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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:54 pm

Hello my dearest !!!
My sexy friend, very nice to hear from you again.
How's life? I hope you are fine.
I have great news, all my travel documents are ready.
Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I am going to Moscow for further stay in the place of my internship.
Literally as soon as I heard the news and immediately wrote to you about it. When I sit at my computer, I was hoping to see your letter, and now I'm very happy that you wrote to me. I feel that I miss you already.
Simply put, when I read your letter, my heart begins to beat in rhythm and frequent me on this nice.
I feel the warm emotions, and I am very pleased to continue to communicate with you. Because I feel that you are very good and kind person. I am very easy and pleasant to write for you!
Mariya’s birthday went well, but I was really bored, I was very sorry that you were not with me.
Now I have nobody. And it is very difficult. I'm young and I also have
a very large sexual appetite. (Clipped Text)
Please tell me you want to see my new photos?
I see that our relations are developing very well, and we can learn about each other everything.
When I arrive in your country, and we'll meet, you will be able to deliver a great pleasure for me.The fact that I haven’t here a man for many reasons. Firstly because I'm going to leave Russia, so I'm not looking for anyone here. Secondly, the men in our country are very conservative and shy and not confident.
Psychology Russian men are very conservative, and this is unacceptable to them.
I believe that sex in a relationship is very important!
I hope that we will realize that for each other, and we will be together throughout their lives. I am ready to dedicate his life to one person who will understand me, appreciate and love. I hope this person is you!
I want to meet a man who is worthy of my pure and sincere love.
I hope you like my pictures, I really want to know your opinion.
If you're confused by something, then just tell me and I will not continue to do so.
I finish my letter and I feel great excitement.
I hope this letter brings a smile on your face and gives warmth to your heart.
I really hope to see your new letter soon!
A large number of kisses and hugs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your kitten Olya!!!



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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:56 am

Hello my sexy !!
I am very happy to see your letter.
You are very hot and sexy man, it can be clearly seen from your letters.
Now I collect things for my trip. My train to Moscow departs in 4 hours, and I need to check whether I collected all the things that will be needed during the trip.
In the end, I leave not for a few days, I am leaving as much as 6 months. Therefore, I must not forget anything. Because of this, so many thoughts in my head and emotions.
I am very glad that very soon we will be able to meet in real life.
I'll be in Moscow for a few days, I need to handle all formalities, and then I shall fly to your country. I'll get back to you from Moscow. I think I can write you from Internet cafe in Moscow. It is much cheaper than calling. I have now is not too good situation with cash, so I'll write you e-mail. I am very worried now, I've never been outside Russia, and I do not know how you have everything arranged. Your rules of conduct, traditions and customs are still very much a mystery to me. But I'm learning fast! With your help, I sure would succeed.
I just do not know the cost of living in your country. What do you
think, will I be enough monthly salary an assistant dentist in the amount of 2750 euros? In Russia it is very big money, but I do not know the value of the money in your country.
I think that we can spend this money together, because the money I receive as my personal expenses.
All other expenses related to my accommodation and meals are funded through the government's internship program. Do you think it's good money ?
But now a little early to think about it. The money I will have when I arrive in the capital of your country.
I already told you that I should be in your capital city for 2 weeks. I got all instructions in the Russian embassy and the government will give me my first paycheck for the next personal expenses for my arrival in your country. After two weeks spent in the capital of your country I'm heading into your city. So I want to know all the information in order to avoid any mistakes or problems.
Please write me, how exactly is called your city, and what the closest airport to you. I'll write down this information so that I have not forgotten.
Bradley I do not know if you have the opportunity, but I would very much wish we could meet at the airport as soon as I shall fly to the capital of your country.
I really want to meet you as soon as possible. I am very excited with my thoughts.
It's still just a thought, but I very much hope that soon our dreams will come true. How do you imagine our meeting?
I think we could have lunch somewhere, then walk a little and chat.
And then, I would like to know you more closely! I hope you understand what I mean?
And now came to me, my girlfriend and I should finish my letter, it will help me to collect things and take them to the station.
I will contact you and give you all the information about my flight as soon as I arrive in Moscow. I finish my letter as soon as read it, please tell me! I wish you good luck!
Even if I do not see your letter from home, I can read it when arrive in Moscow, and it would be very nice.
I really wanted to see the answers to my questions in your letter!
I kiss your whole body !!!!!!!!!!
Your princess, Olya!!!



