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The FAQs of life. Things your momma was too embarrassed to tell you about scammers.
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A general request to help us get picked up on Google quicker

Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:37 pm

When you make a thread on the site, could you all put the email address of the scammer in the title for us please? The reason is that it'll help get it into Google quicker. Google searches in layers, so it would read the titles of all the threads first, then read the individual threads once it had done that. By adding the email address to the thread title, it gets picked up that much quicker by Google. Thanks for your co-operation.

Re: A general request to help us get picked up on Google qui

Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:57 am

And another request so victims can find the scammer faster also has to do with they way Google searches.

Phone numbers: Please ADD any telephone or fax number that you find in the body of the email that contains
spaces or hyphens in them, and repost the number without the spaces, parentheses or hyphens at the end of your post.
Also, add a + in front of the number, as that is the way to dial out to mobile phones from other mobile phones, and the most likely way that a victim will call them. Also, if there are two "0s in front of the number 00, remove them.

For example, if you see Tel: +(44) 70 345-456-45 fax: 004470 345 4564-4
Office 601 456 56 45-6

ADD this to post but leave numbers in body alone.
Tel: +447034545645 fax: +447034545644
Office +60145656456

I just posted one yesterday and checked it 5 minutes later. Searching with hypens and spaces just as in the email gave ZERO results. Posted without them, my post and two others came up. It does work. :D Victims will find them easier, and you can also dig up other scams they are running now, or have in the past using that phone number.
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