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This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.
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Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:17 pm

Feedback via the ScamSurvivors.Com [#15753]

What name did the scammer use?*: Desmond
Scammer's email address if you have it.:
How old did the scammer say they were?*: 52
Scammer's Skype name.: He refuse to give me, thank's God
Scammer's Skype username . .*: Jordan Michael
What site did you first meet the scammer on? .: www.
Please upload a photo of the scammer if they sent you one.: the picture is already posted here.
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: Nothing yet. I readed the instructions.
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.:

Hello beautiful

How are you doing today, i hope you are Having a great time, thank you once again for your email, i want you to know that i appreciate every single email i get from you and It makes me so happy because i know we are getting to know each other 'better, , i have been through allot in relationships that i Almost gave up on women also, but right now i am not Accepting defeat and i am not a loser so i am out to look for That Special Woman That will love me and my daughter unconditionally, that special Woman That Will stand by me no matter the circumstances Will still look into my eyes and tell me how much she loves and respect me.


Hello Beautiful, thank you for your nice letter, but i want to know more about yourself,I have told you allot about myself already and let me tell you more, i was born in Phoenix Arizona, United states, my Father was a US Marine while my mother was a medical Doctor, my both parents died when i was very young and i had to take care of myself, life has never been easy for me and i thank God i have been able to do so much for myself, i was married for 15 years and i lost my wife 6 years ago, i am a US Army and i have been in Afghanistan since 2013 now on a national assignment, but i will be coming back to the united states in 4 weeks time,and i will retire and start up a new life thats why i need a woman who will spend the rest of my life with me and we will live happily as husband and wife and we will make each other happy forever,i have a daughter who is 15 years old and her name is Christi, she is my only child and i love her so much, we are best friends and i can tell her anything, now your turn, tell me more about yourself, what do you do for a living, where are you from and where are you staying right now, do you have kids, how close are you to your children if you have, tell me about your family, i want to know everything about you if you don't mind,what kind of man do you want in your life, i hope to hear from you soon....kisses and hugs for you,

i wish you a nice and a wonderfulday out there.


I was Introduced to Elmaz by one of my Soldiers and he Told me i could find a good woman there so i Decided to give it a try and you are the first person ihad communication with and i know That you are the last,i do not want to rush you, i want us to be friends then lets see Where it goes from there, because i believe That any good relationship starts with friendship, i want to be your friend,i want to be That Man you can tell anything, i want to be That man you can trust with your life and i will never betray That trust, i want to be That special man you Will pray to God everyday for Bringing into your life.....

I want a woman that will love my daughter as her own child and i will love her kids the same way and i will give them the love and care a father Will give to His children, , i will leave here in 4 weeks and start up a new life, after retirement,i want to invest in a business and That special woman in my life Will join me manage the business and live a happy and fulled life, i just want to be happy again, i want to wake up with that smile on my face when i see my Queen laying next to me, I Want That Woman That Will call my mobile phone and say honey When are you coming home, i miss you and the kids are missing you also, i want to give my heart full of love to her.i just want you to know that i am not here to play games and i will appreciate it if you do not play games with me also.I hope to hear from you soon.God bless you .

Hugs and kisses for you
Desmond williamchristopher2016@yah

Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:06 pm

Feedback form #15803

What name did the scammer use?*: William Christopher
Scammer's email address if you have it.: ,
How old did the scammer say they were?*: At first 56 and rhan 47 born july 23 1967
Scammer's Skype name.: Several, william.christopher502 , william.christopher242 , william.christopher153 ,
Scammer's Skype username . .*: William Christopher
Address of the scammer's FaceBook, Google+ or other social media site page. .: As far i know no facebook
What site did you first meet the scammer on? .: On skype as william.christopher502
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: We stayed long than moved to hangouts and back to skype
How much money did they demand?: He and UN total of $7.316
Name you were told to send the money to. : Tonya Tinch , Rhonda Agbaje , Tia Mitchell and Eric Asante
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Birmingham Alabama, Chicago ILL, Sarasota FL and Accra
If they gave you a phone number, please add it here.: +14152340931 /+18546771899 / +233237237870
If they showed you your video on a website, can you post the site and account they posted it with.: It was only via skype video webcam
How were you to send the money ?: First Money Gram than Western Union due Miney Gram told me that Tonya Tinch is a scammer
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.: I want to prevent other women. He claim he's in Kabul Afghanistan, hes a LT deployed almost 2 years and 3 years more to go. He says hes 56 and have a daughter. He is is looking for his soulmate. Also that he is from Southampton. When confronted him he told he has a son 16 years old. So in total 2 children he said, her daughter is 18 years old study in Pennsylvania her name is Sandra and his son lives with his ex wife in UK. He said he's divorced.

cd9e74478810662.jpg (18.67 KiB) Viewed 16802 times

+14152340931 - Google VOIP number
+18546771899 - US mobile number
+233237237870 - Ghanaian mobile number


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:24 pm

Posted on behalf of the victim:

He text me in Skype, he is the one who find me in there. How it happened I don't know but at the beginning everything showed so real that he's that person who's he saying and i fell for him. He contacted me on a sep 21 2016 as i said via Skype. The only way we communicate was via Skype, hangouts and emails. He called me twice via Skype and i saw him but that must be a video. He doesn't have a phone that's what he said. He's deployed in Kabul Afghanistan for 2 years already. He said he's from Southampton born there. At first he said he was 56, born july 16 and does has a daughter studying in Pennsylvania US... and after a month i caught him in lie and he said he has a son too 16 years old and he is 47 years old, born july23 1967. He also give me this id number 19927205-KH

After payments for his supposed ticket which at the beginning was $500 after that marriage cover letter $1650, than health certificate $1750 after that payment for the ticket $2500 as UN was supporting $1000. Jan 2 2017 i received a mail from UN that i need to contact Bank in Ghana for a transfer made for the sum of 150.000 British Pounds for "the pension and gratuity of your husband. I am being placed as his next of kin. Once transfer is made to your bank account, your husband will proceed his journey". And i was asked to contact the Bank of Ghana and co operate with them.

