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For general scam based discussions.
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Funny how it works sometimes....

Wed May 30, 2012 8:39 pm

As some of you know I've never been a victim, I'm a Baiter. A friend of my Ex-wife's was badly scammed and that's how I started this adventure:
I baited a Dakar scammer a while back and all my efforts to get a bank account to report failed. The scammer finally dropped me. At least a month has gone past. I put the scammer's phone number on my "Prank Call" list. Last weekend, I wanted to do a few calls using a soundboard. I forgot to disable the outgoing ID before I called her (yes really a female this time). I realized my mistake later but it was already too late for that one. I was surprised when I received an E-mail from the scammer! She asked how my mother was and I told her Mom died (The lie was Mom was another baiter pretending to have lung Cancer). She said how much she loved and missed me. I told her I figured by her angry words that she wanted me to leave her alone Blah,Blah,Blah....

Anyway, the funny part is that today my "Dakar Darling" coughed up a bank account to report!

Big Al is having a double Pork sandwich today in honor of Alice and Sandre! TYVM.

Re: Funny how it works sometimes....

Thu May 31, 2012 4:41 am

Way to go Al!
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