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recovery and reassurance

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recovery and reassurance

Unread postby saraohyland1 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:36 pm

almost 2 and a half years since i was scammed and still standing strong. Believe the wise words spoken the authors of this site they know what they are on about. Follow their advice and you cannot go wrong. :shock: :shock:
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby RGee » Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:07 pm

Wayne wrote:
RGee wrote:How does the posting of scammer details in the forum help?

Also, just last week we were contacted by NCIS after finding information here about a scammer whose threats caused a person to take their own life. The extra information we were able to give them could help them locate and arrest the scammer. If the information wasn't posted they'd have never found us, and if the person hadn't completed the details in the form, we'd have had nothing to give them to aid in their investigation. It's not the first time that's happened either.

In that case, I also have the address that the scammer gave me for fund pickup for western union. Will that be of any help?
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Wayne » Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:23 pm

Absolutely. You can email it to me. You see how important that information is now, right? Hopefully everyone reading this can.

As proof we're not making this up, we were actually contacted this week for help in an ongoing case.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby jt123 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:44 pm

It happened to me at yesterday at 5pm, the moment I saw the video replaying back to me, my heart drop. I panicked and scrambled online to see what I can find. It's a little reassuring to know 99% of the blackmail scams/sextortion don't follow through, but I don't feel like I'm out of the woods yet since it's still day 1. The moment I saw this forum I deactivated my FB and IG account. Fortunately I gave out a generated phone # to the scammer, and he sent me one text last night saying "respond here or else we share your video to your friends and family", I've blocked the number, if need be i will deactivate that number as well, since it's not my real one anyways.

Currently, I'm scared sh*tless and will be pretty embarrassed if they posted anything to my friends and family, but I've decided to not give them a penny, since nothing will stop them from coming for more. So at this point, they can only reach me by email which I won't respond to as well, hopefully this will deter them away. There have been no links sent to me, I haven't seen any new fake profiles on fb, no google alerts, no emails sent to me, haven't heard anything from two close friends I told this story about YET. So that's a good sign.

Praying to god the scammer won't try to screw with me even though it's pretty obvious I won't budge on any demands/threats. I'm planning to play it safe if nothing happens to me and keep my social media deactivated for the remainder of the year.

My heart stops everytime my phone buzzes, but it's out of my control now, if I get exposed for m***urbating then I'll just have to take it like a man. I wish everyone out there luck, I'll update if anything happens or in a week.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby RGee » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:29 pm

Gonna do that when I am home
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Introubleasusual » Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:40 pm

Good day
I was scammed on the 24th Oct and found this site a short while later. The best possible advice I can give you is to listen to what you're instructed to do...and to do it, all of it. Taking the actions that are recommended here is the first step in controlling and managing the possible outcomes...Good or bad this gives you some tools to deal with it better. For me getting off social media was hard but it quickly becomes easier after the first week, actually everything gets easier after the first week. You just have to hang in there and slowly you come to realise that the world isn't ending, and even the worst case scenario can be overcome.
I'd like to thank the people who run this site, you really are wonderful people...thank you.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby raggedity » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:43 pm

Hello new here, I was just scammed last night. Met through POF then went to skype. Long story short they have some sexy videos of me and threatened to put it on FB. I first panicked when it happened but then chuckled when they asked me $2000 for it, since I realized my embarrassment was not worth that much. But nevertheless it was still embarrassing, I tried to buy time by negotiating with them and see what I needed to do by looking it up.
After reading about things online (from a youtube video, reddit, that eventually linked back to this website) I blocked the user from skype and deactivated my FB account, basically I followed all the advice that was placed here.

After reading posts here I realized the little hints that the scammer really didn't care about me that much, but I didn't realize it then. They made a mistake on the city I was from, my skype and FB had different city locations. The friends they listed where all people I haven't talked for years, so I probably won't even know if they saw the video. They threatened to post it at my workplace since my FB listed it, but I quit that place years ago. At the end they posted my FB url link again to threaten me but they didn't realized it has already been deactivated. With all that hopefully they won't post it, since it's still embarrassing.

I would like to thank the people who run this website and the users who shared their story since it gave me a peace of mind over the matter and its better to move on from it.

One final note, I told them I only have $50 with me (which was lie since I was planning to never pay them) and the scammer told me I should keep my $50 so instead I'll just donate it here. :P
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby SlapHappy » Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:40 pm


Thanks for the kudos and the donation. We will be updating our server soon, and that $50 will come in handy to help pay for that. :)
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby gred1974 » Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:24 pm


I was scammed this week. So ashamed and guilty about letting my family down and being stupid enough to get into this situation. This site has been a god send though, big thanks to all involved.

Unfortunately I only found this site after paying the scammer, really regret that now. Thankfully it wasnt a huge amount of money but still horrible experience to go through. I just panicked when i saw the video on youtube, it was removed by the scammer after i made payment. The most horrible thing about it was the CAM session i had was with a beautiful lady (was likely a recording as she didnt say anything) and when the short session finished the threats came in from the Scammer saying that they had recorded me (link on youtube) and were going to say to my family and friends I had been conversing with someone of 16 (total Crap the girl on the CAM was way older at least mid 20s). These people are VILE. My advice to anyone reading this is to avoid AT ALL costs SKYPE calls with anyone you dont know.

I have followed all the steps put forward by this site and having done this i cant see how they can make contact again so hopefully this is the end of it. However im a bit concerned about my tablet being hacked and havent opened it again after reading this site.

Anyway big thanks to all on the site
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Re: recovery and reassurance

Unread postby Juan.gp2017 » Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:32 am

First of all, many thanks to the administrators of this site, and each of those who contribute their stories and advice.
I was scammed just 3 days ago, the scammer first said he was 23 years old and after what we all know happened, he told me that he would send my video to my fb contacts saying that I had shown myself to a minor, and that nobody would believe me. At that moment my mind became blocked and my heart almost stopped; I thought of my family more than me, how their whole life would mark their lives. The scammer asked me for US 600, to which I agreed to pay US 300. (Unfortunately today I found this site and I was one of the few who have paid), but at that time you only think about your family and the suffering you can cause. It was so much that I even thought about suicide if the video was broadcast. After paying, the scammer said he would not upload the video, which reassured me, but only a little, since from that moment began to appear fantasies, for example that the scammer sent the video anyway, or that I will save it in a couple of months and then extort money again, etc. So I decided to block it from Skype, and disable my account from FB, linkedin and others.
(Coincidentally they are some of the things that are advised in this site).
Today after 3 days of this nightmare, and with the coldest mind, I started to think that this could have happened to more people and that is how I came to this wonderful place. The mere fact that the process used by the scammers was the same as what they did with me made my heart go back to normal. There is still the fear that the video will come back or that the scammer will come back for me, but I followed step by step what is recommended here, and I have faith that this will happen. I believe that to reach the state of tranquility, we must begin to leave everything that happened behind and learn from this error and see it as an opportunity to be better and more cautious people. Seeing how any psychopath could see my whole profile and my life in fb made me think how exposed we are to publish EVERYTHING, and how dangerous it can be. To leave all this behind, we must first stop thinking that we are still victims and think that a scammer can not force us to live in fear and make us forget the beautiful things in life. I do not think I'm still cured of this situation, but as they say, I'll give time to time and I hope this only remains a horrible memory.
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