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Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:47 pm

Can I Trust You to be my true partnership till the end of this Deal?????

john cross <>

Thu, 2 Apr at 14:36


I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner, I found you
listed in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce directory here in
Iraq, I find it pleasurable to offer you my partnership in business. I
only pray at this time that your address is still valid. I want to
solicit your attention to receive money on my behalf.

I am Capt. John Cross, an officer in the US Army, and also a West
Point Graduate presently serving in the Military with the 82nd
Airborne Division Peace keeping force in Baghdad, Iraq.

I am on the move to Afghanistan from Iraq as the last batch just left,
and i really need your help in assisting me with the safe keeping of
two military trunk boxes which has just arrived the USA from the Iraq.a
I hope you can be trusted? Kindly view this news blog below for some

if you can be trusted will explain further when i get a response from
you. waiting for your early reply,

Best regards.
Capt: John. Cross
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