43 pm

1. Love
My scammer was a person with the name: Richard Thomas
Please be forbear with me because I post lot of conversations. I want very much that victims and others too be helped reading this conversations, and can see how plaid with me my scammer.

Fundamental datas:
Richard Thomas, 115 Macmillan Way, Tooting London
western union: ALi Chima Lagos Ikeja ... 08&sk=info ... 5459574317
http://www.tagged .com/profile.html?uid=5459574317 ... 92&sk=wall ... 67&sk=wall ... FJoe-Frank




















































The first message on facebook on 24 january 2012

hello, I just stumbled accross your profile, I must say you look very beautiful and love your amazing smile, don't ever lose those smiles, you look pretty and very attractive, I will like to be your friend and know you better if you don't mind. Hope to hear from you soon

I found his messages on 25 january, and I was thinking a lot before I answered him
I asked from him: Who are you?

He answered the same tonight:

You are welcome, I was actually searching for a old friend of mine, when I came across you profile, I had to write you, well my name is richard, my friends call me richie, I am very easy going and fun to be with, I am a single dad, I lost my wife sometime ago in a car accident, it was was a terrible moment for us all, but thank God, I have moved on now, also with my daughter, she is 8years old, she lives with my sister in ireland because of the demand of my work, I run a company here, it is sometimes very demanding, but I enjoy doing it, I love travelling a lot and my work takes me out of the country sometimes, had wonderful experience outside and here too, I am easy going, I do hangout out at the beach mostimes, nature is so wonderful, gives me inner peace, I am also a very good cook, it is very difficult to cook sometimes because I live alone, tell me about yourself. well, you will get to know more about me with time if you want to. Have a nice day, hope to get your reply soon.


Thank you so much for getting back in touch with me as it actually made my day!!! Am from Coventry United Kingdom I am really going to put a lot of effort in writing you this letter to you,I hopes it will provide you with a good understanding of who I am, what I am all about Now where do I start….lol.....? Well here it goes……. I am a very easy going individual who loves life and all the challenges life has to offer. I consider myself to be honest, trustworthy and extremely loyal as my friends will confirm…and anyone who treats me in the same manner has a sure ticket in as a partner for life. I am a very strong and independent man with set goals in life and I have never been scared of a hard day’s work. I can be pretty straight forward at times but I do have a sensitive, more compassionate side that shows when you least expect it. I have many interests such as playing the drums, music, fishing, camping, motorcycle rides……and the list goes on! I have a great sense of humour and love a good laugh (the harder the better), I can be cheeky at times and love to have fun with good company. I am always up for picnics and meeting new friends. i love challenges and i can face anything as long as its no beyond human power.

The reason I am writing you this letter rather than just send a message is because I am serious about wanting to establish a quality friendship with you, and because of the fact I rarely contact anyone on here, so when I do, you can be rest assured I am serious about my intentions.

I have ever had 2 different relationships but ended with betrayal and infidelity (cheating) and also ended because the love was not there to grow.i know this sounds strange to you, I live my life through the word of God and through my spirituality, and I refuse to have sex with someone, if I am not in a relationship and also because of Jasmine.

More about my business ; I do travel outside of the Country when contract is been awarded to my constructing company due to my position in my company as the senior engineer in the company, This have made me travel a lot to so many countries in the world.

The reason I came on to the internet is to find old school and business friends and also the special person who deserves all the love and passion that makes up my heart and soul is because I do not have the time to meet others in a public setting, and the fact I feel you can learn so much about someone is through letters, as a person has to take there time and think about the words they want to express, so it allows you to gain a better understanding of someone than you would probably otherwise. The very reason I am interested in establishing a friendship with you is because I feel I have a lot to offer you in the way of a friendship and I know I have a lot to share with you that will be of interest to you and even some things that will surprise you. I am very much a man of substance and I am very unique in today?s society because I live my life through my spirituality and through the word of God and because I have such a strong understanding of what I feel my role in life is suppose to be. I am a man of integrity and my word is my honor!. I have very high standards for myself and my life is all about providing love, peace and happiness to others. For you to get a better understanding of me picture a waterfall in your mind and instead of all the water overflowing it is all the love and passion I have in my heart to give to others who are deserving, as the love and passion has an endless flow coming out of my heart... I am really interested in wanting to know about what makes you the special person you are today, I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. I even want to learn about the secrets you very rarely share with someone!. So come on and share it all with me, as I am not here to talk to you about general things such as party,weather, sports, etc. I want to learn about you and what makes up your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want it to be like no other you have ever shared in or experienced. This friendship I want to build with you will be filled with substance, quality, spirituality and potential,i will have to go for now please when replying me kindly provide me with you email address so i can add you to my messenger list on yahoo for a nice chat and better communication also let me know where are you from. I will be waiting for your reply and will like to hear from u soon..

My first suspicion was that I noticed that between this two letters passed 2-3 minutes. So, It is impossibile writing the second letter so quickly.

He wrote me this too:

Looking for you, not against.
And the more I try, I desire to meet her, trapped in the sense that, to find her, finally, find the lost part of myself, without which it would never return to my unit.

Looking for you, special person, able to keep secrets already so heavy within me, secrets of tenderness that slips through my hands outstretched waiting for a long, long time.

Wanted to let you break into the music until it transport, as it does to me, a green and dewy field where you can breathe the fresh air dressed in a morning of hope.

Seeking you have the courage to get up at four o'clock in the morning to dance in the rain at the sound of Sinatra, and that truly loves the rain - this divine tears washing the earth and prepares the soul to be put off by sunset golden sun without fear of not returning ever again, and fall asleep beside me, lulled by the perfect chords of Moonlight Sonata.

Wanted you to respect me as a human being who enjoy the sweetness of my femininity but also applaud the strength that keeps me alive, that is strong and balanced not to feel threatened by my victories, and that remains strong and balanced not to let discouraged by my defeats.

Looking for what you want from me a partner, a friend, a lover and a safe haven, but I never take the sap that nourishes me or my life or try to suck me into what I can not and will not be.

Looking for you through our infinite love set me free so I can dwell in you until then, together, learn to dance the same and perfect compass.

Looking for that you need me for loving me steadfastly and never love me simply because I can not live alone. Who wants to fight for me against the world, if need be and I see where as someone like you.

Looking for you THAT ACCEPT ME AS I AM, to respect my limitations and be proud of the courage with which you fight against them. Understand that my silence and see them as a profound process of self-knowledge and seeks what is best for me because the more I grow, the greater my ability to give you.

Looking for you that light, occasionally, a match that rekindles the flame of our passion, they do not forget to bring me flowers and remember our special dates, which call it at any time just to say you missed me, and affection that surround BEFORE you feel me escape.

Looking for you ALWAYS TELL YOU THE TRUTH, even if it hurts and make it bleed, and that the truth is against everything we deem important for us to have enough humility to recognize themselves and prone to human error.

Looking for you to get touched when I say quietly that want so much it hurts me, hold me tight that when storms out there and talk to me when you makes me company.

Looking for you to be sensitive, affectionate and sensual, that kiss with the soul and feel my body as an extension of their own; you learn to lay bare my mysteries and wake up my repressed desires and that makes me vibrate with love and passion for you, as a reward , then receive me with all the intensity with which I am able to give you.

Looking for you, I lost half my half hidden, so that travel with me to that distant star so that, transcending our condition of common man and woman, we can realize our destiny. Hug and Kisssssssssssss

one morning, and every day break he wrote messages like this: (sometimes at night or at 3-4am, because he said he could not sleep because he was thinking of me:
Hey baby, goodmorning, how are you doing my angel, hope you slept fine, I am just reading your letters now, I didn't see them on yahoo, thanks so sweet, you came into my life and changed me, I feel love , happiness and future, you are all I think of everytime of day, I don't want to lose you for life sweetie. You are my heart and everything. I love you. Kisses and hugs.

We had lot of conversations of facebook (we did not chat on facebook, just sent messages, letter to each other) but on 27 february his profile suddenly disappeared and later when I suspected again that he would be a scammer I deleted every our letters from facebook.

On 8 february he sent me two poems. He said he did not sleep all night because he was thinking all night of me, and he wrote me poems. Later I found these poems on net and I was dissapointed. I told him it, but he convinced me that he wanted to write his feelings.

header: Received: from [] by via HTTP
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

2. poems:
header:Received: from [] by via HTTP;
My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

