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Optim Gold limited in Uganda

Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:20 am

Dear Editor,

I am about to travel to Uganda with a friend to buy gold. I am South African and my business partner is from Uganda. I have been to the Ugandan embassy to do my DD but there are still a lot of concerns. I have looked the company up on line and found a very suspicious UK address on it which has been since removed. Their website is only created two years ago yet my google search tells me that it was founded in 1990. The address listed online (not on their website) conflicts with the address that I find online. Somehow I have trouble understanding why a registered mine would not have the muscle to send their gold to LBMA for example. Is this normal in Africa? It seems most mines want you to come to them to assay and pay for the gold onsite. I am also worried that if we pay for the gold and somehow we get stopped and the good are confiscated because of some or the other form of paper work that is not as supposed to be that that could be the actual scam.

I don't really know what to ask but does anyone have experience with doing business with OPtim Gold Uganda.


Thank you sir!

Re: Optim Gold limited in Uganda

Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:26 am

Looking at the website, I'm highly suspicious about it. The UK address is a housing estate and not a business address, the photos are all stock photos and the text seems to have been taken from another site that was made in 2003. That's all we can really tell you so far from what you've given us.
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