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The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Scammers blackmailing people over webcam footage or photographs. Sometimes referred to as "sextortion". Your first port of call should be for the steps needed.

Re: The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Unread postby SlapHappy » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:34 am

Seriously, quit it with the "Did they post the video?" quest

If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Unread postby broomperson » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:52 am

You're right. I am being paranoid.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Triple » Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:12 pm

Slaphappy is right, make a donation to this live saving platform. Not just for all the vollunteers, they deserve much more then just money! But to keep this platform up and running for future victims! I hope to be a survivor, (Hopefullly very soon) then i will do a donation to close a tough period, but with great help from all the members here.
I think it will be a nice closure, thank this site with a payment and then leave it for a long time. And hopefully with a happy end story to tell to new victims in the future. First i have to make some steps by myself.

Got scammed, 3 months ago, nothing happened yet luckily, so went well exept i forgot to close one social account with a phone number. (Changed it)
But i got called some weeks ago. The what ifs and all the questions came back but are mostly gone by now.
For now i started recovery again and things get better. Day by day, except sleeping is still not as the old days.
still im scared because they found me short time ago, so im not forgotten probably.
I think i have to wait another 2 months to be forgotten and feel save. Everything is closed and changed numbers, communication with words is stopped since day 1. And not possible anymore.

Actually im writing this for 2 remaining questions.

1. Please Survivors, add more stories how your survived and doing now, because its helping me and probably others more then you could inagine.
2. Reading this site i found out that victims (like i was) are hungry for facts, i know its hard because every case can be different. But isnt it an option to start a subject and give all the numbers and facts. There are enough facts here but its divided in several subjects.

In the beginning and still sometimes, i look and search for numbers to see what my chances are.
I dont believe they gonna post my vid after 3 months, based on all the stories up here. But still sometimes im searching for i, have to rely on google alerts...

Sorry for my english im not native, writing here helps me to recover and be a survivor soon!
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Return back to facebook (settings)

Unread postby Triple » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:27 am

Hi all,

Im thinking about returning back on facebook in a about 2/3 months..
My scam was about 3 months ago, i think being back on fb will be good for the recovery and for
getting my normal life back.

I also had a page which has been also deactivated, i found out there is a option to show the page only to viewers from certain countries! For example only my own country. Would this in combination with a slightly different name be save enough To activate this page again. Next to this dont have any further infomation about my name, just to add pictures.

For the profile i saw some tutorials and it is possible to show only a name and a profile pictures. Choose random nature pic. There is a option that nobody can like or log about the profile picture. So they cant recconize friends.
The only thing is i would like to keep my first letter and last name as profile name. Made with brand new email without telephone numer. The scammer could find me by my name and by my new added friends.
I cant come up with a different name because i dont have one. Is this save enough? Please come up with experiences

Is a private instagram account with a new email and a completly different name safe enough?
Hopefully there are some survivors or staff member who could advice me about this.
Recovery is full on again, hope to have my life back within 2/3 months... please some advice.
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Re: The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:42 am


If you want to ignore the experts here, and look for other advice, then you are on your own.
You got my answers here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=35899&start=10#p134624

Im thinking about returning back on facebook in a about 2/3 months..
And I suggested that with this scammer, to wait 4-6 month from now, MINIMUM. That means August-October before you go back to FB.

i think being back on fb will be good for the recovery and for
getting my normal life back.
Since you do not seem to even follow advice, nor do you seem to understand what we tell you or why, and are hell-bent on going back to the same place you met the scammer early using one of the same Facebook accounts before learning much at all despite still being terrified that you will run into him, you need to ask yourself questions. "Why do I act like this? Is Facebook and being on social sites the only social life I have?"

Would this in combination with a slightly different name be save enough To activate this page again

NO, NO, NO, and another NO! As I said
Delete your two old accounts completely. Do not use them.

The scammer knows them, He can find you if you ever use them again. Get it? Apparently, no, you do not get it.

I gave my advice about names in my previous post. Take it or do what you want to and leave yourself open again should he decide to look for you again.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Unread postby Triple » Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:19 pm

Im sorry slaphappy for the misunderstanding, probably because of my bad english.
I dont wanna underestimate your advice and im very very thankful with your help.
It is just i would like to know how survivors, went back in fb. I would like to do it without fb but for work and sports i need a account. You are correct you said 4-6 months waiting time. So lets waith.

Your right i should keep off social media for a while.. i didnt want to activate my old accounts anymore the question were regarding making a new account in the upcoming months..3-4 months...
But i would like to know how survivors get back on social media sites, what did they change in their names?
Not that i would like to start right away... but its good to be informed about the different possibilities and experiences.

