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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Oct 23, 2022 6:16 pm

Good day . I suspected from the beginning that something was wrong with you, because you still haven't sent me any photos of you.I just called in a lottery company. You need to contact your head of payments. On a hotline, I was told that his name is Taras Kairatov, the head of the payment department and it was he who was engaged in the design of all the papers for you. I ask you, hurry and find out what needs to be done. It would be a shame to lose the prize since everything has its own time. You understand that this money will be able to give us a good future. We will be able to solve all the problems that we have now. I beg you not to miss our chance. I really hope that you will react to this issue responsibly and do everything that in your power so that we seek our money as soon as possible. It will be very sad if we lose money given to us with your fate.
My heart is full of love for you and it is very lonely without you and your loving heart. You can't imagine how much I miss you right now. I'm lonely. But I think about you all the time, and that somehow lessens my loneliness. You are constantly in my heart and in my thoughts. My favorite although I have said it many times, but I will always say it, because it is also in fact. My love you are everything to me and I love you madly! Our love is the dearest thing in the world to me. There is no stronger and more beautiful feeling than our love. I am very happy that I was able to find you, that we found a common language with you, that we have such a close and very sensual relationship. I generally thank God and other higher powers, for what they gave me such happiness to meet you and be always with you!
My love for me communication with you is the only thing that pleases me every day and makes me live and keep love in my heart. My love I very much wait and the most important thing I believe that in our life there will be a lot of happiness and we will always be together and we will be surrounded only by happiness. I also believe that soon there will come a time when we first meet, then connect the family ties of our Union with you and we will create a beautiful family! You and I already know each other pretty well and I really hope that our points of view will coincide and we will always come to only one single and correct decision, and most importantly that we will always consult with each other. In my understanding, there should not be such a thing in a family that one person makes all the decisions. First of all it is necessary that everyone has his own opinion and can Express it! My dream is to be your wife as soon as possible and share all the secrets with you. I promise that everything will be fine and I will never let you down. We will have the strongest family. I love you and I miss you so much!
I will miss you and wait for your prompt reply with good news. With love and kisses, your Olga.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:30 pm

My love . I am glad that you contacted the lottery company. I hope that you will control the entire payment process. I remember that I had to constantly remind myself before I was paid my winnings last year. In any case, keep me in the know.
How are you doing? How's your mood? I'm all good. I'm in a great mood because I know that very soon I will be next to you. The weather is good today. It's sunny outside, and there's a hot wind. How's the weather?
My love , after reading your letter I had tears of happiness. I read every word you wrote very carefully, because there was a lot of love in it. My love , I see how much you love me. I'm so glad that I was lucky enough to meet such a wonderful man like you. No one has ever loved me as much as you do. No one has ever treated me with such care and awe as you do. And I appreciate so much the way you treat me and the incredible love you give me every day. Every day when I open my eyes, my mood is perfect, because I know that I have a man who loves me so much. It's so beautiful! My love , Yes you are right, everything that happened to us it was prescribed to us by fate. We had to meet each other, because we are destined for each other. We've come so far on the road to our greatest happiness, and I know it's not for nothing. You are the best man in the world! I love you so much, and I can no longer imagine my life without you. I am so happy that very soon we will begin our happy life in our home. My love , we have so much beauty ahead of us. When I think about it, I get goosebumps all over my body. When I imagine that very soon I will have round the clock access to your caresses and hugs I start to go crazy with happiness. My sweet , thank you for the incredible feeling of happiness that I feel 24 hours a day. If you hadn't come into my life, I would have just continued my empty and meaningless existence. you have brought so much meaning, love and bright colors to my life. It was only with you that I realized how much my heart could love. Only with you I have experienced all the wonderful feelings that a person can experience. I am so happy to be able to feel your love, your care, your support, and your extraordinary love.
My love , you have no idea how much I've been planning in my head. I'm always thinking about seeing you soon. This is going to be the most beautiful day of my life. I can imagine how much time we will spend together naked in our bed. I imagine us exploring every meter of our home in a passionate embrace. I imagine us waking up and falling asleep together. How we meet and see off our beautiful sunsets and sunrises. My love , there is a happy future ahead of us, in which there is only us and no one else. I love you so much and I miss you so much. I will look forward to your letter full of love and news about our money. Love, kiss and hug. Your wife Olga.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:42 pm

