
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:14 pm

Female / Single
25 - Monrovia / Liberia

Looking for soulmate
About Me
I am tall and good looking young girl who is seeking for her soulmate.
Looking For
Someone that will love and care about me.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Eye Wear None
Body Type Slim
Body Art Earrings
Ethnicity Black
Appearance Attractive
Height(cm) 178
Weight(kg) 61
Life Style
Drinking Never
Smoking Never
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Student
Profession Student
Relocation Willing to relocate another country
Seeking For Penpal, Friendship, Short term relationship, Romance / Dating, Marriage, Sex
Background / Cultural Values
Education University
Languages English
Religion Christianity

Hello Dear

It's my pleasure writing to you, my name is Veronica, i came across your profile and find it interesting so i decided to contact you for a good relationship, can you please reply through my email address

for us to know each other very well and also exchange pictures. i will be waiting because i have something to tell you.

God bless you


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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:38 pm

My Dearest CLIPPED,
Thanks for your mail, i will really like to have a good relationship with you, and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you.

I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here and after reading your profile, I am Miss Veronica Yormie 24 years old girl from Liberia, the only daughter of Late Johnson Yormie the deputy minister of national security under the leadership of president Charles Taylor who is now in exile after many innocent soul were killed, My father was killed by government of Charles Taylor, he accuse my father of coup attempt.

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment i am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father.

Meanwhile I wanted to escape to the Europe but she hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father’s File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where i am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal. I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country.

My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US $6.700.000.00 in a Bank with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund. As you will help me in an investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 1st year in the university, when the crisis started.

It is my intention to compensate you with 20% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital. This is the reason why I decided to contact you. Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes.
As soon as i receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to yourself please i beg you not to disclose it until i come over, once the fund has been transferred. I will attach my picture in my next mail.
Yours Sincerely,


Received: from [] by via HTTP; Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:19:46 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,TXkgRGVhcmVzdCBTYXR0ZXIsDQpUaGFua3MgZm9yIHlvdXIgbWFpbCwgaSB3aWxsIHJlYWxseSBsaWtlIHRvIGhhdmUgYSBnb29kIHJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcCB3aXRoIHlvdSwgYW5kIGkgaGF2ZSBhIHNwZWNpYWwgcmVhc29uIHdoeSBpIGRlY2lkZWQgdG8gY29udGFjdCB5b3UuDQoNCkkgZGVjaWRlZCB0byBjb250YWN0IHlvdSBiZWNhdXNlIG9mIHRoZSB1cmdlbmN5IG9mIG15IHNpdHVhdGlvbiBoZXJlIGFuZCBhZnRlciByZWFkaW5nIHlvdXIgcHJvZmlsZSwgSSBhbSBNaXNzIFZlcm9uaWNhIFlvcm1pZSAyNCABMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/674 YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:19:46 -0700
From: Veronica Jay <>
Subject: Thanks for your response

My Dearest CLIPPED,

I really appreciate your concern, i will like you to start by contacting the bank and find out the possibility of transferring this fund to your position. I have decided to in-trust my whole life in your hand and hope that you won't betray the trust.

I believe in my heart that your help to me will bring something good to you, and i assure you that if God will use you to help me out of this situation, i will never forget you in my life and with what you have said in your mail to me i now have the confidence to go ahead with you. Bellow here is the contact of the bank.

Banque Atlantique Senegal
Contact Person: Director of Foreign Operations
Mr. Henry Suleman
Phone: 00221 768 364 371
Fax: 00221301053310

Looking forward to hear your response from the bank. God bless you.
Please call the bank, When you get them on the line, you tell them that you are calling on behalf of the fund of Mr. Yormie Johnson from Liberia, you are representing me as my foreign partner as well as the next of kin to the fund ok, and ask them the possibility of transferring this fund to your position in your country.

Please do your best to make sure that you make contact with the bank as soon as you get this mail, i will advice you to call them on their telephone, and also send an email to them now, to know our seriousness, what ever you discuss with them ok, get back to me so that i will be knowing what is happening. My prayer is for God to grant me my pursuance and by the grace of God he will surely see us through.

The most important thing is to make sure that you make contact with the bank let us hear from them before any other thing will be done. Go ahead and contact them, send an email to them. Expecting to hear from you the response from the bank soon. Please take good care, and always pray for me.

God bless you,


Below is the sample of what you will send to the bank
ATT; Mr. Henry Suleman,
My Name is CLIPPED from USA, am contacting you on behalf of Miss Veronica Johnson about the account deposited by her late father Mr Yormie Johnson, i am Miss Veronica foreign partner and i want to find out the possibility of transferring the money to my position, what i should do. Thanks and waiting for your response fast.