What makes me fearfull is that my waiting period is much longer then usual.
It tears me apart that ive forgotten to delete some of the info they found me on.
This makes recovery and reassurrance to a survivor much longer.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:33 pm


I hope to be a survivor, (Hopefullly very soon) then i will do a donation to close a tough period...I think it will be a nice closure, thank this site with a payment and then leave it for a long time.

Do you know how many people say this? "I'll donate after I'm fully recovered. Or, I'll donate after I see if the scammer ever posts my video or if the advice they give works." Even when we save victims of blackmail hundreds or thousands of dollars, even getting some of them to stop payment and they get their money back, or respond to a dozen posts to help them, do they donate? Not even 5 dollars? No. So, I will not hold my breath. Perhaps it's just a bull shit ploy by blackmailed victims to put off their own recovery, to stay in the fear inside their own heads. Whatever it is keeping them from donating now when they have gotten immediate help for the problems they have gotten themselves into, instead of months later is just another cop out in my mind, just another excuse so they do not have to face the truth and move forward now. Sad enough for me to say, but true that the vast majority of blackmailed victims are "takers not givers." 419 and romance victims put all of you BM people to shame when it comes to that.

The what ifs and all the questions came back but are mostly gone by now.
Not by a longshot you are not. You will continue for months until you are not one smidgen worried about your video ever showing up for the rest of your life..

I think i have to wait another 2 months to be forgotten and feel save.
Make that 6 months, as you did not follow the steps exactly in the beginning, but left your phone number on a social account that you reactivated.

i found out that victims (like i was) are hungry for facts,

Finding the "facts" posted here takes actually reading the site, something that blackmailed victims do not seem to have the attention span to do. Then, after they find what they are looking for, they ask the same question, to see if the "fact from the staff is true," or they do not believe it or think that "their case is different" and ask, hoping to get an answer more to their liking, wasting our time here.

i know its hard because every case can be different

Yes some are. The scam is the same, it is what victims do afterward that is the only different thing. And do you know why? Because many do not follow all of the steps, and get recontacted. They ignore advice they do not like, or think that it's "too hard to make new accounts, and reuse old ones, etc."

But isnt it an option to start a subject and give all the numbers and facts.
What numbers and facts? What we have posted on the forum are the only "facts" you will get. We spend time helping victims, not keeping track of every victim, counting and making categories or worthless "facts."

i look and search for numbers to see what my chances are.

By asking about "facts," I'm betting that you want "exactly how many BM victims actually had their video posted to their FB account." You will not get a number there. But I will tell you that by not doing all the steps, it definitely increases your chances of it getting posted.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: The Dump - "Whatif?" Questions Have Answers Here

Unread postby firefly » Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:23 pm


The problem is inside your mind. As long as you are scared, the scammer controls you. Plus your mind is not working properly and you forget basic elements about protecting yourself. Even if the scammer is long gone, so far he can contact you in any way he will always claims he still have that video for an obvious reason. No contact way left behind = no option for the scammer playing with your mind. You have no chance to recover while being scared and afraid.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Triple » Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:47 pm

Everytime your right, except with one assumtion. I didnt reactivate a account, i totally forgot to close it.
But besides that everytime you pushed me back on track, you are right im not there allready. There is still a big part recovery to come.
It will take months, maybe longer, i hope within 6 months.

Besides that i did a first donation, im a student so gave what i could miss. Thank you slaphappy and all the others. To be here everyday and help all the victims. I have so much appreciation for your work.
For the help which is given and is still given. Actually i wanted to donate it later on. When i survived. But Slaphappy pushed me again in a positive way! ;)

Today it was a good day, i realized after reading again the complete forum that there just a few victims coming back after a long time, telling their positive stories. For the new victims it is too bad because there are less recovery stories to read. But it means that all these people are completly survived and they werent bullied by posting a the vid.

I read the texts so often in the beginning of wayne and Slaphappy saying the chance of seeing your video back after months or years is one out of million. As a fresh victim i wouldnt or couldnt believe that.
It think its part of my recovery realizing this that all these people continued their lifes. And that idea and feeling is making my day! This will hopefully be my last post For a long time. After scammed 3 months ago, have been a pain in the ass for slaphappy but Im following the advice of slaphappy. Did the steps and now no social media in the upcoming 4-6 months. And stop reading here for a long period!

Im going to the cinema tonight with my girlfriend, she is luckily supporting me in this period.
Doing things with friends will help and brings light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby SlapHappy » Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:54 am

Questions on scams need to be discussed openly on this forum. Readers of this forum do not scare easily, especially after they learn the truth about scammers from us. Please post your question.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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