ID: 316234XXXX
Status: Completed
Date: 24 Oct 2022 10:22:07
Your transaction has been processed successfully. Within 24 hours, you will receive information about the bank transfer from your manager.
This email is sent automatically. Please don't answer it.
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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:51 pm

Hello . I have just received a response from the payment department of our company. The information you provided to register as a winner and receive a winner's certificate has been registered. I am sending you a financial certificate confirming your winnings. You can read this in the PDF attached to the post.
At the moment, you need to provide bank details for making an international bank transfer so that I can apply to the payment department of our company and our lottery company has completed the procedure for paying your winnings. After providing bank details for an international bank transfer, our company will pay your winnings within 48 hours. The list of required information is attached below:
Name and address of the recipient;
Recipient's bank account number;
Name and address of the recipient's bank;
SWIFT (BIC) - code of the recipient's bank;
I'm waiting for your answer.
I will be happy to help you with all your questions.
Yours faithfully, Taras Kairatov.
JSC "SunLuck"
+77 273 50 5004

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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:28 pm

Hello, my sweet . How are you doing? I'm all good. Today my day has begun, as usual. I woke up early in the morning with thoughts of you, took a shower, had Breakfast and start to write to my favorite .
My love , now I have such a state as if I have flown all my life like a bird, but did not know my purpose. And so, when the meaning of life appeared in my life and I realized exactly where and why I should fly I could not fly, because my wings were broken off. I am tormented by this pain every day, every minute and every second. I want nothing more in my life than to be with you as soon as possible. Why did fate give us all this? Do you have an answer to that question? I think that our feelings and our enormous money are given to us for a reason. Before I met you, all my time was planned out and I never had any problems with anything. I lived a dull and boring life in which nothing happened. I had the feeling that everyone had forgotten about my existence. But everything changed when you came along. I came back to life and began to breathe deeply. And that's when the trials of my new life began, as if fate had strings that it could control me. It was when I realized that I was now dependent on you and ready to do anything for you that fate began to test my strength. And I know that I will pass any test in my life just to be near you.
Before I met you, I lived a dull and monotonous life.My life had no meaning, but stability, which consisted of work, meetings with my mother, shopping and lonely evenings in my empty apartment. My love , now I know why I lived such a life. I had to live this life to meet you with all my gratitude and awe. you have brought so much meaning to my life, bright colors and positive emotions. You have no idea how much I value you and am afraid of losing you. I appreciate everything you do for me, how you treat me, and how you try for me. I know that it is very difficult for you on the other side and you do not give up. I hope that you will do everything in your strength to get our money as soon as possible. This is really very important, I really need this money. I would like to solve all financial problems before I go to live on you always. This is how much I love you and thank you for having you. I miss you madly and look forward to the day when I will be with you. I look forward to hearing from you. Love, kiss. I kiss you. Your wife Olga.
P.S. I Ask you, tell me at least some good news about our money in your next letter.

Hello, my love .
How are you doing? How is your health? How is your mood? How are your days without me? I repeat to you again, in the lottery company there is the head of the payout department. He will help you. Contact him! Taras Kairatov <>.
I miss you very much. I miss you madly and miss you very much. My days are very long and tedious. I keep thinking about you and imagining our happy future. I know that very soon we will be together and this makes my heart warm. I know that very soon our lives will change and will never be the same again. I know and feel that you and I have full compatibility in everything and we will never have problems in misunderstanding. I'm very lucky to have you. I know that with you, my life will sparkle with new colors. You are the best man in the world! You are a very smart, kind, caring, understanding, gentle, affectionate, romantic, passionate, sexy and incredible man! I'm proud to have a hard-working and dedicated man like you. I know that it is with you that I will always be safe and as behind a stone wall. I know that you are a very smart and educated man and you will be able to tell me a lot, share your experience and teach me what you know yourself. I know that we will have special conversations and interesting conversations. I will always listen carefully to you and fully listen to your opinion. I know that there will be no misunderstandings and disagreements between us, because the word of my beloved man is my priority. I know that you will never advise me bad, but on the contrary you will want the best. So anything you tell me will be of great value to me. I will try to be the best wife in the world for you. I will be a caring and loving wife, an understanding friend, and your best sexual partner. I will try to make your every new day unforgettable and the happiest. I will give you everything I have, because my heart belongs only to you. I love you very much and miss you. Your letters bring me so much happiness and every day I rush to read them as soon as possible. I miss your smile and your happy eyes. I want you so badly that I can't stand it any longer, and I want to give you everything. I miss our sexy nights and look forward to them becoming a reality. It is very difficult for me to be at such a great distance and desire you with all my being 24 hours a day. This is very difficult for me and painful. My love , very soon we will beat in ecstasy and will give each other all the love, affection and care. We've been waiting for each other for ages. I love you, my husband ! I will look forward to your letter. Love, kiss. Your Olga.
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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:38 pm

