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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:53 am

Hi my !!! Today there was a heavy working day for me. There were many clients. I wanted that the day ended as soon as possible, that would come here and see your letter. If you are disturbed by an age difference between us I can assure you that it not a problem for me. For me private world of the person, instead of its age is important. You agree?
today for me was really heavy day. But not only because I had many clients. That is why, that I wished to tell as soon as possible to you about dream which I had about us. I at first did not wish to tell to you this dream because I hesitated. But I nevertheless have dared. And I hope, that you will like my dream of us.
There was a solar morning in a hut on seacoast. I slept in a soft bed. And suddenly I have started to wake up from very gentle and sweet kisses in my neck. Kisses were very hot and all became hot. It certainly were your kisses. When I have definitively woken up, you have kissed me passionately on the mouth. Then you have told silently - "good morning Natalya". I have risen and have seen a breakfast prepared by you from tropical fruit and juice. Then we had together breakfast and have gone to bathe in the sea. We lapped in water, laughed, caught up each other and played. It was very bright and hot. In the sea dolphins lapped. Then we have joined hands and have gone along coast. We went and were silent. Silence spoke all for us. We were happy. Then we have got tired and have sat down under a palm tree shade. I have put a head to you on a breast and have fallen asleep again. Having this dream, I have decided to send to you it is a photos. On it a photo - I in wood, am not far from the house of my aunt. Photos are made in the autumn.
you liked my dream? I think, that you have understood, that I very romantic and dreaming person. But now. After dialogue with you I am ready to dream and dream. I never so am sweet did not dream. And you have any dreams of us? If yes, please, tell to me too. But remember, that I the modest girl:)
Tomorrow since the morning I will go to the aunt. Because of my difficult day today, me a distance the day off tomorrow. I think, that I will return and I will write to you while usually. I am possible I will send regards to the aunt from you?
And now I wish to send you an air kiss and to finish the letter.
Yours truly Natalya.



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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:16 pm

Hi my !!! I was waiting for the moment when I will be here and will be able to read your letter. Finally, I'm here. But why you have not given comments to my last letter?
I had a good trip to the aunt. I was happy to see the aunt. I am always happy to be with it. I have told to it about you, about our dialogue and about our feelings. I have transferred to it "hi" from you. She has been surprised, that I communicate through the Internet and with the person in other country. For it it, that of fantasy area. But it was very glad, that you have appeared in my life. She as has told to you "hi". She has noticed, that I became happier. She has told, that dreams to get acquainted with you once and invited you sometime. My aunt very good person. It would be pleasant to you. She says, that in a life the most important thing not to miss the love. The present love happens once and for ever. And I agree with it completely. I too consider, that in a life it is necessary to struggle for the happiness and never to miss the chance.
Dialogue with my aunt has given me thoughts. And I have understood, that I should not hide all force of mine of feeling to you. I wish to tell to you, that I love you!!! Now I write you these words and my heart very strongly knocks. It is ready to be pulled out from a breast. I very much worry. For me the phrase much means - "I love you". And I would not tell these words without full confidence of it. You understand, what I speak to you? You the first man to whom I admit for the first time love. And I am very excited by that you will answer. What will you tell to me about all it? I the silly girl? It so? I am really very excited. I even at first wished to remove this letter and not to send it to you. But I nevertheless have dared. Now, probably, I will not sleep all night long. I will think of your answer. I hope, that you have a good day. This photos are made at my home.
Yours truly Natalya.

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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:41 am

I ran here to read your letter. But I'm upset that you did not even comment on my past letter. Please, understand that in the last letter, I opened my soul to you. And it is very important for me to know what you think about all this. This is really very important for me.
I already said to you that an age difference not a problem for me. Age really only figure. Please, understand it. And I would not want that we again came back to this theme. Well?
Today I have decided to send you the photos when I was small. I would want that you knew absolutely all about me, even that when I was small. It is pleasant to you? You have similar photos?
I very much dream now of ours with you meeting. What do you think of it? You had any thoughts on our first meeting? You would like to visit sometime Russia? It really country with a severe climate. But all the rest here is good. Here kind people and the beautiful nature. I think, that to you could like here. And I hope, that I can show once to you the Village, acquaint with the friends and the aunt.
You imagined sometime about that as we would meet for the first time? How it would be in your dreams? You can tell? I already repeatedly represented our first meeting. It was so. Certainly, it would be at the airport. I got tired of long flight, but very excited, would leave the plane. You would meet me dressed in beautiful clothes with the big bouquet of red roses (these are my favourite flowers). I would go down to you and have given you the hand. You would present to me flowers and have sharply lifted me on the strong hands. Then we would look in eyes each other. You would tell to me, that you very much love me and that all life waited for this meeting. I would tell to you, that you the man of whom I dreamt all life. And we have kissed.
I know, that it only dream. But I think, that two persons who strongly wish to achieve the purpose, will reach it once. Only it is a pity to me, that we cannot start to carry out right now all our dreams. But we should aspire to it. You agree? And I very much expect to hear as your thoughts on our first meeting. And your thoughts on visiting of Russia once. For now I will present to you the kisses.
Yours truly Natalya.
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:31 am

