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Unread postby firefly » Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:43 pm


Destiny is only achieved by taking the right steps in life. I am very happy to read from you and it brings joy to my lonely heart. I promise to keep in touch. I'll also like to share my views about the questions i asked.
As for what I like in a man? I want my man to be someone that mature, who haves something inside him, more than sex in his mind , someone with a lots of love to offer. Am for real I ain't gat not room for play anymore..Am single and ready to mingle. I don't have Kids.. Like I already told you I work as an Accountant cos that is my field of Study... I am loyal, responsible, active, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted, warm, accommodating, sexy, compassionate, tolerant, laid back type, outgoing, welcoming to people generally, I don't like chit, I like to sing, write poems, listening to music, swimming,playing Basketball, watching TV, Movies and comedies, I love public intimacy and want a good man with a good heart, one with good knowledge about love and who knows how a woman is been treated, age or color difference do not matter to me at all, as long as He loves me, I want a relationship that will last forever and won't fade no matter what. I liked Peal Harbor as well. I appreciate peace and calmness, I like rock and roll too. I'm just a spontaneous lady who doesn't try to be in routine. I have not been online before like I told you.. You are my first Contact.
Some qualities I am looking for in my partner are humbleness, compassion, simplicity, piousness, respect, moral support and companionship mostly.
Its been real pleasure knowing you and hope it continues.

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Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:20 pm


Hello ,

Thank for the lovely mail you sent to me..Well for me since we have know much things about each other and we match our self and we are looking for the samethings in life i think we should call it New Relationship and i believe it will lead us to a very good place.

In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a magnitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.
Well, relationship can mean two things :
1) It can mean that we have a connection, which I think exists.
2) Relationship also means to be romantically and sexually involved and I think we aren't at that level.

So, I think at this point, given the amount of time we have e-mail one another, we definetly have a friendship forming based on some external and internal similarities that are developing into a relationship that will bring us a little closer with good intentions, and the potential exists for the relationship to evolve into something more significant.

I've been in several rapports where I was not fully appreciated. In fact, many times I felt I was taken advantage of and that hurts. I'd like to meet someone who recognizes the little things I do for her and knows how to be appreciative. For instance, if I were to make breakfast in bed or draw a bath for my man, he could thank me by giving me a hug or a kiss. Or perhaps sending me a card for no particular occasion just to tell me 'thank you. I'm very appreciative of what people do for me and I'll reward them in my own little ways.

To me, it's the little things that mean a great deal to me.
What does it really mean to be affectionate? I love a man who can display his affections for me anytime and anywhere without having to be shy. And a person who knows how to be affectionate is a big plus. I love being affectionate.

This may be an odd one, but I've learned that there are many man out there that are set in their ways.. They have one way of doing things and are never open to suggestions or advices. Stubborn man are a major turn off for me. I like a man who is open to ideas, thoughts, and basically openminded.

I think being receptive brings about sensitivity as well. A man who is ignorant, mean, and just plain insensitive is difficult to get along with. I would say that I'm not afraid to display my emotions. I'd like someone who is sensitive and caring. If I'm sad, I'd like for him to be able to comfort me and cheer me up. He doesn't have to do much, but just knowing that he's there solacing me is more than good enough.

I am very happy i met you because you send me some good mails to read when am lonely down here and What you make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. PLS. send me some of your pictures.

Always Care,


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Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014
Subject: New Relationship
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:09 am


Hello ,

It´s a world of possibilities!!! Of course all these possibilities would be the most beautiful and dream able of all. This could be the chance I´ve been dreaming of.... This could be the opportunity to have a life full of love and companionship with someone whose been dreaming the same thing, whose willing to give the same exact things I´m willing to give.

I visualize staring at your eyes holding my heart in my hands and telling you: "I give this to you, it ´s my heart. It symbolizes me... the whole me. I give it to you with love, trust, faith and hope with no reserves, with no doubts, with no fear. I would expect you to do the exact same thing, and I would take your heart and protect it, and care for it, and make it as if it was mine.

I´m very surprised that every word I read from you, it´s the exact kind of thinking I would expect my man should have!!! I´ve never agreed so much with someone and I´m sure with this kind of communication with you, we will have great possibilities of getting together and staying together for a long... long time. I believe in a great way about coincidences. I believe that we have coincidenced because of something... beceause it was meant to be.... we are two souls all alone walking around in the world waiting so our paths could come cross together..

I think when we meet, we will just hold together tightly and firmly. I´m sure I will be asking you: "Where were you all this time?!?! Where were you all these years???

I´ve been waiting for you all my life!! Finally I found you!! I will never let go!!".

I dont see any problem in meeting, i do believe in meeting and seeing is believing, i can change my flight to you if you wish to meet, i dont see any problem changing my flight to you, tell me how you think we can meet, meeting and seeing is believing to me and i dont care of age and location, what is the name of your closest airport, i can call the airline now to ask for flight changing possibility.


Received: from ([])
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014
Subject: Never Let You Go
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Unread postby firefly » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:58 am


Let me start by saying that I thank God I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel as if I'm walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I know you've said we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant every word I said. I would do anything,

Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great person, outstanding father and loving husband. ..

I Hope it continues...


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Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:51 pm



I just want to make myself clear to you...

You are like a dream I never thought would ever come true for me. You are so special to me; I pray that we will finally know if we are meant to be with one another. I haven't ever talked to anyone so like you before. You make me feel special like never before. So far, the things that you are doing shows me that you are such a caring person who would love me forever till the end of time. I just want to be loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted. I want to find my best friend, my soul mate, my lover and my Prince Charming. I feel as if you may just be the one I am looking for and have been searching for all my life. These are the feelings I am having for you as of this moment.

