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A new FBI Computer Scam

Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:55 pm

Today I was trying to download a free trial of Window Microsoft word 2010, and as the software was downloading. and screen pop up and locked my computer and said it was from the FBI and stated that if I didn't pay a $200 fine through money pak within 48hrs charges would be bought against me. and from the website they told me to go to Walmart or CVS K-marts ect. And at first I panic but then I thought about it, the government wouldn't never use a money card for you to pay a fine online. and this scam could happen to you no matter what Country you live. they will say we have you ip address and they will find you. and also the scammer website will send you the same information but in a different format if you live in another country outside of America.

Citadel Malware Delivers Reveton Ransomware in Attempts to Extort Money

05/30/12—The IC3 has been made aware of a new Citadel malware platform used to deliver ransomware, named Reveton. The ransomware lures the victim to a drive-by download website, at which time the ransomware is installed on the user’s computer. Once installed, the computer freezes and a screen is displayed warning the user they have violated United States federal law. The message further declares the user’s IP address was identified by the Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section as visiting child pornography and other illegal content.

To unlock the computer, the user is instructed to pay a $100 fine to the U.S. Department of Justice using prepaid money card services. The geographic location of the user’s IP address determines what payment services are offered. In addition to the ransomware, the Citadel malware continues to operate on the compromised computer and can be used to commit online banking and credit card fraud.

This is an attempt to extort money with the additional possibility of the victim’s computer being used to participate in online bank fraud. If you have received this or something similar, do not follow payment instructions.

It is suggested that you:

Contact your banking institutions.
File a complaint at

Re: A new FBI Computer Scam

Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:58 pm

Additional to what I just said, I have step on how to remove the Lock-screen and I will post them later.

Re: A new FBI Computer Scam

Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:43 pm

Is it possible you went to a dodgy site that's installed a virus on your PC?
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