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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:19 pm

Hello, my favorite Tiger !
I am very pleased to receive your new letter. I am very glad to write to you today this Saturday. I’m probably a little cold, today I have a fever and I am worried about a cough, but I’m glad that I can write to you. Apparently I caught a cold, now I’ll go to the pharmacy and buy medicine. How do you feel? Thank you for what you
are close with me. I am pleased to write to you today. You're important to me and at this stage of my life, I live only for you.
Sorry, but I think we should end our conversation. This is a very unpleasant and painful decision for me. I do not want you to suffer. You became for me a very important man, but I see no other solution.
Now I am in Moscow and I am writing from internet cafes. I got to Moscow good, but I have a problem without solving that, I can not come to you. Because, I haven’t small sum of money. For me it's a shame, ask your financial aid, and I will not do that. So, I decided to end our correspondence, because I do not want you to think about me is wrong.
I tried to solve this problem myself, but I did not get. I think that you refuse to help me. As I told you earlier, for this reason that we should end our conversation. I think you're going to accuse me and your confidence in me fade away. I do not want to hear the screams and insults from the person to whom I have a warm, loving feelings. My heart will be broken.
I am in complete disarray, my angel , I'm really afraid of losing you. I feel so bad now, I shake hands, and quivering voice. On my eyes with tears. I do not know what I do, I think you're not going to help me and you will reject me. Please understand that I do not want to hear it in my address insults and accusations. Please do not tell me bad words.
I look forward to your letter with your thoughts on the matter. I am very afraid of losing you and in your heart do not believe that you refuse to help me.
You're a wonderful person, we have built huge plans for our future. Is this all just collapses in a moment? I do not want and I will not believe it. You should always keep a positive hope. I'm sure between us all out.
Do you agree with me?
During our conversation I am very much accustomed to you, and I want to be with you in real life. I am burning with the thought that soon you come to me. Now everything is in jeopardy and I am very upset. Probably, I was so stupid, thinking that was the happiest woman in this vast world.
I look forward to your answer.
Your passionate kitten, Olya!!!
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:57 pm

Hello, my sweet prince !
Regardless of your decision, I am very pleased to see your new letter. I still feel bad, I have a fever. Today I feel better and I am writing to you.
You're always in my heart, my thoughts. You occupy first place in my life.
Now, I'll try to explain to you in more detail, what is my problem. In fact, it's not that difficult, but without solving the problem, I simply would not be allowed out of Russia. We live in different countries, we are separated by different languages, different laws, different traditions. I hope I can find the right words to explain the essence of the problem. Need to address this issue urgently, because before my departure is a bit of time. With your permission, I'll start.
As many people in our country - With the mind can not understand Russia why, as always warn about everything at the last minute.
The whole problem lies in the fact that I have a utility debts for the apartment - the unpaid bills for water, gas, electricity and so on.
Citizens who do not pay debts to state agencies are not allowed to travel outside Russia until such time as not to pay the debt in
respect of 100. The amount of my debt is 32100 rubles (about 435 euro). In my wallet was just 100 euros, which I saved up pocket money. I had to pay 100 euros for the debt. But now, I am still obliged to pay 335 euros, or I simply would not be allowed go out of Russia.
This law was passed in our country recently due to the fact that many citizens went abroad and left a huge, unpaid bills and utilities had to wait a long time, until the citizens can not go back.
I tried to find the money in Moscow, but I have no friends here and even acquaintances. I tried to ask for money from the internship program, but authorized agents told me that, to their great regret, they do not engage in personal benefit to the citizens, but do pay only those conditions that were included in the contract. Therefore, the problem I must solve by myself. I'm extremely upset, I do not know what to do. I have no way out of this terrible situation. My prince, you're my only hope of rescue! Now only depends on you our joint future. I'm sure will return to you this sum of money as soon as I get first paycheck in your country, but first I need to fly from Russia. As I told you earlier, the first salary I will get within 2-3 days after I arrive in your country.
I hope for your understanding, trust and support. I am sure that we will not be a barrier 335 euros and you can help me. I want to make all our sexual dreams. Need to hurry, my angel . Haw faster you can help me, than I can fly to your country faster. It is very difficult to find the right words my prince. Please do not ask me any questions, now I'm just asking you to help me as soon as possible. I'm so afraid to lose you. I hope you'll help me, I'm sure.
My passionate Tiger, I learned that there is a system Western Union. This system is the safest, easiest and fastest way to transfer money. This is exactly what we need now. At the end of this letter, I will give you all the information necessary for transmission. In order for you could find your nearest Western Union soon ( It can be in banks or post office), I give you a link to the official site - ww
I am really very sorry to have to ask for your help, but I have no other choice. You're the only family and friends to me a person who can help me now. Please do not forget that I'll give you 335 Euros from my paycheck, I'll get in your country. I'm sure you will not leave me in this difficult situation - you are kind, gentle and caring man. We are made for each other and the money is just paper, for which you can not buy true love and feelings. Much more important than the spiritual wealth of man.
But without your help our dreams will never become a reality. Please do not look at me a man who has just personal gain. I try to only two of us, and you need very much to me. The most important thing that you had a desire to help me. Then, we will be able to jump over all obstacles together. Come on, we will be next to each other and make the most beautiful things in this world together, taking each other's hands.
I hope your new mail waiting for me, as soon as possible.
The most passionate and sweet kisses to you, my tiger!
Your love from Russia, Olya!!!
P.S. As I promised you, I tell you my personal details that are required to transfer money via Western Union:
Olga Kolesova
Official home address of my registration:
Russia , Voronezh,
Prospekt Leninskiy 45 - 29
Postcode 394004
When you will send the necessary money, please give all the information about money transfer!


