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Waking up from the shock

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Waking up from the shock

Unread postby keaton82 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:48 am

So guys I am reciting my story because I believe that what happened to me shouldn't happen to anyone in the entire world. I am hoping that it can help others to avoid such scams...
Basically my story is similar to most of the stories you are reading in this page, I registered to dating site "" which is being quite popular now days in the place which I currently live in. And I do get some emails from very nice girls with pictures all the time and a personal email address, and those I usually ignore because one time I contacted one girl on her personal email and she kept sending very nice emails with photos of a very hot lady and her son. Yet I was suspicious because a woman like that can get anyone she wants from the middle of her town, so why using a website to make friends with people around the globe, so back again what I did is that I uploaded the photo to google and it turned out that it was a photo of a famous romanian model!!! I emailed saying that I know who is in the photo so please stop writing me and she or he did stop...
Yet, again another women came on the same website and started chatting normally, showing very nice photos and she said that she lives in Qatar but she is from morocco, and then asked me to skype and chat, so we started to chat on skype asking a lot of personal stuff and then told me do you have facebook and I told her yes and stupidly added her...
So on facebook she asked if I was alone? I replied yeah, then she said do you like sex? I said who doesn't!! Then she said lets go to skype and have some video fun,, so no thinking just making a video call and there you go a sexy women taking it off and telling me to do the same and thus I did, stupidly I can say...
After a few moments the link was lost and the girl was saying just give me a sec cause my sister is leaving the house and I have to shut the door, after that in like 5 minutes I am getting a call showing a recording of me...
So, here I am completely shocked thinking of how and how did I do such a thing cause the girl was showing me names of my family from facebook and threatening to share the video with them unless I pay... I am still under shock and without any thinking went to WU and wired the money and kept calling the number asking if she received it, cause she promised to delete it if I do wire now "which I didn't believe for a sec" but I am shocked and being threaten by a scammer!!!
Anyways, a guy replied on the phone and he said please open skype and hang up, few minutes later I got an IM on skype from her saying that she got the money but you know how life is expensive and I need more and swearing to delete it if I do, I told her but you promised, she said yes but I really need more. So I told her "realizing that he is a guy" sorry but I can't right now because I simply don't have, she said come on just wire, I said sorry but I don't have. By the way this was happening between 7 to 8 PM, so later that night she came back telling me that I am a guy and I just played a video of women taking her clothing and if you want to believe me open skype now and I will show you myself, I told him look I know you are a guy since you played back the video so no need, then he said please wire money and again I told him that I don't have, then he said ok take a week and try to arrange some. I told him no promises he said no a week...
The next day I was in a very bad shape, I went to work with a very long face and I have one person whom I can trust and tell the story, so I called him telling man if anything happens to me it's all because of this and that, and he tried to calm me down and he did for a bit... Then during the day I was googling the term blackmail and skype and find this wonderful website. But I couldn't enter live help until I went back home, and so I did, I found firefly and wayne in the chat room and they really did a great job which I don't know if I can ever repay them the same help and support...
So action was done, which is to disappear from the world wide web, I kept googling my full name and keep finding websites that i've registered to previously in my life, so kept disabling and deactivating until I reached a clean search, yet the clock is ticking and days are passing and the scammer called me after five days but I NEVER picked up, as a matter of fact I knew the timings which he come and start calling so I managed to keep my phone switched off during those times...
All of this happened since 10 days now, I didn't receive a call for the past three days and hoping that I wont. I kept thinking a lot about it and talking a lot about it with the guys in the live help which they kept advising me on what to do and how to react. But eventually I reached an understanding which I believe it's part of the message those wonderful people on this site are trying to pass to us which is, if the scammer can't get hold on to you then how can he blackmail you?? so ask yourself that question because I do everyday,,, how can he blackmail you unless you communicate back?
I guess the answer is obvious which is "he can't" and what options does he have? Sending the video to your friends on Facebook? He will lose an opportunity if he does... No use for him...
Now, if I get a call anytime soon I will react the same by not answering and switching my phone off and I will wont let the guy to destroy my life and keep blackmailing me forever, so just lose him and I think you will be safer...
One small advise, our personal info. are very much exposed now days because of the new era of social networks, so please everyone always check your privacy settings and talk to people whom you know only through the web...
I think this is it. Finally, again and again, I really thank firefly and wayne and all other admins and users whom supported me and helped me to come out of it...
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Re: Waking up from the shock

Unread postby firefly » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:14 am


thanks for sharing your story here. Glad to see you made the step from victim to survivor.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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