Hello In what sense? I don't understand what you're talking about.
I will be happy to help you with all your questions.
Yours faithfully, Taras Kairatov
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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:30 pm

Hi ! I love you !How are you?If you don't know something, then write to the manager and he will already help you solve everything.Don't you want to solve everything earlier and see each other sooner? I can look at your letters for hours and reread them all the time. To respond with a gentle smile to the sunny smile sent by you. To feel my heart beating when you suddenly look up from work, with a mysterious gleam in your bottomless dark eyes, heading towards me. To feel your strong arms scooping me up and gently hugging me. And warm tender lips lightly touch my slightly half-open lips, becoming more insistent with each touch.

To put all your love, tenderness, sincerity and devotion into each of your kisses. Enjoy the fact that your warm palm is stroking my hair, and your lips are kissing the top of my head when I'm sitting on your lap, cuddling up to your chest. Share everything. Even the most intimate thoughts and desires. To tell each other about their doubts and fears, without hiding anything. To love you with all my heart and soul and overcome all obstacles on the path of life together, because together we are stronger!
To know that I am your only one, and you sincerely love me with all your heart. To be the meaning of your life and to live only for you. For the sake of your unique smile, which, touching your lips, is reflected in your eyes with a bright flame.
Thank you, beloved, for every moment and every word you say, because they, your words, are always so beautiful and filled with love. Thank you for having me. I love you, my gentle one.
I'm waiting for a letter from you.
your Olga
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Unread postby Big Al » Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:44 pm

Hello . I have just received a response from the payment department of our company. The information you provided to register as a winner and receive a winner's certificate has been registered. I am sending you a financial certificate confirming your winnings. You can read this in the PDF attached to the post.
At the moment, you need to provide bank details for making an international bank transfer so that I can apply to the payment department of our company and our lottery company has completed the procedure for paying your winnings. After providing bank details for an international bank transfer, our company will pay your winnings within 48 hours. The list of required information is attached below:
Name and address of the recipient;
Recipient's bank account number;
Name and address of the recipient's bank;
SWIFT (BIC) - code of the recipient's bank;
I'm waiting for your answer.
I will be happy to help you with all your questions.
Yours faithfully, Taras Kairatov.
JSC "SunLuck"
+77 273 50 5004
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:54 pm

on November 01, 2022, a transfer of funds in the amount of 577977.00 USD (Five hundred seventy-seven thousand nine hundred seventy-seven US dollars zero cents) was registered to the bank account #XXXXX at XXXXX. Transfer Tracking Number (Pay ID): XXXXX. You can check the status of your wire transfer online using your Pay ID on the website:
https:/ /
We are glad that you chose our bank and using our services. Our 24\7 support center will help you in all your questions.
• Website: https:/ /
• Support Email:
• Phone: +77 272 58 3011


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Phone: +77272583011
Number billable as geographic number
Country or destination Kazakhstan
City or exchange location Almaty
Original network provider* Kazakhtelecom
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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Nov 01, 2022 6:57 pm

Hello . I received the requested information to send your winnings in the amount of 577977.00 USD (Five hundred seventy-seven thousand nine hundred seventy-seven US dollars zero cents) to the bank account specified by you and immediately transferred all the information to the partner bank of our company, through which an international bank transfer will be made. I will also send you a screenshot from our partner bank's website to track the status of the bank transfer. Within 3-5 working days, the bank transfer will be received to your bank account. In addition to the screenshot, I am sending you the tracking ID of an international bank transfer. You can follow the following link:
https:/ /
With that, I believe my work is over. If you suddenly have any more questions, then you can contact me.
Yours faithfully, Taras Kairatov.
JSC "SunLuck"
+77 273 50 5004
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