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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:28 am

Hello, my darling prince !
I am very pleased to receive your sweet letter.
I thank you for what you do not refuse to help me. Unfortunately, I do not have a bank account, and we need to use the Western Union system. Thank you for what you are doing our future a reality! Only because of you, very soon we will be able to feel the warmth and sweetness of our lips, can I come to you and whisper how much I love you! I want to look into your deep, filled with passion eyes.
Closing your eyes, I imagine our first, the joint overnight. First, we'll drink a glass of fine wine or champagne. Then, I'll put you in a comfortable chair and start dancing for you. I shall take the costume doctor. I want to be your personal dentist. Are you ready to be my patient? At this point I would like to conclude my thoughts, to keep the suspense for our personal meeting.
I can not live without you, my prince . Without you in my life has no meaning. I promise you that I will do our life together beautiful. I'll always be faithful to you alone. Between us can not stand up any barriers. The most important thing is that we were able to build genuine, trusting relationships. Fate has allowed us to meet, and we did not miss this chance.
I love you and I once again want to thank you for what you have not left me alone in this difficult, terrible situation. Thanks for your help. I will never forget your kindness.
I look forward to your new email to me.
Your sweet Olya!!!
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:56 pm

Hello, my darling Prince !
I am a bit sad to get from you the letter. Unfortunately, I do not have a bank account, and we need to use the Western Union system.
I understand that I have no right to demand from you financial aid. But, I still beg you, no, I do beg you, please take this amount of money. It is very important for our future. We have built our relationship, telling each other many things about which nobody knows except us. You know me even more than many of my friends. I did everything for you, because I like you and my heart is open to our love relationships. There is still time. I beg you to cherish every moment of our time, because it affects our collective future.
What is the true reason why you do not want to help me? Please tell me the truth? I may not deserve your trust this, so you do not want to help me? Maybe you do not really have a sum of money? Out of any situation is always a way out. The most important thing to want to solve problems. As the saying goes - "one who searches always finds! I believe in what you will do it, and you can help me, my bright tiger !
As I promised you earlier that when I come to your country, I'll give
you 335 euros for 2-3 days, as soon as I pay the first salary. Money will not keep waiting, but here is our meeting and dreams for the future can be destroyed in an instant and I do not want this! We are very much going to the intended target and not have to go with the course.
Between us there is a choice, or our problem will be solved and we will be able to wear the "crown" on his head, or our love to collapse as a house of cards, and leaving only ruins and memories of our feelings and desires that we would like to implement. It's you and now all depends on you, my angel! I will not insist that you should make this choice themselves. I only ask you to close your eyes and choose what is important to you. The choice is yours.
Help me and you will not regret it, because he made the right choice.
I think about you all the time, you never for a moment out of my head. I love you ! I'm ready to talk to you about it forever!
I look forward to your new email to me.
With great respect,
Your little, Olya!!!
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:53 pm