Re: Richard Thomas

Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:44 pm

1. Love
Yahoo Messenger:

feb. 07. 20.38
:Are you here?
feb. 07. 20.38
:My sons are sleeping now, when you think, i will here
feb. 07. 20.38
richardthomas05:I am here dear
feb. 07. 20.39
richardthomas05:Are you free now?
feb. 07. 20.39
:yes, Richard
feb. 07. 20.39
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 07. 20.39
:How was your day?
feb. 07. 20.39
richardthomas05:My day was fine
feb. 07. 20.39
feb. 07. 20.41
feb. 07. 20.42
feb. 07. 20.42
richardthomas05:How was your day?
feb. 07. 20.42
feb. 07. 20.42
feb. 07. 20.42
:I translated
feb. 07. 20.43
feb. 07. 20.43
feb. 07. 20.43
:I want to tell lot of thing, but in your language its a little diffcult for me
feb. 07. 20.44
richardthomas05:oh I understand
feb. 07. 20.44
richardthomas05:Try a little more baby
feb. 07. 20.44
richardthomas05:I will understand
feb. 07. 20.44
feb. 07. 20.44
:and please , if you don't mind
feb. 07. 20.45
:I don't like baby
feb. 07. 20.45
feb. 07. 20.45
feb. 07. 20.46
:I don't like, I like when I am called
feb. 07. 20.46
:my name
feb. 07. 20.46
richardthomas05:Ok sorry about that
feb. 07. 20.46
:..., and everything you think, just not baby
feb. 07. 20.47
feb. 07. 20.47
richardthomas05:I am so sorry
feb. 07. 20.47
feb. 07. 20.47
richardthomas05:Don't angry
feb. 07. 20.48
:I don't angry for it
feb. 07. 20.48
feb. 07. 20.49
:what are you doing now? I don't want to holp up you
feb. 07. 20.49
feb. 07. 20.51
feb. 07. 20.51
richardthomas05:I am just chatting with you dear
feb. 07. 20.59
:I am here, but when I sit down to write you I am at a loss for words, and just look to you
feb. 07. 21.01
:I wrote a letter for you at afternoon, but it was not send. I let you rest, Richard....
feb. 07. 21.07
feb. 07. 21.07
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 07. 21.07
richardthomas05:I am reading
feb. 07. 21.08
:what are you reading? I really don't want to hold
feb. 07. 21.09
richardthomas05:Your messages
feb. 07. 21.09
richardthomas05:Don't worry
feb. 07. 21.10
feb. 07. 21.12
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 07. 21.12
richardthomas05:Tell me more about your job
feb. 07. 21.13
:I'm translating now for ...
feb. 07. 21.13
:5 ...
feb. 07. 21.14
:its difficult a little
feb. 07. 21.14
:but I like my job
feb. 07. 21.14
feb. 07. 21.14
richardthomas05:I understand
feb. 07. 21.14
richardthomas05:But the pay is good
feb. 07. 21.14
richardthomas05:How much you get to translate?
feb. 07. 21.15
:well, when I translated for ..., for 3 pages I got
feb. 07. 21.15
feb. 07. 21.16
:half years ago for a... I got ...
feb. 07. 21.17
richardthomas05:Ok that's good
feb. 07. 21.17
:I wrote 3 pages, but 38 pages
feb. 07. 21.17
richardthomas05:That's good
feb. 07. 21.17
richardthomas05:Very good pay
feb. 07. 21.18
:o, no, its underpaid
feb. 07. 21.18
:I work inexpensive
feb. 07. 21.18
richardthomas05:Oh I understand dear
feb. 07. 21.19
:other translaters ask more from the procurer...
feb. 07. 21.19
feb. 07. 21.20
richardthomas05:Ok I understand
feb. 07. 21.26
richardthomas05:You will get by
feb. 07. 21.26
richardthomas05:But its ok to take care of yourself and kid?
feb. 07. 21.26
:go to sleep?
feb. 07. 21.27
feb. 07. 21.27
richardthomas05:I am still here dear
feb. 07. 21.28
:yes, I do care of my kids
feb. 07. 21.28
richardthomas05:That's good
feb. 07. 21.32
:I receive for ....
feb. 07. 21.32
:I love this work
feb. 07. 21.32
richardthomas05:That's good
feb. 07. 21.32
richardthomas05:Maybe one day you will translate our love too
feb. 07. 21.33
richardthomas05:What you think?
feb. 07. 21.33
feb. 07. 21.33
:what can I say
feb. 07. 21.34
:you say severely?
feb. 07. 21.34
:or joke?
feb. 07. 21.34
richardthomas05:I don't joke
feb. 07. 21.34
richardthomas05:I am serious
feb. 07. 21.34
richardthomas05:Why will I joke with my life
feb. 07. 21.34
:I'M afraid that my heart will broken again.
feb. 07. 21.35
richardthomas05:I know you have been hurt before, just give me a chance to show you love
feb. 07. 21.35
:how, Richard?
feb. 07. 21.35
richardthomas05:I want you to wake beside me every morning
feb. 07. 21.35
richardthomas05:I make breakfast for you
feb. 07. 21.35
:where? how?
feb. 07. 21.35
richardthomas05:I have a lot of love to show you, I won't break the heart that holds mine
feb. 07. 21.36
feb. 07. 21.36
:its a dream, Richard
feb. 07. 21.36
:every morning beside you
feb. 07. 21.36
feb. 07. 21.37
richardthomas05:I really like you alot
feb. 07. 21.37
richardthomas05:And I want to be that man in your life
feb. 07. 21.39
:how can you say this without see me, see my habit, my ambient, without talk, and without know wonts and everything...
feb. 07. 21.40
:why do you feel sure your senses for me
feb. 07. 21.40
feb. 07. 21.40
richardthomas05:I listen to my heart dear
feb. 07. 21.41
richardthomas05:My heart says you its right
feb. 07. 21.43
:you didn't see me...don't know who I am...I am so afraid and you know I
feb. 07. 21.45
:I am so afraid to believe again in a man....
feb. 07. 21.45
richardthomas05:I understand that baby
feb. 07. 21.46
richardthomas05:Don't lose love because of your past
eb. 07. 21.46
richardthomas05:I know I can respect and treat you better dear
feb. 07. 21.47
:and how do you imagine this relationship, Richard?
feb. 07. 21.48
richardthomas05:I really want to make us work
feb. 07. 21.48
richardthomas05:We have to put effort together
feb. 07. 21.49
richardthomas05:That's the only way it can work
feb. 07. 21.51
:Please give me time, be patient with me. And please we talk much, I want to get to kow you better...
feb. 07. 21.52
richardthomas05:Yes baby
feb. 07. 21.52
feb. 07. 21.52
richardthomas05:Oh sorry again
feb. 07. 21.52
feb. 07. 21.52
richardthomas05:just went out
feb. 07. 21.52
feb. 07. 21.52
feb. 07. 21.53
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 07. 21.53
richardthomas05:I want to share my life with you
feb. 07. 21.53
:but why?
feb. 07. 21.54
:Its incomprehensible
feb. 07. 21.54
:pleas tell me
feb. 07. 21.55
richardthomas05:I wrote some in the email
feb. 07. 21.55
richardthomas05:Ask me anything
feb. 07. 21.55
:I know
feb. 07. 21.55
richardthomas05:And I will answer you
feb. 07. 21.55
richardthomas05:Will be glad to
feb. 07. 21.55
:why do you share with me your life after 2 weeks
feb. 07. 21.56
richardthomas05:I don't understand you at all
feb. 07. 21.56
richardthomas05:Is that bad?
feb. 07. 21.56
:Richard... f
feb. 07. 21.57
:just I can't comprehend
feb. 07. 21.59
richardthomas05:I don't tell anyone about my life
feb. 07. 21.59
richardthomas05:But I told you everything
feb. 07. 22.04
:I read every day your letters, Richard...and I tremble...
feb. 07. 22.07
:I can't comprehend...but I believe you...but give time, and take care of me, my heart is too sensitive now.
feb. 07. 22.08
feb. 07. 22.08
richardthomas05:I will give you time
feb. 07. 22.08
richardthomas05:I understand
feb. 07. 22.08
richardthomas05:I don't want to rush you dear
feb. 07. 22.08
:I know
feb. 07. 22.09
richardthomas05:Ok thanks
feb. 07. 22.10
feb. 07. 22.13
richardthomas05:So what will you like to know about me
feb. 07. 22.17
:all your day, when you wake up, when you go to bed, who is your best friend, what are you doing in your company, what kind of father are you, what are you doing on this picture here in yahoo everything......
feb. 07. 22.20
:what is your favorite music, what do you like read, what do you feel in the beach...everything
feb. 07. 22.21
feb. 07. 22.21
feb. 07. 22.21
:not now
feb. 07. 22.22
richardthomas05:First, I wake up at 7am every morning
feb. 07. 22.22
feb. 07. 22.22
:when you want and feel
feb. 07. 22.22
feb. 07. 22.22
:I don't want hold up you
feb. 07. 22.22
feb. 07. 22.22
richardthomas05:I want to answer all now
feb. 07. 22.22
feb. 07. 22.24
:I listen to you....
feb. 07. 22.24
richardthomas05:I go to bed at around 10pm, I run a construction company, we build schools, churches, and hotel, the job takes me far wide, I am a father that make time for his kid to have fun with.
feb. 07. 22.24
richardthomas05:And show love also
feb. 07. 22.25
richardthomas05:That my photo, I was sitting down, just relaxing at home, my favorite music is country and romantic music. Kenny rogers, you know him?
feb. 07. 22.26
feb. 07. 22.26
:show me
feb. 07. 22.27
richardthomas05:I like to read novel, more of inspirational books from great writers, well the beach is so peaceful and calm,I like the wave of the water at night, I like the beach so much
feb. 07. 22.29
:I saw the sea in Italy, in sunup...
feb. 07. 22.31
:I let you sleep, Richard. rest...sleep well, and dream fine.
feb. 07. 22.31
richardthomas05:Are you tired?
feb. 07. 22.32
:no I like to be here with you
feb. 07. 22.33
richardthomas05:Ok dear, so I am here too
feb. 07. 22.33
richardthomas05:Don't worry when I am about sleeping, will let you know
feb. 07. 22.33
feb. 07. 22.33
richardthomas05:How many pages did you translate today?
feb. 07. 22.36
:half page, I was unable to focus to my job...I thought about your words, and because, my kids were at hme today, and they always wanted me to play with them
feb. 07. 22.36
: I am sorry, Richard, for my english , I can't express well in your language
feb. 07. 22.36
:but I try and I learn it
feb. 07. 22.36
richardthomas05:Ok no problem dear
feb. 07. 22.36
richardthomas05:It is ok
feb. 07. 22.37
richardthomas05:I will understand
feb. 07. 22.37
:thank you
feb. 07. 22.37
richardthomas05:Good to know you worked today
feb. 07. 22.39
:No, I translated little...half page...I must finish for next week
feb. 07. 22.40
richardthomas05:Oh ok that's good
feb. 07. 22.41
richardthomas05:You will be fine dear
feb. 07. 22.41
richardthomas05:What will you been doing tomorrow?
feb. 07. 22.44
:usually wake up at 6.30, morning cook. My son is ill now, and in this week stay at home...And I try to finish this job.
feb. 07. 22.47
feb. 07. 22.47
richardthomas05:Hope he is getting better
feb. 07. 22.47
richardthomas05:You will be fine dear
feb. 07. 22.47
richardthomas05:Wish I was there to help you out
feb. 07. 22.49
:Richard...thank you..
feb. 07. 22.49
richardthomas05:You are welcome
feb. 07. 22.49
richardthomas05:Tell me about your best friend
feb. 07. 22.53
:I havn't got best friend, Richard. About my best friend, who was my best friend, I wrot you. I have few true friend. maybe the next friend is ..., and his family
feb. 07. 22.54
feb. 07. 22.54
feb. 07. 22.54
feb. 07. 22.57
:I have lot of friends, but since I live with kids, this relations became virtual. Viola is the one friend with who I meet sometime in P and
feb. 07. 22.58
:P... is a beautiful town.
feb. 07. 22.58
richardthomas05:Yes dear
feb. 07. 22.58
richardthomas05:Good to know
feb. 07. 23.01
richardthomas05:What's your favorite colour and food?
feb. 07. 23.01
feb. 07. 23.02
:yellow and orange
feb. 07. 23.02
richardthomas05:Hmm good
feb. 07. 23.02
feb. 07. 23.02
:my favorite food is fish, chicken, rice,
feb. 07. 23.02
:catfish, toast
feb. 07. 23.02
feb. 07. 23.02
richardthomas05:Mine is chicken
feb. 07. 23.03
:I know
feb. 07. 23.03
richardthomas05:I eat it almost everyday
feb. 07. 23.03
feb. 07. 23.03
richardthomas05:Ok good dear
feb. 07. 23.03
feb. 07. 23.04
:camabert, blueberry
feb. 07. 23.04
:I like very much cheese
feb. 07. 23.04
feb. 07. 23.04
feb. 07. 23.10
:i got tired...
feb. 07. 23.10
richardthomas05:I have to sleep now
feb. 07. 23.10
richardthomas05:Me too
feb. 07. 23.10
:yes me too
feb. 07. 23.11
richardthomas05:Nice to chat wil you
feb. 07. 23.11
:yes, Richard
feb. 07. 23.11
:sleep well
feb. 07. 23.13
richardthomas05:Sweet dream
feb. 07. 23.13
:you too Richard
feb. 07. 23.14
richardthomas05:Kisss an gugs
feb. 09. 14.07
richardthomas05:Hello dear
feb. 09. 14.07
:here I am
feb. 09. 14.07
:don't you work?
feb. 09. 14.08
richardthomas05:I am at work
feb. 09. 14.08
richardthomas05:But I am free now
feb. 09. 14.08
:all right
feb. 09. 14.08
:how are you?
feb. 09. 14.08
richardthomas05:I am fine dear, just a little tired
feb. 09. 14.08
richardthomas05:Just relaxing in my office
feb. 09. 14.09
:Where is your workplace?
feb. 09. 14.09
feb. 09. 14.09
richardthomas05:Yes london dear
feb. 09. 14.10
:it is your company?
feb. 09. 14.10
feb. 09. 14.10
richardthomas05:I own my own company
feb. 09. 14.10
richardthomas05:I have told you before right?
feb. 09. 14.11
:maybe, sorry, Richard
feb. 09. 14.11
feb. 09. 14.11
richardthomas05:No problem
feb. 09. 14.11
richardthomas05:I am not angry
feb. 09. 14.11
richardthomas05:I don't want to be angry
feb. 09. 14.11
:How is Victoria? Will you mett her at weekend
feb. 09. 14.11
richardthomas05:Please just open your heart to me
feb. 09. 14.12
richardthomas05:And I promise not to hurt you
feb. 09. 14.12
richardthomas05:Victoria is fine
feb. 09. 14.12
:I try Richard
feb. 09. 14.12
richardthomas05:I will see her this weekend
feb. 09. 14.12
:do you miss her?
feb. 09. 14.13
i:have you any photo of her yet?
feb. 09. 14.13
richardthomas05:I miss her
feb. 09. 14.13
:she is very cute
feb. 09. 14.13
richardthomas05:Thank you
feb. 09. 14.14
:have you any photo of her and you?
feb. 09. 14.15
feb. 09. 14.15
feb. 09. 14.15
richardthomas05:Check my profile pictures
feb. 09. 14.15
richardthomas05:You will find it ther
feb. 09. 14.15
:I saw these
feb. 09. 14.15
feb. 09. 14.15
richardthomas05:You want another one?
feb. 09. 14.16
:just if you don'T mind
feb. 09. 14.16
richardthomas05:I will send some photos for you this evening
feb. 09. 14.16
:all right
feb. 09. 14.16
richardthomas05:Anything for you dear
feb. 09. 14.16
richardthomas05:So have you eaten?
feb. 09. 14.17
:yes Richard. and you?
feb. 09. 14.17
richardthomas05:I have eaten
feb. 09. 14.17
feb. 09. 14.18
:not chicken...
feb. 09. 14.18
richardthomas05:You like it?
feb. 09. 14.18
feb. 09. 14.18
:sandwich? yes, I like everything
feb. 09. 14.18
richardthomas05:I will eat chicken later in the evening when I get home
feb. 09. 14.18
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 09. 14.19
:really you don't angry?
feb. 09. 14.20
richardthomas05:No I am not
feb. 09. 14.20
richardthomas05:If I am angry, I won't be talking with you
feb. 09. 14.21
:all right
feb. 09. 14.21
richardthomas05:Yes dear
feb. 09. 14.21
richardthomas05:Don't worry
feb. 09. 14.21
richardthomas05:How about your kids?
feb. 09. 14.22
:thank you for ask fine, but Philip have a cough
feb. 09. 14.22
richardthomas05:Ok good dear
feb. 09. 14.22
:I love them
feb. 09. 14.22
richardthomas05:Have they gone to there parents?
feb. 09. 14.22
richardthomas05:Yes that's right
feb. 09. 14.23
richardthomas05:A mother is suppose to love her kids
feb. 09. 14.24
:"Have they gone to there parents?" Sorry Richard, I don't understand this question
feb. 09. 14.24
richardthomas05:I mean you said
feb. 09. 14.25
richardthomas05:They will go and see their father
feb. 09. 14.25
feb. 09. 14.25
:maybe tomorrow.
feb. 09. 14.26
richardthomas05:Oh ok good
feb. 09. 14.26
:it dipends of the weather
feb. 09. 14.27
:its snow and very very cold.
feb. 09. 14.27
feb. 09. 14.27
richardthomas05:Oh ok
feb. 09. 14.27
richardthomas05:I understand
feb. 09. 14.27
richardthomas05:Very cold
feb. 09. 14.27
richardthomas05:Same here
feb. 09. 14.30
:Do you have much work?
feb. 09. 14.30
richardthomas05:Not much dear
feb. 09. 14.39
:when will you get home, Richard?
feb. 09. 14.40
richardthomas05:In 3hours 30 minute atleast
feb. 09. 14.40
:and what time is it in LOndon now?
feb. 09. 14.40
richardthomas05:Its 2:50pm
feb. 09. 14.41
:like here?
feb. 09. 14.41
richardthomas05:Ok that's good
feb. 09. 14.44
richardthomas05:Are you leaving the house later
feb. 09. 14.45
richardthomas05:Will you be online there?
feb. 09. 14.45
:yes, when I translate, I am online.
feb. 09. 14.45
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 09. 14.45
:why, Richard?
feb. 09. 14.45
richardthomas05:Just wanted to chat with you later
feb. 09. 14.46
:all right
feb. 09. 14.46
:I am here, when you want
feb. 09. 14.46
richardthomas05:Ok thank you.
feb. 09. 14.46
richardthomas05:I cherish you so much in my heart
feb. 09. 14.48
:that is the fact I never grasp...
feb. 09. 14.49
richardthomas05:I don't understand
feb. 09. 14.50
:I can't comprehend, grasp....that you like me, and want me to be the man i my life
feb. 09. 14.50
:I accept....but I can't grasp
feb. 09. 14.50
:in my life...
feb. 09. 14.50
:hope you understand me
feb. 09. 14.51
feb. 09. 14.51
richardthomas05:I don't follow
feb. 09. 14.54
:ok. I unable comprehend yet, that you just saw my picture and you want share your life with me... and want me in your life,,, but forget it...
feb. 09. 14.57
richardthomas05:What do I forget? About you?
feb. 09. 14.57
feb. 09. 14.57
:just what I said before...
feb. 09. 14.58
richardthomas05:Oh ok
feb. 09. 14.58
richardthomas05:I understan
feb. 09. 14.58
richardthomas05:I can't forget about you
feb. 09. 15.00
:how is it that in London is the same time? I thought that in London is one hours earlier like here in my country
feb. 09. 15.00
maybe i am wrong...
feb. 09. 15.01
richardthomas05:You not wrong
feb. 09. 15.01
richardthomas05:Its 3:01 in your country now (he failed because in my country was 14:50pm, in london13:51pm, and in nigeria 14:50pm too, he failed when he said it was the same time in my and his country)
feb. 09. 15.01
feb. 09. 15.01
richardthomas05:And about 3ppm here
feb. 09. 15.01
richardthomas05:Not yet
feb. 09. 15.02
richardthomas05:Sometimes its different because of the weather
feb. 09. 15.02
feb. 09. 15.07
:I have to go now, my son asked me to bake his favorite cake. I will be in 1-2 hours, and evening, and night, and when you want, I talk to you gladly...
feb. 09. 15.10
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 09. 15.11
richardthomas05:Take care of yourself dear
feb. 09. 15.11
:akk right Rochard! you too
feb. 09. 15.11
feb. 09. 15.12
:oh: all right, and Richard, sorry
feb. 09. 15.13
richardthomas05:Ok no problem
feb. 09. 15.13
richardthomas05:Everything is fine
feb. 09. 15.14
feb. 09. 15.14
feb. 10. 13.31
richardthomas05:Hey love
feb. 10. 13.31
are you here??
feb. 10. 13.31
feb. 10. 13.31
richardthomas05:Hey dear
feb. 10. 13.31
feb. 10. 13.31
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 10. 13.31
:why sorr?
feb. 10. 13.31
feb. 10. 13.32
richardthomas05:I thought you won't want me to call you love
feb. 10. 13.32
:Just I think about you....
feb. 10. 13.32
:You are working now
feb. 10. 13.32
feb. 10. 13.33
richardthomas05:I am not working yet
feb. 10. 13.33
:you are at home?
feb. 10. 13.34
feb. 10. 13.34
richardthomas05:At my office
feb. 10. 13.34
richardthomas05:Will close early today
feb. 10. 13.34
richardthomas05:Because its friday
feb. 10. 13.35
richardthomas05:What are you doing dear?
feb. 10. 13.35
feb. 10. 13.36
:I don't want hol dyou, Richard...I just thought about you. I am here, I am working too
feb. 10. 13.36
richardthomas05:Oh love
feb. 10. 13.36
richardthomas05:Thanks for checking on me
feb. 10. 13.36
feb. 10. 13.36
feb. 10. 13.37
richardthomas05:How far have you gone with your work?
feb. 10. 13.37
feb. 10. 13.37
feb. 10. 13.37
:I make good progress
feb. 10. 13.38
feb. 10. 13.38
richardthomas05:That's good baby
feb. 10. 13.38
feb. 10. 13.38
richardthomas05:Oh sorry again
feb. 10. 13.38
feb. 10. 13.38
:call me as you like
feb. 10. 13.39
richardthomas05:Oh that's sweet baby
feb. 10. 13.39
richardthomas05:I like calling you baby
feb. 10. 13.39
:all right
feb. 10. 13.39
feb. 10. 13.39
richardthomas05:Thanks baby
feb. 10. 13.39
richardthomas05:You are alone in the house
feb. 10. 13.39
richardthomas05:Hope its not boring
feb. 10. 13.39
feb. 10. 13.39
:no, with kids
feb. 10. 13.40
feb. 10. 13.40
:no, I am translating...and they play
feb. 10. 13.40
feb. 10. 13.40
:they are playing
feb. 10. 13.40
richardthomas05:When are they leaving to see there dad?
feb. 10. 13.41
:at 5pm
feb. 10. 13.41
:How likely are you....thank you for your ask
feb. 10. 13.41
richardthomas05:Ok baby
feb. 10. 13.41
richardthomas05:I told you I am always here for you
feb. 10. 13.42
:do you think yet
feb. 10. 13.42
feb. 10. 13.42
:I am the right...and our meeting here is not accident?
feb. 10. 13.43
feb. 10. 13.43
richardthomas05:It was destiny
feb. 10. 13.43
richardthomas05:You believe?
feb. 10. 13.44
:hou can I tell you... I want and I feel free when I am with you, and always miss you long letters
feb. 10. 13.44
:your long letters
feb. 10. 13.44
:and all day and all night I wait for your words
feb. 10. 13.45
richardthomas05:Oh that's so sweet
feb. 10. 13.45
richardthomas05:I feel the same way baby
feb. 10. 13.45
richardthomas05:I feel so comfortable to tell you anything
feb. 10. 13.46
feb. 10. 13.46
:me too, Richard
feb. 10. 13.48
richardthomas05:That's nice
feb. 10. 13.48
richardthomas05:I really do like us to take this very serious
feb. 10. 13.48
:all right, I try
feb. 10. 13.51
richardthomas05:Ok good to know
feb. 10. 13.51
richardthomas05:so tell me something
feb. 10. 13.51
richardthomas05:Have you met anyone online before?
feb. 10. 13.51
:no, Richard
feb. 10. 13.52
:I don't like meet men online
feb. 10. 13.52
:I don't know why I wrote you....
feb. 10. 13.53
:I wanted to delet you, when I saw your first letter
feb. 10. 13.53
:and you?
feb. 10. 13.53
feb. 10. 13.53
richardthomas05:Why you wanted to delete me?
feb. 10. 13.54
:really what, Richard?
feb. 10. 13.54
:yes, Richard, and then I felt something, I can't tell you what I felt, and I had to ask you: who are you?
feb. 10. 13.56
feb. 10. 13.56
richardthomas05:I am glad you wrote me
feb. 10. 13.56
:I wrote you before, there was 3 men who came up to me, when they thought that I am alone...
feb. 10. 13.57
feb. 10. 13.57
richardthomas05:You said that
feb. 10. 13.57
richardthomas05:But it was not from online
feb. 10. 14.24
feb. 10. 14.24
richardthomas05:Don't worry
feb. 10. 14.24
richardthomas05:People are different
feb. 10. 14.25
richardthomas05:And first, I prefer to have sex after marriage
feb. 10. 14.25
richardthomas05:I believe in that
feb. 10. 14.25
richardthomas05:Your kids are so cute
feb. 10. 14.25
:do you believe in that?
feb. 10. 14.26
:look their photo?
feb. 10. 14.26
richardthomas05:Yes I do
feb. 10. 14.26
richardthomas05:Yes I looked at them
feb. 10. 14.26
:thank you Richard
feb. 10. 14.26
richardthomas05:I love kids a lot
feb. 10. 14.26
:me too!
feb. 10. 14.27
richardthomas05:Yes baby
feb. 10. 14.28
richardthomas05:Will like to meet them soon
feb. 10. 14.28
feb. 10. 14.31
richardthomas05:U will like to meet victoria too
feb. 10. 14.31
richardthomas05:She is a sweet girl
feb. 10. 14.31
:I know!
feb. 10. 14.31
richardthomas05:I will tell her about you when I see her
eb. 10. 14.31
:are you sure?
feb. 10. 14.32
feb. 10. 14.32
richardthomas05:Very sure
feb. 10. 14.34
:I have to go now, Richard. I am so glad, happy....we talked.
feb. 10. 14.34
:I wanted to ask for you something...
feb. 10. 14.35
feb. 10. 14.35
richardthomas05:Ask me
feb. 10. 14.35
:you don't mind, that I am a divorced woman?
feb. 10. 14.35
richardthomas05:No I don't care about that
feb. 10. 14.37
richardthomas05:The relationship is all that matters
feb. 10. 14.38
richardthomas05:Are you there
feb. 10. 14.38
feb. 10. 14.38
:yes Richard
feb. 10. 14.39
richardthomas05:Write me later dear
feb. 10. 14.39
i:I have to go now
feb. 10. 14.39
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 10. 14.40
richardthomas05:Talk to you later
feb. 10. 14.40
:at evening I will here
feb. 10. 14.40
:if you think
feb. 10. 14.40
feb. 10. 14.40
:don't forget the photos...
feb. 10. 14.40
:God bless you Richard
feb. 10. 14.41
richardthomas05:Sure will send the photos baby
feb. 10. 14.41
richardthomas05:Take care
feb. 10. 14.41
richardthomas05:Kiss kiss
feb. 10. 14.41
:you too Richard
feb. 10. 14.42
feb. 10. 14.42
feb. 11. 15.57
feb. 11. 15.57
:I am here
feb. 11. 15.58
richardthomas05:I wrote you
feb. 11. 15.58
:just I surpised about your letter
feb. 11. 15.58
richardthomas05:No reply
feb. 11. 15.58
:yes, I saw it
feb. 11. 15.58
but answer, just I given eat to my son, but I am here
feb. 11. 15.59
:For me too fast meet you in 2 weeks Richard.
feb. 11. 15.59
feb. 11. 15.59
:Oh God...
feb. 11. 15.59
:I can't say...I
feb. 11. 15.59
richardthomas05:If it doesn't feel right
feb. 11. 15.59
richardthomas05:No problem
feb. 11. 16.00
richardthomas05:Just tell me
feb. 11. 16.01
i:Not yet, dear Richard.
feb. 11. 16.01
:I want to meet you, but it too fast for me. Can you wait?
feb. 11. 16.01
richardthomas05:I don't want to pressure you dear
feb. 11. 16.01
richardthomas05:But if you don't open your heart
feb. 11. 16.01
richardthomas05:I don't know
feb. 11. 16.02
:I try to open
feb. 11. 16.02
:where are you?
feb. 11. 16.04
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 11. 16.04
richardthomas05:Was just a little hurt
feb. 11. 16.05
:Please give me time. I am woman, you are man I am not too fast. Give me time to explain you what I have inside me.
feb. 11. 16.05
:and I want to talk about it.
feb. 11. 16.06
:before we meet
feb. 11. 16.06
:are you here?
feb. 11. 16.07
:please where are you?
feb. 11. 16.08
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 11. 16.08
richardthomas05:I understand dear
feb. 11. 16.08
richardthomas05:I am giving you time
feb. 11. 16.08
richardthomas05:Take your time
feb. 11. 16.08
feb. 11. 16.09
:If you dont give time, I don' feel free.
feb. 11. 16.09
richardthomas05:I am not rushing you
feb. 11. 16.10
richardthomas05:Understand that baby
feb. 11. 16.10
:all right
feb. 11. 16.11
:When will you have longer time, to talk about it?
feb. 11. 16.11
:I thank you, Richard, I need your patient
feb. 11. 16.11
richardthomas05:I am here now
feb. 11. 16.12
richardthomas05:I am not going anywhere
feb. 11. 16.16
:yes, but I have to work now. I do one's best to finish my job tomorrow. I compose my thoughts till then. Or maybe we can talk at evening too, if you don't go to your friend
feb. 11. 16.17
richardthomas05:Ok sure
feb. 11. 16.17
richardthomas05:We can chat later on
feb. 11. 16.17
feb. 11. 16.17
richardthomas05:By 6pm
feb. 11. 16.18
richardthomas05:When will you be free?
feb. 11. 16.18
:about 9pm. Good for you?
feb. 11. 16.18
:you will tired then
feb. 11. 16.19
richardthomas05:That's ok
feb. 11. 16.19
richardthomas05:I will stay up for you
feb. 11. 16.20
:really? not will you tired? when will you go to Victoria?
feb. 11. 16.20
richardthomas05:By tomorrow
feb. 11. 16.20
richardthomas05:I will go to see victoria
feb. 11. 16.20
:before you went offline because of my answer, Richard?
feb. 11. 16.20
richardthomas05:I will stay up for you
feb. 11. 16.21
feb. 11. 16.21
richardthomas05:I was carried away
feb. 11. 16.21
richardthomas05:But its ok
feb. 11. 16.21
richardthomas05:I do understand that you want to take things slo
feb. 11. 16.22
feb. 11. 16.22
richardthomas05:I am with you dear
feb. 11. 16.22
richardthomas05:I won't give up on you
feb. 11. 16.25
:All right. Talk about it. I will here at 9pm. If I late a little, I will write for you. are you a sanguine man a little?
feb. 11. 16.28
:I offended you?
feb. 11. 16.29
richardthomas05:No you didn't
feb. 11. 16.29
richardthomas05:My network is bad
feb. 11. 16.29
richardthomas05:But fine now
feb. 11. 16.29
richardthomas05:I will be waiting to hear from you
feb. 11. 16.31
and really you went offline before because of my answer, or your network was bad?
feb. 11. 16.31
richardthomas05:Before I did
feb. 11. 16.31
richardthomas05:But just now it was network
feb. 11. 16.32
:you was angry, and went offline?
feb. 11. 16.33
richardthomas05:I was not angry
feb. 11. 16.33
richardthomas05:I was carried away
feb. 11. 16.33
feb. 11. 16.33
richardthomas05:I thought I was the only one making effort to make this work
feb. 11. 16.34
richardthomas05:But don't woryr
feb. 11. 16.34
richardthomas05:I am fine now
feb. 11. 16.35
richardthomas05:Go to work
feb. 11. 16.35
:you aferated me
feb. 11. 16.35
feb. 11. 16.36
richardthomas05:How baby
feb. 11. 16.37
:when you wet to offline
feb. 11. 16.37
feb. 11. 16.39
:I got a little frightened when you went offline. Ok. I work now, and about 9pm I will here
feb. 11. 16.40
richardthomas05:Ok dear, don't be frightened dear, will be here too at 9pm
eb. 11. 16.49
:all right. I will here. And please don't be angry. I am online
feb. 11. 16.56
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 11. 16.56
richardthomas05:I am not angry
feb. 11. 16.57
:all right
feb. 11. 16.58
richardthomas05:So you through with the work?
feb. 11. 16.59
I don't understand your question
feb. 11. 17.00
richardthomas05:I mean your work
feb. 11. 17.00
richardthomas05:You left it?
feb. 11. 17.01
:I am here, I am translating. When I am translating, I am always online I am working in my room
feb. 11. 17.01
:on net
feb. 11. 17.02
:every dictionary are on net without net I can't work
feb. 11. 17.02
richardthomas05:Ok I understand
feb. 11. 17.02
richardthomas05:Ok that's right
feb. 11. 17.02
richardthomas05:How long do you get work?
feb. 11. 17.02
richardthomas05:From people
feb. 11. 17.06
:well, I finish this ..., and I don' know. ............
feb. 11. 17.07
:I did not finish ..................
:I must do it sometime
feb. 11. 17.08
richardthomas05:Oh ok that's good
feb. 11. 17.08
richardthomas05:You are a strong woman
feb. 11. 17.10
:I don't know. God is strong, not me
feb. 11. 17.11
feb. 11. 17.11
richardthomas05:God made you this strong
feb. 11. 17.12
:maybe. Rchard
feb. 11. 17.12
richardthomas05:You take care of your kids alone?
feb. 11. 17.16
:yes, Richard.
feb. 11. 17.17
richardthomas05:That's good
feb. 11. 17.17
richardthomas05:That's why I said you are strong
feb. 11. 17.18
richardthomas05:Nice kids
feb. 11. 17.19
:Thank you Richard. Yes they are nice. And I live with my parents, they help me to bred my kids. we live together.
feb. 11. 17.20
richardthomas05:Oh good
feb. 11. 17.20
richardthomas05:How are your parents
feb. 11. 17.20
:fine, thank you. And what about your parents?
feb. 11. 17.21
feb. 11. 17.21
richardthomas05:My parents are no more
feb. 11. 17.21
:Oh, I am sorry
feb. 11. 17.21
richardthomas05:No don't worry
feb. 11. 17.21
richardthomas05:Thank you
feb. 11. 17.21
richardthomas05:I loved them
feb. 11. 17.21
:When did they die?
feb. 11. 17.22
:I know
feb. 11. 17.22
richardthomas05:I was still in school
feb. 11. 17.22
feb. 11. 17.22
richardthomas05:When my dad died
feb. 11. 17.23
richardthomas05:He was a big business man
feb. 11. 17.23
richardthomas05:Always traveling round the world
feb. 11. 17.23
:What was his work?
feb. 11. 17.23
richardthomas05:He took me and my sister round europe
feb. 11. 17.23
richardthomas05:He was with an oil company at that time
feb. 11. 17.24
:I see. How old was he when died
feb. 11. 17.24
feb. 11. 17.25
richardthomas05:He was 68years old
feb. 11. 17.25
:and you mother?
feb. 11. 17.25
feb. 11. 17.26
richardthomas05:My mom was 63 years about 64
feb. 11. 17.26
richardthomas05:She was ill
feb. 11. 17.26
:when did she die?
feb. 11. 17.26
:and your father was ill too?
feb. 11. 17.27
:Im sorry, very sorry
feb. 11. 17.27
richardthomas05:My mom died because she could hardly think of anything rather than her husband
feb. 11. 17.27
richardthomas05:She missed him so much
feb. 11. 17.27
richardthomas05:We all still do miss him
feb. 11. 17.28
richardthomas05:Its an ugly experience
feb. 11. 17.28
richardthomas05:I cry sometimes if I remember
feb. 11. 17.28
:I know, Richard. I understand you.
feb. 11. 17.29
:Sometimes you dry?
feb. 11. 17.29
feb. 11. 17.29
richardthomas05:Yes I do
feb. 11. 17.29
richardthomas05:I miss so much
feb. 11. 17.30
:I know
feb. 11. 17.30
:and your sister?
feb. 11. 17.30
richardthomas05:My sister is fine
feb. 11. 17.30
richardthomas05:She is the only blood family I have
feb. 11. 17.30
:she lives in Ireland?
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:Yes she stays there
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:I told her to come over here
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:But she said not yet
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:Maybe she can work in my company
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:I love her so much
feb. 11. 17.31
richardthomas05:She like ireland, because my grandfather was always taking us there.
feb. 11. 17.32
:has she husband?
feb. 11. 17.32
feb. 11. 17.32
richardthomas05:She is not yet married
feb. 11. 17.33
richardthomas05:But she have a serious man in her life
feb. 11. 17.33
:how old is she?
feb. 11. 17.33
richardthomas05:Before the end of this year she will get married
feb. 11. 17.35
richardthomas05:She is 34
feb. 11. 17.37
:She is young. She is a great woman. I am so glad to hear about you more...I like to hear about your family
feb. 11. 17.38
:If you don' mind I have to go, and I will at 9pm. I amso glad to know more about you.
feb. 11. 17.40
:I make dinner, and I have to go to my kids. Philip has belly ache. After they slept, I will be here.
feb. 11. 17.41
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 11. 17.41
richardthomas05:I will be here
feb. 11. 17.41
richardthomas05:Nice to talk to you

