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Marilynmonroe's story

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Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Tue May 15, 2012 1:59 pm

Well where do I begin?

I have always considered myself to be an intelligent and cautious person that is until the last few months. Although on reflection and after researching and reading so many stories I have now come to realise that I am still intelligent but perhaps not as cautious as I should have been!

You see I wasn't really looking for love, certainly not on the Internet. It just came to me one fateful day when I received a friend request on Facebook in July 2011 from a handsome man living in New York. It came at a time when I was very lonely but getting on ok with life but also when a close relative, and some one by dear to me was terminally ill with an aggresive brain tumor. Having some one pay you so much attention and tell you the things you have been wanting to hear and haven't heard for a long time was flattering.

It took a while to get to the point when I allowed myself to fall for him. I kept telling him we are just friends but then I let my guard down. The expressions of love and gratitude for me being in his life came pouring in. In mid August he won a contract in Malaysia ..... That is when it all fell apart.... After a few days he ran out of money telling me that items were more expensive than in the states. I told him I had no money but after some pestering I sent a small amount. He said friends were helping him too.

Next step ..... His 'birthday' was on <cough> 16 September and my present to him was showing too much of myself on a webcam .... He pressured me into this despite me telling him how uncomfortable I was about it.

This is when it turned nasty and the next day when I woke up I recieved an email with three videos and one line saying 'how do you like these honey' I was mortified and to say that that weekend was the worst weekend in my life is an understatement.

I then recieved a text message saying that as long as I deliver his demand, the videos were safe with him. The demand was $5,000 USD. I did not have this money certainly not in the time frame he demanded. I sent him the money about two weeks later.

The story is a long one and continues until now .....

I emailed a friend of his who said he was a good man who was frustrated and not normally like that. He was not a criminal were his words.

He even got bowel cancer and I had a doctor from Malaysia call me in the middle of the night telling me I had to send $30',000 Malaysian dollars .... I didn't have this.

He threatened me with the videos four times .... I stopped all contact when I found him on romancescam .... But the damage has been done .... I had sent a considerable sum of money .... Much more that the $5,000

Last week I recieved texts from him saying he knew I had reported and posted his pictures on a scam site. Funny thing is I didn't post any pictures just a copy of his cancelled Facebook page.

Well that is some of my story .... There is much more but I guess you get the message ....

It has been hell and I just hope it stops soon.

Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this forum and particular thanks to AB and RF who sent me in this direction. I hope I can make a difference
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby SlapHappy » Tue May 15, 2012 5:12 pm

Thanks for telling your story, Mayilynmonroe. Continuing to stay silent to him with no response at all is the course. Once he finally realizes he is not going to get what he wants, more money from you, he will move on.
He may occasionally try again in the coming weeks, but stay strong and say nothing back to him. Delete his emails without opening them. Block his telephone number. Block his name in chats. And be on the lookout for other scams, "recovery scams" where someone will tell you the scammers has been arrested or someone can get your money back from your loss. This will be the scammer himself trying another angle to get your cash.

Please let us know if you need any more help moving forward.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Tue May 15, 2012 6:18 pm

Hi MM -

Welcome to Scam Survivors - your story is so important for others to read and also for you, to help you in the healing process.
Since first reading about you on the other site, you have helped many in the healing process, and I know you will continue to do so here.
Slappy is right, your scammer's threats are nothing, he can no longer harm you, and soon will disappear to go after someone else. If you can, post everything you have in the Romance Scams part of this site. Posting it again will help you and others.
Again welcome, I know AB will be delighted to see you here, just as I am.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Tomi » Wed May 16, 2012 1:39 am

Thanks for sharing you story here MM and welcome to the Club!!! :D (I mean to those who were once a victim but now a survivor). Your story shows that anyone could be a victim of this kind of scam even to an intelligent and cautious person like you, because you were just unaware that this exists.

I can say that I have followed your story of your struggle (through your posts) with your scammer continuing to contact and threat you so that he can extract more money from you and I can also say that you have shown already how strong you are by not giving in to their persistent threats. I don’t need to repeat their advice of continuing to ignore their attempts to contact you because I am confident that you know what to do with this and you are a strong person.

As for the money loss, well, let’s acknowledge the fact that it will really have a significant impact on your life at present and it may affect you for a while. But just remember, there’s still a big chance that we can raise it up again as long as we continue to have the resources (good health, job and other opportunities) and that’s the thing we should be thankful for. And, life does not always revolve on money after all.

By sharing your story, you have already started to help others, educating them and those who are in the healing process right now. If you need someone to talk to, we’re just here and you can also visit the Chat Room from time to time.

Wish you well. :)
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 16, 2012 1:50 am

Wow MM, Sorry to hear about your nightmare. Better days are ahead. There's lots of help here.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Wed May 16, 2012 3:37 am

Thank you, slaphappy, RF, tomi and big al.... I really appreciate your support and words of encouragement.

Not many people know what happened to me only a couple of friends, my family don't even know and sometimes it is hard to keep the facade of being happy around them so they don't ask me what is wrong. Each time someone says , you are not the same, the tears well in my eyes and I become quite emotional so I try to just smile through so nobody knows the pain I am feeling inside.

This outlet has been a life saver for me. The friends that knows about it have been supportive and I am glad at least someone around me knows. I have also reported it to the police but their hands are tied because it is out of their jurisdiction. They have been most supportive though.

RF I will post what I have. I have lots of evidence still, emails, texts copies of our yahoo messages. I guess all the way through I knew something was not right hence why I kept the evidence.

Thank you again for being here for me.

I am having trouble posting PM's and getting into the chat room but I will sort that out soon.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby SlapHappy » Wed May 16, 2012 3:45 am

You should be able to pm any one of us now, Marilyn. You need to make one post in order to pm someone.
You will find the chatroom here: :)
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Tomi » Wed May 16, 2012 4:12 am

MM, somebody sent me this quote when I was once in your situation. “Pretending to be happy when you’re in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a person. It is not easy to face the world with a smile when you’re hurting inside. It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself and find the strength and believe that tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities. But there is! Each and every new day offers you these wonderful beginnings. Hold on to these thoughts and you’ll come out stronger, with renewed hope and with a new pride in yourself knowing that you made it.”
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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby marilynmonroe » Wed May 16, 2012 2:39 pm

Dear Tomi
Thank you so much for that lovely quote, it really means a lot. It really bought a tear to my eye.

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Re: Marilynmonroe's story

Unread postby Holly Louis » Wed May 16, 2012 3:14 pm

Hi there MM,

It was hard to read what this guy has put you through, just by replying to a facebook message has sent you on a really tough time, you didnt ask for this it was not your fault, I can imagine what you have been going through, just always remember that you dont have to go through this alone. These guys are truly evil, nothing in the world seems to matter to them more than money. Stay strong MM.
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