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Post up any 419 emails you received. All persons/companies depicted in these emails are either fictitious or have had their identities copied/stolen by the scammers. Emails posted by staff are received unsolicited to their "catcher" accounts.
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Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:18 pm

From: "Director, Finance Department" <>
Subject: We salute your patience and understanding, wishing you all the best in your future investments

Dear Sir/Madam,
Ref; NLCPOXX774NK015

Sequel to the resent directives by the IMF Financial Tracking Security Monetary
Board {IFTSMB} regarding your long overdue payment. Agreement has been reached
between the relevant stake holders with absolute obedience to all our existing
financial laws as amended in 2003.

However, a ''Cash Payment Line'' has been activated and approved for methodical
usage of payment to all verified persons. It will be highly imperative for you
to note that after a careful study/vetting of your file, you were among the
people approved for immediate cash payment which have a limited lifespan. Also,
after a widerange of consultations with all our Cash Fiducial Payment Centers
in Europe. Instructions has been dished out to our Central European Agent to
immediately facilitate the effect of your payment.

Sir/Madam, you are hereby advised to contact our payment agent in Amsterdam
Holland, for swift action regarding this authorization. You are also
recommended to abide to their rules of engagements. Please note that your
physical present shall be a major requirement to trigger this payment system
unless a strong reason/s such as health and disability with proof are tendered,
or your attorney/next of kin empowered with power of attorney could also
represent you. Contact the payment center with the below stated email address;

Mr Don Williams Keeping.
Email Address;

We salute your patience and understanding, wishing you all the best in your
future investments.

Andrew Tweedie
Director, Finance Department

This mail has been sent using Alpikom webmail system
http:/ /www.

Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:49 pm

Received from a scam survivor - recovery scam..



Attention: Beneficiary,

We have received your
detailed information to claim your Compensation funds valued
at USD$8,500,000.00 and it will be release to you through
our below payment methods.

The World Bank/ UN introduced this secured
payment arrangement as to enable beneficiaries to receive
their funds without any interference due to fraudulent
activities going on globally.

There is a strong security attached to this
compensation funds which makes it impossible for any body to
divert or deduct from it until the payment has been done.
You shall follow the payment procedures and no money will be
deducted until the payment have been released.

We advise you to make
selection from any of the below payment options suitable for
you. Bear in mind that we will commerce your payment as soon
as we have receive the information from you. Do not disclose
this transaction to any one or respond to any other email at
the moment to avoid complications. Provide this information
to this office very important.

Zip Code/City.................
Direct Mobile Number..........

Do indicate the kind/ mode of
PAYMENT you prefer to receive.

1.Visa Card Platinum..
2.MasterCard Gold..
3.International Certified Cheque..
4.Cash Payment..
Telegraphic Transfer..

Anyone you prefer will be the type of payment
we are going to send to you.

1...........I hereby attest
that the information given above is correct and is given in
good faith.


You are therefore advised to
immediately send us a scanned copy of your Identification of
any type international passport, driving license or any
document that proves you the rightful citizen of your
country to enable us process your fund.

Upon the receipt of this information we are
going to credit your funds into the any option you preferred
and dispatch it directly to your nominated mailing

So you absolutely
have nothing to worry about as all we need is your prompt
response and co-operation. We guarantee you 100% safety and
wish you the best of luck.

We guarantee you 100% safety and wish you the
best of luck.

Mr James Johnson
Head of
Foreign Remittance Unit.

+855969916195 - mobile number


Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:17 pm


Yildiz Oguzhan <>
Reply-To: <>

Thu, 21 Apr at 07:55

Good day

My name is Yildiz Oguzhan, a Board Member of ILBANK of Turkey.

A late investor of our bank died and left over huge sum of money in our bank some years ago and there was no any next of kin to claim this fund.

Please get back to me as soon as possible for more details if you are interested in my offer.

Best Regards

Yildiz Oguzhan
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