feb. 11. 17.44
richardthomas05:We will talk more later ok
feb. 11. 17.44
:you are not angry?
feb. 11. 17.45
richardthomas05:No I am not angry dear
feb. 11. 17.47
richardthomas05:I will be here by 9pm
feb. 11. 17.47
richardthomas05:Hope to see you
feb. 11. 17.47
:I will here! I want to be here!
feb. 11. 21.40
feb. 11. 21.40
richardthomas05:For keeping you waiting
feb. 11. 21.41
:nothing, Richard. I thought that romething is wrong.
feb. 11. 21.41
feb. 11. 21.42
:if you are tired..
feb. 11. 21.42
richardthomas05:No nothing is wrong
feb. 11. 21.42
richardthomas05:How are you?
feb. 11. 21.42
richardthomas05:I am good dear
feb. 11. 21.43
:when will you go tomorrow to Victoria? don't you have to sleep?
feb. 11. 21.43
you are not tired?
feb. 11. 21.43
richardthomas05:I will go and see victoria
feb. 11. 21.43
richardthomas05:In the morning
feb. 11. 21.43
richardthomas05:Don't worry let's chat
feb. 11. 21.43
richardthomas05:I am fine
feb. 11. 21.44
:all right
feb. 11. 21.44
richardthomas05:How is your work?
feb. 11. 21.44
feb. 11. 21.45
:but try to finish tomorrow
feb. 11. 21.45
richardthomas05:Oh sorry dear
feb. 11. 21.45
richardthomas05:You will be fine
feb. 11. 21.45
:I hope
feb. 11. 21.48
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 11. 21.49
richardthomas05:So tomorrow, will you go to church?
feb. 11. 21.54
: Since I live here I was in churc once. Before I usually gone with kids to church. Now I live very far from the church, on foot one hour. When I will have my car in 2-3 months, I can go again with kids...
feb. 11. 21.54
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 11. 21.54
richardthomas05:You need to
feb. 11. 21.55
richardthomas05:Because I will go tomorrow
feb. 11. 21.55
:what church do you attend?
feb. 11. 21.56
eb. 13. 9.27
feb. 13. 9.27
feb. 13. 9.27
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 13. 9.27
:I am here too
feb. 13. 9.27
richardthomas05:What's wrong with you?
feb. 13. 9.27
I am tired a little and
feb. 13. 9.29
:and I am confused through or meeting here on net....
feb. 13. 9.29
feb. 13. 9.30
:sorry what?

feb. 13. 9.30
richardthomas05:What are you confused about?
feb. 13. 9.32
:I don't know actually what do you want you, and I don't know, what I want
feb. 13. 9.32
:what you want, and what I want...
feb. 13. 9.33
richardthomas05:I do really like you dear
feb. 13. 9.34
richardthomas05:I can't stop thinking about you
feb. 13. 9.36
:I want to know your opinion about all I wrote for you....
feb. 13. 9.36
:Has this virtual "love" future?
feb. 13. 9.37
feb. 13. 9.37
:But now be with Victoria. Talk later
feb. 13. 9.38
richardthomas05:Things happens to us, doesn't mean we should lose hope that it will be better
feb. 13. 9.38
richardthomas05:the future is all that matters
feb. 13. 9.38
richardthomas05:Love is powerful
feb. 13. 9.38
richardthomas05:Don't lose trust in love and people
feb. 13. 9.49
:These words are nice words, Richard. And I believe in this words. But in practice has this virtual "love" future? I am confused, because I never met man online, and I never wanted meet man online. You came in my life, and you in virtual captured my heart....I have affection for you, I miss you, when you don't write me, when you don' tcome on net when we talk, I am afraid, that this feeling in my heart really don't trend to you, but to my desire to be loved.....
feb. 13. 9.51
:Be with Victoria now, talk later...
feb.13 9.51.
richardthomas05:Don't worry
feb. 13. 9.52
richardthomas05:Let's talk
feb. 13. 9.52
richardthomas05:She is not here now
feb. 13. 9.52
:all right
feb. 13. 9.54
richardthomas05:The truth is that, I think of you everytime of the day, because I really have feelings for you, sometimes its hard to explain because I don't want to rush you, I believe in love at first sight, because the first time I saw you here, I was enchanted, I think I am in love with you. You can say because we haven't met
feb. 13. 9.54
richardthomas05:But I feel so much attraction for you
feb. 13. 9.54
richardthomas05:I want to love and care for you
feb. 13. 9.55
richardthomas05:And I also want love in return
feb. 13. 9.55
richardthomas05:I really need you in my life
feb. 13. 9.55
richardthomas05:I miss you when I am not here
feb. 13. 9.57
:Do one thing for me: when we fix time to talk here on net, and you can't be here, please just a message for me...because I always wait for you and I am always sad... and I don't know what I think....
feb. 13. 9.59
richardthomas05:Ok I will do that
feb. 13. 9.59
feb. 13. 9.59
:YOu will forget it...
feb. 13. 9.59
richardthomas05:I won't I promise
feb. 13. 10.00
richardthomas05:I will always write you when I am not here.
feb. 13. 10.00

feb. 13. 10.54
:You are healthy, I am not....
feb. 13. 10.54
:You live in UK, I live so far from you...
feb. 13. 10.55
richardthomas05:I don't care about that ok
feb. 13. 10.55
richardthomas05:Distance is not a problem
feb. 13. 10.56
richardthomas05:Money is not everything
feb. 13. 10.57
richardthomas05:Love is all I feel
feb. 13. 10.57
richardthomas05:I love you just the way you are
feb. 13. 10.59
richardthomas05:Strong woman, open heart. Beautiful
feb. 13. 11.00
:you don't see me, don't feel me, you don't hold my hand and you say me:" I love you..."
feb. 13. 11.01
richardthomas05:I don't know what to say
feb. 13. 11.01
richardthomas05:The truth is that I have feelings for you
feb. 13. 11.01
:I understand you, Richard
feb. 13. 11.02
richardthomas05:I am just scared of getting hurt
feb. 13. 11.03
:Just I wanted to say that You didn't see me, you didn't feel my hand, my body, my nearness, and you didn't hold my hand all the sam you say: I love you.
feb. 13. 11.04
:I don't want to hurt you, and I am scared too..
feb. 13. 11.05
richardthomas05:I understand
feb. 13. 11.05
richardthomas05:I am scared you won't love me the way I do
feb. 13. 11.05
richardthomas05:I am scared to lose you

feb. 13. 11.09
richardthomas05:I feel the same too
feb. 13. 11.10
richardthomas05:I slept late last night because I was thinking about you
feb. 13. 11.10
richardthomas05:You don't have to be afraid of the feelings
feb. 13. 11.10
richardthomas05:Because it is a true feeling
feb. 13. 11.11
:maybe, I don't know yet, Richard...Please if you believe in God, pray for this relationship....I pray continually....
feb. 13. 11.11
richardthomas05:I do believe in God
feb. 13. 11.11
richardthomas05:I pray about it everyday
feb. 13. 11.11
:I need for your patient, I need for your nearless.
feb. 13. 11.12
richardthomas05:And I believe that our meeting here is destiny

feb. 13. 22.33
:I try to work, but I can't because
feb. 13. 22.33
feb. 13. 22.34
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 13. 22.34
:because I look at you picture...
feb. 13. 22.34
feb. 13. 22.34
richardthomas05:Oh thanks
feb. 13. 22.35
:And I was waiting that you say something What are you doing?
feb. 13. 22.37
richardthomas05:I am just relaxing
feb. 13. 22.37
richardthomas05:Not feeling too well
feb. 13. 22.37
:are you ill?
feb. 13. 22.37
:something is wrong?
feb. 13. 22.38
richardthomas05:Not really
feb. 13. 22.38
richardthomas05:Just having a bad feeling
feb. 13. 22.38
feb. 13. 22.38
:do you want to talk about?
feb. 13. 22.39
richardthomas05:Seems I am just thinking too much
feb. 13. 22.39
:about what?
feb. 13. 22.39
richardthomas05:About you
feb. 13. 22.39
feb. 13. 22.39
:and you have bad feeling? tell me more about it
feb. 13. 22.40
richardthomas05:I already think of us getting together
feb. 13. 22.40
richardthomas05:I am just afraid of losing you
feb. 13. 22.44
:be patient, and help me to find way to your heart...
feb. 13. 22.44
richardthomas05:I am patient dear
feb. 13. 22.44
richardthomas05:I can already imagine us together
feb. 13. 22.44
:I know
feb. 13. 22.44
:what imagine?
feb. 13. 22.45
:tell me, what do you imagine?
feb. 13. 22.47
richardthomas05:Me and you as one family
feb. 13. 22.47
:tell me more
feb. 13. 22.48
richardthomas05:Oh sweet
feb. 13. 22.49
:HOw do you imagine and where, Richard?
feb. 13. 22.51
:ate you there?
feb. 13. 22.52
:virtual love captured our heart. I ask God to help us, and show way.
feb. 13. 22.53
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 13. 22.53
richardthomas05:I told of us as a happy family
feb. 13. 22.54
:and where...?
feb. 13. 22.57
:I wrote you, that I am not comletely healthy Richard...
feb. 13. 22.58
:are you there Richard?
feb. 13. 22.59
richardthomas05:I don't care about healthy dear
feb. 13. 23.00
feb. 13. 23.00
richardthomas05:We can actually live together
feb. 13. 23.00
richardthomas05:Love is the most important thing in life
feb. 13. 23.01
:and you don't care that I am not healthy?
feb. 13. 23.01
richardthomas05:I don't care
feb. 13. 23.01
richardthomas05:It doesn't matter to me
feb. 13. 23.02
:is it true?
feb. 13. 23.02
feb. 13. 23.03
richardthomas05:Very true
feb. 13. 23.04
:I can't do lot of things with same power like other people.
feb. 13. 23.06
feb. 13. 23.06
richardthomas05:I understand
feb. 13. 23.06
:understand what?
feb. 13. 23.07
richardthomas05:That you are not the same with other people
feb. 13. 23.07
richardthomas05:You are special
feb. 13. 23.08
feb. 13. 23.08
:you don'T care?
feb. 13. 23.09
:doesn'T not matter?
feb. 13. 23.09
:does not
feb. 13. 23.09
richardthomas05:It doesn't matter dear
feb. 13. 23.09
:how is that?
feb. 13. 23.09
:how is it that?
feb. 13. 23.10
:it does not matter
feb. 13. 23.10
feb. 13. 23.11
:its too late, go to sleep Richard, maybe you will tired tomorrow
feb. 13. 23.12
richardthomas05:Do you want to sleep
feb. 13. 23.12
feb. 13. 23.12
:O don't want to sleep
feb. 13. 23.12
feb. 13. 23.12
:I am glad to be here
feb. 13. 23.13
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 13. 23.15
:you didn't answer to my question:
feb. 13. 23.15
feb. 13. 23.17
richardthomas05:In london
feb. 13. 23.27
:pray Richard.....Our contry has a big classic author. His name is ............. He wrote a great novel with title: Special marriage. A man and a women..their strong love. Nobody want to see theri love to fulfil....Every circumstances interfered their love...Finally the man and the woman escaped to an unknown island...Where was only Gd, the man the woman and their love...without the laws of people....
feb. 13. 23.28
feb. 13. 23.29
feb. 13. 23.29
:Ok what?
feb. 13. 23.30
richardthomas05:Love still exits
feb. 13. 23.30
richardthomas05:For people who believes it
feb. 13. 23.40
richardthomas05:You have to believe in me dear
feb. 13. 23.40
richardthomas05:I know its hard
feb. 13. 23.40
richardthomas05:But you have to give love a chance
feb. 13. 23.41
:help me to find way
feb. 13. 23.42
richardthomas05:Ok baby
feb. 13. 23.42
richardthomas05:Let's be patience
feb. 14. 0.23
:wwhat is the time in London now?
feb. 14. 0.23
:0:23 like here?
feb. 14. 0.24
Sleep well Richard. I am happy that we could talk!
feb. 14. 0.24
feb. 14. 0.24
:here 0:24
feb. 14. 0.26
richardthomas05:Ok good
feb. 14. 0.26
richardthomas05:1 hour different
feb. 14. 0.26
:yes, but
feb. 14. 0.27
:few days ago , when I asked you, you told the same time
feb. 14. 0.28
:go to sleep Richard, sleep well
feb. 14. 0.28
richardthomas05:ok thanks sweetie
feb. 14. 0.28
richardthomas05:Talk to you tomorrow
feb. 14. 0.28
:all right. when you want, you write me
feb. 14. 0.29
:thank you for everything....
feb. 14. 0.30
richardthomas05:You are welcome dear
feb. 14. 0.30
richardthomas05:Will write you in the morning
feb. 14. 0.30
:tell me something
feb. 14. 0.30
richardthomas05:I love you
feb. 15. 20.56
: how was your day? had you much work?
feb. 15. 20.57
richardthomas05:My day was goo
feb. 15. 20.57
feb. 15. 20.57
richardthomas05:I did a little work
feb. 15. 20.57
richardthomas05:Not much
feb. 15. 20.57
:tell me more about your work, I interest
feb. 15. 20.58
feb. 15. 20.59
richardthomas05:My work is based on building contracts, we build schools, houses, estates, and road construction. Most times we are always on site.
feb. 15. 20.59
richardthomas05:And my work makes me travel a lot
feb. 15. 21.00
:where do you travel?
feb. 15. 21.00
richardthomas05:Around europe and asia
feb. 15. 21.01
feb. 15. 21.01
:what do you do in europe and Asia?
feb. 15. 21.03
richardthomas05:Yes dear
feb. 15. 21.03
richardthomas05:For building works
feb. 15. 22.06
richardthomas05:The worst thing I have ever done
feb. 15. 22.06
richardthomas05:I missed my daughter birthday because of flight delays
feb. 15. 22.08
richardthomas05:And one day, I was at the swimming pool in an hotel, my towel fell off
feb. 15. 22.08
richardthomas05:It was so embarrassing
feb. 15. 22.23
richardthomas05:I enjoy romantic songs
feb. 15. 22.23
richardthomas05:Phil collins
feb. 15. 22.23
richardthomas05:And michael bolton
feb. 15. 22.23
richardthomas05:You know them?
feb. 15. 22.24
feb. 15. 22.25
richardthomas05:Good dear
feb. 15. 22.25
:and which is the song next to your heart?
feb. 15. 22.27
feb. 15. 22.28
feb. 15. 22.29
richardthomas05:I love go the distance
feb. 15. 22.29
richardthomas05:By michael bolton
feb. 15. 22.42
richardthomas05:Are you there
feb. 15. 22.42
richardthomas05:You busy
feb. 15. 22.42
richardthomas05:Or sleeping
feb. 15. 22.42
:I am not busy
feb. 15. 22.42
feb. 15. 22.42
feb. 15. 22.42
feb. 15. 22.42
:your song
feb. 15. 22.42
feb. 15. 22.43
feb. 15. 22.43
richardthomas05:Oh what song dear?
feb. 15. 22.43
:go the distance
feb. 15. 22.45
richardthomas05:Oh sweet baby
feb. 15. 22.48
richardthomas05:Are you there
feb. 15. 22.48
:yes ..just I
feb. 15. 22.49
:am thinking
feb. 15. 22.50
feb. 15. 22.53
:sometimes I think I have to leave you, because I can't/don't see the future of our meeting, our love...and.....but I can't ...I can't lose you from my hheart. why is life so difficult Richard?
feb. 15. 22.56
:are you there?
feb. 15. 22.58
i:all day and nihgt will listen this song. go the distance...
feb. 15. 22.59
:are you there, Richard?
feb. 15. 23.00
richardthomas05:Yes I am her
feb. 15. 23.00
richardthomas05:I am here
feb. 15. 23.00
richardthomas05:I am in love with you
feb. 15. 23.02
richardthomas05:I can't stop thinking about you
feb. 15. 23.02
richardthomas05:And the future
feb. 15. 23.02
:I will pray Richard...I will pray, and ask Jesus to guide you and me
feb. 15. 23.03
:show us way
feb. 15. 23.03
richardthomas05:Ok baby
feb. 15. 23.04
:I go to sleep now. Thank you for everything
feb. 16. 22.52
richardthomas05:Well, I just hope things will work out between us
feb. 16. 22.5
feb. 16. 22.52
richardthomas05:You are the woman of my dreams
feb. 16. 22.52
richardthomas05:I will love to get married to
feb. 16. 22.53
:dream Richard....
feb. 16. 22.53
:impossible dream...but I pray
feb. 16. 22.54
feb. 16. 22.55
richardthomas05:I have to go to bed now
feb. 16. 22.55
i:o please don't go yet
feb. 16. 22.56
richardthomas05:Do you have an idea that you are hurting me with your words
feb. 16. 22.56
richardthomas05:It doesn't mean if we meet here, we can build a strong relationship if we wish to
feb. 16. 22.57
:I have ti trust and beleive you. I want to beleive in this love
feb. 16. 22.58
richardthomas05:Don't you believe me
feb. 16. 22.58
:all day I think about you, and the future...
feb. 16. 22.59
:I am afraid of myself
feb. 16. 22.59
:and of my circumstance
feb. 16. 22.59
:and I am scared , so scared
feb. 16. 22.59
feb. 16. 23.00
richardthomas05:I know you are scare
feb. 16. 23.00
feb. 16. 23.02
:I want to build a realtionship with you. I open my heart, Richard
feb. 16. 23.03
:I won't lose you. I need you
feb. 16. 23.04
:I want to know and love everything you ara and have....and I want that God guide me....if you and me, we are in His plan, guide us
feb. 16. 23.05
:I want that God guides us
feb. 16. 23.06
richardthomas05:I know dear
feb. 16. 23.06
richardthomas05:I am so sure about myself
feb. 16. 23.12
richardthomas05:Are you there
feb. 16. 23.14
richardthomas05:Just listen to micheal bolton
feb. 16. 23.14
:O Richard
feb. 16. 23.14
:I am listening michael bolton too
feb. 16. 23.15
:all evening
feb. 16. 23.15
:go the distance
feb. 16. 23.18
:You know, I want to trust only in God, and want be sure what is His volition...but I feel, I need you so much
feb. 16. 23.19
richardthomas05:Ok nice
feb. 16. 23.19
richardthomas05:I am like d music
feb. 16. 23.20
:I like too
feb. 16. 23.22
feb. 16. 23.23
richardthomas05:Baby, I know you have been hurt
feb. 16. 23.23
richardthomas05:You have the right to feel this way
feb. 16. 23.23
feb. 18. 10.07
:all day, and all night I think about these things, Richard. I can't sleep...
feb. 18. 10.10
richardthomas05:Me too
feb. 18. 10.10
richardthomas05:I think about you
feb. 18. 10.10
richardthomas05:We can work thinks work, please don't say it won't work
feb. 18. 10.11
:I don't want say this......
feb. 18. 10.11
richardthomas05:You can come to my country
feb. 18. 10.11
:no, Richard
feb. 18. 10.11
richardthomas05:Or I come and stay in your country
feb. 18. 10.11
richardthomas05:I can move if I have to
feb. 18. 10.12
richardthomas05:Just to be with you
feb. 18. 10.12
:its impossible Richard. You have your work, and you have Victoria!
feb. 18. 10.16
richardthomas05:I know
feb. 18. 10.16
richardthomas05:I can't go on without you
feb. 18. 10.28
:I am suffering, because I carry the consequense of my past, my bed marriage, bad decision, and I don't find felicity, and I hurt your and my heart...
feb. 18. 10.29
richardthomas05:I understand baby
feb. 18. 10.29
richardthomas05:Please don't leave me
feb. 18. 10.31
richardthomas05:Are you there
feb. 18. 10.31
richardthomas05:We can live together
feb. 18. 10.31
richardthomas05:And be happy
feb. 18. 10.31
:I don't want to leave you,...I want to be here yet...I want that God shows something...
feb. 18. 10.32
richardthomas05:Your kids can always go back home to visit there father
feb. 18. 10.32
:I don't know how...but I pray...
feb. 18. 10.32
richardthomas05:I will make that possible
feb. 18. 10.39
feb. 18. 10.39
richardthomas05:Are you there?
feb. 18. 10.39
feb. 18. 10.39
:yes Richard.
feb. 18. 10.39
richardthomas05:What's happening
feb. 18. 10.39
richardthomas05:You are not answering
feb. 18. 10.40
:nothing, I am just sitting here, and I crying a little
feb. 18. 10.41
richardthomas05:Oh sorry
feb. 18. 10.41
richardthomas05:Don't need to cry
feb. 18. 10.41
feb. 18. 10.41
richardthomas05:I am here for you
feb. 18. 10.41
richardthomas05:I love you
feb. 21. 20.53
:I miss you, Rchard, I can'T understand what happened inside me. sleep well.
feb. 21. 20.53
richardthomas05:I miss you too dearly
feb. 21. 20.54
:I go...
feb. 21. 20.54
richardthomas05:I love you
feb. 21. 20.54
feb. 21. 20.55
:Good night
feb. 21. 20.55
:I need you
feb. 21. 20.56
richardthomas05:Me too
feb. 21. 20.56
richardthomas05:I need you more
feb. 21. 20.56
richardthomas05:Wish you were here tonight
feb. 21. 20.56
:yes Richard
feb. 21. 20.57
richardthomas05:I just want to hug you and hold you tight
feb. 21. 20.57
:me too Richard..
feb. 21. 20.59
: I go now, on my phone I will online....
feb. 21. 21.02
richardthomas05:Ok dear
feb. 21. 21.03
richardthomas05:Sleep well
feb. 21. 21.03
richardthomas05:I love you always
feb. 21. 21.06
:Do you?can we say 'always'without see each other?
feb. 21. 21.10
feb. 21. 21.10
richardthomas05:We can always say it
feb. 21. 21.10
richardthomas05:It makes us stronger
feb. 21. 21.11
:I love you
feb. 21. 21.12
richardthomas05:I love you baby
feb. 21. 21.12
richardthomas05:I am so happy
feb. 21. 21.14
:'go the distance' i beleive in you, i won't my heart break,Richard.
feb. 21. 21.18
richardthomas05:Yes baby
feb. 22. 21.12
:you are the first who said me
feb. 22. 21.13
you believe in my love....
feb. 22. 21.13
richardthomas05:Yes I understand, you mean a lot to me.
feb. 22. 21.14
feb. 22. 21.14
feb. 22. 21.14
:love you
feb. 22. 21.14
feb. 22. 21.15
richardthomas05:You are like the air I breath
feb. 22. 21.15
richardthomas05:I can't function without you

