
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Hi. Need advice.

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Hi. Need advice.

Unread postby filmdude45 » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:02 am

Hi. You guys have helped me out before, and so I am wondering if I should post on here or send a message to the site adminstrators directly. I am not being scammed, I just wanted to get that out of the way. What's happening is I have a good friend who is a professional model. Well, she texted me last night then sent me a screen shot of some messages she has been getting. It seems some scammers are using her pictures as well as her real name and posing as her on various dating sites. Needless to say she is furious and feels violated. Any advice on what I can do to help her, or would someone on here like to join the sites the scammers are using her profile on to help to catch them? Thank you. Here is a pic of the screenshot that she sent me, and it's from the site Image
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Re: Hi. Need advice.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:14 pm

This is something I actually had a conversation with another model about just yesterday. Once the photos start being used, the best course of action is to make everyone aware of what's happening. If she has a Twitter, post there about it. If she has a website, post there about it. Make it so that any time a scammer uses her name or photos, a quick search leads a potential victim to the truth about how the photos are being abused. Also warn others in the industry. Let them know that their photos can be abused the same way. No one is safe when it comes to the scammers. They'll even use photos of soldiers who died in the line of duty, that's how low they are. Education is the key with these things. Warn people, educate people and make it harder for the scammer to make money using the images. Scammers will always go for the easiest option, and if one set of images isn't working for them then they'll try another one instead.
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