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Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:23 am


How's the weekend going? I just wanted to remind myself. I hope you
have not forgotten me? Remember that in this world there is always one
person who loves your smile. Remember that in this world there is a
woman whom you are not indifferent ... I wonder if you have such
thoughts about me? I don’t know ... But I hope so ... I will think
that this letter made your day brighter and gave you at least a drop
of joy. What are your plans for the weekend? For example, my friends
and I go skiing. Do you like skiing?

For example, I love to do this...

Till tomorrow..

Forever your Diana

Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:30 am

Hello how are you? I never had a lot of real happiness in my life. But
now I'm happy because I write to you.I shall never forget you and I
hope that you will not forget me too because now I cannot without your
letters. You help me to be such happy. How is your health dear? What
have you done today? I hope that you write to me very soon because
without your letters, my life seems boring. I shall look forward to
hearing from you. Marina.


Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:27 pm

Hello my warm angel !!!

I am madly glad to receive from you your warm and your most gentle
letter. Each your word is filled by such warm solar beams. I always
read your letters on some times. I read and I represent you nearby, I
close eyes, I look, how you near to me sit. These imaginations it
after all so is healthy and so it is pleasant.

Darling , I thought much, and have understood, that we should
meet you. I understand, that if we want with you strong relations the
meeting is necessary. You with me agree? But I very much wish to
arrive to you. Next week on work to me give holiday in a current of
2-3 months. And if you not against, I like to spend this time with
you. I would like to visit you in your country. It is very interesting
to me to learn culture of your country. Interestingly as you live. You
know, that I never was outside of Russia. I very much wish to see you.
The darling you is ready to accept me in the country?

I had a dream this night. Today you have dreamt me. You have met me at
the airport when I have arrived to you. You stood in a white jacket,
and in hands you had very big bouquet of a rose. On your person the
dazzling smile shone. You have approached to me and have strong
embraced me, and I have kissed you for the first time. When we have
left the airport, you have suggested to walk on a city and to show me
sights. I have agreed, and You have started to show me your fine city.
We went, talked, told different histories from a life. We are
surrounded with beautiful green avenue, we go lengthways it, then
unexpectedly you pick up me on hands and start to turn with me. I
laugh, and even in a dream I have felt warmth of your embraces. Then
you have put me on the earth, and we have appeared the person to each
other. In your eyes I saw the reflexion of the dark blue sky. And at
all have not noticed that evening, and began to darken. You have
suggested me to go to you home and to have supper with you. When we
have arrived to you, the table has been already covered. You set fire
two candles and have switched off light. We sat the friend opposite to
the friend and have started to eat. We spoke and laughed. You have
included slow music and have invited me to dance. You took me for a
waist, and I have compressed your neck, and we have started to dance.
On this place the alarm clock has rung out. And I have woken up. This
dream such was such distinct, I so did not wish to wake up. And when I
have woken up, it was very a pity to me, that it was only a dream. I
very much would want that this dream was carried out.

I hope that you liked my dream. I will look forward your letter Yours
and only yours Marina.

P.S. I hope, you will not give up to meet me in the country. If you
cannot, simply tell to me about it. I require only your consent, you
agree to meet me?????


Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:39 am

Dear mine ,

Today I went in travel agency and have learned, that it to be
necessary for me for arrival in your country. People have convinced me
of travel agency, that we can be together. I am in good mood. I
wondered how much it would cost for me to make visa. They said that
only the examination of application for visa will cost me 30 usd. This
money won't be returned even if the application is rejected. To gat
visa I must go to Moscow where is the embassy. I'll to visit a lot of
agencies, offices and organization in Kirov in Moscow. This is the
usual way to get visa, it may take me many months. I said to them that
I could wait for a long time. And they offered me to solve the problem
and it will take me less time if I use Full Package of Service (FPS).
FPS includes additional payments for a category of the visa, consular
services, preparation for interview with commission. FPS costs 360
usd, but the visas agency remove all the problems and thus increases
the chance of getting a visa without excessive delays (I can get a
visa in a week or two). I thought for a long time and came to the
conclusion that this variant is the only right for me. Whether I do
not know correctly has made, having paid such money. Probably I needed
to consult to you all over again. But I have thought that other exit
is not present. For a cheap payment documents are very for a long time
made. We do not have time to wait. I agreed and registered my
application for visa, hoping that you'll be glad to meet me.

Can you imagine that we'll spend some weeks together or even can all
life. It is not important for me where to live if I shall be sure in
your feelings for 100 percent my loved and native I without any
meditations shall stay to live in a place with you. For the sake of
happiness and family I am ready on many things. I very much would
dream that you all life were only near to me. I'm immensely happy when
I'm thinking about the opportunity. I'll be everything myself? May be
you think I try to do too quickly, probably you suppose it's too earty
everything us to meet each other. But I can't wait for ages, I'm happy
now at present time. Necessary to begin moving to howe something in
your life, it's important to go ahead, to overcome difficulties to
take aim. Very soon I'll leave the work and I'll be able to spend my
vacation with you. I have never been abroad. But now I have a chance
to meet you. It's a dream. You are my friend, and friend sometimes
meet each other. I think it will be great, wonderful, fantastic.

I hope you don't think that I'm too impudent. I just want to met you
and to spend some time with you. I suppose you haven't changed your
attitude towards me after this letter. I'm looking forward to seeing
to calm down my heart. Please tell me you be able to meet me? Will you
be happy to face me? I hope you!!

Your Marina….

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