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:31 pm

2. Between Love and Money

He claimed to travel to Nigeria to build a new road network there. He wanted to travel on 28 february. On 27 february his facebook profile closed....I was so confused, because we wrote letters to each other there, and every morning, evening and night I received from Richard kind and love letters.

He wrote me email:
Received: from [] by via HTTP
How are you doing?, and your kids too?, my facebook account is really giving me hard times, I have to open another now, when I open it, I will send you a message from there. Sorry for all this, I don't want you to get worried, I love you sweetie..

Yahoo messenger:
feb. 27. 7.09
:whats wrong Richard??
feb. 27. 7.09
feb. 27. 7.10
:please write me.
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:Hey dear
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:I am fine
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:How are you dear
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:My facebook page is bad
feb. 27. 7.14
:why do you close your account?
feb. 27. 7.14
feb. 27. 7.14
:why bad?
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:I didn't close it baby
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:It has a problem
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:I have to open another one
feb. 27. 7.14
Richard:Or I just leave it
feb. 27. 7.15
:Richard, i a m banned by you from your profil
feb. 27. 7.15
Richard:I know
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:It was not by me
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:It was facebook
feb. 27. 7.16
:ypu want to leaev me, that is true
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:Its a problem
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:So bad
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:I don't want to lose you
feb. 27. 7.16
Richard:That's why I write you on yahoo
feb. 27. 7.16
:facebook don' forbid anybody
feb. 27. 7.17
Richard:Please I don't understand what's wrong
feb. 27. 7.17
Richard:Didn't you receive my email
feb. 27. 7.17
:yes, i received.
feb. 27. 7.17
Richard:If I want to leave you, do you think I will write you
feb. 27. 7.17
feb. 27. 7.18
:ok, I know nothing about you. No telephon number, no, nam of firm, and now, close your account,
feb. 27. 7.18
Richard:Do you want my phone number
feb. 27. 7.19
Richard:why are you talking like this
feb. 27. 7.19
:because, I was 3 time banned from your account. facebook dont do this, just when somebody ask facebook.
feb. 27. 7.20
:how wil I received messages from you now?
feb. 27. 7.21
Richard:If I want to leave you, do you think I will write you on yahoo
feb. 27. 7.21
Richard:I will have to open a new facebook
feb. 27. 7.21
:why?? tell me please
feb. 27. 7.22
:please be sincere
feb. 27. 7.22
Richard:Because that my facebook account has problem
feb. 27. 7.22
Richard:You are the reason I came online here
feb. 27. 7.22
Richard:So you will not get worried
feb. 27. 7.22
Richard:Why do you think I want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.23
:somebody badger you on facebook?
feb. 27. 7.23
:whats problem have you o facebook?
feb. 27. 7.24
Richard:I don't understand
feb. 27. 7.24
Richard:I can't access it too
feb. 27. 7.24
Richard:Its hurting me bad
feb. 27. 7.24
:hurting bad? what does that mea?
feb. 27. 7.24
feb. 27. 7.24
feb. 27. 7.26
:I am very sad
feb. 27. 7.26
:I can't write you from my mobil
feb. 27. 7.26
:plesa write me sms sometimes
feb. 27. 7.27
Richard:Ok I will
feb. 27. 7.27
Richard:When I open my facebook
feb. 27. 7.27
Richard:I will send you a messge
feb. 27. 7.27
Richard:And you are saying I want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.27
Richard:Which make me sad
feb. 27. 7.28
:Wedont need facebook, we can chose another possibility of commmunication
feb. 27. 7.29
:You were the one reason I went to facebook
feb. 27. 7.29
:I wanted to delete me
feb. 27. 7.29
:from facebook
feb. 27. 7.29
Richard:Ok good baby
feb. 27. 7.29
Richard:Which other means of communication
feb. 27. 7.29
Richard:Can we send emails?
feb. 27. 7.30
Richard:Or chat here
feb. 27. 7.31
:maybe, but can I have your phone too? I will miss you from facebook because, I can't write you from myy mobil now
feb. 27. 7.33
feb. 27. 7.34
Richard:I will send you my phone number
feb. 27. 7.34
:just now, when you go to Nigeria. We can1t write message to each other
feb. 27. 7.34
:not problem
feb. 27. 7.34
:forget it
feb. 27. 7.35
Richard:Why are you like this
feb. 27. 7.35
Richard:Do you want to leave me?
feb. 27. 7.35
Richard:I said I have to open a new facebook
feb. 27. 7.35
Richard:I won't again
feb. 27. 7.36
feb. 27. 7.36
:tomorrow go to Nigerie, we cant write messages to eahc other without facebook
feb. 27. 7.37
:i dont understand you, I feel, you are not sincere with me
feb. 27. 7.37
Richard:Why do you think that
feb. 27. 7.37
Richard:Do you trust me
feb. 27. 7.37
Richard:If I don't want you, I won't be here talking to you now
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:If you don't want me anymore
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:Just tell me if you are tired of me
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:I sent you an email this morning
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:Because I can't access facebook
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:Does that look like I want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.38
Richard:I came online here
feb. 27. 7.39
Richard:Do you think I want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.39
:o, just : I dont know nothing about you, no name of your firm, no number of your phone, facebook closed, yahoo always bad, and you go to NIgeria,
feb. 27. 7.39
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 27. 7.39
Richard:Its ok
feb. 27. 7.40
Richard:if by now, you still don't get it, you can move on
feb. 27. 7.40
:no, because if you went to nigeria we cant write messages to eahc other
feb. 27. 7.41
:you can move on, what does that ,mean?
feb. 27. 7.41
Richard:I can't continue like this with you
feb. 27. 7.42
Richard:You don't want to trust me
feb. 27. 7.42
Richard:Let's just forget about everything
feb. 27. 7.42
Richard:And it will kill me
feb. 27. 7.42
Richard:But I will be fine
feb. 27. 7.42
:You want to leave me, not me Richard
feb. 27. 7.42
:I will crazy
feb. 27. 7.43
Richard:You don't trust me
feb. 27. 7.43
:do you trust me?
feb. 27. 7.43
Richard:Why will you think I want to leave you when you couldn't access my facebook
feb. 27. 7.43
Richard:I trust you
feb. 27. 7.43
Richard:But I don't understand anymore
feb. 27. 7.44
:I will crazy Richard...I saw yesterday, and now, that I am banned from your prfil.
feb. 27. 7.44
:I have to go to the school bus, but please, I will crazy if you leave me
feb. 27. 7.45
Richard:I didn't want to
feb. 27. 7.45
Richard:But you do want to
feb. 27. 7.45
feb. 27. 7.46
Richard:If you trust me
feb. 27. 7.46
Richard:Why did you say I want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.46
:I am very sad, because I am banned from your account,
feb. 27. 7.46
:please will be here, we have to go to tha schol bus
feb. 27. 7.46
Richard:When I was the first person to write you an email because I want to stay with you
feb. 27. 7.46
Richard:Ok have a nice day
feb. 27. 7.47
:Please, I will be soon
feb. 27. 7.47
:Please remani here.
feb. 27. 7.47
:maybe facebook deleted you?
feb. 27. 7.47
:I will crazy if you leave me Richard
feb. 27. 7.48
feb. 27. 7.48
Richard:I don't want to leave you
feb. 27. 7.48
:And how will we write to each other when you go to Nigeria?
feb. 27. 7.48
:I will be here soon.
feb. 27. 7.49
Richard:I will write you here
feb. 27. 7.49
Richard:I can still write you there
feb. 27. 7.49
Richard:I will be here
feb. 27. 7.49
Richard:Send me an email when you get back
feb. 27. 7.50
Richard:I love you
feb. 27. 8.24
Richard:Oh baby
feb. 27. 8.24
Richard:I am here
feb. 27. 8.25
Richard:I understand how you feel too
feb. 27. 8.25
Richard:I feel bad about this too
feb. 27. 8.26
Richard:I didn't forbid you from my profile
feb. 27. 8.30
:who forbid me?
feb. 27. 8.30
Richard:Its not a forbid thing
feb. 27. 8.30
feb. 27. 8.30
:I understand nothing, Richard, just I am very sad now
feb. 27. 8.31
Richard:You are making me feel sad too
feb. 27. 8.31
Richard:And weak
feb. 27. 8.31
:what could I think Richard??
feb. 27. 8.31
Richard:Believe me
feb. 27. 8.32
Richard:When I said I don't know what happened on facebook
feb. 27. 8.32
Richard:Do you think I am happy about it
feb. 27. 8.33
:you signout. please come back
feb. 27. 8.36
:This is the worst communication when you signout from yahoo, because I feel perish Richard.
feb. 27. 8.37
Richard:Me too
feb. 27. 8.37
Richard:I am down too
feb. 27. 8.37
:I very down...
feb. 27. 8.37
Richard:you don't want to believe me
feb. 27. 8.37
Richard:I am only here because I want to talk to you
feb. 27. 8.38
:why dont you give me your phone number?
feb. 27. 8.41
Richard:Because you said you don't want it
feb. 27. 8.41
:but yes
feb. 27. 8.41
feb. 27. 8.42
:I need time Richard. I understand nothing...
feb. 27. 8.43
:just I am afraid that I will crazy...
feb. 27. 8.43
:I lwt you work
feb. 27. 8.43
feb. 27. 8.43
Richard:What do you not understand
feb. 27. 8.45
:Nothing Richard. I feel you are not nicere completely with me, and I am suffering deadly
feb. 27. 8.45
feb. 27. 8.46
Richard:Why will you feel that
feb. 27. 8.46
:I let you work, you have lot of things to do, because you go to NIgeria tomorrow.
feb. 27. 8.46
Richard:That is what I am saying
feb. 27. 8.47
Richard:That has to do with trust
feb. 27. 8.47
feb. 27. 8.47
Richard:Just let me go
feb. 27. 8.47
:If I let you go, I will crazy
feb. 27. 8.47
Richard:Thank you for hurting me
feb. 27. 8.47
feb. 27. 8.48
Richard:We have know for sometime now
feb. 27. 8.48
Richard:And you think I am not sincere because of a problem on facebook
feb. 27. 8.48
Richard:if I forbid you, do you think I will be writing you
feb. 27. 8.49
Richard:I love you but can't continue like this
feb. 27. 8.50
:I know, thats why you closed your account Richard, and I will die, Richard from...
feb. 27. 8.50
:I will crazy...
feb. 27. 8.50
Richard:How do you think I will feel?
feb. 27. 8.51
Richard:You are making me angry now
feb. 27. 8.51
Richard:I didn't close my account
feb. 27. 8.51
:I dont want
feb. 27. 8.51
Richard:How many times will I tell you this
feb. 27. 8.51
Richard:Have to go now
feb. 27. 8.52
:pleas remain a little
feb. 27. 8.52
feb. 27. 8.52
Richard:I don't need to come online again
feb. 27. 8.52
Richard:You are the only reason I come online
feb. 27. 8.52
Richard:And now you said I am not sincere
feb. 27. 8.52
:and you were, are the only Richard
feb. 27. 8.52
Richard:What do you take me for
feb. 27. 8.53
Richard:You insulted my trust for you
feb. 27. 8.53
:because its impossible that facebook close someone's account
feb. 27. 8.53
:I didnt hear that
feb. 27. 8.53
feb. 27. 8.54
Richard:I don't know what you want me to tell you
feb. 27. 8.54
Richard:I didn't do it
feb. 27. 8.54
Richard:Why is this an issue
feb. 27. 8.55
Richard:When I am thinking of opening a new one
feb. 27. 8.55
Richard:You are the only person on facebook I talk to
feb. 27. 8.55
Richard:I don't like to be in this state of mind right now
feb. 27. 8.56
:and now, what we have to do?
feb. 27. 8.56
Richard:I don't know
feb. 27. 8.56
Richard:You tell me
feb. 27. 8.58
Richard:If you can't stay with me
feb. 27. 8.58
feb. 27. 8.58
Richard:I can't be with you, if there is no trust
feb. 27. 8.58
:all night was waiting and checking your messages Richard,It was shock to me, when inin the morning I saw, that I am bannd
feb. 27. 8.58
Richard:I am sorry
feb. 27. 8.59
:will you go tomorrow Nigeria?
feb. 27. 8.59
feb. 27. 8.59
Richard:I will travel
feb. 27. 9.01
:I will crazy ...this 5 week since I met you here on net, happyest days of my life
feb. 27. 9.02
:I trust in you, just try to understand me, Richard
feb. 27. 9.02
:when I saw I am banned from your account, I thought:
feb. 27. 9.04
:A have no information about you, no phone number, no name of your firm, and no facebook account anymore...and you go to Nigeria...and I thought, that I never hear from you
feb. 27. 9.04
I felt I die
feb. 27. 9.06
Richard:I understand
feb. 27. 9.06
Richard:That is why I wrote you an email
feb. 27. 9.06
:And I thought that something happened with you, I will never know, because I have not information about you.
feb. 27. 9.06
:just your messages
feb. 27. 9.07
Richard:You have my number now
feb. 27. 9.07
:the number yes
feb. 27. 9.07
Richard:You can reach me on that
feb. 27. 9.08
Richard:I don't want to leave you
feb. 27. 9.08
Richard:I will open another facebook if you want
feb. 27. 9.09
:no, not important. I will delete me form facebook, Richard. I will save you all messages.
feb. 27. 9.09
feb. 27. 9.09
:Facebook is not important to me
feb. 27. 9.10
:just you and your letters
feb. 27. 9.10
Richard:Oh sweet
feb. 27. 9.10
Richard:I like this
feb. 27. 9.10
Richard:I love you
feb. 27. 9.10
Richard:You are very important to me baby
feb. 27. 9.12
Richard:I don't want to lose you
feb. 27. 9.14
Richard:Are you there?
feb. 27. 9.14
:yes Richard, just I can say nothing
feb. 27. 9.14
Richard:Tell me you love me
feb. 27. 9.17
:YOu became the most important man in my life, Richard
feb. 27. 9.19
:I will miss your messages every day from my mobil
feb. 27. 9.19
:I let you work now
feb. 27. 9.21
Richard:You are the most important woman in my life too
feb. 27. 9.21
Richard:I will sure write you ok
feb. 27. 9.21
feb. 27. 9.21
feb. 27. 9.23
feb. 27. 9.23
feb. 27. 9.23
: Righf, if you think, Richard, if you will have time...
feb. 27. 9.23
:and if you want
feb. 27. 9.24
Richard:I will have the time
feb. 27. 9.24
Richard:We have to talk much today
feb. 27. 9.24
feb. 27. 9.25
Richard:On yahoo
feb. 27. 9.25
:yahoo was always bad
feb. 27. 9.25
feb. 27. 9.25
Richard:I know
feb. 27. 9.25
Richard:I will send you an email
feb. 27. 9.25
feb. 27. 9.27
Richard:Are you there?
feb. 27. 9.27
If you know, i...I am down now, very down, I trust you Richard, and believe you, but I am afraid, that my heart break. I delete myself now from facebook
feb. 27. 9.27
Richard:Don't delete it
feb. 27. 9.27
feb. 27. 9.27
feb. 27. 9.28
Richard:I won't leave you
feb. 27. 9.28
:I dont need facebook
feb. 27. 9.28
Richard:I swear
feb. 27. 9.28
Richard:I know, we can always write each other
feb. 27. 9.28
:I dont need facebook Richard
feb. 27. 9.28
Richard:Please believe that, I will be always here for you
feb. 27. 9.28
feb. 27. 9.29
Richard:If we can write each other, we don't need facebook
feb. 27. 9.29
:I dont need facebook Richard. YOu wer the one I came on
feb. 27. 9.29
feb. 27. 9.29
Richard:We can always write emails
feb. 27. 9.29
feb. 27. 9.29
feb. 27. 9.30
:why you swear?
feb. 27. 9.30
Richard:I swear, I won't leave you
feb. 27. 9.30
Richard:I love you
feb. 27. 9.31
:all right, if you have time write me, I have to go now
feb. 27. 9.31
Richard:Ok dear
feb. 27. 9.31
Richard:Have a nice time baby
feb. 27. 9.31
Richard:See you later
feb. 27. 9.31
Richard:Kisses and hugs
When I get Richard's phone number, I wanted to check it if is a real number. I checked it on net, I called information bureau too. I did this not because I suspected, just that's me. Always check...I found out that this number maybe a scam number. I was confused and I wrote a letter to Richard, I wrote him everything.
feb. 27. 18.34
Richard:Hey baby
feb. 27. 18.34
Richard:I am home
feb. 27. 18.37
:I wrote yo to your yahoo email.i am confused
feb. 27. 18.38
Richard:I am confused too
feb. 27. 18.39
:Did you read my all letters?
feb. 27. 18.39
Richard:Yes I did
feb. 27. 18.40
Richard:And you are asking me who I am
feb. 27. 18.40
Richard:such a pity
feb. 27. 18.40
Richard:Please in the name of God
feb. 27. 18.40
feb. 27. 18.40
Richard:Just let me be
feb. 27. 18.40
Richard:Don't write me again
feb. 27. 18.40
feb. 27. 18.42
:Yes.facebook dont deactivate anybndy.
feb. 27. 18.42
Richard:Ok fine
feb. 27. 18.42
Richard:Please let's forget about all this
feb. 27. 18.42
Richard:I can't continue to explain myself to you
feb. 27. 18.43
:I love ynu still,but í cant understand why you dont tell me the true
feb. 27. 18.43
Richard:thank you
feb. 27. 18.43
Richard:Please go
feb. 27. 18.44
Richard:Don't write me again
feb. 27. 18.44
Richard:There is nothing to explain to you
feb. 27. 18.44
Richard:Thank you for breaking my heart
feb. 27. 18.45
:I cán not forget you
feb. 27. 18.45
feb. 27. 18.45
feb. 27. 18.45
Richard:See you bye
feb. 27. 18.46
Richard:Don't you ever write me again
feb. 27. 18.46
feb. 27. 18.47
:Your number according the net is scam says that must not cáll number that begin 70,..
feb. 27. 18.48
Richard:Ok good
feb. 27. 18.48
feb. 27. 18.48
:I am very suféer. Maybe sombody plays with us
feb. 27. 18.50
Richard:Thank you for everthing
feb. 27. 18.50
:I cant forget you . Never. I was woman beside you
feb. 27. 18.50
Richard:I have to deactivate my account now
feb. 27. 18.50
Richard:You played with my heart
feb. 27. 18.51
Richard:Go away
feb. 27. 18.51
:This is yoúr phone number,Richard?
feb. 27. 18.51
Richard:I don't want to talk to you again
feb. 27. 18.52
:Nn i believed in you
feb. 27. 18.53
:Please, i will die.
feb. 27. 18.54
Richard:Please leave me alone
feb. 27. 18.54
Richard:You have done your worse
feb. 27. 18.54
Richard:You took my feelings for granted
feb. 27. 18.54
Richard:And now, you are telling all sort of things
feb. 27. 18.54
Richard:Which I will never answer
feb. 27. 18.54
:Why richard?
feb. 27. 18.55
Richard:Please just go
feb. 27. 18.55
Richard:I just want to be left alone
feb. 27. 18.56
Richard:Now I am going to travel with a broken heart
feb. 27. 18.57
:Answer me,please.i want to talk to you. Please talk eűerything,i will die,if we dont talk. At 9pm i can be here.
feb. 27. 18.57
Richard:I won't be here
feb. 27. 18.57
Richard:There is nothing to say
feb. 27. 18.58
Richard:How dare you insult my trust
feb. 27. 18.58
:I cry,and i very suffer.
feb. 27. 19.00
Richard:Please stop replying me
feb. 27. 19.00
Richard:I am in a terrible state
feb. 27. 19.00
Richard:I can hurt myself now
feb. 27. 19.00
Richard:I am not strong in this
eb. 27. 19.01
:Them go,richard,but you have to know,that i never loved anybndy like you,and i feel that you are nnt sincere complately with me. I love you
feb. 27. 19.01
Richard:I did love you
feb. 27. 19.01
Richard:What did you want me to tell you
feb. 27. 19.01
:Me too
feb. 27. 19.02
Richard:that I want to leave you
feb. 27. 19.02
Richard:Ot I deactivated my account
feb. 27. 19.02
Richard:What do you want to hear
feb. 27. 19.02
:you love me, and you are sincere with me
feb. 27. 19.03
:I have to go to my sons now
feb. 27. 19.03
feb. 27. 19.03
Richard:Say hello to them
feb. 27. 19.03
feb. 27. 19.03
Richard:I have to rest now
feb. 27. 19.03
Richard:So tired
feb. 27. 19.03
Richard:And angry
feb. 27. 19.04
Richard:Don't ask why
feb. 27. 19.04
Richard:Because I am not talking to you again
feb. 27. 19.04
Richard:After I signout now
feb. 27. 19.06
Richard:Bye for now
feb. 27. 19.08
:I love you
feb. 27. 19.08
:O cant not love you
feb. 27. 19.08
you are my all
feb. 27. 19.10
:I was woman beside you. I can't believe that facebook plays with us, and I cant believe that thi phoe number is bad scam number as net say
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:Please 'my name' (he never called me my name)
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:I am sorry for everything
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:Let's forget it and move on
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:I can't do this anymore
feb. 27. 19.14
Richard:I am tired of trying
feb. 27. 19.15
:I cant forget you Richard
feb. 27. 19.15
Richard:Me too
feb. 27. 19.15
Richard:But we have to stop writing each other now
feb. 27. 19.16
Richard:Before we get more hurt
feb. 27. 19.16
:You leave me...
feb. 27. 19.16
Richard:You caused it
feb. 27. 19.16
:no, Richard
feb. 27. 19.17
Richard:Please I don't have anything to explain
feb. 27. 19.17
Richard:To you
feb. 27. 19.17
feb. 27. 19.18
Richard:If you don't believe. Please leave me
feb. 27. 19.18
:all rigth. I am sorry for everything. If everything is true, I am sorry everything. I love you. I cant forget you.
feb. 27. 19.18
:I am crazy for you
feb. 27. 19.18
Richard:Don't tell me if everything is true
feb. 27. 19.19
Richard:If you don't believe, kindly let me be
feb. 27. 19.19
:I dont want let you.
feb. 27. 19.19
:I believe you
feb. 27. 19.20
Richard:If you do, you won't tell me all this
feb. 27. 19.20
:can I call you tomorrow before you depart?
feb. 27. 19.21
Richard:If you want to
feb. 27. 19.22
:did you book the ticket to me?
feb. 27. 19.22
feb. 27. 19.23
feb. 27. 19.23
:love you
feb. 27. 19.24
Richard:Yes I already did
feb. 27. 19.24
Richard:That is why I am hurt the more
feb. 27. 19.29
:And what do you want to do?
feb. 27. 19.30
Richard:If you want me to come
feb. 27. 19.30
Richard:I will come
feb. 27. 19.30
Richard:If you don't
feb. 27. 19.30
Richard:I wl
feb. 27. 19.30
Richard:I won't