Most of the stolen pictures used are already reported here.

The few ones not already reported:





Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:29 pm

Fake documents used in scam - the victim's name was removed:



undocfake (2).PNG

Excerpt from the last fake document:

We received your mail applying for a vacation certificate for Lieu! William Christopher currently serving with
the United Nations body.
The vacation certificate you requested can be issued to you from different locations in accordance
to laws governing the United Nations body of section 13(1) (n) of the United Nations diplomat staff
vacation act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd July 1996 by constitutional assembly. And
each location has it’s own price tag.
From our United Natims Affiliated branch in United States Ol’ Amerim (usA) you will pay
1.500 us dollars
from our affiliated body in West Africa, you will pay 550US Dollars.

Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:31 pm

10/10/16 - United Nation <>

Madam xxx, we here by notify you that your application and file has been received so your vacation permit process for your spouse will be processed from our United Nations Affliated Branch in U.S.A. we await your payment soon so we shall proceed with the process.

Madam xxx, here is the payment details and informations of our United Nations Agent so you can make your payment.

Name: Eric Asante
City: Accra
Country: Ghana
Amount: 550 Us Dollars
Address: No 28 Palm Street SCC Weija, Accra
Payment should be made through Money Gram Transfer, Scan receipt of payment and send to us for confirmations.
Thank you for your Anticipated Co Operation.


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:32 pm

10/11/16 -

You have taken hold of my mind, you are my first thought when I wake up. I send these beautiful words to you, so you also think of me and know that you are the most important person in my life. Your love is the light that illuminates my life.

When I see the light of day I think about how you also brighten my life with your love. With you I want to become a better person to make you happy. Thank you for the immense love you give me and for giving me a reason to smile. Have a pleasant day my Queen


I want to be the reason why you smile every morning, I want to be the reason for the happiness in your heart, the spring in your step and the song on your lips. Have a great day ahead.Every day in my life is perfect because it starts by wishing you a good morning. Have an amazing day baby.

There is something I love about my night
It's sleeping and still waking up renewed of your love
My life couldn't have been great this way
Thank you for choosing to be mine. Good morning


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:35 pm

10/26/16 - United Nation <>

Madam xxx, We received an email lately from your spouse in regards to the payment, All protocols has been observed so you are legible to make the payment of 500 Us Dollars as your husband has made clarifications on your behalf.
Best Regards,


Here is the payment information:
Name: Tonya Tinch
City: Alabama
Zip code:35210
Country: United States of America

Phone Number:xxx

Scan the receipt of payment and send to us for confirmation so process can begin immediately.
Best Regards,


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:36 pm

From: "United Nation" <>
Date: Oct 28, 2016

We hereby Acknowledge the receipt of your payment for the processing of Vacation Permit for Lieutenant William Christopher. Document will take only 4 to 5 days to be ready and you will be notified by email when ready,
Thank you for your Anticipated Co operation.
Best Regards,


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:39 pm

William Christopher <>

i am not chatting with any other woman here besides my hangouts is always on you are the only contact i have here i can give you the password if you want why now that its getting to our meeting you start to feel i am cheating on you, i always give you the love and attention what else do you want me to do i am not a player my heart is for you alone and nothing changes try and believe and trust you are mine forever no other woman can take your space in my heart i love and cherish you forever

Okay i love you my precious wife rest and i want you to be strong for me, you are the air i breath, my whole life is build around you i hope we chat later on skype please send me an email so i can join you online when you wake up i will love you with the last drop of my blood. Kiss and Hug my charming wife

I just want to let you know that falling in love with you
Was the second best thing that happened to me,
Because the first one was meeting you!

I feel so happy now,
Because I’am yours and you're mine,
No matter where I am
You’re always on my mind.

I love you sweetheart i am glad to have you in my life see you soon i am on skype now

Please write me on skype when you wake up i will be online waiting for you i love and cherish you forever my Queen


Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:41 pm

11/1/16 - United Nation <>

Dear Mrs xxx, We hereby notified that is reflected in our system that you and your spouse are not legally married, please tender your marriage certificate or your process vacation certificate will be terminated.You are indulged to pay the sum of 1,650 Us Dollars to process your marriage certificate coverup letter for you and your spouse can be peacefully happy partners when he comes over to join you soon.
Failure to process this cover up letter, you both cannot be legally married when he arrives, We await your urgent response soon.
Payment should be made with same name and information sent previously

Best Regards,

11/2/16 - United Nation <>

Madam xxx, Be notified that your spouse contacted us in regards to the payment for the marriage cover up letter, you have been given extended time also you can make payment partly or installmentally until you pay the 1,650 USD but make it more soon so the legal practioner can proceed further.
Best Regards,
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