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Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.

Unread postby firefly » Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:51 am

Next of kin scam.


Accept my sincere apology for this unsolicited letter to you, I am aware that this is certainly not a conventional way of approach to establish a relationship of trust but you will realise the need for my action. My name is Barrister Jorge Antonio Capilla, I got your contact information through your country´s public records while searching for a last name similar to my late client. I am writing to you in regards to my deceased client, who died in 2010.

Before his demise, he deposited the sum of (€6.5M) Six Million, Five Hundred Thousand Euros, with a bank here in Spain. The bank being aware of his death have mandated me to present a member of his family (heir/inheritor)or Next of kin to make Claims of his fund otherwise it will be forfeited, seized or confiscated by the authorities and reverts to the treasury of the Spanish Ministry as unclaimed. This is because in accordance with the Spanish law, such fortune is automatically bequeathed to the government if there is no heir or Next of kin to the deceased that would surface to claim the fortune. However, this law is unjust and inhumane as it often creates an avenue for the top officials of some financial institutions to divert such fortunes for their own selfish use. On that ground, I decided to search for any of my late client's relatives which has proved abortive as he did not officially declare any Next of kin or beneficiary.

Though my late client did not disclose or state any next of kin or beneficiary on the day of deposit for reasons best known to him. The fund was deposited Wednesday 15th October 2007 at 12:17pm. My late client did not state the Next of kin or beneficiary due to his immediate investments plans. I am contacting you because you share the same name with my late client; I know you might not be related but after countless efforts to locate direct relative to my late client and three months final notice from the bank to present a beneficiary to the fund of my late client, And failure to meet up with this deadline means the fund will be liquidated to the bureau of public and unclaimed fund and that I forbid happening.

Against this backdrop, I decided to contact you to join me to put claims on this deposit before it`s forfeited to the authorities. My suggestion to you is, I will like to present you as the Next of Kin and beneficiary to this deposit, since you are both foreign nationals and you share same surname by virtue of my position as his personal Attorney before his demise, I will now place your name as the Next of kin/Beneficiary to my late client and I will prepare all relevant legal documentations that will assist to facilitate the release of the vault to you without any breach of the law.

Note, I have worked out all modalities to complete the transaction successfully, be rest assured that the transaction is 100% legal and risk free. Once the vault is released to you, we shall share in the ratio of 45% for me, 45% for you while the remaining 10% will be set aside for the less privileged/charity organisations. If my proposal is acceptable to you, Kindly reply via my private email address for further discussion on how to proceed. Email:

Regards Sincerely,
Barrister Jorge Antonio Capilla


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From: "Jorge A. Capilla" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 15:32:44 +0100
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