I will go and get the flight done tomorrow in the morning, it is here now 03:30pm and when the flight is done on tomorrow, i will scan the copy of the flight ticket to you, so that you can be able to know that im a woman of my words, just dont let me down for all this im doing for you baby.

Love you


Received: from ([])
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014
Subject: You are Like a Dream to me..
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:43 am


Dear xxx,

I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your magical. and I love the way you are. I can't stop thinking about you when we are apart. I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love to share the rest of my life with you.
Love Always,


Received: from ([])
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:24 am



Thanks so much for the feelings you for me baby.

I am very sorry for getting back to you late.. I had some issues which
has been taking care of already.. I will go to the airline office
tomorrow so that I can get things done as soon as possible..

im having the believe that my mum sent you to me from heaven. I am
writing you this letter to tell you how much you mean to me for this
little time we just met and to thank you for coming into my life. You
are something I never thought could exist for me. You are one of the
best things that has happened in my life, and I don't regret being
with you.

I have been through many relationships, but didn't really take them
seriously. I was used and played by a guy who I really loved. So I
decided to play guys the same way that guy once played me. I wasn't
born a b1tch, it's just a guy made me this way. Since then I have not
taken chances with a guy. But you happened, you came into my life and
stole my heart from the day I saw you.

At first I was confused, didn't really know what I wanted, I didn't
know if I would want to take a chance again and actually take you
seriously. So, I decided to come close to you as a friend and find out
who you truly were and what you were like. You seemed cool, nice and
funny some things I really liked in a guy. So I took a chance and got
with you.

In the beginning, things didn't seem that well, I actually had my
doubts about you. I wasn't sure you were actually taking me seriously.
But, it was too late to look back; I had already fallen for you since
the day I met you and I wasn't really looking forward to giving up too
soon. I tried so hard to have you, I wasn't going to let you go so

Well, this little time has passed and I have discovered new things and
a new me. You have truly changed me. Still, in a way, I'm scared
'cause I am actually growing a true feeling inside my heart which I
just cant explain, but I know it's there waiting for you to come and
uncover it. I truly don't know what your feelings are but I don't want
to force you in telling me what you don't feel towards me. I would
want to receive love and trust from you when you truly mean it. All I
ask from you is to show me you care and not hide anything, to also
have trust in me the way I do in you. Waiting to hear more of how you
feel about me now?

Love always.


Received: from ([])
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014
Subject: Describing My True Feelings for You
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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:51 pm


Hi Honey

I just finished reading your lovely mail and am going for bathing, this is my pictures before bath baby, im off to the airline office now to get the ticket done and i think i should be done in about 2 to 3 hours, will you still be able to be on the computer by then and wait for me sweetheart?

just please don't let me down for all i want to go and do for you now. when i get back, i will scan the copy of the flight ticket to your email, so that you will be able to know that im a woman of my words and then you will be able to know my flight arrival time. so that you can wait for me at the airport to pick me up at the airport

can't wait to see you and talk to you in like 2 to 3 hours time sweetheart when i get back baby

Your love..


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Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:50 pm



I just met you, i don't believe i will ever do such for a man i ever met, but you displayed so many qualities for me with this little time we have met, i don't believe i can get all this in a man in such little time and i did the flight issue simply because i see that you are such a man i have been dreaming of and you seems to be a perfect match for me. I have done my flight ticket issue for you, i did this for you not because im in a rush to meet a man, but i did it because you are the perfect match for me and i cant even believe that online dating can work as its working between us, you are open minded and i like that in a man, i cant just wait to see you face to face, I don't believe i can do what i did to you regarding changing of my flight to you, because i haven't met you and i believe in meeting and seeing is believing for sure. but i want to be sure that you are not going to let me down for coming to you.

I have booked the flight to you and i paid the a lot of money and i think you can see it on the flight confirmation i sent with this email and also the insurance, because they said i will have to get insurance, because its an international flight and i must get an insurance as well as a transit visa before i can fly on it and again i spent almost 90$ for the transport to the airline office and embassy to get all done for you, the airline said that i will not be able to get a transit through London Airport unless i go through Abu Dahbi, Dubai Airport and i have no choice than to do it, because they said i will not be able to get the flight transit through London not until 25th of October 2014 because of the season of traveling and i can't just wait that long, that is why i have to book it and since im coming to you and i have to get it done today.

As soon as you got that, please email me back now, so that i will tell you what and what you will need to do for me now.

Please get back to me now please..

Your loving lady,


Received: from ([])
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2014
Subject: Honey, i sent you my flight details
From: Natasha McGarvie <>
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Unread postby Wayne » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:25 pm

shelty shelter
Female / Single
34 - Abilene / United States

let love lead not attitude
About Me
I am very open and communicative lady, always smiling, positive and very active. I like to be around optimistic people and to make people around me happy. I am very passionate and open in relations. I am always honest with my dear people and always tell the truth, no matter what. I am curious; I like to ask questions and to learn new things. I like to try myself in everything new to me and to reach success in every trying.
Looking For
I am looking for interesting man, who is brave and positive about our future together. I know that we could have few difficulties if we find each other here and will be creating our relations, but I am sure that any time on Earth, love could pass all problems and all difficulties and lead to happiness, which I am definitely want to create for my future man and me. Would you like to be happy?
Life Style
Drinking Never
Smoking Never
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Other
Living Situation Live alone
Relocation Willing to relocate another country
Seeking For Friendship, Romance / Dating, Marriage
Background / Cultural Values
Languages English

Hi, i hope you are doing great? I just came accross your profile and i want chat with you to know you more if you dont mind..

Send me message here or and i will reply you with some pictures of myself o see what happen then..

I hope to hear back from you soon..
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