Hi my friend .
Wish you excellent mood.
I will immediately inform you why I am writing.,
I am in search of the second half for a stable relationship,
I recently received your electronic box at a marriage agency.,.
Plucked up courage and write this message..
If you are true not busy man who looking for stable relationship with a woman, then we could start our acquaintance.
To do this send me a reply message ,
My photo you will find attachment to this letter..
My name is Genia .
I am 28 years old..,
I'm living in the city Novosibirsk.,
It is the third most populous city Ru.
I hope that distance not a problem for us?
I heard about different examples where men and women from different countries manage to find each other.
I think that each of us has the right to be happy and should at least once make some effort to get this is happiness.
Today I'm doing it! Probably I should a little more tell you about me?
Let's leave this for next letter,.
I promise to give the chance to you to find out me better in my following letter and also to send more than mine image,
If you are not interested at all, then I apologize for the inconvenience and concern.,.
You can to respond to me to mine electronic box,
Answer me only if you are interested adult relationship.,.
I will wait your answer with big impatience..,
Have a nice time..,
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Subject: wonderful
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