feb. 27. 20.09
:I need you
feb. 27. 20.22
Richard:Me too my baby
feb. 27. 20.22
Richard:Thanks for calling
feb. 27. 20.23
:Are you there?
feb. 27. 20.23
Richard:Yes I am here
feb. 27. 20.23
feb. 27. 20.24
:When will you depart tomorrow?
feb. 27. 20.24
Richard:By 8:25am
feb. 27. 20.25
:Will you work much there?
feb. 27. 20.26
Richard:Not much
feb. 27. 20.26
:And when you come?
feb. 27. 20.26
Richard:Less than 2week
feb. 27. 20.26
Richard:I will depart to your country on the 9th
feb. 27. 20.29
:oh...what will your function there?
feb. 27. 20.29
:will be
feb. 27. 20.30
feb. 27. 20.30
:I understand
feb. 27. 20.31
:I am sorry...and I am sorry because of your letter on facebook
feb. 27. 20.31
feb. 27. 20.32
:those letters were so importan to me
feb. 27. 20.32
feb. 27. 20.32
feb. 27. 20.32
Richard:I know
feb. 27. 20.32
Richard:Sorry about that too
feb. 27. 20.35
:I let you rest now, Richard
feb. 27. 20.35
you will wake up early
feb. 27. 20.36
Richard:Yes baby
feb. 27. 20.36
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 27. 20.36
Richard:Let's talk
feb. 27. 20.36
:all rigth.
feb. 27. 20.37
:where will you sleep in NIgeria?
feb. 27. 20.38
feb. 27. 20.48
:I tell you something. I dant want to talk anymore, just I want to tell you, that I was so confused, when I saw your phone number, because there was a circular letter in my country. And in this letter was writed, that usually the presence of a +44 70 number means you're dealing with criminals based in Nigeria who are using these numbers to make people believe they're dealing with someone legitimate who is in the UK instead of a criminal in an Internet cafe on a different continent.
feb. 27. 20.49
:this circular letter was on facebook, on netnews. Its crazy...
feb. 27. 20.50
:And after the morning, after your 'account close' on facebook, I confused completely
feb. 27. 20.53
:I dont want mention it anymore.
feb. 27. 20.53
:I let you rest, I wish you blessed travel Richard,
feb. 27. 20.54
:are you there?
feb. 27. 20.54
feb. 27. 20.55
feb. 27. 20.55
Richard:I don't know what to say
feb. 27. 20.55
Richard:All is that I am a good person
feb. 27. 20.56
feb. 27. 20.57
:I want to believe in you
feb. 27. 20.57
Richard:You still have doubt
feb. 27. 20.57
Richard:I can see
feb. 27. 20.58
:I like and love you
feb. 27. 20.59
Richard:Me too
feb. 27. 20.59
:I believe in you,just i wanted to tell you whats happened
feb. 27. 21.01
Richard:Its ok
feb. 27. 21.01
feb. 27. 21.01
:I cant forget yoúr words, letters.
feb. 27. 21.02
Richard:Yes baby
feb. 27. 21.02
Richard:I can't forget u
feb. 27. 21.06
:Do you understand me?
feb. 27. 21.08
Richard:Yes I do
feb. 27. 21.11
:First i deactivate myself from fb,but later i reactivated,but i am not public,anymore.but i lost your letters,and i dont know hnw can i get them
feb. 27. 21.20
Sleep Richard. If you can write me and call me from Nigeria
feb. 27. 21.23
:Are you there?
feb. 27. 21.26
:God bless you
feb. 27. 21.30
Richard:I am here
feb. 27. 21.31
Richard:I will write you from anywhere
feb. 27. 21.31
:Please where are you again?
feb. 27. 21.31
Richard:I am in bed
feb. 27. 21.34
:I cry because of facebook,i had in my hand my phone all day and night and always checked and waited your messages,and now,i feel, i lost my other side. I neéd you
feb. 27. 21.35
Richard:I will have to open facebook then
feb. 27. 21.37
:How can you open it,you said you cant access
feb. 27. 21.40
:I understand
feb. 27. 21.40
Richard:Ok dear
feb. 27. 21.40
Richard:Will try ok
feb. 27. 21.41
:Good night Richard!
feb. 27. 21.41
feb. 27. 21.42
:Understand. Sleep well.
feb. 27. 21.43
Richard:Ok baby
feb. 27. 21.43
feb. 27. 21.43
Richard:See you tomorrow

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:49 pm

2. Between Love and Money

I was very confused about closed facebook profile, but even so I was looking for Richard on facebook and I have found an other opened profile.....I wrote it to Richard. Since this profile closed too...

feb. 28. 7.35
:good travel dear Richard to you
feb. 28. 7.36
Richard:Thank you
feb. 28. 7.36
Richard:And stop making me feel bad
feb. 28. 7.36
Richard:If you feel I am not sincere
feb. 28. 7.36
:I like your new account on fb
feb. 28. 7.37
Richard:Stop writing me
feb. 28. 7.37
:you said you have not new account. I suffered last night, and I look for you...I couldnt believe that
feb. 28. 7.37
:I let yougo
feb. 28. 7.37
:but I love you forever.
feb. 28. 7.37
Richard:What account did you see
feb. 28. 7.37
:I show you, a moment please
feb. 28. 7.38
feb. 28. 7.38
:this Richard
feb. 28. 7.38
:it was opened 11 february. that day was important for me, because we talk a lot all day
feb. 28. 7.39
feb. 28. 7.39
:ok what, Richard?
feb. 28. 7.40
Richard:I don't know
feb. 28. 7.40
:you has an other accoun too, and you didn tell me
feb. 28. 7.40
Richard:I don't have another
feb. 28. 7.40
:but this is an other accountt Richard
feb. 28. 7.41
:you are on these photo
feb. 28. 7.41
:did you see?
feb. 28. 7.41
:you load photot on fb your new account on 11 februay
feb. 28. 7.41
feb. 28. 7.41
Richard:I didn't see
feb. 28. 7.42
:see again
feb. 28. 7.42
Richard:I don't think I uses that
feb. 28. 7.42
: its you, Richard
feb. 28. 7.42
:with your FAVORITE and my Favorite photos
feb. 28. 7.43
:but you xan access, no?
feb. 28. 7.43
feb. 28. 7.44
Richard:You think I lie to you
feb. 28. 7.44
:just I thinking, why had you 2 account....I missed you last night so much, and I suffered, because It was very important see and read you in facebook. I couldnt believe that I cant see you anymore, and I look for you. And I found this account
feb. 28. 7.45
:no, I dont think Richard
feb. 28. 7.45
i:just yesterday you said you have not another account, and you have to an other.
feb. 28. 7.46
:I have to go with my sons to school bus, I
feb. 28. 7.46
feb. 28. 7.46
:dont know what can i say
feb. 28. 7.46
:I believe in you
feb. 28. 7.47
:whatever happened
feb. 28. 7.47
feb. 28. 7.47
Richard:Have a nice day
feb. 28. 7.47
Richard:I will be off anytime from now
feb. 28. 7.48
:you love me?
feb. 28. 7.48
:I love you
feb. 28. 7.49
Richard:I do love you
feb. 28. 7.49
Richard:But you confuse me sometime
feb. 28. 7.51
:You ton,but i want to meet you,and talk to you
feb. 28. 7.52
:I want to look at your eyes,and hold your hands
feb. 28. 7.53
Richard:Same here
feb. 28. 7.53
Richard:I want to do everything
feb. 28. 7.53
:I will wait for you
feb. 28. 7.54
Richard:Ok dear
feb. 28. 7.54
Richard:I will see you
feb. 28. 7.58
:I belieűe in you,and love ynu
feb. 28. 8.01
:I believe in yoúr words,because you was who teached me to believe. I am sorry for everxthing. Will you use this your account?
feb. 28. 8.02
feb. 28. 8.02
Richard:I will always still use this
feb. 28. 8.06
:Just tell me,why didnt say me yesterday that you have this account tno?
feb. 28. 8.07
Richard:I can't access that account you are talking about
feb. 28. 8.07
Richard:I am getting angry over this
feb. 28. 8.07
feb. 28. 8.11
:I dont understand then, you had an accounton fb where you received my messages, and you told me that you cant acces anymore. An d now I found an other accounton fb from you, I can see now too, that it was opened on 11 february. Which fb Account will you use?
feb. 28. 8.13
Richard:Oh my God
feb. 28. 8.13
Richard:Why this
feb. 28. 8.13
:you said before that you will always still use. But which? I dont understand. mabe I am stupid...
feb. 28. 8.13
feb. 28. 8.15
:not had an account on fb whic I could not acces, but I found an other account what I can acces ....thats all
feb. 28. 8.21
:not important, Richard. I think, you understand had an account on fb which I could not access ... 973&type=3) (, (but I found an other account what I can access ( : ... 62&sk=wall ) ....thats all I dont want talk about it. God Bless.
feb. 28. 8.22
:I will not disturbe you anymore...if you think, you can find me.
feb. 28. 8.29
feb. 28. 8.29
Richard:See you
feb. 28. 8.29
feb. 28. 8.30
Richard:When I finish my work
feb. 28. 8.30
Richard:And when I arrive today
feb. 28. 8.30
Richard:All I expected from you was a safe flight messages
feb. 28. 8.31
:I feel this too, but I want to meet you and look at your eyes, Richard
feb. 28. 8.33
Richard:You will see me
feb. 28. 8.33
Richard:I told you I have booked the ticket already
feb. 28. 8.34
all right. you have t og now. you depart soon?
feb. 28. 8.36
:I am the woman Richard, that you met first, and I believe that you are the man who I hoped....I think we cant understand well each other. I hate these keys on my mobil phone and on my computer too.
:I cant see your eyes, and your gestures, I want to see your eyes, what I can see on your photo....and I hope...
feb. 28. 8.38
:I let you go....
feb. 28. 8.38
:wish blessed travel
feb. 28. 8.40
Richard:Thank you
feb. 28. 8.40
Richard:Will see you
feb. 28. 8.57
:I dont want disturbe you,just i want to say,i cant without you,and i trust you...
feb. 28. 8.57
Richard:Oh thanks very much
feb. 28. 8.57
Richard:I trust you completely
feb. 28. 8.59
:I cant eat,sleep,and i cant without you...
feb. 28. 9.00
Richard:You are my everything baby
feb. 28. 9.00
Richard:I love you
feb. 28. 9.00
Richard:I can never leave you
feb. 28. 9.00
feb. 28. 9.01
:I believe it
feb. 28. 9.03
When will you depart?
feb. 28. 9.09
Richard:In 20mins
feb. 28. 9.09
Richard:I already on my way
feb. 28. 9.09
Richard:Everything ready
feb. 28. 9.11
:I miss you.please write me from there.
feb. 28. 9.13
:Jesus bless your way.
feb. 28. 9.21
feb. 28. 9.21
Richard:See you
feb. 28. 9.21
Richard:Miss you too
feb. 28. 9.21
Richard:And love you

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:49 pm

3. Money

He traveled and landed in Nigeria

feb. 28. 13.34
feb. 28. 13.35
:I am here
feb. 28. 13.35
Richard:I was just trying you
feb. 28. 13.36
:I love you,mhss you,crazy for you
feb. 28. 13.36
Richard:Me too baby
feb. 28. 13.36
Richard:I love you
feb. 28. 13.36
Richard:I just landed now
feb. 28. 13.36
Richard:I am in my hotel now
feb. 28. 13.37
Richard:Something terrible just happened to me
feb. 28. 13.37
Richard:That's what I wanted to write you
feb. 28. 13.39
Richard:My phone is still on route
feb. 28. 13.39
Richard:It will cost me money
feb. 28. 13.39
Richard:If I talk
feb. 28. 13.39
Richard:You understand?
feb. 28. 13.40
:Ok what happened,
feb. 28. 13.40
Richard:I don't want to disturb you with it
feb. 28. 13.41
Richard:I was attacked on my way to the hotel
feb. 28. 13.41
Richard:When I arrived
feb. 28. 13.41
:Dont understand. What happened?
feb. 28. 13.42
Richard:I was robbed
feb. 28. 13.42
:And? What happened,please call me
feb. 28. 13.43
Richard:hold on please
feb. 28. 13.43
Richard:I am ok
feb. 28. 13.43
Richard:My things was just taken from me
feb. 28. 13.44
:And fró where you wite me now?
feb. 28. 13.44
Richard:Inside my hotel
feb. 28. 13.45
Richard:I booked from london
feb. 28. 13.45
Richard:Before I left
feb. 28. 13.45
:And you have money?how happened this?
feb. 28. 13.45
Richard:Everything was taken

feb. 28. 13.45
Richard:I was in the taxi
feb. 28. 13.46
Richard:When I was attacked
feb. 28. 13.46
Richard:All my details, cards
feb. 28. 13.46
:And from where you write me now? From your mobil?
feb. 28. 13.47
Richard:The hotel network
feb. 28. 13.47
:And now?
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:I am tired and confused
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:I can't do anything now
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:I only have today in the hotel
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:I just want to ask if you can help me 500pounds
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:I will send back to you
feb. 28. 13.48
Richard:When I come to your country
feb. 28. 13.48
feb. 28. 13.50
:Nothing money? Call sister
feb. 28. 13.51
Richard:I don't have her number
feb. 28. 13.52
Call your sister,ynur bisness partner.
feb. 28. 13.52
Richard:Because it was taken along
feb. 28. 13.53
Richard:If it was possible, I won't be asking you
feb. 28. 13.53
Richard:If I don't get help
feb. 28. 13.53
Richard:Tomorrow I will be on the street
feb. 28. 13.53
:You dnnt have your sister number?
feb. 28. 13.53
feb. 28. 13.53
Richard:Its on my dairy
feb. 28. 13.53
Richard:And It was taken too.
feb. 28. 13.55
And your bisness partners there?
feb. 28. 13.55
Richard:I have not seen anybody
feb. 28. 13.56
Richard:Because the work starts tomorrow
feb. 28. 13.56
Richard:I need to sleep in an hotel
feb. 28. 13.56
:How can i send you money?
feb. 28. 13.56
Richard:if you can help me please

feb. 28. 13.57
:And where are you now?
feb. 28. 13.57
:Whics town?
feb. 28. 13.58
Richard:Lagos Nigeria
feb. 28. 13.58
Richard:That's where all planes land
feb. 28. 14.02
:But how get home?how get money to get home?
feb. 28. 14.02
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 28. 14.02
Richard:If you send 500pounds
feb. 28. 14.02
Richard:I will be and sort my self
feb. 28. 14.03
Richard:Then travel to your country
feb. 28. 14.03
:You háve to call pnlice and call your office.
feb. 28. 14.04
Richard:I know all this
feb. 28. 14.04
Richard:It doesn't happen imediately
feb. 28. 14.04
Richard:It takes time
feb. 28. 14.04
Richard:If you can help
feb. 28. 14.04
feb. 28. 14.04
feb. 28. 14.04
feb. 28. 14.04
Richard:And believe I will give it back to you
feb. 28. 14.05
:Oh richard, i have not 500pounds
feb. 28. 14.06
feb. 28. 14.06
Richard:How much can you help me with
feb. 28. 14.06
Richard:Any amount please
feb. 28. 14.06
Richard:I will suffer from tomorrow
feb. 28. 14.06
Richard:If I don't get cash
feb. 28. 14.06
:You have to call your sister and your office
feb. 28. 14.07
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 28. 14.07
Richard:Forget it
feb. 28. 14.07
Richard:I am not a lid
feb. 28. 14.07
feb. 28. 14.07
Richard:Do you think if there is a way, I will not ask you

feb. 28. 14.08
Richard:Forget it
feb. 28. 14.08
Richard:I will just be myself and suffer from any pain
feb. 28. 14.08
Richard:Is this what you call trust
feb. 28. 14.08
Richard:You don't trust me
feb. 28. 14.09
Richard:That's why you are saying all this
feb. 28. 14.09
:The hotel and the airport help you.i know.
feb. 28. 14.09
Richard:foget it
feb. 28. 14.09
Richard:Don't talk about it again
feb. 28. 14.09
Richard:Thank you
feb. 28. 14.11
:Nn,but i have not 5 00pounds
feb. 28. 14.11
Richard:How much can you help me with?
feb. 28. 14.12
feb. 28. 14.12
Richard:I am begging
feb. 28. 14.12
Richard:I will pay back
feb. 28. 14.13
:Wait 15minutes and i back
feb. 28. 14.13
feb. 28. 14.26
Richard:You don't want to talk to me again
feb. 28. 14.26
feb. 28. 14.27
Richard:I understand
feb. 28. 14.27
:I am here Richard
feb. 28. 14.28
:but I really have not money, if I had, I would give you. Please try to ask help from the hotel and your sister,. You write me from your phone now?
feb. 28. 14.28
:If you think
feb. 28. 14.28
:I help yout to call your sister, if
feb. 28. 14.28
:you give me her name
feb. 28. 14.28
:I find her
feb. 28. 14.28
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 28. 14.28
:I dont know, how can I help you?
feb. 28. 14.28
Richard:I will be fine
feb. 28. 14.29
:But when you will meet your buisness partners?
feb. 28. 14.29
:and where?

