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Post a reply link leads to pshing scam

Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:35 am link leads to pshing scam

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are doing well. Thank you for responding to my earlier message in regards to the quotation. We have a large number of importers interested in your product line. Please note that Quality and Similarity are crucial, kindly Click here to view our samples and get full details of our retailers order including required quantity and pictures of a sample product model.

After viewing the retailers order, please kindly send me a quote and further information you would to my mail. Please give urgent reply in 3 days.

A prompt response to this email will help you grab more opportunities than others.

Mrs. Mercy Larry,
Purchasing Operations Manager.
Brodeck Tradeviewpoint Inc.
Tel: 703-188-8781.
Toll Free: +1-866-674-3161
Fax: (209) 214-6565.
7084 Skyway Paradise, Chico , CA 95969

Get back to us through :
Your quick reply will be highly appreciated.
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