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How to use our new gallery to upload images.

Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:35 pm

We have a gallery where you can upload images. This will also automatically watermark any images added, so no more having to struggle with watermarking. Here's how to use it. Firstly, create an account. The forum and gallery aren't linked, so you'll need to make an account there. Done that? OK, then this is how to add an image. Firstly, click the "Upload Photos" option.


Choose the album you want to use.


If the browser uploader is selected, change it to the flash uploader. This will allow you to upload multiple files and also zip files.


Now click on "Select files".


To chose one file, simply left click it.


For multiple files, left click the first file, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and left click the last one. This will highlight all the files.


Click on "Open"


You'll see a list of all the files that are to be uploaded. Click on "Start Upload" and you can watch the progress as they're uploaded.


That's it. Your next page will show that the files are uploaded.
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