feb. 28. 14.29
:lagos? abuja?
feb. 28. 14.29
Richard:In another state
feb. 28. 14.29
feb. 28. 14.29
Richard:I don't even have air ticket money
feb. 28. 14.30
:yes I know,
feb. 28. 14.30
Richard:If you can't help me
feb. 28. 14.30
Richard:Don't worry baby
feb. 28. 14.30
:I can't Richard, really I have not money
feb. 28. 14.30
:but how get to london?
feb. 28. 14.31
:eventually i thought that will happen something....
feb. 28. 14.31
:i called your number 2 times
feb. 28. 14.32
:when you wrote me you was robbed
feb. 28. 14.33
Richard:Please leave me for now
feb. 28. 14.33
Richard:I am in pain
feb. 28. 14.33
Richard:You are complaining baby
feb. 28. 14.35
:if I were in you, I would go immediately to police
feb. 28. 14.37
Richard:I have
feb. 28. 14.37
Richard:And reported
feb. 28. 14.37
Richard:But they can't give me money
feb. 28. 14.38
Richard:So you will allow me go through all this suffer
feb. 28. 14.38
Richard:You are not been fair
feb. 28. 14.39
i:you have to ask help to embassy richard. I really dont have 500 punds
feb. 28. 14.39
Richard:How much do you have?
feb. 28. 14.40
:tell me, how get money to get to home? and to live 2 weeks in nigeria? and how can I send for you money?
feb. 28. 14.40
i:to nigeria?
feb. 28. 14.41
Richard:Through western union baby
feb. 28. 14.41
:if I sen for you money, how get more money to come to your country?
feb. 28. 14.42
:you have not any phone number of you partners and friends and your sister?
feb. 28. 14.42
Richard:No I don't have the numbers, because it was stolen from the dairy I wrote them
feb. 28. 14.43
:its impossible. your office's number?

feb. 28. 14.43
:and if i call your phone?
feb. 28. 14.43
Richard:'my name', if I can reach them
feb. 28. 14.43
Richard:I would have not ask you
feb. 28. 14.43
Richard:You are my last hope
feb. 28. 14.44
Richard:Or by tomorrow
feb. 28. 14.44
Richard:I will have to suffer
feb. 28. 14.44
Richard:Please believe me
feb. 28. 14.48
Richard:Are you there
feb. 28. 14.49
:if I were you, I would call immediately information bureau to find your sister number. every hotel help you, please if i could, I would help you.
feb. 28. 14.49
Richard:Don't tell me what to do
feb. 28. 14.49
Richard:I am not a kid
feb. 28. 14.50
:then do this Richard!
feb. 28. 14.50
:Collect yourself! you must fonid your phone number throught net
feb. 28. 14.50
feb. 28. 14.51
Richard:If you can't help me
feb. 28. 14.51
Richard:Please forget it
feb. 28. 14.51
Richard:Anybody can be in stress anytime
feb. 28. 14.52
if I cant help you you leave me? you have to do something
feb. 28. 14.52
:where are you, in which hotel?
feb. 28. 14.52
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:You make me angry now
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:I have to go now
feb. 28. 14.53
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:Help me if you can
feb. 28. 14.53
:i want to help you
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:So send me money
feb. 28. 14.53
:but i dont have money richard, but i want to help you
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:I will give you back
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:If you don't have money
feb. 28. 14.53
Richard:Nothing else can be done

feb. 28. 14.54
Richard:I can't believe you
feb. 28. 14.54
:I am say you the true richard
feb. 28. 14.54
Richard:You don't care about my warfare
feb. 28. 14.54
Richard:I can't buy food
feb. 28. 14.54
Richard:I can't eat
feb. 28. 14.54
Richard:I don't have money
feb. 28. 14.54
:you booked your hotel too?
feb. 28. 14.55
:did you booked the hotel too?
feb. 28. 14.55
:its crazy....but if i sent money you will received 3-4 day throught western union too
feb. 28. 14.55
Richard:I will receive it immediately
feb. 28. 14.56
:for your name?
feb. 28. 14.56
:richard thomas?
feb. 28. 14.56
feb. 28. 14.57
:richard thomas where?
feb. 28. 14.57
:the hotel?
feb. 28. 14.57
Richard:Or I use the manager name
feb. 28. 14.57
feb. 28. 14.57
:what is your manager name?
feb. 28. 14.57
Richard:You don't trust me
feb. 28. 14.58
Richard:That is why you are doing all this
feb. 28. 14.58
Richard:Let's end this discussion now
feb. 28. 14.58
:richard, i try to help you
feb. 28. 14.58
:just tell me your name and where i have to sent money
feb. 28. 14.59
:you are an agressive man! you dont like this man, who i met
feb. 28. 14.59
Richard:I am not aggressive
feb. 28. 14.59
:but yes
feb. 28. 14.59
Richard:I am not in a good mood
feb. 28. 14.59
Richard:I need help
feb. 28. 15.00
:you insult me
feb. 28. 15.00
Richard:I don't like begging for money
feb. 28. 15.00
Richard:And be treated like a baby
feb. 28. 15.00
:i want help you
feb. 28. 15.00
:i didnt want
feb. 28. 15.00
:tell me your name and tell me where i have to sendmoney
feb. 28. 15.01
Richard:Help me please baby
feb. 28. 15.01
:tell me your name and tell me where i have to sendmoney
feb. 28. 15.01
:i want to help you
feb. 28. 15.01
:tell me where i have to send money?
feb. 28. 15.02
:and i try
feb. 28. 15.02
feb. 28. 15.02
Richard:How much can you send?
feb. 28. 15.02
Richard:Can you send it tomorrow?
feb. 28. 15.02
:it dipends?
feb. 28. 15.02
:you wanted to send today
feb. 28. 15.02
Richard:You can send it today
feb. 28. 15.02
Richard:If you have the time
feb. 28. 15.03
:i try
feb. 28. 15.03
feb. 28. 15.03
i:in 10 minutes i have to go to kids,
feb. 28. 15.03
:I try Richard
feb. 28. 15.03
:tell me where i send, I try
feb. 28. 15.03
Richard:Through western union
feb. 28. 15.03
:yes where?
feb. 28. 15.04
Richard:You are not sincere to me
feb. 28. 15.04
feb. 28. 15.04
:I try to help you!!!
feb. 28. 15.04
Richard:How much
feb. 28. 15.04
feb. 28. 15.04
:i dont know, i try collect
feb. 28. 15.04
Richard:Can you send?

feb. 28. 15.05
:please write me, because next time i will here at 5 oclock
feb. 28. 15.05
:i have to go to kids
feb. 28. 15.05
:yes I can, i try
feb. 28. 15.05
Richard:Ok dear
feb. 28. 15.05
:i try
feb. 28. 15.05
:i try collect
feb. 28. 15.06
Richard:I will write you
feb. 28. 15.06
:dont want now?
feb. 28. 15.06
Richard:You want to send it now?
feb. 28. 15.07
:oh!!! write me where i have to send, and i throught net try to senm Richard,
feb. 28. 15.07
feb. 28. 15.07
feb. 28. 15.08
feb. 28. 15.09
:i have to go now, Richard. to kids
feb. 28. 15.09
feb. 28. 15.09
feb. 28. 15.09
Richard:I am writing
feb. 28. 15.09
feb. 28. 15.11
feb. 28. 15.11
feb. 28. 15.11
:i have to go to sons
feb. 28. 15.12
:ok I will be at 5pm i have to go now
feb. 28. 15.12
:take care
feb. 28. 15.12
feb. 28. 15.13
feb. 28. 15.13
Richard:Use western union baby
feb. 28. 15.13
Richard:See you later
feb. 28. 15.13
Richard:I love you

feb. 28. 17.30
Richard:did you get my message
feb. 28. 17.30
:where are you??
feb. 28. 17.30
feb. 28. 17.30
Richard:At the hotel
feb. 28. 17.30
:where are you now??
feb. 28. 17.31
G:in lagos? everythong is ok??
feb. 28. 17.31
feb. 28. 17.31
Richard:Just tired and confused
feb. 28. 17.31
:you are offline...
feb. 28. 17.32
:could you inform your sister or friends or partners?
feb. 28. 17.32
:are you there?
feb. 28. 17.33
feb. 28. 17.33
feb. 28. 17.33
:and from where write me now?
feb. 28. 17.33
Richard:From the hotel
feb. 28. 17.33
:I try to send money ok?
feb. 28. 17.33
Richard:Ok thank you
feb. 28. 17.33
:who is ali chima?
feb. 28. 17.33
Richard:The hotel manager
feb. 28. 17.34
:look Richard I trust you completely
feb. 28. 17.35
:i try to send money to you
feb. 28. 17.35
:in which hotel you are?
feb. 28. 17.35
Richard:When are you sending the money
feb. 28. 17.35
:today I try on net
feb. 28. 17.36
:when my sons slept
feb. 28. 17.36
Richard:Will it work?
feb. 28. 17.36
I hope Richard
feb. 28. 17.36
Richard:You have a card?
feb. 28. 17.36

feb. 28. 17.36
feb. 28. 17.37
Richard:Or better still, you can send it from western union office tomorrow ok
feb. 28. 17.37
Richard:If the net don't work
feb. 28. 17.37
:all right I will try
feb. 28. 17.37
:I promise Richard
feb. 28. 17.37
:In wich hotel are you?
feb. 28. 17.37
:have you everything? clothes?
feb. 28. 17.38
Richard:Not everything
feb. 28. 17.38
Richard:I will have to get new things
feb. 28. 17.39
:identity card?
feb. 28. 17.39
feb. 28. 17.39
Richard:Don't worry about those
feb. 28. 17.39
:you have?
feb. 28. 17.39
:how get home to london?
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:Once I am done here
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:I will sort those out
feb. 28. 17.40
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:All I need is to get some money
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:So that I can pay my hotel bills tomorrow
feb. 28. 17.40
Richard:And food
feb. 28. 17.41
:i cant believe it, how happened this??
feb. 28. 17.41
:in wich hotel are you? may I know, or no?
feb. 28. 17.42
Richard:Why all this questions
feb. 28. 17.42
Richard:Are you coming
feb. 28. 17.42
:just I am worried
feb. 28. 17.42
Richard:You don't believe it
feb. 28. 17.42
:Yes I believe

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:41 pm

3. Money

I checked Richard Thomas in the Eko Suites hotel where he staid, but a woman in the reception said did not exist he in the hotel

feb. 29. 8.25
:are you there?
feb. 29. 8.25
feb. 29. 8.27
feb. 29. 8.28
:I just get back, the systemof the office is fold up...I could not send money. I have to try later, afternoon
feb. 29. 8.28
:are you there?
feb. 29. 8.29
:I want to ask you
feb. 29. 8.29
feb. 29. 8.29
feb. 29. 8.29
feb. 29. 8.29
i:where are you now?
feb. 29. 8.30
Richard:How many times will I tell you
feb. 29. 8.30
feb. 29. 8.30
:once more the true
feb. 29. 8.30
Richard:Why will the office don't have network
feb. 29. 8.30
feb. 29. 8.30
Richard:Don't joke with me
feb. 29. 8.30
:i dont know this
feb. 29. 8.30
:there was problem with network
feb. 29. 8.31
:and the system was fold up
feb. 29. 8.31
:need few hour
feb. 29. 8.32
Richard:Don't play with me ok
feb. 29. 8.33
:who is this man Richard?
feb. 29. 8.34
:who are you really?
feb. 29. 8.34
:what is your name?
feb. 29. 8.34
:I called your hotel, you dont exist in eko suites lagos hotel
feb. 29. 8.34
:who is this man??
feb. 29. 8.34
Richard:Why did you call the hotel?
feb. 29. 8.34
:because I wanted to inform you
feb. 29. 8.34
i:that the system is bad
feb. 29. 8.35

feb. 29. 8.35
feb. 29. 8.35
:i have the number
feb. 29. 8.35
feb. 29. 8.35
Richard:I don't want that
feb. 29. 8.35
:I know
feb. 29. 8.35
:who is that man on the photo??
feb. 29. 8.36
Richard:Don't lie to me
feb. 29. 8.36
Richard:Tell me the true
feb. 29. 8.36
:I dont lie never
feb. 29. 8.36
i:I called your hotel
feb. 29. 8.36
Richard:You didn't go to the bank
feb. 29. 8.36
:Richard Thomas does not exist in the hotel
feb. 29. 8.36
:eko suites
feb. 29. 8.36
and you know that
feb. 29. 8.37
:you are not the man on this photo
feb. 29. 8.37
:this is an other man
feb. 29. 8.37
feb. 29. 8.37
Richard:Thank you
feb. 29. 8.37
feb. 29. 8.38
:you are welcome
feb. 29. 8.38
Richard:Please I beg you
feb. 29. 8.38
Richard:Don't write me again
feb. 29. 8.38
i:tell me only thing: who is that man on the photo??
feb. 29. 8.39
Richard:I don't know
feb. 29. 8.39
Richard:Don't disturb me
feb. 29. 8.39
:who is that man?
feb. 29. 8.39
Richard:I am the one
feb. 29. 8.39
:no Richard
feb. 29. 8.39
Richard:What is wrong with you
feb. 29. 8.39
:and you dont exist in Nigeria

feb. 29. 8.39
Richard:Don't ask me silly questions
feb. 29. 8.40
:Ali chima dont exist in eko suit hotel
feb. 29. 8.40
:I know
feb. 29. 8.40
:who is that man Richard? or what is yoir name?
feb. 29. 8.40
:please tell me oly thing: whois that man?
feb. 29. 8.41
Richard:Are you crazy
feb. 29. 8.41
Richard:Don't write me again
feb. 29. 8.41
Richard:Or I block you
feb. 29. 8.41
:No, i am not crazy
feb. 29. 8.41
:and you no that
feb. 29. 8.41
feb. 29. 8.41
feb. 29. 8.41
feb. 29. 8.41
feb. 29. 8.42
Richard:You are looking for me
feb. 29. 8.42
Richard:Behind my back
feb. 29. 8.42
:Itry to believe that you are the man I met here
feb. 29. 8.42
Richard:Go away
feb. 29. 8.42
:yes Richard, because its too much strange things
feb. 29. 8.42
feb. 29. 8.42
:around you
feb. 29. 8.42
Richard:So bye
feb. 29. 8.42
Richard:If you don't believe me
feb. 29. 8.43
:who is that man, please?
feb. 29. 8.43
Richard:I have nothing to tell you
feb. 29. 8.43
Richard:Are you mad?
feb. 29. 8.43
feb. 29. 8.43
Richard:Don't write me again
feb. 29. 8.43
feb. 29. 8.43
Richard:If you don't believe am the man there

feb. 29. 8.43
Richard:Please don't reply me
feb. 29. 8.43
feb. 29. 8.43
:i try to believe, because i received new life from you, but you are not in the hotel eko suites
feb. 29. 8.44
:ali chima is not in the hotel
feb. 29. 8.44
feb. 29. 8.44
Richard:Who told you to look for me
feb. 29. 8.44
:the manager is the hotel is an other man
feb. 29. 8.44
Richard:Did I
feb. 29. 8.44
feb. 29. 8.44
:no, me myself
feb. 29. 8.45
:because I was afraid that my heart will broken
feb. 29. 8.45
:and I wanted to know who are you
feb. 29. 8.45
:I dont angry to you
feb. 29. 8.45
:but I cant believe it
feb. 29. 8.45
feb. 29. 8.45
feb. 29. 8.45
Richard:I don't want to talk to you again
feb. 29. 8.46
:and you know what I say
feb. 29. 8.46
:I dont ask you to tell me the true
feb. 29. 8.46
:just only thing: who is the man on the photo?
feb. 29. 8.46
Richard:You went behind my back
feb. 29. 8.46
Richard:So go to hell
feb. 29. 8.46
Richard:Stop asking me that
feb. 29. 8.46
Richard:Are you retarded
feb. 29. 8.46
:yes, you are not the man, I met here, Richard
feb. 29. 8.46
feb. 29. 8.47
Richard:I am blocking you now
feb. 29. 8.47
if you think. I loved you
feb. 29. 8.47
feb. 29. 8.47

feb. 29. 8.47
Richard:You are bad
feb. 29. 8.47
:you never loved me
feb. 29. 8.47
Richard:And insecure
feb. 29. 8.47
:no Richard
feb. 29. 8.48
:no richard
feb. 29. 8.48
:you played with me, and with other
feb. 29. 8.49
:I know this too. and I loved you, thats why I disactivated me myself from fb
feb. 29. 8.49
Richard:So bye then
feb. 29. 8.49
your mobil phone is a redirected number
feb. 29. 8.49
:i cant believe it
feb. 29. 8.50
:And you deactivated yourself from fb
feb. 29. 8.50
:I know this. WHY???? why you told me love me
feb. 29. 8.50
:why you wanted me???
feb. 29. 8.51
:who are you???? who is the man on the photo????
feb. 29. 8.51
:I loved him!!!!
feb. 29. 8.51
:only him!!!
feb. 29. 8.51
Richard:Keep disturbing yourself
feb. 29. 8.51
Richard:I am not talking to you again
feb. 29. 8.52
:yes, this is your solution always
feb. 29. 8.52
:not talking, just carry away
feb. 29. 8.52
:without saying something
feb. 29. 8.52
:if you right man, you can explain everything
feb. 29. 8.53
feb. 29. 8.53
:and your firm?
feb. 29. 8.53
:in London....
feb. 29. 8.53
Richard:Do you think your money is my problem
feb. 29. 8.53
Richard:Go away
feb. 29. 8.53
feb. 29. 8.53
:I dont think
feb. 29. 8.54
Richard:So please let me be

feb. 29. 8.54
:just you dont tell me the true
feb. 29. 8.54
:I cant let you, because I loved you!
feb. 29. 8.54
Richard:Ok bye
feb. 29. 8.54
:and you know that
feb. 29. 8.54
:I trusted you, all my life wanted to share you
feb. 29. 8.54
Richard:Please leave me 'my name'
feb. 29. 8.55
Richard:You don't trust me
feb. 29. 8.55
Richard:Why will you call the hotel
feb. 29. 8.55
:and I thought God bless us
feb. 29. 8.55
Richard:You lie
feb. 29. 8.55
:I called your hotel
feb. 29. 8.55
Richard:Please, I am over this
feb. 29. 8.55
Richard:I don't need you right now
feb. 29. 8.56
:I looked for the number on net
feb. 29. 8.56
and I called the hotel
feb. 29. 8.56
feb. 29. 8.56
:a lady look at the system
feb. 29. 8.56
:Richard Thomas does not exist in this hotel
feb. 29. 8.57
:She looked 3 times
feb. 29. 8.57
:I wanted to inform you, and help you
feb. 29. 8.58
:so I cant believe it. your photos are in my heart, but who are you actually?
feb. 29. 8.58
Richard:I don't need you to look things for me
feb. 29. 8.58
Richard:Just walk away
feb. 29. 8.58
feb. 29. 8.58
Richard:Keep your money
feb. 29. 8.59
:I cant, dont yo understand?
feb. 29. 8.59
Richard:We all need help in life
feb. 29. 8.59
:I cant go away
feb. 29. 8.59
Richard:Some day you will need help
feb. 29. 8.59
Richard:And no one will help you

feb. 29. 8.59
:oh yes
feb. 29. 8.59
:but I have friends
feb. 29. 9.00
:and I can reach him from anywhere
feb. 29. 9.00
feb. 29. 9.00
Richard:Ok good
feb. 29. 9.00
Richard:Don't worry
feb. 29. 9.01
:who are you please? who is that man in the photo? and your firm??? I loved you Richard. YOu always charmed me....
feb. 29. 9.01
:just charmed
feb. 29. 9.01
:every words was lie?? I cant believe it
feb. 29. 9.01
Richard:Don't ask me stupid questions
feb. 29. 9.02
:you know what about I speak you.
feb. 29. 9.02
:I need the man, who met here in net, you tell me nothing, because you know the true Richard
feb. 29. 9.04
:nothing information of you....your firm?? your phone number??? your adress?? and now, you are not in the hotel...
feb. 29. 9.04
:I loved you
feb. 29. 9.04
:and the man in that photo. I loved him from my heart
feb. 29. 9.05
feb. 29. 9.05
feb. 29. 9.06
:just I hope, some day I will know the true, and I will cry, if this things that I told you are false.
feb. 29. 9.07
:and you are tha man in my life, the man who believe in God, in Jesus
feb. 29. 9.09
i:I never go anymore to fb, I dont want an other man write me, and I dont want other man in my life
feb. 29. 9.09
:God bless you, I wish you the love of God. I cant believe it, that every your letter was lie...My heart was yours
feb. 29. 9.10
:I go now,
feb. 29. 9.10
:I let you
feb. 29. 9.10
:and Victoria??
feb. 29. 9.11
feb. 29. 9.11
feb. 29. 9.12
:you see, you let me too easily.. because you never hold by me. I all the same I cant you let easily.
feb. 29. 9.12
:I cant believe it. God bless you
feb. 29. 9.12
feb. 29. 9.13
:nothing to say?

