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Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.
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Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:40 pm


Thank you for your prompt response to my message however I have received your mailing address and telephone number but did not receive any proof of Identity as requested to accompany my application for the Change of Ownership of the funds unto your name to the security & finance company where the said fund was deposited for safe keeping.

Kindly, forward me any of your Identity such as: International Passport Copy, Work or National Identity or better still Driving License. Any of the three can serve the purpose.

Thanking you for your understanding.

Austine Edwards (Attorney)

Mon Apr 22, 2024 6:54 pm


If it is not required, how can I ask for it. It is really required by the Management of the Security & Finance Company where the fund was deposited for an approval of change of ownership unto your name and for documentation.

Therefore, if you have any identity of any type that can show it is really you kindly send it as we do not have time to waste please.

Thank you,
Austine Edwards
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