Hi my love !!!
I am glad to receive your letter.
Today I was very upset in the morning when I read your letter. I didn’t know what to do and went to the internship program office. I was very disappointed, there were tears in my eyes. But, I have to be a strong girl. The feeling that we will be together very soon gives me tremendous strength.
In the internship program, my eyes were all tear-stained. my colleague - the boss came up and asked what happened to me. I told her everything. I said that I do not have the opportunity to open a bank account and I really need it. She offered her help - she said that you can send money to her bank and we will go along with her and get your money. Then there will be no problems .. If you can send the necessary money to my colleague’s bank account, we will be able to receive money with her. I will write all the bank details, when you send the necessary money together with my colleague to get your money without any problems and I will immediately show you the debts and then go to the USA. and then we can be together very soon.

Here are her bank account details:
Beneficiary OLGA V. F.
acc number: 4081784005586013XXXX
bank address: Russia, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky Avenue, house 25, Litera A, room 4N
S.W.I.F.T. code SABRRU2P

I am very happy to write to you today this Saturday, today is my birthday. Today I turned 27 years old. I am glad that I meet this birthday in my thoughts about you. I received the best gift - your letter, which keeps in itself all your care and love !!
But, unfortunately today, I am not next to you, I would really like to spend my birthday with you. Today I am completely alone. I hope we can fix everything soon and celebrate my birthday together!
In this letter, I want a little dream about our future meeting:
I come to you, you meet me at the airport with flowers. I'm getting off the plane in a luxurious evening dress. You come, I embrace you and kiss you, you smell my perfume. I ask you, how are you was your day ... We sit in the car and drive to your home, on the way you done for groceries for dinner. We come to your home. I cook a great meal: fried chicken in the oven with pineapple and nuts, even boiled potatoes, cooked in a mushroom sauce. Then we go into the dining room, I light a candle, and you discover a delicious wine, playing romantic music. We are doing a sip, and I'm supper. We eat and talk about everything, never taking his eyes from each other. After dinner, you invite me for a slow dance. We dance not long, as both of us feeling overwhelmed, you start kissing me softly. I go to the window, open it, the street was dark and empty, fresh air blowing my hair. We fall asleep in each other's arms ...
I love you more than life!!!
I want to be with you, I need your love and affection, you lit in my heart the fire of love that burns me up inside, I can not work, I only think about you now every day and every hour, every minute. Not a moment that I had not thought about you.
I love you!
Best wishes!
Sensual kiss you and hug
Your Olya!!!
10000000 kisses for you!
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:44 pm

Hello again my love !
I am very glad to receive your letter again, do not leave my mind, I want you my love!
Are you ready to meet with me?
Theme of love is very important and I feel from your words that you are a nice man, I like it very much. Of course, I'll be happy to engage with you love. I am now just waiting for when it will be, I can not live without you, and I want to feel your kindness to me, I want to feel like you kiss me, I dream about it. I want to experience life with you, I see that you are very experienced, sensitive and gentle man, so I fully trust in the life with you, We should be together! And I very much hope that it will be very soon!
With Best wishes!
Your love Olya!!!
1000000 kisses for you!
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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:18 am

Hello my Love!!!!
How are you?
I hope you have a good mood! And my letters to raise it, and it remains good throughout the day.
Thoughts of you never leave my head! After your last letter, before going to bed, I thought for a long time about us and about our relationship. These feelings, they are very warm, and cool as the time that it is a little bit, they like the moon on a dark night sky. If you have time, look at it and you'll understand the depth of my feelings. We've got half moon in the sky.
One half of it - it's you. This half is covered in light and heat,
and the other half of that, I, dark and cold, disappearing, is itself a mystery. The stars around it - the people who surround us.
They ran a lot, and I have one, and I can not it to you. You know me, it seems that you have a very nice person and I can be open with you. You are beautiful, sensitive, kind, you deserve the most good words, and your attitude to me the most beautiful in my life.
This is - just love the abuse. I will speak directly
and to me, I must tell that. It seems that you know. I LOVE YOU!!! Yes you heard me, and this means that from now on, instead of which my heart belongs to only you against whom it is - more.
Now only you can decide which of my words to you mean.
I am very pleased with your letters, I always wondered when I get into the Internet
And I'm going to read, and I will write to you! The heart of my checks, you've left a wound in my heart
And the wound is closed, when I read your letters! I do not blame you, do not exist on the contrary, I am pleased with this! I would like to find people like my soul, and I think I've found! This is you! Soul, your feelings for me!
I want to thank you for your attention to me!
I'm trying to understand you and write more about myself! But I do not deny that you need for me. You have become important in my life and necessary for me!
While we need to strengthen relationships! I think that we'll have a great time! Walking, entertainment, movies, candlelit dinners together! My character is very loyal!
To my biggest disappointment of my time is up, and I must finish this letter!
I - the end to write this letter, but I'll think of you!
I hope that we'll be together soon!
I'll wait for your letter!
Bye-bye, my love!
I love you, miss you, gently and passionately kiss you.
Best wishes!
Your Olya!!
1000000 passionate kisses to you!
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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:53 pm