feb. 29. 9.13
Richard:Just because I ask you for money
feb. 29. 9.13
feb. 29. 9.13
Richard:You are doing all those
feb. 29. 9.13
:because you dont tell me the true
feb. 29. 9.13
Richard:Can you give homeless kids money?
feb. 29. 9.14
feb. 29. 9.14
:and food too
feb. 29. 9.14
feb. 29. 9.14
feb. 29. 9.15
:you dont tell me the true. I just hope everything is true, but I dont hope because you tell me nothing. And my hope is not enough.
feb. 29. 9.15
feb. 29. 9.15
Richard:So keep your help
feb. 29. 9.16
Richard:If I am in the hospital
feb. 29. 9.16
Richard:Will you ask before paying for my treatment
feb. 29. 9.16
:who is tha man on that photo?? I cry for you are not in hospital
feb. 29. 9.16
:and you are not in the hotel
feb. 29. 9.16
Richard:Good bye please
feb. 29. 9.16
Richard:If you ask me who is the man again
feb. 29. 9.17
Richard:I will delete you
feb. 29. 9.17
Richard:And block you
feb. 29. 9.17
:I loved you, dont you understand, if you would love me, you explain everything
feb. 29. 9.17
Richard:You want me to tell you what
feb. 29. 9.17
Richard:You are greedy
feb. 29. 9.18
Richard:Keep your little money
feb. 29. 9.18
:I am sad and disappointed, but I dont use words to insult you
feb. 29. 9.18
:you always
feb. 29. 9.19
Richard:So please leave me
feb. 29. 9.19
:I cant
feb. 29. 9.19
:but I have to
feb. 29. 9.19

feb. 29. 9.20
:I am a poor woman Richard. I didnt know what can I give you, when you planed our future
feb. 29. 9.20
:I wanted to give you all my money yesterday
feb. 29. 9.20
Richard:I don't need your money
feb. 29. 9.20
Richard:How much do you have to give me
feb. 29. 9.21
:why is important?
feb. 29. 9.21
feb. 29. 9.21
Richard:Forget it
feb. 29. 9.21
:too little money but it was from my heart
feb. 29. 9.22
feb. 29. 9.22
Richard:So keep it now
feb. 29. 9.23
Richard:I am not explaining anything to you
feb. 29. 9.24
Richard:'my name'
feb. 29. 9.24
Richard:Keep your money
feb. 29. 9.25
:I you would love me, you would appreciate... first you deactivated yourself from fb, then your phone number is redirected number like the scam number from NIgeria ( we all received circum letter from this) an 3: you suddenly robbed in Nigeria and throught WESTERN UNION you need money. ...and4: you are not exist in hotel. DOnt tell me 'my name', because I weaken
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:why will you go and search for me
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:I have explained all to you
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:If you don't believe it
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:Forget it
feb. 29. 9.26
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:Go away
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:And let me be
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:I loved you
feb. 29. 9.26
Richard:But I can't continue with you
feb. 29. 9.28
Richard:You are not trustworthy
feb. 29. 9.29
:I am trustworty. thats why I tol you everything now
feb. 29. 9.30
:I believe ing God, all my life is throught the trustworty and throught the God, and I believed that I found my other side who believe in God too
feb. 29. 9.31
:why I cant believe still this things of you? why I still suffer from you?
feb. 29. 9.31
Richard:Me too
feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:If you can't send me money
feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:Please forget it

feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:Don't disturb me now
feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:With questions
feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:I don't need them now
feb. 29. 9.32
Richard:I need to sort myself out
feb. 29. 9.32
:all right. I never forget you, and I have not other man in my life
feb. 29. 9.33
feb. 29. 9.33
:ok...always ok, thats good, nice, nothing else
feb. 29. 9.34
:I promised you, whoever you are, and I will send the money
feb. 29. 9.34
:because I promised you
feb. 29. 9.35
feb. 29. 9.35
:I think you are glad now.
feb. 29. 9.35
:God bless
feb. 29. 9.35
Richard:I am not
feb. 29. 9.35
Richard:I am not happy
feb. 29. 9.35
feb. 29. 9.36
:I promised, I will semd the money whoever you are
feb. 29. 9.36
:afternoon at about 14pm
feb. 29. 9.36
:I have to go now
feb. 29. 9.36
:god bless forever

feb. 29. 10.52
:I call the office now,and ask when I can send money.
feb. 29. 10.52
feb. 29. 10.53
Richard:what did they say?
feb. 29. 10.53
:And i ask you to call your sister too fróm your mobil,that was not taken as you said.
feb. 29. 10.55
feb. 29. 10.55
:I have to wait one two hour for the repair system,maybe at 13pm it will oj
feb. 29. 10.55
Richard:I can't believe this
feb. 29. 10.56
Richard:Go to another office
feb. 29. 10.57
Richard:Tired of all this
feb. 29. 10.58
:There ís one office,the post office,there ís not UK
feb. 29. 10.59
Richard:You are just saying what don't make sence
feb. 29. 10.59
Richard:Is it Uk you are sending money to
feb. 29. 10.59
Richard:Or nigeria
feb. 29. 11.00
:My country ís not UK,here is whére i líve the post office,i cánt travel now to an other town
feb. 29. 11.01
feb. 29. 11.02
Richard:Just tell me how much you are sending
feb. 29. 11.03
:I will send money for your name to the adress of your hotel,because i dont want somebody take your money again.
feb. 29. 11.03
Richard:Listen to me ok
feb. 29. 11.03
Richard:If you don't follow my own instruction
feb. 29. 11.03
Richard:Why are you stressing me
feb. 29. 11.04
Richard:Because you want to send me money
feb. 29. 11.07
Richard:I don't force you
feb. 29. 11.07
:Ok if you think
feb. 29. 11.07
feb. 29. 11.10
:Why dont call yours from your mobil phone?you need help
feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:I need help
feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:But don't tell me what to do
feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:I am not a baby
feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:So this is how you are
feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:I can't believe this

feb. 29. 11.11
Richard:'my name' please
feb. 29. 11.11
Thank you 'my name' very much the money...
feb. 29. 11.11
feb. 29. 11.12
Richard:Don't stress my head because of little money
feb. 29. 11.12
Richard:Please its simple
feb. 29. 11.12
Richard:Forget it
feb. 29. 11.12
Richard:If you don't want to send
feb. 29. 11.12
Richard:I beg you
feb. 29. 11.13
:Yes thats me,always believe in everybndy,and want to help
feb. 29. 11.13
feb. 29. 11.14
Richard:'my name'
feb. 29. 11.14
Richard:Please if you talk this money again
feb. 29. 11.14
Richard:I will block you
feb. 29. 11.14
Richard:I don't need your money no more
feb. 29. 11.14
:What does that mean beg?i dont know
feb. 29. 11.15
feb. 29. 11.15
Richard:Please leave me oh
feb. 29. 11.15
Richard:You are getting me angry ok
feb. 29. 11.16
Richard:Don't ask me anything further
feb. 29. 11.16
Richard:I don't need your money ok
feb. 29. 11.16
Richard:Please keep it
feb. 29. 11.16
Richard:Its not by force
feb. 29. 11.17
:All right. Then i dont send was too little. Just 50pounds
feb. 29. 11.17
feb. 29. 11.18
feb. 29. 11.18
i:Good bye.
feb. 29. 11.18
feb. 29. 11.18

feb. 29. 11.33
:I think we must finísh it, Ríchard,you dont trust me, i dont trust you. We must stop this all. My heart is broken but not important.i dont know wiat can i wish you.just live in love óf God
feb. 29. 11.34
feb. 29. 11.35
i:You never mind i think
feb. 29. 11.35
feb. 29. 11.35
Richard:Its ok
feb. 29. 11.35
feb. 29. 11.37
feb. 29. 11.38
Richard:What do you think
feb. 29. 11.38
feb. 29. 11.38
feb. 29. 11.38
:Go the distance... God bless
feb. 29. 11.38
feb. 29. 11.38
feb. 29. 11.39
Richard:What can I do with that
feb. 29. 11.39
:Yes from my heart
feb. 29. 11.39
Richard:Too small
feb. 29. 11.39
Richard:I don't want

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:55 pm

3. MOney
I sent him money twice
He always convinced me that money does not matter...just me...

He sent me email:
Received: from [] by via HTTP

hey dear, how are you doing, its been a terrible time for me, first thanks for your care and support, i know have not be too fair to you, its just due to my condition that am in right now, but assure you that nothing told you was a lie, sometimes it scare me when you say should tell you who am, but the truth is that am the person on the photo, and will remain the person. as told you earlier, am in construction and buliding, a buisness which just started and we are just still growing, lost my wife few years ago to a car accident, whiich I I told you before, and I hava a kid from the marriage, I am a very busy person, I try so hard to put things in order for myself and my daughter because she means a lot to me as peter and philip mean a lot to you too.

This is my home address. 115, Macmillan Way, Tooting, London. There is nothing I want to hide from you, I am plain and truthful, I just want you to believe and trust me completely, as I was given a contract to do here in nigeria, I was robbed and all my belongings were taken from me, it was terrible for me, I didn't see no one to talk to excpe t you because you have captured my whole heart and you are like family to me now. I treasure you so much in my heart, it was just the accident that happened that's why I was a little harsh and I am sorry about that, I don't want to hide anything from you. I need you so much becaise I fell inlove with you. I hope you do understand all this. Please give me a chance so that we can start all over again.

In life, money doesn't mean anything to me, because we will all die and leave it someday, everything is vanity. So why will I lie to you, when I know we are going to leave everything on earth behind when we die. Please give me another chance to show you that I am trustworthy and I can go extra miles just to make sure you are happy, and your kids too.

I love you, and I hope this helps a little.

Re: Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:37 pm

Hi catrulli!

Thanks for posting this. It will help other potential victims.

Sorry for what you had been through and I hope you are feeling better now. Posting this is a one big step towards your healing. Like you, I had been scammed too & lost a significant amount to my scammer. It's exactly 5 weeks now since I realized that i had been scammed. Yes, the first week was so painful but I am OKAY now. Thanks to the support I got from some dear new friends and one of them is also here in ScamSurvivors (thanks to Ruffled Feathers). :P

I know you will also be OK. Just be strong. I wish you well.


Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:01 pm

He got to London with my help again... (it was lie) and he wanted money again...

He claimed he got t London on 5 march....

márc. 07. 19.44
:I feel something changed Richard.
márc. 07. 19.46
:Good night
márc. 07. 19.51
márc. 07. 19.51
Richard:What changed
márc. 07. 19.51
Richard:What's wrong?
márc. 07. 19.52
:You said hold on, and we need to talk. But you say nothing. Just please tell me if i feel it well because i suffer.
márc. 07. 19.52
Richard:I don't want to leave you ok
márc. 07. 19.52
Richard:I was writing my lawyer
márc. 07. 19.53
:Please tell me if you are tired now.

márc. 07. 19.53
Richard:I am not tired ok
márc. 07. 19.54
Richard:I have a property which I am trying to clear
márc. 07. 19.54
:I said i dont want hold you
márc. 07. 19.54
Richard:So I am writing my lawyer
márc. 07. 19.55
:We cán find an other opportune time
márc. 07. 19.56
:To talk
márc. 07. 19.58
:I am glad you at last wrote something about you...
márc. 07. 20.02
márc. 07. 20.02
Richard:I don't talk?
márc. 07. 20.02
: i am just glad you wrote me what are you doing now
márc. 07. 20.03
Richard:Oh ok
márc. 07. 20.04
Richard:I have a very huge property to clear at the moment
márc. 07. 20.04
Richard:I just got home to receive the notification from the tax clearance


márc. 08. 11.11
Richard:I have property due to clear
márc. 08. 11.12
Richard:Worth 1.3million dollars
márc. 08. 11.12
Richard:So I am discussing with my lawyer
márc. 08. 11.13
Richard:It will not be released to me, until clear the tax on it, because the property was willed to me by my father
márc. 08. 20.42
:how are you?
márc. 08. 20.42
márc. 08. 20.42
Richard:Been working with the lawyer
márc. 08. 20.42
:i understand
márc. 08. 20.43
:you git tired?
márc. 08. 20.43
márc. 08. 20.43
márc. 08. 20.44
:is it good to be at home?
márc. 08. 20.44
:(not in nigeria)
márc. 08. 20.45
márc. 08. 20.46
:will you go to Victoria on this weekend?
márc. 08. 20.46
márc. 08. 20.47
Richard:But I need to sort somethings first
márc. 08. 20.47
:i understand
márc. 08. 20.47
Richard:I sent out about 50,000dollars to settle some bills
márc. 08. 20.47
Richard:Still need 5, 000 to complete
márc. 08. 20.47
Richard:Was wondering if you can help me
márc. 08. 20.47
márc. 08. 20.48
Richard:After I get my property money
márc. 08. 20.48
márc. 08. 20.48
Richard:I will send it back
márc. 08. 20.48
:you joke
márc. 08. 20.48
:with me

márc. 08. 20.50
:dont break my heart please
márc. 08. 20.52
:forget me Richard for ever. I will be fine, Richard....
márc. 08. 20.52
márc. 08. 20.52
Richard:I can't ask about your car
márc. 08. 20.52
Richard:If this is how you want it
márc. 08. 20.52
Richard:Forget it
márc. 08. 20.54
Richard:Why are you like this
márc. 08. 21.00
márc. 08. 21.00
Richard:I came here to chat
márc. 08. 21.00
Richard:And you want to start all over again
márc. 08. 21.00
Richard:I will send back your morning tomorrow
márc. 08. 21.01
Richard:And write the details to your email
márc. 08. 21.09
márc. 08. 21.14
:RIchard, do you know who you want to ask money of? I think you are uninhibited little. Please ask you lawyer how can you get money. Not me, Richard. I have 500 Euro for a month. Yes Richard. I dont understand how can you come to your mind ask just me. Yes Richard.

márc. 08. 21.16
Richard:Its ok
márc. 08. 21.16
Richard:Don't worry
márc. 08. 21.16
:nad you will harsh again, because I am a poor woman, and you will leave me, because I have not money...
márc. 08. 21.17
márc. 08. 21.17
Richard:I am not harsh
márc. 08. 21.17
Richard:I am angry because of what you said
márc. 08. 21.17
:tell me
márc. 08. 21.17
Richard:I trust you that's why I ask
márc. 08. 21.17
:let me ask Richard
márc. 08. 21.17
Richard:Do you think I just ask
márc. 08. 21.17
:how came to your mind ?
márc. 08. 21.19
:i suffer....i can give nothing for you. I can give nothing for your life. Just my heart. Please think over
márc. 08. 21.19
Richard:If I am not close to someone I don't do this
márc. 08. 21.19
Richard:Don't worry ok
márc. 08. 21.19
:Think over Richard
márc. 08. 21.20
Richard:Please I think I can share anything with you
márc. 08. 21.20
Richard:I am not leaving you
márc. 08. 21.21
:how came to your mind? just me?
márc. 08. 21.21
Richard:I have asked every body
márc. 08. 21.21
Richard:Do you think I am joking
márc. 08. 21.22
:when you know I have nothing
márc. 08. 21.22
Richard:I have property from my parents which I am about to lose
márc. 08. 21.22
Richard:Do you have an idea how that feels
márc. 08. 21.22
:no Richard
márc. 08. 21.23
:maybe you need a rich women...
márc. 08. 21.23
márc. 08. 21.23
:ot me
márc. 08. 21.23
márc. 08. 21.24
Richard:I don't need a rich person
márc. 08. 21.24
Richard:Because I am comfortable with what I have

márc. 08. 21.24
:what do you need in your life Richard?
márc. 08. 21.25
:think over
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:I need someone
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:Not money
márc. 08. 21.25
márc. 08. 21.25
:not me
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:I will send the money to you tomorrow morning
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:I need you
márc. 08. 21.25
:dont have to
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:I am just explaining
márc. 08. 21.25
Richard:Don't misunderstand me
márc. 08. 21.29
:why dou you want just me? i can give you nothing......i am just calmed down by now
márc. 08. 21.30
:and again....
márc. 08. 21.30
Richard:You don't understand
márc. 08. 21.30
:5000 dollars...just me....
márc. 08. 21.31
Richard:Do you think I am only interested in your money
márc. 08. 21.31
Richard:I have asked everyone I know
márc. 08. 21.31
Richard:I settle with a lot of money
márc. 08. 21.31
Richard:I have received help too
márc. 08. 21.31
Richard:From friends and family
márc. 08. 21.31
márc. 08. 21.32
Richard:I just asking because I felt you are a part of me
márc. 08. 21.32
Richard:But you are not acting like that
márc. 08. 21.32
:pkease Richard
márc. 08. 21.32
márc. 08. 21.32
Richard:We are suppose to share everything together, that's how family grows
márc. 08. 21.32
Richard:My sister is my family
márc. 08. 21.33
:If I can give yo 5000 money I acting like part of you?
márc. 08. 21.34
Richard:Why are you misunderstanding
márc. 08. 21.34

márc. 08. 21.34
Richard:I am not saying that
márc. 08. 21.34
Richard:Can't I tell you everything?
márc. 08. 21.35
:yes I am sorry
márc. 08. 21.37
Richard:I don't understand at all
márc. 08. 21.37
:but i dont understand you. 5000 dollars....just me...anyhow i have a problem with my money I have not. I can give you nothing for your life. You always remind me of this.
márc. 08. 21.38
:i am sorry if i misunderstand you
márc. 08. 21.38
Richard:You don't have to put money in my life to be with me
márc. 08. 21.38
Richard:I just borrowing
márc. 08. 21.38
márc. 08. 21.39
márc. 08. 21.39
márc. 08. 21.39
márc. 08. 21.40
márc. 08. 21.40
Richard:I don't do this because I need money from you
márc. 08. 21.40
:begging for what?
márc. 08. 21.40
Richard:I need it because I really want it
márc. 08. 21.40
Richard:So you always misunderstand me
márc. 08. 21.41
Richard:That you think I just want money
márc. 08. 21.42
: I did not get used to it that someone ask for me 5000 dollars
márc. 08. 21.43
Richard:I don't understanf
márc. 08. 21.43
Richard:Don't worry about my problem
márc. 08. 21.43
Richard:I will send you back your money tomorrow
márc. 08. 21.43
:dont have to
márc. 08. 21.43
:i said
márc. 08. 21.44
Richard:400euro that's what I will send
márc. 08. 21.44
Richard:I must do it
márc. 08. 21.44
Richard:You disrespect the love I have for you
márc. 08. 21.45
márc. 08. 21.45
márc. 08. 21.45
:maybe i understand you now

márc. 08. 21.45
márc. 08. 21.45
:its fine we can talk about it
márc. 08. 21.46
:i am not angry, and was not angry. i really was scared in that moment when you asked 5000 dollars
márc. 08. 21.46
márc. 08. 21.47
Richard:I just asked to help me
márc. 08. 21.47
Richard:Don't worry
márc. 08. 21.47
:i am gald we could talk about i without red hot
márc. 08. 21.47
Richard:You hurt me
márc. 08. 21.48
márc. 08. 21.48
:i just tell you i am glad whe could talk over
márc. 08. 21.48
:and i
márc. 08. 21.48
:can understand you by now
márc. 08. 21.48
:i dont and did not want hurt you
márc. 08. 21.49
:i was scared at the moment when you asked money (again...)
márc. 08. 21.49
but i am glad that i was able to come here again to talk about this problem
márc. 08. 21.49
márc. 08. 21.49
:i interest your problem but i cantt help
márc. 08. 21.50
Richard:its ok
márc. 08. 21.50
márc. 08. 21.50
:you was writing something
márc. 08. 21.51
:tell me about the property of your parents
márc. 08. 21.52
márc. 08. 21.52
Richard:I am in a tight corner now
márc. 08. 21.52
Richard:If I don't see this through, I might lose 1.3million dollars

márc. 09. 9.55
Richard:I was wondering if you can help me with a little money, I don't want to lose my fathers inheritance
márc. 09. 9.55
Richard:I will break down
márc. 09. 9.56
:Richard, i told you, i have not money. HOw can I get money? please
márc. 09. 9.56
:I dont know how pac my two bills now...
márc. 09. 9.56
márc. 09. 9.57
:please understand me!
márc. 09. 9.57
Richard:I promise to give it back, after I claim this property in few days
márc. 09. 9.57
Richard:All my friends have helped me
márc. 09. 9.57
Richard:And nothing to be done now
márc. 09. 9.57
:but Richard, i have not money, I told you.
márc. 09. 9.57
Richard:Anything can help me
márc. 09. 9.58
:plesa understand me
márc. 09. 9.58
:how can i get money
márc. 09. 9.58
:i feel something, but i dont tell you now.
márc. 09. 9.58
márc. 09. 9.58
Richard:Tell me
márc. 09. 9.59
:just it will happen
márc. 09. 9.59
Richard:You think I am only interested in your money
márc. 09. 10.00
:Richard, why do you ask me again and again, because I told you in detail how many money i have in a month
márc. 09. 10.00
:do you have skype?
márc. 09. 10.00
Richard:I just want to be helped even if its 300 euro
márc. 09. 10.00
Richard:No I don't have
márc. 09. 10.01
:300 euro? you wanted to send me 400euro today, and now you want 300 euro?