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 22 Jul 2014 06:23:17 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,TXkgRGVhcmVzdCBTYXR0ZXIsDQoNCkkgcmVhbGx5IGFwcHJlY2lhdGUgeW91ciBjb25jZXJuLCBpIHdpbGwgbGlrZSB5b3UgdG8gc3RhcnQgYnkgY29udGFjdGluZyB0aGUgYmFuayBhbmQgZmluZCBvdXQgdGhlIHBvc3NpYmlsaXR5IG9mIHRyYW5zZmVycmluZyB0aGlzIGZ1bmQgdG8geW91ciBwb3NpdGlvbi4gSSBoYXZlIGRlY2lkZWQgdG8gaW4tdHJ1c3QgbXkgd2hvbGUgbGlmZSBpbiB5b3VyIGhhbmQgYW5kIGhvcGUgdGhhdCB5b3Ugd29uJ3QgYmV0cmF5IHRoZSB0cnVzdC4NCg0KSSBiZWxpZXZlIGluIG0BMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/674 YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 06:23:17 -0700
From: Veronica Jay <>
Subject: Please Contact The Bank Below And Get Back To Me

My Dearest CLIPPED,
I am very happy to receive from you the response from the bank, i thank God for everything, i really appreciate your care and your concern and i know God will surely see us through.

According to the bank request, we will need the services of a lawyer here who will represent us to the federal high court to get the affidavit of support and also who will draft the power of attorney on our behalf. This lawyer will help us to get the power of attorney and the affidavit of support from the federal high court.

I have with me here the death certificate of my late father which i will send to you or the bank, another remaining one is the letter of application for the close and transfer of this fund, i believe you can write this letter by yourself or the lawyer will help us to write it. Please keep this matter only for yourself as you can see that we are almost at the end of this matter ok, God will help us.

Now there is no need for us to keep waiting since the bank are ready to make this transfer once the documents are ready, i was been given a contact of one of the renewed lawyer here by the Reverend Priest who will help us to get this documents, below here is his contact;

Barrister: Smith Diop
Telephone: 00221771616498
P:P Diop Law Firm

Please dear CLIPPED, i will like you to make contact with this law firm as soon as you get this mail and ask him to help us to get this needed documents by the bank to effect this transfer, as you can see that everything concerning this transfer is complete, please help me out to see that this lawyer get this documents as soon as possible, my prayers are with you and i know that God will surely see us through.

I will never forget you in my life, God bless you for me, waiting to hear from you the response from the lawyer, please call him on the telephone so that he will know our seriousness ok, the same time send also an email.

Thank you for your concern, always put me in your daily prayers. I can't wait to meet you face to face, as soon as the transfer is made.

Best Regard,


You can also forward to him the mail you received from the bank so that he can understand very well

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 24 Jul 2014 03:16:10 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,TXkgRGVhcmVzdCBTYXR0ZXIsDQogIEkgYW0gdmVyeSBoYXBweSB0byByZWNlaXZlIGZyb20geW91IHRoZSByZXNwb25zZSBmcm9tIHRoZSBiYW5rLCBpIHRoYW5rIEdvZCBmb3IgZXZlcnl0aGluZywgaSByZWFsbHkgYXBwcmVjaWF0ZSB5b3VyIGNhcmUgYW5kIHlvdXIgY29uY2VybiBhbmQgaSBrbm93IEdvZCB3aWxsIHN1cmVseSBzZWUgdXMgdGhyb3VnaC4NCg0KQWNjb3JkaW5nIHRvIHRoZSBiYW5rIHJlcXVlc3QsIHdlIHdpbGwgbmVlZCB0aGUgc2VydmljZXMgb2YgYSBsYXd5ZXIgaGVyZSB3aG8gd2lsbCABMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/681 YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 03:16:10 -0700
From: Veronica Jay <>
Subject: I Appreciate You Alot, Please Contact This Lawyer For The Documents




Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Tigo (Sentel)

FAX: +221301053310
Number billable as wireless geographic number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Expresso Sénégal (Sudatel)

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
Original network provider* Orange Sénégal S.A. (Sonatel)
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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:45 pm

Vera Escaped the Camp:
Hello Mr. CLIPPED,

I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Paraguay, presently i am in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum, i'm deeply sorry for leaving you to join another man, it was not meant to be a betrayal but i needed a help by all means, i am planing to get married to him very soon, we just arrived and i don't know any where over here, he is struggling to secure for me a permit that will allow me stay and start schooling after our wedding