Hello my !!! Thanks for your letter. I am glad, that you liked my dream of our first meeting. Forgive, that I could not answer you more likely. To this weekend Ekaterina again went to visit the family in next Village. She at all has not warned me, that it will be absent, because she hurried up. I very much, very much missed on you all weekend and to me was badly from that that I not can write to you. I hope, that you understand. I know, that you too very much missed on me. I hope, what you had good weekend?
Yesterday I talked to the friends. We discussed ours with you relations. I have told, that I wish to be with you. All see, that I love you all heart and is sincere. All are surprised as you could so quickly to win my love. Tatyana has told, that I should not miss the chance. She has told, that if it was on my place it would arrive to you. I have considered its words. I have told, what not so that simply to depart to other country. Many documents for this purpose Are required. But I agree, that for love there are no borders. I never was outside of the country. And it is terrible to me to travel far a little. But I have decided, that for the sake of our love I am ready to make any steps. I am ready on all what we were together. I will not be afraid. Tatyana has told to me, that I can descend in travel agency and learn all details of travel. I have decided, that I and will make. Tomorrow, I will go to travel agency and I learn everything, that to me it would be necessary for that what to arrive to you. I hope, what you would not will be against that that I have arrived to you? Please, tell to me about it. OK? And today I have dared and have decided to send to you here it is a photo. I hope, what you do not consider me because of it thoughtless? In any case, I wish to tell, that I love you. I give you the kisses. Tomorrow very important day for both of us.
Yours truly Natalya.
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:42 am

Hi . Today at me bad mood. I am very upset. Today in a break between work I have gone to travel agency. I wished to receive all particulars and arrival details to you. The manager was very polite and at first all was pleasant to me. To me have told the list of all documents which to me are necessary what to arrive for this purpose to you. The most important is a passport and the visa. And some more other documents. When to me have told cost of registration of all documents, I have been simply shocked. I did not expect, that it can be so expensively. I thought, that it is much easier and cheaper. I even would like to cry now.
I have thought of a situation and I had an idea. I am ready to sell the apartment. I think, that it should suffice on payment travel. I have well considered it. And I am ready to make it. When I should return to Russia, I can live at the aunt. What do you think of all it? Please, tell to me the opinion. It seems to me, that it is good idea. It is chance for us. I very much wish to be with you . I would want that we have carried out all our dreams. We should make decisive steps for this purpose what to receive happiness together. I give you the kisses. I will wait for your answer.
Yours truly Natalya.

I am very concerned that there is no letter from you. Did I disappoint you with my last letter? Did you take offense at me for not being able to come to you? Please tell me about everything that you think now. I'm very worried. I have strong feelings for you and do not want to lose you. Bradley please write to me as soon as you can. I will wait with not patience.
Your Natalya.

Hello !!! How are you? I again have not received the letter from you. I very much worry. Your comments on our situation are necessary to me. At you all is good? I miss. I hope, that you soon will have a possibility to write to me. Please, tell what plans at you on this weekend and that in general occurs in your life. I wish to know all. I hope, that you can write to me soon. I will wait.
Yours truly Natalya.
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:27 pm

Hello my . Thanks you for the letter. I understand why you could not write to me more likely. I hope, that you are fast will be healthy. I worry about you.
Thanks for your comments to my last letter. I understand your opinion on sale of my apartment. I understand, that you would not want that I have sold the apartment. But please, understand, it is unique chance for us to meet. We should make confident steps to our life. Only so we can achieve the objective in the life. I ask you to give us chance. I am assured, we will be a success.
I thought a lot about us and about our situation. I thought a lot about how we can meet soon. I do not want to wait long. I want us to be together and happy. I think that we have lived without happiness for so long. And it's time for us to fix it. We should be together. We must receive our happiness together.
I am really ready to make everything, for this purpose that we could be together fast. I am really ready to sell the apartment. I as will sell all furniture. It too will be additional money. As, I think, that I can borrow some money at the friends. I think, that I can find the sufficient sum for my arrival to you.
I will find out what and how to do and will inform you about everything that happens. I think that everything will turn out. I do not want to live alone anymore. I wanna be with you. And you are the man who opened my eyes to the world and I think that everything will turn out. I will learn everything and do everything. I believe that soon we will be together. I really want to come to you as soon as possible. I will do it. I love you !!!!! I am sure that when we meet, we will be happy. Because your letters bring me joy. And you give me happiness. And I will do everything, that you would be happy too. I love you so much. I give you my kisses. I will wait for your answer.
Yours truly Natalya.

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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:03 pm

I miss. I hope, that you have good weekend and can write to me soon.
Your love Natalya.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:35 pm

I worry. Why again there is no letter?
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