márc. 09. 10.05
Richard:Do you want me to send your 250euro ( I sent him 250)
márc. 09. 10.06
:why you want send money to me, when you want from me 300 euro :lol:
márc. 09. 10.06
:i believe you are honest
márc. 09. 10.06
Richard:I just need to complete the money I have with me
márc. 09. 10.06
:as you said in your first letter on facebook
márc. 09. 10.06
Richard:How do I explain to you
márc. 09. 10.07
:yes, but not from me
márc. 09. 10.07
:i have not Richard
márc. 09. 10.07
:you could see
márc. 09. 10.07
:i tol you everything
márc. 09. 10.07
:and i dont want to talk about it
márc. 09. 10.07
:if you dont understand this
márc. 09. 10.08
márc. 09. 10.08
Richard:I have to go now
márc. 09. 10.08
:yes i know
márc. 09. 10.08
Richard:This can't work
márc. 09. 10.08
:because i dont send money again
márc. 09. 10.08
Richard:If you always don't understand
márc. 09. 10.08
:i understand you
márc. 09. 10.08
márc. 09. 10.08
Richard:I am driving to the bank now
márc. 09. 10.08
:i see if i cant send you money
márc. 09. 10.08
:you always want to go
márc. 09. 10.08
márc. 09. 10.08
Richard:Don't worry

márc. 09. 10.09
Richard:You always like this
márc. 09. 10.09
:this cant work??
márc. 09. 10.09
Richard:Please forget
márc. 09. 10.09
:no i love you
márc. 09. 10.09
:but i have not money
márc. 09. 10.09
Richard:I will send you the money in 30mins
márc. 09. 10.09
márc. 09. 10.09
Richard:And get the code soon
márc. 09. 10.09
:you said its dont work
márc. 09. 10.09
i:because i dont send money for you?
márc. 09. 10.09
:you want to leave me?
márc. 09. 10.10
:you said its dont work...and you want to leave me, because i dont send money. my heart break
márc. 09. 10.10
Richard:I am letting you be
márc. 09. 10.10
:tell me why?
márc. 09. 10.10
:because i dont send money?
márc. 09. 10.10
:i felt this Richard
márc. 09. 10.10
Richard:Because you will always misunderstand me
márc. 09. 10.10
:o Richard
márc. 09. 10.10
:i understand you
márc. 09. 10.11
Richard:That's why I am sending you back your money in 30mins
márc. 09. 10.11
:i inderstand you tthat you dont want my money just me
márc. 09. 10.11
:as íou said
márc. 09. 10.11
:please Richard
márc. 09. 10.11
:i dont want this money back please
márc. 09. 10.11
:i give you this money, that you want to send me back
márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:Goodbye please
márc. 09. 10.12
:i understand you, but i cant help you, dear Richard
márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:I love you. But I can't take it more
márc. 09. 10.12
:tell me why?
márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:You always stress me

márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:And I don't need your money
márc. 09. 10.12
:i dont want Richard
márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:I have to go to the bank now
márc. 09. 10.12
márc. 09. 10.12
Richard:Please stay online
márc. 09. 10.12
:i dont have money
márc. 09. 10.12
:i am crying
márc. 09. 10.13
Richard:I will send you the code soon
márc. 09. 10.13
:i dont need that money, please understand me
márc. 09. 10.13
:please dont be like this
márc. 09. 10.13
i understand you, i said you, but i have not money.
márc. 09. 10.13
:i will die Richard. i feel.
márc. 09. 10.13
:you said: its dont work, when i told you i have not money
márc. 09. 10.14
Richard:It won't work
márc. 09. 10.14
:i break down now. i cant believe it. i am cry.
márc. 09. 10.14
:why tell me
márc. 09. 10.14
Richard:Because the way you act
márc. 09. 10.14
:tell me how i act?
márc. 09. 10.14
Richard:Money is not everything
márc. 09. 10.14
:for mee too not everything
márc. 09. 10.14
:i hate money
márc. 09. 10.14
:i love you, just you
márc. 09. 10.15
Richard:But you feel like I am with you because of your money
márc. 09. 10.15
márc. 09. 10.15
:i am just explain that
márc. 09. 10.15
:i never think this
márc. 09. 10.15
Richard:You do
márc. 09. 10.15
i:i forgive you yesterday and today too
márc. 09. 10.15
:no Richard
márc. 09. 10.15
Richard:I am running late
He wanted to leave me, I thought already that he was maybe a liar, but I always wanted convince myself that he is a good man.....

márc. 09. 11.09
I am here Richard. I sent 4email for you.pleasé read it.
márc. 09. 11.10
Richard:i have read it
márc. 09. 11.10
márc. 09. 11.10
Richard:and its not easy for me too
márc. 09. 11.11
:Please give me a chance ,and please help me hnw have to love you,what you need you.
márc. 09. 11.12
:I know and i understand itr not easy for you
márc. 09. 11.12
Richard:i am afraid 'my name'
márc. 09. 11.12
Richard:i fell in love with you
márc. 09. 11.13
Richard:i can't stand my heart been hurt\
márc. 09. 11.13
:I want always understand you Dear Richard
márc. 09. 11.14
Richard:then show me
márc. 09. 11.14
Richard:that you can make sacrifise for me
márc. 09. 11.14
Richard:no matter what
márc. 09. 11.16
:I falled i n love Richard.i

márc. 09. 11.17
Richard:i love you
márc. 09. 11.18
Richard:i dont want to lose you
márc. 09. 11.18
Richard:you are all i think of
márc. 09. 11.20
márc. 09. 11.20
:Tell me what do you think? What sacrifice? You know my bank maybe take away my car,because i couldnot pay 2 payment details. Idont want back my money from you that i sent to nigeria,thats my sacrifice now.i dont know what about my car now.
márc. 09. 11.21
márc. 09. 11.21
Richard:how much to pay for the car now?

márc. 09. 11.26
Richard:tell me how much more you need for your car
:Dont worry abnut my car i dont worry tno,because i know god help me because i sent you from my heart that littlet money.

márc. 09. 11.32
márc. 09. 11.32
Richard:its pok
márc. 09. 11.33
Richard:if you dont want to talk
márc. 09. 11.33
Richard:see you later
márc. 09. 11.33
:Ok i tell you
márc. 09. 11.34
:Please dont be angry.just i always ashame
márc. 09. 11.34
Richard:dont need to be afraid
márc. 09. 11.34
Richard:i don't mind
márc. 09. 11.35
márc. 09. 11.35
Richard:after that you get your car?
márc. 09. 11.36
:I am slow becausé i write from phone
márc. 09. 11.37
:Oh no.
márc. 09. 11.38
:I have to pay yet 1,5million ....
márc. 09. 11.38
Richard:thats how much in euro?
márc. 09. 11.38 Every month 25000
márc. 09. 11.40
márc. 09. 11.41
:5000euro in total,and evdry month 83 euro
márc. 09. 11.41
márc. 09. 11.41
:Every month about 100euro.
márc. 09. 11.42

márc. 09. 11.44
Richard:i will get a car for you after this
márc. 09. 11.44
márc. 09. 11.44
Richard:i have 3 cars

márc. 09. 11.49
Richard:i am here for you
márc. 09. 11.49

Richard Thomas love-scammer

Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:48 pm

3. Money

He wanted to charm me with our song Go the distance and he find an other song to charm me better, he plaid with me because he wanted money from me...he did know that I am not strong, I am very sensitive woman...
márc. 09. 21.22
:you are need sleep....i dont hold you
márc. 09. 21.22
Richard:I am fine
márc. 09. 21.28
Richard:If you want to sleep
márc. 09. 21.28
Richard:You can
márc. 09. 21.28
Richard:You don't seems to write
márc. 09. 21.28
:i dont want Richard
márc. 09. 21.28
:i am just
márc. 09. 21.28
:listening my songs
márc. 09. 21.28
:i need them
márc. 09. 21.29
:i just
márc. 09. 21.29
:thinking about you always
márc. 09. 21.29
márc. 09. 21.29
Richard:What song?
márc. 09. 21.29
Richard:Me too
márc. 09. 21.30
:sometimes i would like to listen song with you
márc. 09. 21.31
Richard:Oh sweet
márc. 09. 21.31
i:what song you are listening?
márc. 09. 21.31
Richard:Michael bolton always
márc. 09. 21.31
:yes Richard. Michael Bolton
márc. 09. 21.32
:Go thet distance, Richard
márc. 09. 21.32
márc. 09. 21.32
Richard:Our song
márc. 09. 21.36
:I am afraid to tell anything now....i would like to clim a mountain and from the mountaintop cry to the sky....
márc. 09. 21.39
márc. 09. 21.39
márc. 09. 21.40
:what song are you listening?
márc. 09. 21.40
márc. 09. 21.41
Richard:Daniel bedingfield
márc. 09. 21.41
Richard:If you not the one
márc. 09. 21.45
:this song...
márc. 09. 21.45
márc. 09. 21.45
:about you
márc. 09. 21.49
Richard:You know

márc. 10. 6.56
:Before you went to Nigerha everything was so perfect...i need and miss that Richard who every morning woke up and wrote his love letters,who all day after work ínterested Me,who who was funny and kind. I hope everything will be fine again.

Almost every day asked me to help him with any money, and he interested if I get work...He was very patience with me, and very interesting, he charmed me with his words..

At the end I was very angry. I tried to trust him but at the same time I was tracing on net continually...I wanted to know who is that man, I wanted to know surely that he is a scammer or a good man. I loved him very much but at the and I started to play with him, I lied that I have a little money and I lied that I send my money ...

márc. 14. 20.43
:and 200 euro help you???
márc. 14. 20.43
:5 minutes
márc. 14. 20.43
márc. 14. 20.52
:its ok 200
márc. 14. 20.52
márc. 14. 20.52
:but i want back this money
márc. 14. 20.55
márc. 14. 20.55
márc. 14. 20.56
Richard:where did you get it from?
márc. 14. 20.56
:tomorrow here is national festivity, friday i will send
márc. 14. 20.56
not important from where
márc. 14. 20.56
:but i want this money back Richard
márc. 14. 20.57
Richard:why not tell me
márc. 14. 20.57
márc. 14. 20.58
tell me adress name, and friday i will send it
márc. 14. 20.58
:i did not get it yet, i will receive soon
márc. 14. 20.58
márc. 14. 20.59
Richard:hold on
márc. 14. 20.59
márc. 14. 20.59
Richard:talk to me
márc. 14. 20.59
:i am here
márc. 14. 20.59
márc. 14. 21.00
Richard:tell me
márc. 14. 21.00
márc. 14. 21.00
Richard:its not about this money
márc. 14. 21.00
i dont understand
márc. 14. 21.01
Richard:i dont want you to feel i just want your money
márc. 14. 21.01
:we was talking about it.
márc. 14. 21.01
:I get 200 euro
márc. 14. 21.01
:tell me adress and name, and friday i will send it

márc. 14. 21.01
:to you
márc. 14. 21.02
márc. 14. 21.02
Richard:we till have tomorrow\
márc. 14. 21.02
Richard:how are the kids
márc. 14. 21.02
:why ask how are my kids? i told you they went their father
márc. 14. 21.03
:5 minutes and will back. my friend come
márc. 14. 21.04
márc. 14. 21.05
:5 monutes and will be back, my friend come soon with money
márc. 14. 21.06
márc. 14. 21.08
:I have the money
márc. 14. 21.09
:where I have to send it?
márc. 14. 21.09
Richard:are you annoyed
márc. 14. 21.09
márc. 14. 21.09
:will pass
márc. 14. 21.10
:you felt that i am annoyed?
márc. 14. 21.11
:tomorrow i will travel from home. I will be here next time tomorrow evening or night, because tomorrow here is national festivity.
márc. 14. 21.12
márc. 14. 21.12
:tell me where i have to send it friday. I have to send it early because my sons will come back friday to lunch
márc. 14. 21.12
márc. 14. 21.12
Richard:You have my address
márc. 14. 21.12
márc. 14. 21.12
Richard:Send it to my name
márc. 14. 21.12
Richard:Richard Thomas
márc. 14. 21.13
:Richard Thomas 115 macmillan way tooting london?
márc. 14. 21.13
márc. 14. 21.13
Richard:115 macmillan way tooting. London, united kingdom
márc. 14. 21.14
márc. 14. 21.14
Richard:Western union
márc. 14. 21.14
:and not Coventry
márc. 14. 21.14
Richard:That's is the address

márc. 14. 21.14
:yes and not Coventry
márc. 14. 21.14
you said you are from Coventry
márc. 14. 21.15
márc. 14. 21.15
Richard:I live in that address 'my name'
márc. 14. 21.16
:its ok
márc. 14. 21.16
:you know
márc. 14. 21.17
i:i will not receive code because you will receive the money personally with your identity card. end not need test question
márc. 14. 21.17
márc. 14. 21.17
:ok friday you will receive it
márc. 14. 21.17
márc. 14. 21.17
:but want back this money
márc. 14. 21.18
Richard:I must receive code
márc. 14. 21.18
Richard:To get the money
márc. 14. 21.18
Richard:That's the only way I can receive money
márc. 14. 21.19
:you dont need code because you have identity card Richard. The office said, and dont need test question because you are in UK NOT Nigeria
márc. 14. 21.20
:ok office will said this.
márc. 14. 21.20
:i have to go now
márc. 14. 21.20
:but I want back this money Richard
márc. 14. 21.20
Richard:I don't need test question
márc. 14. 21.20
Richard:But the MTCN
márc. 14. 21.20
i:dont need
márc. 14. 21.20
Richard:Is needed
márc. 14. 21.20
:the office will say this
márc. 14. 21.21
:i have to go
márc. 14. 21.21
i:friday i will send
márc. 14. 21.21
Richard:There must be a 10 digit number
márc. 14. 21.22
Richard:Which I can use to take the money
márc. 14. 21.23
i:i dont know and i dont care Richard. I said friday will get it. and then please forget me. Nobody come to mind ask money from a women who live alone with two little kid, one of them ill...
márc. 14. 21.23
:you are agressive..when you get the money friday please forget me. I will tell you if I sent it
márc. 14. 21.24
márc. 14. 21.24
Richard:Because I asked for money
márc. 14. 21.24
Richard:Not fair
márc. 14. 21.25
Richard:I can't believe this
márc. 14. 21.25
Richard:Please don't worry
márc. 14. 21.25
:i said Richard. friday i will send for you. but this the last!
márc. 14. 21.25
:and i want it back because this money is not mine
márc. 14. 21.27
:nobody come in mind to ask money from a woman who live alone wiht two little son, and one of them is ill, ...........not fair? not fair ask money from a woman like me. God says you this?? but dont worry friday you will get it. this the last time i send for you money. and please send back, because its not mine.
márc. 14. 21.27
G:god bless.
márc. 14. 21.31
Richard:I don't know what to say
márc. 14. 21.37
:Maybe thank you again
márc. 14. 21.38
:Maybe i will send yoú back
márc. 14. 21.38
Richard:Thank you
márc. 14. 21.39
Maybe say i am sorry
márc. 14. 21.40
:You asked three times. I want to ask something too from you
márc. 14. 21.40
Richard:I am speechless
márc. 14. 21.40
márc. 14. 21.41
Richard:Please do
márc. 14. 21.42
i:Thank you...i am so glad you help me again... For you is naturally that you ask money from me
márc. 14. 21.43
:I am sad Richard.
márc. 14. 21.44
Richard:That is what I said
márc. 14. 21.44
Richard:That's how you feel
márc. 14. 21.45
:do you want to know what i feel now?
márc. 14. 21.46
:do you want to know?
márc. 14. 21.47
márc. 14. 21.48
:my throat presses, my i crawl all over, and i have cardiac ache....
márc. 14. 21.49
márc. 14. 21.49
márc. 14. 21.49
:i want to ask something now
márc. 14. 21.50
márc. 14. 21.51
you said earlier you have computer too, before you send your lot of ( 54) photos for me.
márc. 14. 21.52
márc. 14. 21.55
márc. 14. 21.55
Richard:Why this questions
márc. 14. 21.55
i want you install skype and i want to see you, and hear you Richard! Please do that for me. Its a little thing Richard
márc. 14. 21.55
Richard:I use my mobile now
márc. 14. 21.55
:than use now your computer
márc. 14. 21.56
Richard:And only if I am at the office I can use a laptop
márc. 14. 21.56
:this is a little ask from you
márc. 14. 21.56
:i understand
márc. 14. 21.57
:you know
márc. 14. 21.57
:i had time today afternoon, after my sons went their father
márc. 14. 21.57
márc. 14. 21.57
márc. 14. 21.58
:I was reading our correspondences
márc. 14. 21.58
:all messages on yahoo
márc. 14. 21.59
márc. 14. 21.59
Richard:What did you find?
márc. 14. 22.00
:and I can tell you that you are changed Richard. you dont like this man who i met here. I was reading all our love messages, you always showed interest, delicacy and kindness
márc. 14. 22.00
:and now,
márc. 14. 22.01
:you are pretentious, sometimes harsh and scornful with me.
márc. 14. 22.02
:you know that i love you
márc. 14. 22.02
márc. 14. 22.02
:you can do with me what you want
márc. 14. 22.03
Richard:Oh my God
márc. 14. 22.03
Richard:Why will you say this
márc. 14. 22.03
:i am sensitive poor luckless and creduolus and i am fall in love still with you.
márc. 14. 22.04
Richard:I fall in love with you
márc. 14. 22.05
Richard:I feel you always misunderstand me
márc. 14. 22.05
:its not love Richard
márc. 14. 22.05
i you love me, you take care me
márc. 14. 22.05
Richard:I want to do that
márc. 14. 22.06
Richard:But you don't give me a chance
márc. 14. 22.07
:how can i give chance. I am always here Richard, I am always waiting for you....
márc. 14. 22.07
:I want to see you
márc. 14. 22.07
:i want to hear you
márc. 14. 22.07
:i spent lot of money or you
márc. 14. 22.07
márc. 14. 22.08
Richard:I know that
márc. 14. 22.08
Richard:I want to meet you too
márc. 14. 22.08
i:you never meet me Richard, and you know that too
márc. 14. 22.09
:the next time when you want to come to me, maybe you ask money to get here. We are not married Richard. First I have to take care of my sons, not of you
márc. 14. 22.10
Richard:Oh thank you for this
márc. 14. 22.10
Richard:It was a great insult
márc. 14. 22.10
Richard:I won't get angry
márc. 14. 22.10
Richard:I will just let it be
márc. 14. 22.11
:if you want to meet me
márc. 14. 22.11
:as you said
márc. 14. 22.11
márc. 14. 22.11
márc. 14. 22.11
i can across the ocean to be with the one I love
márc. 14. 22.12
Richard:I don't want to talk about it again
márc. 14. 22.12
Richard:Its ok if you want to leave me
márc. 14. 22.12
Richard:I have to go to bed now
márc. 14. 22.12
márc. 14. 22.12
:you carry away
márc. 14. 22.12
márc. 14. 22.13
:an you leave me in this mood
márc. 14. 22.13
:i want to see you
márc. 14. 22.13
:i want to meet you
márc. 14. 22.13
márc. 14. 22.14
Richard:Because I can't stand what you are telling me

márc. 14. 22.14
Richard:What do you take me for
márc. 14. 22.14
Richard:If I signout now
márc. 14. 22.14
Richard:I promise I won't come online again
márc. 14. 22.14
Richard:I mean that
márc. 14. 22.14
i:i am ill Richard
márc. 14. 22.15
Richard:And don't ask me why
márc. 14. 22.15
Richard:I am not a bad person
márc. 14. 22.15
Richard:I have feelings
márc. 14. 22.15
Richard:I can't hurt anyone
márc. 14. 22.15
:me too
márc. 14. 22.15
Richard:But I can't stand all what you are showing me
márc. 14. 22.15
:show me yourself Richard, i want to see you
márc. 14. 22.16
:i am still fall in love with you
márc. 14. 22.18
:two luckless person. me and you......we dont know what we want from each other. I want to be loved, and want to love. i want to see you even if on skype, wat to hear you....
márc. 14. 22.19
Richard:I will do the Skype when I get to the office on monday
márc. 14. 22.19
Richard:I need to sleep now
márc. 14. 22.19
márc. 14. 22.19
Richard:My head is heavy
márc. 14. 22.20
Richard:And my heart is hurt
márc. 14. 22.20
:yes Richard
márc. 14. 22.20
:i am ill too
márc. 14. 22.20
i:i can do nothing sinc days
márc. 14. 22.20
márc. 14. 22.21
:why you wait for moday? I want to see you Richard.
márc. 14. 22.24
:do you know what keep me alive?
márc. 14. 22.24
:do you know what says me to trust and believe you?
márc. 14. 22.24
our song: go the distance
márc. 14. 22.25
and the other sond
márc. 14. 22.25
márc. 14. 22.25
Richard:Trust me

márc. 14. 22.25
:daniel bedingfield.....
márc. 14. 22.25
:nothing else just this 2 songs
márc. 14. 22.26
márc. 14. 22.26
márc. 14. 22.27
:i have to go. i want to sleep
márc. 14. 22.27
i:wish i will not wake up...i want to sleep and dream....
márc. 14. 22.27
:good night
márc. 14. 22.28
Richard:You will wake up
márc. 14. 22.28
Richard:See you tomorrow
márc. 14. 22.28
Richard:Good night my love
Topic locked