Meanwhile, i didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now you will need to contact personal secretary to the Reverend Father whom used to be a God-mother to me when i was in Dakar, her name is Mrs Roselyn Mba and her email address is as follows:

Ask her to send you a certified bank draft of $300.000.00 which i prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter, i appreciated your efforts at that time very much, so feel free and get in touched with Mrs Roselyn and instruct her where to send you the money,

Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy after all the suffering at that time, in the moment i am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Mrs Roselyn Mba on your behalf to receive that money. Therefore feel free to get in touch with her and she will send the amount to you without delay, Take care and bye for now,

As soon as you are in contact with her you get back to me so that i will be sure that you have collected it okay,
Yours truly

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:02:06 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,SGVsbG8gTXIuIFNhdHRlciwNCg0KSSdtIGhhcHB5IHRvIGluZm9ybSB5b3UgYWJvdXQgbXkgc3VjY2VzcyBpbiBnZXR0aW5nIHRoZSBmdW5kIHRyYW5zZmVycmVkIHVuZGVyIHRoZSBjb29wZXJhdGlvbiBvZiBhIG5ldyBwYXJ0bmVyIGZyb20gUGFyYWd1YXksIHByZXNlbnRseSBpIGFtIGluIFBhcmFndWF5IGZvciBpbnZlc3RtZW50IHByb2plY3RzIHdpdGggbXkgb3duIHNoYXJlIG9mIHRoZSB0b3RhbCBzdW0sIGknbSBkZWVwbHkgc29ycnkgZm9yIGxlYXZpbmcgeW91IHRvIGpvaW4gYW5vdGhlciBtYW4sIGkBMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/810 YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 15:02:06 -0700
From: Veronica Jay <>
Subject: I appreciate your effort at that time
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:37 am

Skype ID for Nina:

FMF Profile:
vero4u Profile: Looking for soulmateView Comments
Age & Gender: 24 Year Old Woman Height: 5' 10" (178 cm) Body Type: Athletic Religion: Christian - Presbyterian
Ethnicity: African with Black Hair Color / Brown Eye ColorZodiac Sign: Leo Location: Batesville, Texas, US


I am Seeking a: ManFor: Long TermMy Education: Graduate DegreeMy Profession: Student
Do I Drink? NoDo I Smoke? NoDo I Do Drugs? No
My Marital Status: SingleI Want Children? UndecidedI Have Children? No
My Interest Keywords / Tags
seeking for someone that will love and care about me.

About Me
I am tall and good looking young girl who is seeking for her soulmate.

Hello Dear

It's my pleasure writing to you, my name is Nina, i came across your profile and find it interesting so i decided to contact you for a good relationship, can you please reply through my email address

for us to know each other very well and also exchange pictures. i will be waiting because i have something to tell you.
God bless you


My Dearest ,
Thanks for your mail, i will really like to have a good relationship with you that will lead to marriage, and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you.

I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here and after reading your profile, I am Miss Nina Yormie 24 years old girl from Liberia, the only daughter of Late Johnson Yormie the deputy minister of national security under the leadership of president Charles Taylor who is now in exile after many innocent soul were killed, My father was killed by government of Charles Taylor, he accuse my father of coup attempt.

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment i am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father.

Meanwhile I wanted to escape to the Europe but she hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father’s File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where i am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal. I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country.

My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US $6.700.000.00 in a Bank with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund. As you will help me in an investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 1st year in the university, when the crisis started.

It is my intention to compensate you with 20% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital. This is the reason why I decided to contact you. Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes.
As soon as i receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to yourself please i beg you not to disclose it until i come over, once the fund has been transferred, i attach my pictures here for you. I love you and i want to be with you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Return-Path: <>
Received: from COL129-W51 ([]) by over TLS secured channel with
Fri, 5 Feb 2016
From: Nina Jay <>
Subject: Thanks for your response

Profile photo already posted above:
Additional Photos:


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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:58 pm

My Dearest ,
Thanks for your reply, i appreciate your concern, the most important thing i need from you right now is you being honest. For me choosing you is not by my power but through the power of God and i choose you in this transaction based on my present status here in Dakar refugee under asylum, i want to relocate with you to start up a good business venture that will be profit oriented. As well finish my university education.

I want you to understand more about my situation here in the camp, I am e-mailing you from the office of the Reverend Father who is our pastor here in the refugee camp, I have explained to him a little about my life though not everything, I have just told the Reverend Father about my communication with you and he permitted me the access to his office computer twice a day to write to you, life is just not easy since i don't have any body here to take care of me.