Hello my sweety !!!
I received your letter and I am very sorry to see that you write.
Must answer me this letter, and say only "yes" or "no." But before you answer read this letter. Do you really liked me, even now, I hope that between us, something can happen.
And now here in a strange city, unfortunately, I can not find the money. If you do not pay its debts for the apartment, I will not be allowed to fly out of the country.
I can not come to you, and so I ask you for help. I'm not asking for money on air tickets or something else. I just ask to help with this problem with my debts if I will not pay the money, I can not come to you, I can not pass customs.
I do not ask money for gifts or just something else, the only thing I ask - is to help me and I'll give you this money as soon as I in your country.
I told you that as soon as I arrive in the capital of your country, I
received my first paycheck for the first month of their stay from the
Government on the state training program. I'll have 2750 euros, and I
can easily return you your 335 euros. But I get the money only then when arrive in your country. Now I just need your help is vital now in this moment.
I'm sorry, I beg you, help me. But I just have no other choice.
Without your help I can not come to your country.
I have tried all ways to find money, but I can not find them, and I ask your help. All of my tickets and visa ready, these documents are from a representative national internship program.
Now there's only one problem, a problem of money. Now you only need
335 euros and then this problem will be solved immediately.
As soon as I arrive in your country, I can return you the money, I can give even the 1000 euro, I do not mind the money for you .
But I get my salary only when arrive in your country.
I beg you to help or everything will be lost. You can take the money? Maybe even some options that I do not know?
It's not a big sum of money, I know that you have the money, just do not want to help me, maybe you do not trust me. I need the money tomorrow or the next day.
But it's better tomorrow, in order to avoid any problems. I understand your concerns, but please, provide the necessary help for me, I'm not asking for millions. I only ask very little help. And I'll give you this money as soon as I come to you in the country.
Meditate , I know that there are a lot of deception. I understand everything, but you can be sure I'm not so!
I do not want to make excuses and I will not prove anything, it's just humiliating.
I do not want to start relationships with confidence, I do not want to love someone who does not trust me.
For me, very humiliating to ask for a little help, and I promise to return to you all completely.
Please think about it myself, do you trust me or not, I do not insist on anything and will not prove anything. But I think that we made for each other, and maybe we fate for each other. Maybe you really love me, you really I like you!
If you now refuse me, maybe you'll regret it all my life, but all will be lost. Nothing can be returned, all would be lost.
This money is really for you big amount? You can not afford it?
Are you afraid of risks? I repeat, you really like me!
Sorry I'm very disappointed, I feel that soon on my face were tears.
I was very hurt to ask your help, but I have no other choice.
Of course, I can sell my body, but I do not want to engage in prostitution. Well, if I have no choice so I will. I do not want that. But if I do everything the same will come to your country
and if we meet, we will be able to communicate? Do you want to communicate with a prostitute?
I think not. I also can not communicate with you, after you could not help me.
If I would have to earn money, so our relationship will be completed.
I do not want this, I do not want you lost me, but I lost you. Do not break our relationship, help us!
Please tell me what you are willing to help me, I do not want to exert any pressure on you.
You must decide all by yourself! Sorry if I was too rough, I'm just very disappointed.
I finish writing, I'm waiting for your response and look forward to you!
Please reply as soon as possible !!!
Your forever Olya!
Passionate Kisses for my TIGER!


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