I could not further my education because of my present situation, no clean water here, no good food here in the refugee camp, life has not been easy for me. Moreover, i had a very serious conversation with the bank where the money is deposited, for them to advise me on what to do in order to transfer my late father's fund, the legal department of the bank told me that in a situation like mine, that the best solution is by soliciting for assistance of a reliable foreigner who can assist me claim, receive the fund and invest it on my behalf as i wish. I then decided to contact you, hoping that with your advanced knowledge we can be able to work together, though it took me time to make up my mind to contact you and offer you this proposal of mine of which my whole life depends on.

I will furnish you with all the vital documents covering the deposited fund under the bank, only if you can promise me that you are not going to betray me or sit on my inheritance fund after it might have got into your account, please tell me more about yourself again in your next mail.

Please understand that there is no illegality involvement in this transaction, you are going to contact the bank directly. I will send to you the contact of the bank where the fund is deposited, for you to establish immediate contact with them for the transfer of my inheritance fund to your account.

Please I will like you to send to me your full data for me to know you more, such as

Your Full Name .................

Your Age .................

Your Country .................

I am looking forward to read from you. After the transaction we will work for my coming to your country, I will be expecting your reply soonest.
Best regard.
Yours Nina
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Unread postby firefly » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:12 pm


Hello Dear It's my pleasure writing to you, my name is Nina, i came across your profile and find it interesting so i decided to contact you for a good relationship, can you please reply through my email address for us to know each other very well and also exchange pictures. i will be waiting because i have something to tell you. God bless you Nina

- 24 y/o female
- Dakar, Senegal
- English, English, English
- Student
- Have no children

The picture used is already reported here.
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Unread postby Big Al » Thu May 05, 2016 9:36 pm

Skype ID:

Hello Dear ,
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Paraguay, presently i am in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum, i'm deeply sorry for leaving you to join another man, it was not meant to be a betrayal but i needed a help by all means, i am planing to get married to him very soon, we just arrived and i don't know any where over here, he is struggling to secure for me a permit that will allow me stay and start schooling after our wedding.

Meanwhile, i didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring the funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now you will need to contact our Reverend Father whom used to be a God-father to me when i was in Dakar, his name is Reverend Paul Mba and his email address is as follows:

His phone number is: +221708612637

Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of $300.000.00 which i prepared and kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter, i appreciated your efforts at that time very much, so feel free and get in touch with Reverend Paul and instruct him where to send you the money,

Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy after all the suffering at that time, in the moment i am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to Reverend Paul Mba on your behalf to receive that money. Therefore feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the amount to you without delay, Take care and bye for now,

As soon as you are in contact with him you get back to me so that i will be sure that you have collected it okay,
Yours truly

Number billable as mobile number
Country or destination Senegal
City or exchange location
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Re: and

Unread postby scammermagnet » Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:24 am

Hello Dear

Good day, how are you and your family? I have a good news.
After all the stress, I have finally secured the money but I couldn't forget all the assistance you gave to me though you were not able to conclude the deal due to monetary constraint.
I will be leaving to France tomorrow for a new lease in life and i thought you deserve to be compensated for all your efforts.

So I have instructed my bank to transfer the sum of Two Hundred and fifty thousand United States Dollars ($250,000.00) to Visa Credit Card Center here in Lome Togo, so that they can package the total sum into their facility called Visa Credit Card and send to you to avoid bank charges and suspicion.

The Visa Credit Card Center Lome Togo will contact you and send your named Visa Credit Card containing the sum of Two Hundred and fifty thousand United States Dollars ($250,000.00); As soon as you get the visa card i will also send the four digits secret pin code with which you can be making withdrawals from your Visa Card.

I want you to contact Reverend Father Paul Mba, i leave everything in his care.

All correspondence should be directed to him, kindly contact him through this email address for assistance and directives.

From the card you can withdraw a maximum of Ten Thousand United States Dollars per a day and you can also transfer from the same Visa card to your local bank account a maximum of up to a million United States Dollars per a day.

The card will be fully activated for withdrawals in any country of the world and in countries where United States Dollars are not used, you will be paid in that country's local currency Dollar equivalent.

May God bless you and your family.


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Unread postby scammermagnet » Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:25 am

So, what are they trying to do? Get your full name and address to fake identity?
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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:34 pm

No, if you contact the fake Reverend to try to get the ATM card they will send it by a fake courier most likely. Of course to get the ATM card shipped they will ask for money. If you send the money they will have a problem and need more money to send the card. It keeps going until you quit paying or are broke.
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